Chapter 549
At this moment, Lu Ming still didn't know what impact his whim and the undead wind of wood-carved building blocks created by just running out of materials would have.

But after everyone got a piece of work, everyone went back to their homes.

After all, everyone didn't take a shower last night after being hungover. They all wanted to go back and take a good bath or rest.

Shady was the first to retreat from the city garden, the solitary one.

Xu Zixin also left with Lin Ruyin and the other little sisters. She has now moved to the Galaxy Community that Lu Ming bought for her, while Lin Ruyin and the other four returned to school.

Zhao Haifeng was the last one to leave. After all, her wife-to-be still lived here, so he kept chattering and followed Wang Yingying for a long time before going back.

So after the bustle, calm returned to the city garden.

Only Lu Ming, Lin Wan and Wang Yingying were left.

The three of them returned to the villa, and Lu Ming collapsed on the sofa as soon as he came back.

Don't think that carving is an easy task. Although the objects he just carved were quite small, Lu Ming spent a lot of effort.

It seemed to everyone that Lu Ming was carving it out easily with just a few strokes.

But before carving, you need to spend a lot of energy and thought, and when carving, the wood is also very hard and laborious!
"Eat some."

Lin Wan brought some toast sandwiches.

"Just eat this??"

Lu Ming was a little resistant to eating toast sandwiches for breakfast this afternoon.

"After they got up, they were all eager to see the carvings. No one ate them, so it was just wasted..."

Lu Ming was a little speechless for a moment. He worked so hard to carve them for them, and finally came back to eat what they didn't eat.

Who can I talk to to explain this? ? !

There was no way to waste the food, so Lu Ming ate it anyway.

Lin Wan and Wang Yingying also sat on the sofa in the living room after working for a while.

After chatting for a while, Wang Yingying seemed to have made up her mind and spoke to Lu Ming and Lin Wan.

"Lu Ming, Sister Wan'er, I plan to find a house close to the store and move out..."

Hearing what Wang Yingying said, Lu Ming had no reaction at all.

It was the guest's freedom to come and go, and he had even guessed it.

However, as her best friend, Lin Wan had not had enough fun with Wang Yingying, and was reluctant to leave Wang Yingying: "Why?

I’ve only stayed here for a few days, and the city garden is so big, it’s no problem for you to stay here forever! "

Of course Wang Yingying knows that many people can live in City Garden, but it doesn't mean that she can live there forever. She still has this kind of politeness and propriety in her heart.

Although I am Lin Wan's best friend, I can come over to stay for a few days occasionally, but I can't go too far!

"I want to find a house close to the store. It's more convenient."

"City Garden is not far from your store..."

Lin Wan still didn't understand, but then Lu Ming spoke up.

"Honey, why are you delaying this young couple..."

Lu Ming had already guessed that Wang Yingying would move out after living there for a while.

She first moved into City Garden to have a relationship with Lin Wan, but now the relationship is almost over and the car shop is on the right track.

But she had to leave, otherwise it would be troublesome for Zhao Haifeng, her boyfriend and fiancé, to date her, fall in love, cheer and applaud her.

If you want to meet, you can only come to the city garden, under the eyes of Lu Ming and Lin Wan.Plus it’s not your own territory, how dare you cheer for love?
After Lu Ming said this, Lin Wan suddenly realized. "Oh oh oh oh!!" She only cared about her friendship with her best friends, but she also forgot that she also had a boyfriend and a fiancé.

After being in the magic city for so many days, the two of them haven't had a chance to be intimate and eat meat, so they might be thinking about it.

I really delayed other people’s business!
"Hehe, are you..." Lin Wan suddenly leaned over and whispered something in Wang Yingying's ear.

She was obviously avoiding Lu Ming on purpose, so she whispered so low that Lu Ming was not far away and couldn't hear what she was saying.

It can only be observed that Wang Yingying's face began to turn red after hearing this, and then she pushed Lin Wan away: "I'm going to die! Say this in front of your husband!!"

Wang Yingying thought about what Lin Wan said and couldn't help but sigh, married women are different. She never knew that Lin Wan would be able to say such things.

You can really say all kinds of things like tiger and wolf! !It was too bold in front of Lu Ming.

Lin Wan pouted and said nonchalantly: "What are you afraid of? He can't hear what we are saying."

Seeing them like this, Lu Ming was really curious about what they were talking about.

But judging from their reactions, it should be something [-].


The more Lin Wan and Wang Yingying chatted, the more relaxed they became. Their voices became slightly louder, and Lu Ming began to hear them.

"Stop talking about me, I'm here to delay you and your wife!!

You come here to chat with me all day long, and Lu Ming stays alone in the empty room. If this continues, I'm afraid that he will have a problem with me. "

Lu Ming heard Wang Yingying's words clearly.

Because when she said that, she even glanced at herself.

Indeed, during the few nights that Wang Yingying was here, Lin Wan went to her place to catch up with her best friends.

"No, Lu Ming..." Lin Wan hadn't finished her words yet.

Lu Ming said first: "Yes! It's so cold when I sleep alone without a hug, and I can't exercise."

Lu Ming didn't really have any objection to Wang Yingying living here when he said this, he just wanted to express his longing for Lin Wan.

Lin Wan didn't expect Lu Ming to say such words suddenly, and her face turned red: "Husband...

How dare you say such a thing! "

Wang Yingying burst out laughing when she saw this: "Hahaha, Sister Wan'er, why are you blushing too?!

I thought how brave you were now, but this is the result? ? "

She counterattacked and joined the team that was teasing Lin Wan, a small revenge for Lin Wan's harsh words towards her just now.

Lin Wan then gave Lu Ming a roll of his eyes and quickly changed the subject.

"No more talk, will Haifeng live with you? Have you found a house?"

"This is just something I just thought of. I haven't looked for a house yet, and Haifeng doesn't know yet... If he wants, we can live together."

Wang Yingying said bluntly that there was nothing to be embarrassed about. After all, both of them had proposed marriage and were considered a prospective couple.

Lin Wan was a little surprised when she heard this. She originally thought that this was the idea of ​​Zhao Haifeng and Wang Yingying, or that Zhao Haifeng was in a hurry.

Unexpectedly, it was Wang Yingying who proposed it first. It seems that Wang Yingying is the most anxious! !
I can't wait to go back and live with my man.

Then her sister must not hold Wang Yingying back!
He immediately let go and announced: "Okay! Hurry up then! Find a house and live a life of two with your man!"

(End of this chapter)

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