Chapter 537 Something Weird

"How come you rarely see Haifeng in the past two days?"

Logically speaking, Zhao Haifeng's girlfriend Wang Yingying is here, so he should run to the city garden from time to time.

Why is it that when my girlfriend comes, she doesn’t come as often as before?This made Lu Ming very strange.

Wang Yingying shook her head after hearing this: "I don't know what he is busy with, maybe it's something about the auto show, I didn't ask in detail.

We have rarely contacted each other recently, so I won’t disturb him if he is busy. "

As an independent woman, Wang Yingying understands that busy work brings less contact, because she has been like this before.

So he wouldn't be suspicious of anything. In addition, he and Lin Wan had a good time in the city garden these two days. Even if Zhao Haifeng came, he wouldn't have time to talk to him.

"Oh, that's right." Lu Ming nodded. He was just asking casually.

"Well, husband, please call Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di and ask them to come home for dinner."

Lin Wan suggested, and then she and Wang Yingying got up and went to the kitchen.

"Okay." Lu Ming took out his cell phone and immediately called Zhao Haifeng.

The call was quickly answered: "We'll have dinner at home later."

Lu Ming originally thought that he would notify him directly, but Zhao Haifeng would immediately agree.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Haifeng's answer turned out to be: "Brother, I'm... busy with something, so I probably won't be able to go.

Next time, next time! "

"What are you busy with? You don't even have time to eat? Don't forget that your girlfriend is still here.

Why didn't my girlfriend come over when she was here? "

Lu Ming didn't believe that he would be so busy that he wouldn't have time to have a meal or see his girlfriend.

Although Wang Yingying didn't show anything, Lu Ming felt that Zhao Haifeng's behavior was undesirable, so he took the opportunity to teach him a few words.

"Brother, I really have something to do. You can eat, you can eat!"

Zhao Haifeng said he didn't dare to go. It was true that he was busy preparing for the proposal ceremony, and he did have time to meet for a meal.

But the key point is that he is afraid that his acting skills are not enough, and he will be noticed when he goes to City Garden.

So I decided to endure it for the last few days, avoid it if I could for the time being, and adopt delaying tactics.

"Okay." Lu Ming hung up the phone.

He always felt that Zhao Haifeng was acting strangely these past two days, a little different from usual.

Forget it, he won't come if he doesn't come. Lu Ming immediately dialed Xie Di's number.

the other side.

Zhao Haifeng took a deep breath after hearing the call was hung up.

I'm so nervous.

It felt like if Lu Ming asked more questions, something would be discovered.

If Lu Ming asked carefully, he would definitely not dare to hide it. Telling the truth would be exposed. Fortunately, Lu Ming did not interfere.

"As for that? It's like being a thief. You're proposing! You're not doing something bad!"

Seeing Zhao Haifeng's appearance, Xie Di couldn't help but laugh at him.

Today he was pulled out by Zhao Haifeng to work as a follower. Ever since he found out about the proposal, he has been ordered around every day.

"What do you know? I feel like talking to my eldest brother is like walking on a tightrope..."

"I see you! You are just too timid. If I..."

As Xie Di was speaking, his cell phone rang. When he saw it, it was Lu Ming's call.

I suddenly choked on my words and couldn't speak...

Xie Di turned his head and looked at Zhao Haifeng with wide eyes, asking him for help.

People, you can't talk big words, as soon as you say it, something will happen.

He was mocking Zhao Haifeng just now, but now it was just a call and he panicked before he answered it.

"Answer it, answer it quickly, big brother is calling, can you still answer it?"

"But I accepted it, what if my secret is exposed..."

Zhao Haifeng: "..." He still wanted to gloat about the misfortune. Thinking about it this way, he was indeed the one who got caught in the accident.

The phone rang for a while, and Xie Di had to answer it.

Lu Ming's voice came from the phone: "Xie Di, come over for dinner."

"Uh...well, I..." Xie Di paused for a moment and hesitated: "Brother..."

"I'm... busy outside, so I might not be able to go."

Xie Di couldn't think of any other reason and could only use Zhao Haifeng's statement.

When you ask, you are busy.

But he also didn’t want to think about what else he could do as a rich second generation who had not yet joined the company.
"You are stupid! You can't think of any other reason??" Zhao Haifeng on the side whispered to him anxiously.

"Oh alright."

The phone was hung up.

"Brother, you won't hear anything, right?"

Xie Di finally realized what Zhao Haifeng felt just now. It was too difficult to hide the feeling while talking to his elder brother on the phone.

Fortunately, the elder brother didn't ask any more questions and ended the call quickly.

Zhao Haifeng scratched his head: "No way, we only said a few words in total. I shouldn't be able to guess anything..."

Then he simply stopped thinking about anything and pushed towards Xie Di.

"Forget it, let's go quickly. Go and help me see how the venue equipment over there is doing!"

at the same time.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Ming was thoughtful.

"Haifeng and Xie Di are together? Are they both busy? Weird, there are weird things, there must be something hidden from us..."

He clearly heard Zhao Haifeng's voice on the phone just now. Although the voice was very low, he could still hear it with his keen ears.

So now the two of them are together.

It's just that the two of them don't know what they are doing...

Lu Ming guessed that the two were secretly doing something, but he hadn't thought of the real situation yet.

Who would have thought that Zhao Haifeng was preparing to propose marriage? After all, he and Wang Yingying had only been dating for a few months.

"Husband, what do Haifeng and Xie Di say? Are they coming?"

Lin Wan's voice in the kitchen interrupted Lu Ming's thinking. He quickly got up and came to the kitchen.

"Both these two guys said they were busy and couldn't come. We can just eat by ourselves."

You have to say this quickly, otherwise if you cook for five people, the three of them won't be able to eat it.

"Is Xie Di busy? What can he be busy with?" Even Lin Wan was surprised when he heard Lu Ming's response.

It's understandable that Zhao Haifeng is busy, but Xie Di... Lin Wan really can't think of what he could be busy with in broad daylight?

Doesn’t Shady generally only have nightlife?
"Who knows."

After finishing the letter, Lu Ming returned to the living room.

Lin Wan and Wang Yingying were left in the kitchen.

Lin Wan joked to Wang Yingying: "It seems that your boyfriend doesn't want you, and he won't come to see you these days."

Wang Yingying immediately looked pitiful and begged for mercy.

"Then I can only stay with my sister. She wants me!"

"Easy to say, it depends on your performance." Lin Wan stretched out a jade finger and put it on Wang Yingying's chin.

The two started acting.

Lu Ming didn't see the emotional drama between the two beauties. As soon as he returned to the living room, his cell phone rang.

He picked it up and saw that it was a call from Ouyang Qi. After the call was connected, his voice came.

"Brother Lu, I'll be at City Garden in about two hours!"

(End of this chapter)

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