Chapter 551
"Dad, I'm not mentally prepared for your silence!"

"You've already asked for marriage, why aren't you ready?"

"A proposal is a proposal... You should discuss it with me."

"Oh, don't you know now..."

Zhao Jianzhong, Zhao Haifeng and his son were talking to each other, while Sun Yongfeng and Xie Guanghui were watching them quietly.

"Dad, don't worry, I have to go back and talk to Yingying anyway!" Zhao Haifeng really couldn't talk to his father, so he had to move Wang Yingying out.

After all, marriage is not his business alone, the other party must also agree.

After saying that, Zhao Haifeng planned to run away and didn't want to stay here to continue pulling.

At this time, he even forgot why he came.

"Dad, Uncle Xie, Uncle Sun, you guys talk, I'm leaving first."

Zhao Haifeng said, and just as he turned around and took two steps, he was stopped.

Originally, he thought that Zhao Jianzhong would continue talking endlessly, but it was not what he thought.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing here??"

was asked so.

Zhao Haifeng paused and suddenly remembered his true purpose.

The trip was almost in vain and he went back directly. He had been messing with Zhao Jianzhong for so long that he didn't want to stay here any longer.

"Dad, I'm going to move out."

Zhao Haifeng did not say the first sentence completely or clearly.

When Zhao Jianzhong heard it, his immediate and subconscious reaction was to disagree!
When Zhao Haifeng was still a playboy, Zhao Jianzhong understood how he played outside, how late he came back, and how often he didn't come back. Zhao Jianzhong understood this and would not blame him.

But there is a principle, that is, you cannot move out.

"Yingying is going to rent a house, and I want to go there with her."

Only when he heard Zhao Haifeng's second sentence did Zhao Jianzhong react.

His son is no longer the playboy he used to be. He moved out now to be close to his wife and to run their small family.

So what reason does he have to disagree?
And this is a good thing. If the couple lives together, their relationship will heat up quickly and they will get married sooner.

The attitude and thoughts in Zhao Jian's center suddenly changed.

"Okay! No problem!"

Zhao Haifeng didn't expect his father to agree so readily. He thought it would take a lot of talking.

Not only that, for the sake of the quality of life of the two of them, Zhao Jianzhong also said: "What kind of house are you renting? Just buy one!"

"I thought so too, but Yingying doesn't want me to spend this money!"

Zhao Haifeng was a little helpless. It was not that he had never thought about it, but Wang Yingying was an independent strong woman and was not willing to sit back and enjoy the success.

He couldn't change what Wang Yingying decided, so he had no choice but to rent a house according to Wang Yingying's instructions.

"Then you..." Zhao Jianzhong originally wanted to say something else.

But Zhao Haifeng has continued: "We will only stay here for a while.

When we get married, we will definitely move back to live with you. We can't let you be alone at home. "

Wang Yingying and Zhao Haifeng discussed related topics. Both of them have filial piety and have never thought about moving outside to live independently.

It's just that they haven't really gotten married yet, so living in the Zhao family is still a bit unfair.

So during this period of time, it was just like the two of them living a two-person world outside for a while, and then moving back after getting married.

Of course, the main reason is that Zhao Jianzhong is alone. Without a companion, it will be useless no matter how many nannies and helpers are at home, so no matter what, they will definitely return to the Zhao family in the end.Such a heart-warming thought made the old man Zhao Jianzhong almost unable to bear it.

Eye sockets reddish.

He does not force his son and daughter-in-law to live with him, but who doesn’t want the family to reunite and enjoy family happiness?
All in all, he was touched.

But Zhao Jianzhong, who was used to being tough in front of his son, couldn't hold back and couldn't express anything.

Sun Yongfeng and Xie Guanghui next to them didn't have so many worries and praised directly.

"Haifeng is such a good boy, Lao Zhao, just wait and enjoy the blessings!"

"It would be great if Xie Di could think like Haifeng..."


"Come on, Haifeng, let's have a cup of tea with Uncle Xie."

Xie Guanghui pulled Zhao Haifeng to the tea table. He now looked at Zhao Haifeng as if he were his own son.

To be precise, I hope that Xie Di can be like Zhao Haifeng when he becomes sensible and mature.

He had watched Zhao Haifeng grow up. He and Xie Di used to live happily together, but now Zhao Haifeng has gotten better, so Xie Di will do the same in the future, right?
Xie Guanghui has this expectation.

Sitting down at the tea table to drink tea, Zhao Haifeng put down the undead wind lion in his hand.

It immediately caught Xie Guanghui's attention: "Hey, this thing is interesting!"

This also attracted the attention of Zhao Jianzhong and Sun Yongfeng, who both came over.

Xie Guanghui was the closest and was the first to pick up the undead wind lion on the table and play with it.

After getting started, I discovered more details. For example, the lower body is made of mortise and tenon technology, while the upper part is made of carving technology.

I have never seen such a novel thing before, and Xie Guanghui has some appreciation ability, and he can also see the extraordinary carving craftsmanship on it.

"Haifeng, where did you get this thing?! It's interesting! This is my first time seeing it.

This idea, this carving is amazing! ! "

Xie Guanghui couldn't put it down and studied the details carefully, but after playing with it for a while, Zhao Jianzhong and Sun Yongfeng took the thing away.

They are still taking a look.

After taking turns to look at it, Sun Yongfeng also expressed his opinion.

"For this craftsmanship, it won't be a problem to sell it for 60 to [-] yuan at auction!! It's just that the size and materials are not that interesting, otherwise there will be people asking for millions."

As an upper-class family in the Magic City, the three top rich people also collect some antiques and artworks, so they are quite discerning.

However, Sun Yongfeng's opinion was immediately refuted by Xie Guanghui: "Less! Less! Just this lion, I want 100 million!"
Haifeng, why don't you give me this lion? ?I offer 100 million! "

I like Money Hard to Buy, and Xie Guanghui fell in love with it at first sight, so in his eyes, the price of a lion is more than 60 to [-].

Zhao Haifeng did not expect that when he took the lion out for a walk, he would be coveted.

But he likes this thing very much, how could he be willing to sell it? !

He immediately shook his head and refused: "No, no!"

"How about 150 million??"



Eye margin is a wonderful thing. For wealthy people like Xie Guanghui, as long as they like eye margin, it doesn't matter how much money they have. He keeps increasing the price for Zhao Haifeng.

But when the price reached 300 million, Zhao Haifeng still refused to sell it.

(End of this chapter)

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