Chapter 526 Jealous and angry
Although Lu Ming planned to give Xu Zixin a house on a whim, her hard work and merits made Lu Ming and Lin Wan feel that she deserved it.

Hongyan Group has a lot of real estate properties, let alone the base camp of Magic City. How can it still lack a house for such an important assistant?
But Xu Zixin didn't dare to have any delusions, she was already very satisfied with the status quo.

They used to live in the most remote suburbs, in dilapidated and cheap old houses, but now they live in high-end communities. With their own wages, they can buy their own house in a few years.

She had never dared to imagine this kind of life before.

So Xu Zixin quickly refused.

"Thank you, Chairman, thank you Sister Lin, but I really don't need it...

The place I live in now is pretty good, and I can buy it myself in the future! "

"Oh, I see."

Just when Lin Wan and Xu Zixin were wondering what Lu Ming understood.

Lu Ming took out his mobile phone and called Zhao Haifeng: "Haifeng, you can buy a house in Xinghe Community. It can have three or four bedrooms...

Well, once it's done, I'll contact Xu Zixin. This house was given to her. "

Zhao Haifeng accepted the task readily. When he was involved in the company's business, he also had many interactions with Xu Zixin and had a good impression.

Xu Zixin was stunned after hearing Lu Ming's call.

That's not what she meant when she said it before, there was no hint at all!

"Chairman, I..." Xu Zixin quickly wanted to explain.

But he was interrupted by Lu Ming waving his hand: "I know, but since you think it's pretty good there, I'll buy it for you first.

I will give you a second-hand house, and you will have to save money to buy a new house later. "

Xinghe Community is a high-end community that opened a few years ago. It is probably impossible to buy a new house now. Zhao Haifeng can only buy one from others.

"By the way, do you have a car?"

The house was taken care of by the assistant, and Lu Ming also asked about the car.

"Yes, yes! Chairman, I have a car!"

Xu Zixin was so anxious that she spoke much faster, fearing that she would be slow. Lu Ming made another phone call and bought her the car.


Lu Ming was a little unfinished. If it were anyone else, and the boss would give him a house and a car, he would be eager to take advantage of it.

She obviously deserves it, but Xu Zixin seems to have accepted a hot potato and refuses it.

This made him, the chairman, very ashamed. It made him look like Lu Papi, squeezing Xu Zixin to work for him all day long.

"Chairman, Sister Lin, have tea."

Lu Ming and Lin Wan were sitting on the sofa. Xu Zixin immediately brought tea and then stood respectfully next to the sofa.

"Xinxin, sit down too."

Lin Wan asked Xu Zixin to stop standing and sit down.

Xu Zixin was a little embarrassed. She always remembered her identity, she was just Lu Ming's assistant.

Although when Lu Ming was not in the company, her assistant had the most power and everyone was respectful, but Xu Zixin did not have an unbalanced mentality. She knew where her power came from.

"Sit down, it's a rare opportunity to come here and report on the company's recent situation. If there is anything else that needs my signature, we'll do it together today."

After hearing Lu Ming's words, Xu Zixin stood up first, looked for some information on the shelf, and then returned to the sofa.

After handing some information to Lu Ming, Xu Zixin blurted out that she knew all the information by heart.

"Under the leadership of the chairman, our Hongyan Group has developed rapidly this year. First, we set the Magic City as our headquarters and opened up the Magic City market. Three more major families joined us, and our roots are deeply rooted.

In Kyoto, we cooperated with Wanjiang Group and controlled 15.00% of the shares. Sister Lin's Shuangmu Group in Haibin merged into it.

Hongyan Group can be said to be blooming everywhere, with assets and markets skyrocketing every time.

A few days ago, the group also acquired [-]% of the shares of the Baili family, the Li family, and the Jiang family, and its assets have risen to several levels..."

Xu Zixin spoke in great detail, with admiration shining in her eyes as she spoke.Although she has always been in charge of the company, she rarely follows Lu Ming.Lu Ming rarely paid attention to the company's affairs.

Lu Ming seems lazy, but every rapid development of Hongyan Group is inseparable from him.

Xu Zixin, who handled these cooperations and received shares, understood it clearly.

If Hongyan Group had developed in an orderly manner, there might not have been much change until now.

It was Lu Ming who, while he was playing outside, had shares delivered to his door. That was why the Hongyan Group developed so rapidly.

When Xu Zixin reported, her words were mixed with serious personality worship emotions.

Lu Ming was a little embarrassed to hear that.

Is that right?

It turns out that the company depends entirely on me!

Although I appear to be a hands-off shopkeeper, I am actually very important to the development of the company!
Lin Wan also saw that this little girl Xu Zixin was cultivating a personality, and Lu Ming was so obsessed with her.

But she didn't care. There were so many people who were fascinated by her husband, which proved Lu Ming's charm more.

Moreover, such an attractive man that everyone covets is her husband, and she feels very fulfilled.

"Cough cough."

Lu Ming suddenly coughed, and Xu Zixin came back to her senses, feeling very embarrassed.

He suddenly interrupted Xu Zixin, just to let Xu Zixin wake up.

Xu Zixin was too sincere just now. If she keeps reporting like this, she will be unable to control herself and her behavior will gradually become abnormal.

Lin Wan is beside you!

"Chairman, I'm going to get the documents that need to be signed."

Xu Zixin quickly made an excuse and fled the scene. She needed to calm down.

After she left, Lu Ming glanced at Lin Wan secretly.

See if Lin Wan makes any movement. Is he jealous?

But this time, Lin Wan looked as usual, as if she hadn't heard or seen anything at all.

Contrary to Lu Ming's expectation, this made Lu Ming feel uncomfortable.

Shouldn't you be jealous and angry at this time? !

Why do you look so calm and indifferent?
" don't love me anymore!!"

Lu Ming came close to Lin Wan, took her arm and shook her.

"Wife, do you not love me anymore?"

Lin Wan turned around and looked at Lu Ming in surprise, wondering what he was doing and why he suddenly started acting.

"Why do you say that? I obviously love you the most."

"You weren't even jealous or angry. I know that it finally faded away...I don't blame you..."

Lu Ming's drama flourished, and a set of tea slang immediately unfolded, transforming him into a tea art master.

Lin Wan couldn't help laughing when she saw how funny he was.

"Why should I be jealous and angry? Everyone has the right to like you. There are many people who like you. If I am angry and jealous all day long, I will not be exhausted.

And you and I are inseparable all day long. Even if Xinxin likes you, what can she do? "

 Ask quietly: Is anyone still reading the latest chapter?

  I'm stuck. I can't continue writing until the end... I really want to end it...

(End of this chapter)

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