Chapter 527 Private Jet Completed
Lin Wan is still awake in the world!
This analysis must have ideas and influence.

The truth is not what she said!

No wonder Lin Wan was never like some women who lacked a sense of security and asked Lu Ming all day long, do you love me or do you not love me anymore?

Feeling resentful and resentful?It doesn't exist, Lin Wan won't be like this at all.

She would only accompany Lu Ming, watch Lu Ming's countless merits shine together, and then attract many admirers, and then she would proudly applaud beside her.

This is my husband, how wonderful!
Thinking of this, Lu Ming couldn't help but be proud of himself.

In fact, he himself has done very well. Part of the reason why Lin Wan is so confident and secure is also because of him.

without any exaggeration.

As handsome and rich as he is, with impressive talent, and even his younger brother is a rich second-generation man from the capital city, if he wants to become a prostitute, let alone a hundred people beheaded, even if it is a thousand or ten thousand people, there is no problem!

But he was willing to love only one person in his life and stay with Lin Wan all the time.

In short, he gave Lin Wan a sufficient sense of security.

How could Lin Wan be so calm if he was often not with Lin Wan and went out to play all day long?

"Hehe, my wife is awesome, my wife is awesome!"

After understanding each other, Lu Ming stopped being pretentious and regained his dominance, pulling Lin Wan over and holding him in his arms.

Looking back, Xu Zixin was still looking for documents.

Take advantage of this time.

Lu Ming lowered his head and kissed her.

Lin Wan was caught off guard and was attacked by Lu Ming. After letting out a scream, she was completely unable to make a sound.

A hand patted Lu Ming's shoulder a few times to express resistance.

He seemed to be saying: "Xinxin is still behind! How could Jiang Zi..."

But the movements of his mouth were not like those of his hands. Instead, he entangled with Lu Ming for a long time honestly and skillfully.

Lin Wan also stopped moving her hands, and folded her hands behind Lu Ming's head.

tsk tsk...

If you eat too hard, you will inevitably make a little noise. This will be heard and discovered, right? !
Thinking of this, Lu Ming suddenly felt some strange feelings in his heart.

He thought of Xu Zixin behind him. What if she heard it, turned around, and saw it?

Can't stop!


Xu Zixin, who was searching for and sorting out files, seemed to hear some strange noise behind her?

The office is very large, so empty and quiet, even the smallest sound is particularly noticeable.

Finally found the last document.

Xu Zixin turned around.

Hmm...didn't see anything.

He quickly returned to the sofa: "Chairman, these are documents that require your signature."

Lu Ming hummed, his expression was as usual, and his mental quality was extremely strong. It was impossible to tell what he was doing just a second ago.

Lin Wan, on the other hand, was not that capable. Her cheeks were slightly red and the corners of her eyes were also slightly red, as if she had put on a new make-up.

"Sister Lin, what's wrong with you?"

Xu Zixin noticed her concern from the corner of her eye.

"It's okay, it's just a little hot..."

"Then I'll turn the air conditioner down a bit."

Xu Zixin didn't doubt his presence and turned to adjust the air conditioner temperature.If she didn't see it, how could she dare to think about what happened here just now!

"Scared me!"

Xu Zixin walked away, and Lin Wan immediately poked Lu Ming and complained about him. If she hadn't woken up just now and pushed Lu Ming away, Xu Zixin would have turned around and seen her.

Lu Ming looked at the document in his hand carefully, without caring, and said righteously.

"What are you afraid of? We are a certified legal couple, and this is also my private office. How about a kiss?! It's not illegal!
If you are seen, just see it, if you are seen, just stop~"

That's true, but Lin Wan is not as shameless as Lu Ming!
Making out with Lu Ming in front of a girl?Moreover, this girl may also like Lu Ming. What is this? !

Can't do it can't do it.

The kind-hearted Lin Wan would not do such a cruel thing just because she missed Xu Zixin's admiration and love for Lu Ming.

While Lin Wan was thinking wildly, Lu Ming didn't know.

Although he doesn't usually manage Hongyan Group, he still has to be serious and responsible for important documents that require his signature.

After carefully checking the documents one by one, and seeing that there were no problems, he picked up the pen on the table and signed his name in a flash.

Xu Zixin on the side saw Lu Ming's signature for the first time in a long time and couldn't help but make a sound.

"I haven't seen the chairman's calligraphy for a long time. If this signature can be put up for auction, it will probably be worth a lot of money."

Lu Ming is a master of calligraphy, and hard pen is also a type of calligraphy. Therefore, even if his pen signature is like a flying dragon or a phoenix, with only a few strokes, it still has a natural charm and ultimate beauty.

In addition, Lu Ming's first calligraphy was auctioned, and Xu Zixin was responsible for and watched the whole process. She was deeply impressed by this.

"I wrote a few pieces in Kyoto a while ago and gave them to some friends, but you were not around at the time."

"That's such a pity..."

There was regret in Xu Zixin's tone, and everything she said came from her heart.

"What's the pity? If I write next time, I'll write a copy for you and put a copy in the office."

Lu Ming felt that there was an empty wall in the office that seemed suitable for hanging a calligraphy work.


Thank you, Chairman! "

After hesitating for a while, Xu Zixin happily agreed.

She knew the value of Lu Ming's calligraphy very well. If she really had a pair of Lu Ming's calligraphy, it would be a family heirloom. It was too valuable.

That's why she hesitated, but the love in her heart couldn't help but want it.

"In the worst case, I'll have to work for the chairman from now on!"

Xu Zixin thought so, and at the same time she also looked forward to having a calligraphy of Lu Ming's in the office.

In this case, maybe she will be more motivated if she works here!
Lu Ming's unintentional actions, including treating Xu Zixin's mother, buying her a house, and preparing to give her calligraphy, all made Xu Zixin extremely devoted to him.

Maybe even without the system, Xu Zixin would still be 100% loyal to Lu Ming.

"Hmm? The private jet is finished?"

At the end of the document, a large appropriation application form caught Lu Ming's attention.

His Bombardier Global 7500 has been completed, and he needs to make subsequent payments. After payment, the Bombardier Global 7500 will be in his hands, and he will pay the final balance after there are no problems.

"Yes, Chairman, we are adding money and hastening the process. The manufacturer does not dare to delay."

Sure enough, the power of money is great.

However, Lu Ming had rushed so that he could use his own private jet as soon as possible and would not have to borrow Ouyang Qi's all the time.

But now that his private jet is here, he doesn't seem to need it anymore...

 I was bitten and couldn’t post it, so I had to delete it and repost it/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~
(End of this chapter)

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