Chapter 560
"Husband. Have you seen the scratch marks?"

On this day, Lin Wan suddenly asked Lu Ming an inexplicable question with her cell phone.

Lu Ming still didn't know what it meant.

"It's the video Chu Yue posted before, and it's now very popular."

As Lin Wan spoke, she opened Chu Yue's dither seal and showed it to Lu Ming.

Since he followed Wang Lingling and Chu Yue, he would read their works when he had nothing to do, so he learned some things.

"No, what's the matter?"

"Yin Yin's wood carving disappeared, and now it appears at the auction, with a final bid of 510 million."

Lin Wan told Lu Ming roughly what happened.

"Hey, 510 million? I don't know who took the photo, but I'm really willing to give it up." Lu Ming joked.

But Lin Wan's focus was not on this.

"Then Yin Yin's wood carving will definitely not be found." Lin Wan said, then changed the topic: "By the way, husband, look at this."

Lu Ming didn't have much interest in watching, but Lin Wan suddenly mentioned two names.

"Zhou Guangquan and Li Yuanqing are talking to you."

Lu Ming: "???"

Why are two great sculptors, Zhou Guangquan and Li Yuanqing, suddenly mentioned?
After they met in Kyoto last time, they often walked around the courtyard, and they were considered new friends they met in Kyoto.

I took the phone and got to know it a little bit.

Lu Ming finally understood what Lin Wan meant when he said Zhou Guangquan and Li Yuanqing helped him speak.

After the orange cat wood carving sold for 510 million yuan at the auction, Chu Yue's handprints became popular. After all, there were several other wood carvings in his video.

Under the popularity, countless people are envious, and countless people question that this is a hype.

How could an ordinary birch wood carving be worth so much? !

Netizens with different views started to quarrel, and things got worse.

Some netizens have crazy @ some big names in the sculpture industry, hoping that they will evaluate them from a professional perspective.

So Zhou Guangquan and Li Yuanqing were alarmed.

They are famous sculpting masters from the northern and southern schools respectively. They are heavyweights in the sculpting world and are known to many fans among the masses.

Perhaps Zhou Guangquan and Li Yuanqing knew from the carving techniques and traces in the wood carving that it was their own work.

So I directly gave an invincible evaluation.

Probably because these wood carvings are made of ordinary materials, but the carving technology is worth the price.

If it were them, they would be willing to pay 510 million or even higher.

It was also said that the creator of the wood carvings was their holy master and was much more powerful than them.

Anyway, he was crazy about siding with Chu Yue.

Since Zhou Guangquan and Li Yuanqing are really influential in the carving industry, with their support, the voices of doubt have become much smaller.

After understanding clearly.

Lu Ming put down his cell phone: "I didn't expect this incident to be so big that it shocked both of them.

I called them to say thank you. "

"Okay, you go ahead and fight, I'll go up first." Lin Wan told Lu Ming just to remind him of this.

It can't be that someone has done something for them and they don't know it yet and don't show any sign of it.

Lu Ming immediately called Zhou Guangquan and Li Yuanqing respectively to thank them.He also didn't expect that just carving a wooden sculpture would lead to so many things later.

The storm he caused was all rolled up outside. He was the only one in the eye of the storm, and he didn't know anything about the calm weather.

Just when Lu Ming called.

Two cars drove into the city garden.

The visitors are Zhao Jianzhong, Sun Yongfeng, Xie Guanghui and Zhao Haifeng.

Sun Yongfeng never expected that the orange cat wood carving he took was actually given to his daughter by Lu Mingdiao.

They were at Zhao's house just now, and after being recognized by Zhao Haifeng at a glance, they hurried over to the city garden.

For no other reason than to return the property to its original owner, it can also be said to be a tribute.

How can you help the big boss find the lost items if you collect them yourself? !
Soon, the four people arrived at the door of the villa and rang the doorbell.

Just as Lu Ming finished the call, he heard the doorbell ring.

After walking over and opening the door, I saw the four of them: "Master Zhao, Master Sun, Master Xie is a rare guest."

Lu Ming was a little surprised to see them. They rarely came to the city garden before, but today they came together.

After welcoming the people in, Lu Ming made tea.

Sun Yongfeng couldn't wait to take out the brocade box, put it on the table, opened it and said, "Mr. Lu, we are here to give you something."

Lu Ming lowered his head and looked, oh, isn't this Lin Ruyin's lost wood sculpture?

Moreover, 10 minutes ago, he had just seen the news that 510 million yuan had been sold at the auction, and now it suddenly appeared in front of him.

"The Sun family owner bought this at the auction?"

Lu Ming immediately figured out the whole story. Sun Yongfeng must have recognized it as his work, so he spent a lot of money to take pictures of the orange cat wood carving.

"Yes!" Sun Yongfeng suppressed his joy and nodded. He was really too showy and outstanding this time, which is a great achievement.

Lu Ming originally wanted to refuse. Since he spent 500 million to [-] yuan to buy it, it belonged to Sun Yongfeng.

But it suddenly occurred to him that Sun Yongfeng would probably be the happiest if he accepted it.

Moreover, Lin Ruyin lost the orange cat wooden sculpture, so he might have to carve another one for her. Now that Sun Yongfeng had sent the thing back, wouldn't he be able to use the orange cat wooden sculpture to coax Lin Ruyin directly.

It saves you the trouble of carving again.

Going around and around, it's another big circle.

Lin Ruyin lost it, Sun Yongfeng took it, gave it to him, and then used it to deceive Lin Ruyin... It was so interesting.

"Then thank you, Master Sun. I was still looking for it, but you saved me a lot of trouble."

So Lu Ming simply accepted it.

A simple sentence almost made Sun Yongfeng so happy that he couldn't find Bei.

But what Lu Ming said next made Sun Yongfeng even more excited.

"Master Sun also likes carvings? This kind of gadget is not suitable for you. If you have precious stone or wood, just send it over. If you have time, I will get you a more suitable one."

Naturally, Lu Ming would not let Sun Yongfeng spend 500 million in vain, so he casually agreed to help him carve a new thing.

What he said is true. Those wooden gadgets are all cute and designed to coax girls. They are really not suitable for Sun Yongfeng, an elderly boss of the magic city.

"Okay! Okay...! Thank you, Mr. Lu." Sun Yongfeng was so excited that he stuttered and decided to search for precious materials immediately when he went back.

Xie Guanghui and Zhao Jianzhong on the side gritted their teeth and were extremely envious.

Especially Zhao Jianzhong, he felt so regretful in his heart!

If he had not given it to Sun Yongfeng, he might have had this opportunity!
(End of this chapter)

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