Chapter 531 Refreshing Impressions
While Lin Wan was introducing Xu Zixin, Xu Zixin's eyes also stayed on Lin Ruyin.

People with good looks are like this. They can easily attract others' attention. When Xu Zixin saw Lin Ruyin, she couldn't help but take a second look.

I couldn't help but think: "What a beautiful person, why is she here?"

The person who could be in the city garden must have a close relationship with Lu Ming. Xu Zixin began to think about what the relationship between Lin Ruyin and Lu Ming was.

Xu Zixin's thoughts were like this, and so was Lin Ruyin's.

For some reason, Lin Ruyin seemed to have sounded an alarm in her heart.

She was also curious about who Xu Zixin was, who she was related to, and why she came to City Garden?

"This is Lu Ming's assistant. He is his most effective assistant in helping him manage the group's affairs. Otherwise, he would not be as relaxed as he is now..."

Lin Wan praised Xu Zixin very well and was very important. The person involved was embarrassed: "Sister Lin, you are so complimentary. I just did what I was expected to do."

The two of them declined each other modestly, but Lin Ruyin's heart was ringing with alarm bells.

"This is Lu Ming's assistant? Isn't he his secretary? He has such a good-looking secretary??!"

The female secretary was so pretty, Lin Ruyin's mind went wrong for a moment.

She had never seen another person of the opposite sex around Lu Ming, and now a secretary suddenly appeared, so good-looking, and brought her to the city garden? !

For some unknown reason, Lin Ruyin was temporarily wary of this strange visitor who suddenly broke in.

At this time, Pan Xiaoman, Chu Yue, and Wang Lingling finally arrived.

"Hey, Yin Yin, why are you running so fast? You can't even catch up..."

"Yes! You obviously ran very slowly before, but why are you like a rabbit today?"

After the three people came over, they complained about Lin Ruyin, and then greeted Lu Ming and Lin Wan. They also saw the unfamiliar face of Xu Zixin.

But because I had never seen it before, I didn’t know what to call it for a while.

Lin Wan had no choice but to introduce them to them again.

"Sister Zixin..."

Pan Xiaoman, Chu Yue, and Wang Lingling greeted Xu Zixin politely after hearing the introduction.

They didn't have any other ideas. They were guests, and Xu Zixin was also a guest.


When Xu Zixin responded, her heart felt complicated.

Although she wanted to restrain herself, she knew she couldn't let her thoughts run wild.


“How come there are so many good-looking girls in the chairman’s family!!!

Could this be the so-called beauty hidden in a golden house? ?
Are there other girls in such a large manor? ?


Various thoughts disturbed Xu Zixin, and she couldn't restrain herself even though she tried her best.


Lin Wan introduced the identities of the four people to her.

"This is my and Lu Ming's daughter, Lin Ruyin. They are Yinyin's roommates. She is Chu Yue, Yueyue. She is..."

Xu Zixin could hardly hear the introductions made by other people later.

Because now her whole head and ears are buzzing, as if a huge bell has hit her ears directly, and she is confused...

"Where is the daughter of the chairman and Sister Lin?? Such a big man?? The chairman actually has a daughter?!"

Compared with the facts he heard, Xu Zixin felt that what she had just been thinking was more normal.

Although she had been Lu Ming's assistant for some time, various combinations of circumstances prevented her from getting a chance. Xu Zixin really didn't know that this happened.

She never thought that such a young Lu Ming and Lin Wan could have a graceful daughter!

"Huh??" After being briefly confused and losing the ability to think, Xu Zixin, whose IQ was online, also discovered some highlights.

Lin Ruyin, surnamed Lin, and Lin Wan... seem to be able to think of something from this.

However, Xu Zixin, who has a high emotional intelligence, does not talk casually. This kind of thing is not something that her assistant can inquire about casually.


Even though her mental activities were turbulent now, Xu Zixin still looked as normal and didn't show it at all.

When the two parties meet for the first time, how complicated are their respective psychological activities? ?Lu Ming and Lin Wan are unknown.

"Let's go in first." Lin Wan greeted.

When walking towards the villa, Lin Ruyin found an opportunity to pull Lin Wan aside, slowing down and falling behind.

Lin Wan was taken away by her, so Lu Ming naturally had to take on the task of leading Xu Zixin.

After all, Xu Zixin only knew them, and they were the ones who brought them.

"What's wrong? Why are you so sneaky?"

Lin Wan wondered why Lin Ruyin suddenly pulled her back and asked.

Lin Ruyin raised her head and pointed the direction of Lu Ming. Lin Wan looked and saw the backs of Lu Ming and Xu Zixin walking together.

"What?? What do you mean?"

Lin Ruyin became anxious when she heard that Lin Wan still didn't understand.

"Oh, Mom! Are you stupid? Why aren't you worried about the two of them at all?

I didn't even know Lu Ming had such a beautiful assistant!
Look how happy they are chatting now! "

Hearing what Lin Ruyin said, Lin Wan couldn't help but smile.

Under Lin Ruyin's puzzled gaze, Lin Wan said slowly: "If you hadn't held me back, I would be the one leading the way and talking to Xinxin now.

Also, what do I have to worry about?I have known Xinxin for a long time. Although she is beautiful and has high working ability, Lu Ming only loves me! "

Lin Ruyin: "???"

Can this be stuffed with dog food? ?

"Not worried at all?? Not at all??" Lin Ruyin tried hard.

She didn't quite believe it. If it were her, there would be such a threat, let alone a little bit, she would be worried.

"Then why did she suddenly come to City Garden? Did she want to come or did Lu Ming bring her here??"

Lin Ruyin began to play countless dramas in her mind, analyzing the situation using ideas from TV dramas.

How could Lin Wan not know what she was thinking, so she squeezed her hand gently: "Don't think too much!

I brought Xinxin.You are really the emperor who is not in a hurry, but the eunuch is! "

At this point, Lin Wan could also feel that Lin Ruyin had an unpleasant impression of Xu Zixin's first meeting.

This may affect her decision to study with Xu Zixin.

Originally she didn't want to say so much, but now she had to explain clearly.

"In order to help Lu Ming manage the company, Xinxin was under too much pressure at work. If she continues like this, she will get sick, so I brought her here to relax.

Don't think about those messy things, Xinxin is a very nice person. "

Hearing about Xu Zixin's situation, even the wary Lin Ruyin couldn't help but feel a little ashamed.

After all, he got sick because he worked hard for his family's company, and she misunderstood him.

No, this is too bad.

Lin Wan's few words refreshed Lin Ruyin's impression of Xu Zixin.

(End of this chapter)

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