Chapter 559 Pretending to compete
He spent 510 million and still owed favors to buy the orange cat wood carving. Couldn't Sun Yongfeng be so good at it? ?
He immediately took the wood carvings with him, held a gathering of old brothers, and headed to Zhao's house.

This was exactly what Xie Guanghui wanted. He had taken Xie Di's Undead Wind Orangutan and he hadn't shown it off to anyone yet.

Without saying a word, he also brought the undead wind gorilla with him.

in the tea room.

Xie Guanghui was so proud that he thought he was the only one among the three who had wood carvings. Although the Zhao family also had wood carvings, they were in the hands of Zhao Haifeng and not for Zhao Jianzhong, let alone the Sun family.

So, he won this round.

"Come on, come on, I've brought my undead wind gorilla wood carving for you to look at."

Xie Guanghui pretended to show off generously to Zhao Jianzhong, but in fact, who didn't understand what he was thinking? He was just showing off.

"Does Shady know about this? Did he give it to you?"

Zhao Jianzhong glanced at the Undead Gorilla, and he liked it but did not show it, otherwise it would be exactly what Xie Guanghui wanted.

He didn't believe that Xie Di was so generous in giving the orangutan to Xie Guanghui.

His son Zhao Haifeng didn't give it to him, so Xie Di would give it to Xie Guanghui? ? !
Zhao Jianzhong doesn’t believe it!
He said so.

Xie Guanghui's face froze, Xie Di really didn't know about this.

Seeing that Xie Di was not around, he abducted him directly from his room. He probably hasn't discovered it yet.

But even though this was the case, of course he couldn't say that to Zhao Jianzhong for the sake of face.

"Of course, it's the right thing for a son to respect his father. Xie Di offered it to me because he saw that I liked it."

It’s a comparison!Your son refuses to give it to you, but my son is willing!Xie Guanghui pretends to be a good man.


Zhao Jianzhong was immediately hit. He didn't know the truth of the matter, but Xie Guanghui did have something in his hand, but he didn't.

"If I had known better, I wouldn't have given the wood carving to Old Sun!"

At this time, Zhao Jianzhong felt a little regretful. If he had bought the wood carving from the auction, he would not have been hit so hard.

"I brought it here specifically for my brothers to appreciate, so you're welcome. After all, I'm the only one who has it between us."

Xie Guanghui is now like a child showing off his toys.

Zhao Jianzhong couldn't stand it anymore and changed the subject: "Why is Lao Sun so slow? It's not here yet."

What he meant was that although he didn't, at least Sun Yongfeng did. He wanted to see Sun Yongfeng appear as soon as possible to attack Xie Guanghui's arrogance.

"Yes, why is Lao Sun so slow?"

Xie Guanghui also said something, but his meaning was completely different from Zhao Jianzhong.

He didn't know that Sun Yongfeng had a wood carving in his hand, and he hoped that Sun Yongfeng's appearance was not just to show off in front of one more person.

Say Sun Yongfeng, Sun Yongfeng will be there.

He arrived late, with a happy face.

As soon as he entered the door, he was grabbed by Xie Guanghui and pulled to the table to admire the undead wind gorilla.

What he said to Zhao Jianzhong just now was repeated to Sun Yongfeng again, but what he didn't notice was that Sun Yongfeng's expression at this time was completely different from Zhao Jianzhong's before.

Even Zhao Jianzhong behind him was smiling, as if he was watching a good show.

As he talked, Xie Guanghui finally felt that something was not right.

Why don't you feel good? ?
When he said it, Sun Yongfeng didn't give him the kind of envious feedback, which made him very boring.

So what's the point of him bragging and pretending? ?
No fun at all! !


Zhao Jianzhong in the back finally couldn't help laughing, and Sun Yongfeng also laughed.

Only Xie Guanghui looked confused and didn't know what they were laughing at.

Later, Sun Yongfeng finally revealed the answer and mysteriously took out a small wooden box and opened it. "Look, what is this!"

Xie Guanghui took a closer look and saw that it was a wooden sculpture of a cat.

What's this... wood!Wood carving? ! ! !

Xie Guanghui reacted and opened his eyes wide, as if he thought of something.

Sun Yongfeng could take out the wood carving at this critical moment, and he immediately figured it out!
"This...this is one of the other wood carvings Haifeng mentioned?? Old Sun, how do you have it?!"

Xie Guanghui was shocked. He got it from his son, but why did Sun Yongfeng also have a wood carving of the big boss? !
No wonder Sun Yongfeng remained unmoved even after he had been pretending for a long time.

Daqing is hiding something!

Then wasn't his pretense just now a joke?

"Old Zhao, do you also know that you are just waiting to watch the show!"

"Yes! I knew it a long time ago. This is what I gave to Lao Sun." Zhao Jianzhong said lightly. At this time, it was his turn to pretend.

Sun Yongfeng did not refute. He indeed accepted Zhao Jianzhong's affection at the auction and did not continue bidding with him.

"You, you guys!" Xie Guanghui was so angry that his pretense failed miserably.

Then he quickly asked about the details of the orange cat wood carving and how it was obtained. He was so curious.

If he understands it clearly, maybe he can get one too.

So Sun Yongfeng and Zhao Jianzhong told him about the auction.

"It's worth it! It's only 510 million, why haven't I encountered such a good thing! I..." Xie Guanghui patted his thigh enviously and said.

Sun Yongfeng immediately put away his wood carving: "This is mine, don't think about it."


Xie Guanghui's words were resisted. He really wanted to buy it with Sun Yongfeng at a higher price.

But it seemed that Sun Yongfeng would definitely not sell it, so he had to change his words and said: "Hey, I already have this, why do I need yours?"

Then he turned around and attacked Zhao Jianzhong.

"You and I both have it, only the poor guy like Lao Zhao doesn't have it."

In the past, Zhao Jianzhong was better than them in all aspects, but now they can finally attack Zhao Jianzhong.

Zhao Jianzhong was disgraced. It was true that he was the only one who had lost face, but what could he do if his own son did not give it to him.

He had no choice but to say stiffly: "Anyway, our Zhao family only needs it. Even if I have it, it won't be in my son's hands if I lose it. The result will be the same."

Xie Guanghui knew that he was being harsh: "Tsk, if Haifeng doesn't give it to you, I won't give it to you. The result will be the same."

"What are you talking about me??"

Say Zhao Haifeng, Zhao Haifeng will be there.

Zhao Haifeng just walked outside the door when he heard someone saying his name and walked in while talking.

When Zhao Jianzhong saw him, he suddenly thought of a way.

"Haifeng, look at how good Xie Di is. He gave the wood carving to Lao Xie... and Lao Sun also has a wood carving, but I don't."

That's right, Zhao Jianzhong planned to resort to a trick to see if he could get Zhao Haifeng to give him the lion.

Zhao Haifeng was stunned after hearing this. How could Xie Di give away such a precious orangutan wood carving?

At this time, Sun Yongfeng also cooperated and showed Zhao Haifeng the wooden carving of an orange cat.

This sight directly frightened Zhao Haifeng.

"Uncle Sun, why do you have this wood carving?! My eldest brother gave this to my daughter!"

(End of this chapter)

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