Chapter 520
Lu Ming did not comment on Ouyang Qi's emotion and just smiled lightly.

As long as he knows what he wants.

Cooperation matters could not be discussed, so Ouyang Qi turned around and changed the topic.

"Brother Lu, it's all thanks to you that I successfully captured the mine this time. I always think about how I should thank you!
Otherwise, I'll give you the private jet crew! "

Perhaps worried that Lu Ming would dislike second-hand products, Ouyang Qi added another sentence after finishing speaking.

"If you're not in a hurry, you can also buy a new one, it just takes a little longer!"

Anyway, Ouyang Qi's only outstanding idea was to give Lu Ming a big gift.

Compared with the income from the development of the mineral vein, Ouyang Qi did not feel sad at all when sending a private jet to Lu Ming. He wanted to give it away but was afraid that Lu Ming would not accept it.

Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di, who were standing next to them, looked as if they had received a private jet.

If the eldest brother is awesome, then the younger ones are also awesome and there is nothing wrong with him.

Just when they were arrogant, they suddenly became unbelievable when they heard Lu Ming's answer.

"Mr. Ouyang, there is really no need for a private plane."

Um? ?

Are you rejecting a private jet worth two to three billion? ?
Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di didn't understand. Ouyang Qi clearly seemed to be sincere.

I only heard Lu Ming continue to say: "I rushed a Bombardier Global 7500 a while ago, and I think it will be almost completed, so thank you for your kindness."

After hearing that Lu Ming had bought a new private jet, Ouyang Qi finally gave up the idea of ​​giving it away, but he still insisted on asking.

"Well, since you already have your own private jet, forget it.

But what about other stuff?Is there anything you need? ? "

Lu Ming didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Ouyang Qi was really weird today. If he didn't give him something, he would feel uncomfortable and he wouldn't give up, right?

Then he can just order whatever he wants, otherwise this matter will never end.

Thinking of Wang Yingying's upcoming auto show, Lu Ming had an idea.

"Okay, okay, I quite like collecting sports cars. Mr. Ouyang, please help me collect some good cars."

Lu Ming was not referring to the kind of high-priced sports cars on the market that can be bought with money. This kind of sports car can be bought casually without limit.

He was talking about the top-quality cars that were sold in limited editions in the past. These limited-edition sports cars are highly collectible, and each one has its own owner.

As a favorite, the car owner would never sell it unless it was an accident, so it is not that easy to get.

Ouyang Qi naturally understands this. At their level, this is the only way to interest them.

Although it was a bit difficult, Ouyang Qi was still very happy that Lu Ming finally had a clear request.

Only in this way can he know where to contribute. It would be even worse if he didn't know what Lu Ming wanted before and couldn't deliver it.

"no problem!"

Ouyang Qi was already thinking about which cars in his garage met Lu Ming's requirements.

Think about the people around your friends and what cars they have.

Zhao Haifeng heard that Lu Ming wanted a luxury car and seemed to understand what he meant. He knew that Lu Ming wanted it for Wang Yingying's car show.

Xie Di was still having fun beside him. He had not yet left his vulgar taste. He was already imagining that after these luxury cars arrived, he could borrow them from his elder brother to show off.

"Okay, I'll go back first. I'll definitely bring Brother Lu's car next time we meet!"

Ouyang Qi said, getting up and preparing to go back.

Seeing that it was already lunch time, Lu Ming persuaded Ouyang Qi to stay down for dinner.

But Ouyang Qi refused, saying that he would fly abroad soon, so he probably had his lunch in the air.

"What about you two boys??"

Ouyang Qi asked Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di, who came with him, if they wanted to leave, his driver could send them out together.

Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di immediately shook their heads. They had nothing to do and had no plans to go back immediately.

The three of them sent Ouyang Qi out of the door. "Come on, let's go to the kitchen."

Lu Ming invited Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di to go to the kitchen to see how they were doing.

After working for so long, there has been a lot of noise in the kitchen. You must have made something, right?
The cooking video has been filmed, and the dishes are just right for lunch, so there is no waste.

The three came to the kitchen.

Immediately, I saw Wang Lingling holding the pot handle in one hand and a spatula in the other, stir-frying calmly and calmly. This posture looked decent.

Judging from the aroma, this should be a chili fried pork dish?
Lin Ruyin turned into a cameraman and kept shooting from various angles.

Pan Xiaoman, Chu Yue, and Lin Wan were hiding aside. The smell of fried pork with chili peppers was a bit pungent.

"Haifeng, when did Xie Di come?"

Seeing Lu Ming, Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di come in, Lin Wan greeted them in surprise.

They had been busy in the kitchen just now and didn't even hear the doorbell. They didn't know that someone was coming.

"They've been here for a while, how are you doing?"

Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di also greeted everyone after they came in.

In response to Lu Ming's inquiry, Lin Wan paused for a moment and thought for a long time.

It was difficult for her to describe and explain, and she needed to organize her words.

But in the end she gave up: "Well... you will know after you take a look and taste it."

Hearing this, Lu Ming had a very bad feeling.

Is it a big overturn?But looking at Wang Lingling's appearance now, she seems to be doing quite well.


Wang Lingling's fried pork with chili pepper is out, and it's the last dish.

But you can't eat it right away. After the fried pork with chili comes out of the pot, it undergoes careful plating and photography.

"Okay, it's finally done!" Wang Lingling cheered.

Although he hadn't tasted it yet, Lu Ming judged from the color and aroma of the fried pork with chili pepper that it was already a successful dish. It was already very good for a novice to make it for the first time.

After the photo was taken, the fried pork with chili was brought to the dinner table.

Only then did Lu Ming notice that there were three other dishes on the table, all covered with plates so that they couldn't see inside.

"Lingling did a pretty good job!" Lu Ming whispered beside Lin Wan.

"Yes, Lingling did a good job, but others may not! You will know just by looking at it."

Lin Wan said, opening one of the three dishes.

"Yinyin did this."

Lu Ming took a closer look and almost didn't see what it was.

"Scrambled eggs with tomatoes."

If Lin Wan hadn't reported the name of the dish, Lu Ming really wouldn't have recognized it.

Is this scrambled eggs with tomatoes? ?
I believe it even if you tell me this is red and yellow goo!

With Lin Wan's guidance, he was able to make a simple dish like scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

It seems that Lin Ruyin is obviously a fool at cooking and has no talent at all.

As soon as this dish comes out.

Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di looked at each other in confusion.

It feels like they made a wrong decision by staying this time...

(End of this chapter)

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