Chapter 536 Conspiring to Propose
"Brother, why did you call me out??"

Xie Di's tone of voice was full of resentment. In order to get to know Wang Yingying as soon as possible, he didn't sleep long last night.

After leaving City Garden, he was still thinking about going back to catch up on his sleep, but Zhao Haifeng called him out.

"Didn't you say you were going to work on the car show in the afternoon? I can't be of much help! Just let me go."

Xie Di begged for mercy, hoping that Zhao Haifeng would let him go.

"Stop talking nonsense, I said you were weak, are you really weak?!"

When Zhao Haifeng said this, Xie Di was like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and his fur immediately exploded.

"Hey! I didn't even settle the score with you! It's the first time I met Sister Yingying and you actually smeared me!
My image has been completely ruined by you! "

In the morning at the City Garden, Zhao Haifeng even said bad things about him during his introduction. He tolerated it for the sake of his elder brother Lu Ming.

In the end, Zhao Haifeng actually dared to mention it? !
"Let's go, let's go, why do you want to look good? That's my wife."

"My girlfriend is my girlfriend, why did I call her my daughter-in-law...?? Huh?? What's going on?!"

Xie Di looked at the door of the store in surprise and confirmed that it was a jewelry store.

"This is the situation you saw. I called my wife a few days in advance. Do you have any objection??"

The place where Zhao Haifeng pulled Xie Di came was a jewelry store, and he was going to buy an engagement ring.

Although he had made some assumptions when he saw the store, Xie Di was still shocked when Zhao Haifeng actually said it.

"No, brother?!"

Xie Di looked at Zhao Haifeng, walked around him, and examined him carefully: "Are you so serious about it? Didn't you just say that you planned to announce your girlfriend at the auto show?
Why are you still here to buy a ring now?Propose directly? ? "

He knew about Zhao Haifeng's previous plan at the auto show, announcing his girlfriend to people in the Shanghai circle and letting Wang Yingying join the circle.

But I didn’t expect that Zhao Haifeng would directly propose marriage instead!

Hearing what he said, Zhao Haifeng glared at him dissatisfied: "What are you talking about? I'm not playing around! I'm serious.

This is the result of my careful consideration. "

"Yes, yes, I made a mistake. I know you are serious, brother. I have never seen you so serious. You are about to propose, so you must be serious.

But who knows if you do this?Sister Yingying?Big brother, or Uncle Zhao? "

Zhao Haifeng shook his head and pointed at Xie Di, indicating that he was the only one who knew.

Shady's eyes widened and his eyebrows furrowed. Although he was the only one who knew about it, he didn't feel honored at all.

On the contrary, he felt a lot of pressure. If possible, he would rather not know.

"I want to give Yingying a surprise, but of course I can't let her know. The same goes for the eldest brother. If he tells the eldest brother, he will tell the sister-in-law. When the sister-in-law knows, Yingying will know.

As for my dad, after knowing Yingying’s identity, he wanted me to get married as soon as possible. Needless to say, it was fine.

So, I can only tell you, let you help. "

In fact, Zhao Haifeng has been secretly planning for a while, and he secretly hired professionals to design the venue layout of the auto show with high salary.

It is guaranteed that it will not affect the car show and will not appear strange and obtrusive as a proposal venue.

But he really couldn't make up his mind about the engagement ring today, so he had to call Xie Di over to discuss it together.

It just so happens that I can leave other things to him next, and there will be someone to work with him at the auto show.

When things came to this, Xie Di had to accept that he was indeed the most suitable person to help Zhao Haifeng.

"Let's go pick out a ring."

The two walked into this high-end jewelry store.

As soon as he entered the door, the manager of the jewelry store greeted him, and other waiters were also waiting for him.

Apparently he had received the notice a long time ago and did not dare to be careless. The manager took the lead and waited for everyone from Zhao Haifeng to Xie Di to come.

"Mr. Zhao, Mr. Xie! You're here!" Even though Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di have been lying down in front of Lu Ming all day long, they are very impressive outside.

"Is what I want ready?"

The manager nodded quickly and told his subordinates: "Take out what I have prepared."

Then he turned to Zhao Haifeng and assured him: "Mr. Zhao, what I have prepared today are the highest-end rings in our group.

Please wait a moment. "

Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di sat down on the sofa nearby. Xie Di glanced at the jewelry store curiously.

He rarely comes to places like this, maybe he came with his previous girlfriends, but usually if his girlfriend wants to buy something, he just swipes his card.

There was no careful selection, so he had little experience and felt very guilty.

"Brother, I don't understand this either. It's useless if you ask me to come."

For some reason, Xie Di became a little nervous. It was obviously none of his business.

But when he was there, he couldn't help but be afraid that his vision would fail.

"Three cobblers are just like Zhuge Liang. It's better to discuss it with two people than with one person!"

To be honest, Zhao Haifeng has no experience, but he really can't find anyone else who is reliable to come with him.

Originally, the eldest brother Lu Ming couldn't reveal it, let alone what he had learned from last time, for fear that Lu Ming would just open his mouth and say something.

"I have no experience either. Your sister-in-law gave it to me..."

So no matter what, they can only rely on themselves.

"It's okay, we can choose. If Yingying doesn't like it, we will officially get married when the time comes, and I will buy a new one!"

Zhao Haifeng said something, even if he was comforting Xie Di, he was also comforting himself.

Anyway, their Zhao family is very wealthy, so buying a new wedding ring is nothing.


Soon, the jewelry store manager presented a rectangular box.

Inside is a black, delicate sponge with shining rings stuck in some cracks.

The white lights in the jewelry store are strong, and the carats of these diamonds are not small, so the reflected light is very obvious.

If a woman watches this scene, she may be fascinated by these sparkling diamond rings on the spot.

But the two grown men Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di didn't feel much.

"Mr. Zhao, Mr. Xie, this is the most high-end diamond ring in our store. Take a look."

Zhao Haifeng picked one up casually, and the manager immediately introduced it to him.

"This ring is made of 8 carats, with a clarity of FL, which is the highest clarity level for diamonds..."

With that said, he brought a magnifying glass and put the ring under the magnifying glass for Zhao Haifeng to appreciate.

Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di took turns to experience it, but they didn't feel much about it. They didn't have much idea about the messy craftsmanship level introduced by the manager.

After carefully reading all the introductions, both of them felt that they were almost the same. The only difference was the carat size of the diamonds.

Finally, the two discussed it.

Zhao Haifeng pointed to one of the rings in the box and said.

"I want this."

What he wants is the ring with the largest carat.

(End of this chapter)

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