Chapter 532 Internship
A group of people strolled around the city garden.

As we walked, we did not go directly to the villa. Although the overlooking view of the city garden was spectacular and beautiful, the scenery inside was also worth a walk.

Lin Wan simply took Xu Zixin on a tour.

With her as a bridge, it was easy for Xu Zixin, Lin Ruyin and her roommates to get close to each other as they were both girls, and everyone suddenly became harmonious.

Walk down this trip.

Xu Zixin keenly discovered that Lin Ruyin's attitude towards him seemed to have changed.

From the unfamiliar and wary attitude at the beginning, it became a touch of intimacy.

This is naturally a good thing.

Xu Zixin is several years older than them, so Lin Ruyin, Chu Yue, Wang Lingling, and Pan Xiaoman all call her Zixin sister.

Especially during the tour and conversation, after knowing Xu Zixin's identity and abilities, everyone couldn't help but admire Xu Zixin, and called her sister even more affectionately.

After all, Xu Zixin is beautiful and has strong working ability.

Among them, Pan Xiaoman was the most caring. She was the only daughter in the Pan family.

Although it was just a small family, the property was destined to be handed over to her in the future, so Pan Xiaoman admired people like Lin Wan and Xu Zixin, and she wanted to become a strong woman.

After walking around in a large circle, Lin Wan noticed that Xu Zixin was much more relaxed and cheerful.

When you are with Lin Ruyin, Chu Yue and other young people from school, you seem to be easily infected by the atmosphere of youth.

Xu Zixin always has a smile on her face, not a professional fake smile, but a real and open smile that comes from the heart.

This is true.

Due to her family background, Xu Zixin has been busy working part-time in college and has few friends.

After graduation, I joined a company and was obsessed with work, so I rarely experienced the life of playing and chatting with friends.

Although this was her first time meeting Lin Ruyin and the others, she really enjoyed the atmosphere.

So she was happy and smiling from the bottom of her heart.

Seeing them like this, Lin Wan's goal was achieved.

Help Xu Zixin relieve her stress and let her try a life outside of work. And seeing that they are so close now, it's a good time to ask Lin Ruyin about her wishes.

The group of people had almost finished shopping and returned to the living room of the villa.

Lin Wan helped Lu Ming prepare tea, and the others were chatting. They didn't look like they were meeting for the first time today.

After resting for a while, Lin Wan was finally ready to get down to business.

"Xinxin, actually I brought you to the city garden today. In addition to letting you relax, I also have a purpose..."

After Xu Zixin heard this, she looked at Lin Wan in confusion, waiting for her to continue.

"I know Yinyin will come over today and I want you to get to know each other."

As soon as Lin Wan said these words.

Lin Ruyin was also confused, why was it mentioned about her?What does this have to do with her?
Did you bring Sister Zixin here to get to know me?
Although Lin Ruyin thought Xu Zixin was a very nice person and she was glad to meet him, she still couldn't figure out why Lin Wan did this specifically.

"Mom? What do you mean??"

"Yinyin, you are about to start your internship, right??"

Lin Ruyin and the four of them paused for a moment. They were indeed about to have an internship, but they hadn't really thought about it at all.

Lin Wan almost didn't take it to heart and had completely forgotten it.


"Then have you ever thought about what you want to do in the future?

I introduced Xinxin to you because I wanted you to follow Xinxin during your internship.

She has a strong working ability, you can learn from her, and she can also take care of you.

Moreover, Shuangmu Group has now been merged into Hongyan, and Xinxin is also involved in the management. After you graduate, you can be in charge of Shuangmu Company. "

Lin Wan said straight to the point that this was the path she had paved for Lin Ruyin, where she could learn useful things and have someone to take care of her, and she would be able to smoothly take over the Shuangmu Group in the future.After finishing speaking, Lin Wan turned around and asked Xu Zixin for her opinion.

"Xinxin, if this is the case, can you help me?"

"As long as Yinyin is willing, of course there is no problem!"

Xu Zixin naturally responded readily.

"Shuangmu Group??" Lin Ruyin muttered and repeated.

Speaking of this, she couldn't help but feel a little lost.

When she went to college, she chose to major in management with the original intention of helping Lin Wan at Shuangmu Group after graduation.

Because she had always seen how hard Lin Wan worked for the company day and night.

So she wanted to share the work and pressure with Lin Wan.

but now……

After Lin Wan met Lu Ming and they were together, she immediately messed up the situation, remotely controlled the company, and even merged the company into Hongyan.

So Lin Wan has no job at all.

Naturally, her original intention seems to have no need to exist anymore.

Then do you want to continue to join Shuangmu Group? ?

Lin Ruyin herself couldn't think clearly...

She's been busy practicing her cooking skills, shooting videos, and having a lot of fun lately. She really hasn't thought about this.

All in all, when she was mentioned by Lin Wan, Lin Ruyin was confused.

Seeing Lin Ruyin acting stupidly, not knowing what she was thinking, she didn't say anything for a long time.

Lu Ming couldn't help but joked: "Honey, I may have guessed it right.

It seems that Yinyin doesn't agree with your idea. The child nowadays is rebellious against you. You arrange everything for her, but she doesn't want it.

She has been practicing cooking so hard recently, maybe she wants to be a chef! "

Being provoked by Lu Ming, Lin Ruyin reacted immediately and retorted immediately.

"When did I say I wanted to be a chef?"

Her hard training in cooking was purely due to her unwillingness to admit defeat and her competitive spirit. She did not allow her cooking to be so bad or so unpalatable, but she never thought of becoming a chef.

It's not that being a chef is bad, but it's really not what she wants.

So Lin Ruyin had no choice but to open up and say it directly: "Mom, it's not that I disagree with your arrangement.

It’s just that I really don’t know what to do in the future. I used to want to join the company to help you, but now you are no longer here. "

Lin Wan understood what she meant and made her attitude clear.

"I'm not forcing you to arrange it, this is just a suggestion, it doesn't matter if you don't think about it clearly.

Whatever you want to do in the future, I will support you. The most important thing is that you are happy. "

Lin Ruyin was naturally happy when she heard such considerate words.

But this incident also reminded them that the internship stage is coming, and they really have to find an internship job!

Although she could easily ask her family's company to issue an internship certificate, Lin Ruyin found it boring and she didn't bother to do so.

So after thinking for a while, she came up with a way to get the best of both worlds.

"Okay! Then I have to intern anyway, so I will follow Sister Zixin during my internship!
Just thinking about whether to continue in the future. "

Just as Lin Ruyin finished speaking, a voice came out.

"Excuse me...can I join and intern with Sister Zixin?"

(End of this chapter)

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