Chapter 519 Lively
Lin Ruyin glared at Chu Yue and Wang Lingling, feeling that they were heartless.

But they didn't care, they just felt happier after knowing the news.

The best feeling is that there are people in the court who are easy to do things, and there are people who support and support them.

Otherwise, no matter how many fans you have, no matter how good the video is, if someone else messes with it again, it will still be beaten into the dust.

"Okay, let's get started quickly, we're busy!"

Lin Ruyin suppressed Wang Lingling and Chu Yue's excitement and said they were busy.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan still don't know what's going on. What are they doing?

Pan Xiaoman saw the confusion between the two and took the initiative to explain.

"This time we want to shoot a cooking video, so we want to come here to shoot it."

Only then did Lu Ming and Lin Wan notice that there was a small pile of things piled next to the sofa, which seemed to be their shooting equipment.

"Yeah! I always visit stores. Today we also change the content and shoot cooking!
Our kitchen is so big and bright, so it’s perfect! "

Lin Wan nodded, and then realized that they had something to do when they came so early.

But she has a question.

“Which of you can cook???”

Lin Wan's eyes swept over Pan Xiaoman, Chu Yue, and Wang Lingling in turn.

Pan Xiaoman shook his head, and Chu Yue shook her head faster.

Wang Lingling: "I only know how to eat and know where the food is delicious..."

Lin Wan didn't even need to look at the remaining Lin Ruyin, knowing that her daughter would definitely not do it.

"we will not!
But, mom, you can!We also want you to guide us!Your cooking is so delicious! "

"Yes, yes! The fried chicken is delicious!"


Lin Wan gradually lost herself in the praise group, but she still emphasized clearly.

"I won't show up anymore!"

This was Lin Wan's only condition for helping. She didn't want to take pictures, just to help them.

"Husband...what do you think?"

Lin Wan also asked Lu Ming for his opinion. If Lu Ming didn't want her to do it, she would definitely not do it.

Of course Lu Ming wouldn't stop her, as long as she was happy.

After he nodded, the group moved the equipment and headed to the kitchen enthusiastically.

Lu Ming heard from outside that they seemed to be discussing the location, dishes and other issues, chattering.

After a while, I also went in and walked around.

I found that they were not on the right track yet, they hadn’t started yet, and they didn’t know what they had been busy with.

So I lost interest.

Although he has god-level cooking skills, if people don't invite him, Lu Mingkong's skills will have no use.

Maybe I am too majestic in their minds to invite them, but Lin Wan is easier to talk to.

He couldn't get involved in things in the kitchen, so Lu Ming decided to find something to do by himself.

"How about doing something?"

While Lu Ming was still thinking, the doorbell rang.

"Brother! Let's do it!"

Before the door opened, Shady's voice was heard.

After walking over and opening the door, Xie Di, Zhao Haifeng and Ouyang Qi stood outside the door.

"What day is it today? You are here too, and the house is so lively."

After hearing Lu Ming's words, Xie Di couldn't help but ask.

"Also? Who else is coming?"

"You will know when you come in."

After Xie Di and the others came in, they heard the noise in the kitchen, but after knowing who it was, they didn't go in to disturb them.Although Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di had met Lin Ruyin and the four of them in the dormitory in the City Garden, they had only met them a few times and were not familiar with them.

So he followed Lu Ming obediently to the living room and sat down.

"Why are you here?"

After everyone sat down, Lu Ming started making tea. Naturally, he had to make tea to entertain guests when they arrived.

"We came with Mr. Ouyang."

In the days after the bet banquet, all subsequent matters were handled by Zhao Haifeng, Xie Di, and Ouyang Qi.

Lu Ming has been staying at home with Lin Wan.

"Well, these two guys have done a lot of things together in the past few days. They just finished their work and we stopped by."

As Ouyang Qi spoke, he changed the topic and reported the results.

"Ten percent of the shares of the Baili family, the Jiang family, and the Li family have been successfully obtained.

When those old guys knew the result, they were almost mad to death...hahahaha! "

Lu Ming could see that Ouyang Qi was very happy at this time.


The long-coveted mineral vein was finally obtained with the help of Lu Ming, and he also took advantage of the opportunity to trap these old rivals.

If it weren't for them, Ouyang Qi wouldn't have hidden the mine for so long and didn't dare to take action. Now he finally took revenge.

Moreover, Ouyang Qi also heard that Baili City, Jiang Han, and Li Kaize were in trouble because of this bet.

They had already had internal strife before when they were competing for share quotas, and there were rifts.

It's just that the bet hasn't officially ended yet and the shares haven't been obtained yet, so it hasn't exploded.

If they really win, they will probably have a huge fight over the shares.

But now that they have lost, the problem has become more serious. The three of them are shirking each other's responsibilities. You scold me and I attack you.

The loss of shares was originally a big blow to the three companies, but now the breakdown of the offensive and defensive alliance has made it even worse.

In the past, Ouyang's family was often beaten three against one, but now they are relieved.

As Ouyang Qi said, Lu Ming also brewed tea and poured it for the three of them in turn.

"Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Ouyang."

Lu Ming said politely that he had known for a long time that Ouyang Qihui was keen on handling the latter matters, so he left it to him with peace of mind.

"Brother, the three boys Baili Cheng, Jiang Han, and Li Kaize also left the Magic City in despair.

They were very low-key when they left, for fear of being seen. I guess they will never dare to enter the Magic City again!

It's okay for them to dare to mess with our eldest brother! "

Xie Di, who was young and frivolous, just felt that they had been slapped in the face this time. They were so hot in Thai pants!


The three of them quickly explained the follow-up results to Lu Ming with one word.

Ouyang Qi also wanted to talk to Lu Ming about the future cooperation in developing mineral veins.

But how could Lu Ming have the time to care about this?

"Mr. Ouyang, you'd better have someone come to the company to discuss the specific cooperation matters."

Ouyang Qi: "..."

Even at his age, he is still busy every day and dare not slack off for the development of his family.

Lu Ming, on the other hand, started to take care of himself for retirement at a young age, and the company is getting better and better, growing bigger and bigger.

Where does this lead him to reason?
Ouyang Qi is so tired!

He also wants to retire!But who told him that the Ouyang family now has no successors and no qualified children to take over.

Seeing that Lu Ming's attitude made it clear that he didn't want to work with him, Ouyang Qi had no choice but to put it aside and couldn't help but sigh.

"Brother Lu, this is what life is like!"

(End of this chapter)

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