Chapter 550 Marriage
Zhao family.

The three family heads, Zhao Jianzhong, Xie Guanghui, and Sun Yongfeng, gathered together again.

However, Xie Guanghui and Sun Yongfeng looked reluctant.

They were all deceived by Zhao Jianzhong. Recently, Zhao Jianzhong has been very successful. His son has become sensible and successful, and he also has a daughter-in-law. He walks with wind!

Xie Guanghui and Sun Yongfeng despised Zhao Jianzhong's proud face. It was simply poking at their hearts.

So during this period of time, I avoided him and did not meet Zhao Jianzhong to avoid discomfort.

But today, Zhao Jianzhong shouted that he had something important to discuss and he had to invite them over, so they dropped their guard and came.

But I didn’t expect to be careless!

Zhao Jianzhong is not a good person, but he actually came to discuss with them to choose a good and auspicious day for Zhao Haifeng to get married! !

"You're so good, Zhao Jianzhong! There's no end to the fun, right?"

After Sun Yongfeng found out, he immediately complained to Zhao Jianzhong, and Xie Guanghui was no exception.

After the two of them had a meal, they wanted to run away. It was not their son, so it had nothing to do with them!
But since they were already here, how could Zhao Jianzhong let them go, so he immediately stopped the two of them.

He smiled and looked like he didn't care at all when he was scolded. He knew that he was attracting hatred now.

But he was sincerely looking for a discussion with the two of them, and he had already been scolded. He couldn't be scolded in vain. Naturally, he couldn't let the two of them run away after scolding him.

So he asked Xie Guanghui, and Sun Yongfeng explained sincerely.

"I don't mean anything else, really! I'm serious this time...

You also know that Huiling has been gone for so many years. Where can I find someone to discuss Haifeng's life-long affairs?Then you must find my old brothers!
You are also Haifeng’s good uncles, you have watched him grow up..."

The Huiling that Zhao Jianzhong is talking about is his wife, Zhao Haifeng's mother. She has been dead for a long time, and Zhao Jianzhong has not remarried yet.

Therefore, if Zhao Jianzhong wanted to handle Zhao Haifeng's life events, he really could only consult with his two old brothers Xie Guanghui and Sun Yongfeng.

When he said this, Xie Guanghui and Sun Yongfeng suddenly became a little relaxed.

Actually, they all understand the situation.Apart from being disdainful of Zhao Jianzhong's displeased face, they really needed help due to circumstances and reasons.

Seeing their loose attitude, Zhao Jianzhong quickly struck while the iron was hot and pulled them back.

Xie Guanghui and Sun Yongfeng borrowed the donkey from Poxia and sat back down.

"Old brothers, let's look at the almanac and choose a good and auspicious day for Haifeng to get married as soon as possible!"

Zhao Jianzhong opened the almanac, and the three of them stared at it.

"Hey, this is a good day!! It's a good day to get married, travel, move into a new house, pray for blessings, lay a bed, hang a plaque, offer sacrifices, and consecrate. There are no taboos!"

After a while, Zhao Jianzhong pointed to a day and became excited.

After looking at the date, Sun Yongfeng couldn't help but joked: "Old Zhao! How anxious are you!!
We only have less than half a month, can you prepare on this day? ? "

Xie Guanghui also echoed: "I have never heard of someone getting married less than half a month after the proposal. I can see that you are really anxious, Lao Zhao!"

Zhao Jianzhong's face turned red when the two said this.

Well, he didn't think it through well and was indeed a little anxious.

He didn't care what Xie Guanghui said, but Sun Yongfeng was right. He couldn't prepare for the wedding in half a month.

There are so many things that need to be prepared, booked, and notified in advance, and half a month is not enough time.

Then we can only look at it again.

Then scroll down and continue to look for auspicious days suitable for marriage.

"Hey, that horoscope..."

Xie Guanghui suddenly thought of a question, but he didn't dare to ask it.Last time, he talked too much about Zhao Haifeng having a girlfriend. He almost thought he would break up the young couple. Fortunately, Wang Yingying had a big enough background!

So I didn’t want to talk too much this time, and stopped suddenly in the middle of my words.

But he had already spoken out his words, and Zhao Jianzhong had already heard the two most critical words. Even if Xie Guanghui didn't finish speaking, he could understand them clearly.

It is nothing more than horoscope marriage, which depends on whether the birth horoscopes of two people are suitable for each other.

Zhao Jianzhong stopped turning over the almanac in his hand and smiled: "You don't have to worry about that...

I have had a test done by a master a long time ago. Haifeng and Yingying are very compatible. In terms of their zodiac signs and the five elements of happiness and taboos, they are both excellent matches!

Haifeng's horoscopes are Guichou, Guihai, Wuwu, and Renxu, which like fire and earth; while Yingying's horoscopes are Xinyou, Jiawu, Guiyou, and Gengshen, and her horoscopes like metal and water.

The two people's horoscopes are obviously complementary. Haifeng's horoscope likes fire and earth, while Yingying's horoscope likes gold and water.Haifeng likes fire, and Yingying likes fire; Yingying likes water, and Haifeng's horoscope is full of water. "

Zhao Jianzhong was obviously very excited and his mood was very exciting.

Xie Guanghui: "Okay... I'm just worrying too much."

Zhao Jianzhong was so anxious about getting married, how could he not think of this?


Marriage with horoscopes is a matter of process. Now it is calculated that it is suitable, but even if it is not good, Zhao Jianzhong will not care!
With Wang Yingying's background, would Zhao Jianzhong still dare to abandon this daughter-in-law? !
At most, you can find a master and choose a specific date and time to get married. This way you can avoid conflicts with different horoscopes and it will become a good thing again.

Therefore, Xie Guanghui really felt that he had gone astray. There was no need to worry about this at all.

It’s not up to you to decide whether it’s suitable or not, just ask for peace of mind.

After the topic of horoscopes was over, the three of them began to turn over the almanac again.

Before finding the next suitable auspicious day, Zhao Haifeng suddenly came in.

"Uncle Xie, uncle Sun are here..." Zhao Haifeng was a little surprised to see so many people gathered together, and quickly said hello.

"What is this doing??"

There is nothing wrong with sitting together drinking tea, but what happens when three people put their heads together? ?

Seeing Zhao Haifeng come in, the three of them dispersed, revealing Zhao Jianzhong holding an almanac in his hand.

"We are choosing a wedding day for you!"

"Ah?? No way!"

Zhao Haifeng's eyes widened. He had just proposed, so why was he already planning to pick a date to get married?
Why didn't even the two parties involved, he and Wang Yingying, know about this?

"Dad, I haven't discussed this matter with Yingying yet... Isn't it a bit too early for you to pick a date now?"

Zhao Haifeng originally received Wang Yingying's hint and was excited and happy to discuss moving out with his old father Zhao Jianzhong.

Who doesn’t want to live with his girlfriend and soon-to-be wife, and can see and hold them every day?

Wang Yingying gave a little hint and immediately took away Zhao Haifeng's heart and decided to move out and live a life of two.

Unexpectedly, when he came in, he learned that Zhao Jianzhong was already preparing for the wedding.

They were not prepared at all!

 Thanks to the book friends for reading the book coins, thank you! !
  Occasionally I read the list of active book friends, and I often see the names of familiar book friends appear. Thank you all for your continued support!
  cough cough...

  By the way, I would like to recommend the next book, China Entertainment: I am a Celebrity, what love skills does it give you?

  It’s a new book, it’s just been released, if you think you’re interested, please read it.

(End of this chapter)

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