Chapter 561

It was a rare visit for the three masters, so they stayed as guests in the city garden for a while, drinking tea and chatting with Lu Ming.

Not long after, the doorbell rang again, and this time it was Zhao Haifeng who opened the door.

Lu Ming heard the voice of someone coming in the living room.

"Brother, it's not good, it's not good, my orangutan is gone!!" The person who came was none other than Xie Di, who shouted anxiously as he ran into the living room.

After hearing his words.

The faces of the three masters who were sitting leisurely drinking tea suddenly changed.

The difference is that Zhao Jianzhong and Sun Yongfeng have evil smiles on their faces, as if they are watching a good show.

Xie Guanghui, on the other hand, was extremely embarrassed.

He was just talking nonsense with Zhao Jianzhong, Sun Yongfeng and others, saying that Xie Di willingly gave it to him, but now he was slapped in the face.

Zhao Haifeng also knew about this. He had just seen the Undead Wind Orangutan held by Xie Guanghui.

However, Xie Guanghui was his elder, and he couldn't say it directly, so he just glanced back and forth between Xie Di and Xie Guanghui secretly.

"You lost yours too?? Wasn't it stolen because it was worth 510 million?"

Lu Ming subconsciously thought that the orange cat wood carving worth 510 million was famous, so something happened to Xie Di's wood carving next.

Then he really needs to tell the others and ask them to put away their wood carvings so that they don't get stolen.

"Also?? What's 510 million??" Xie Di still couldn't figure out what Lu Ming was talking about.

However, Zhao Haifeng knew about this and immediately explained it to him.

"Here, my orangutan is worth 510 million?! No wonder it was stolen. Who dares to steal my things!"

As soon as Shady said this.

Zhao Haifeng, Zhao Jianzhong, and Sun Yongfeng, who knew the truth, couldn't stand it anymore and laughed out loud.

You are really your father's great son!
Xie Di saw them laughing and looking confused.

"Xie Di, what are you talking about?! How can you talk like that!" Xie Guanghui scolded Xie Di angrily with a dark face. He, a father, was actually scolded by his son like this.

Xie Di was still a little aggrieved by being scolded: "Dad! My orangutans have been stolen! I can't say a few words?"
If I find him..."

"Okay, okay!" Xie Guanghui quickly stopped him from speaking, otherwise this guy might scold him again.

At this time, Zhao Jianzhong and Sun Yongfeng finally stopped laughing and began to tease Xie Guanghui.

"Thank you!
I told you to forcefully pretend to be a show-off. Now it’s a slap in the face! " Zhao Jianzhong said with a smile.

When Xie Guanghui pretended to compete, he kept emphasizing in front of him that Xie Di took the initiative to give it to him, but to compare, Zhao Haifeng was unwilling to give it to him.

Now, it was obvious that Xie Di didn't give the thing to Xie Guanghui at all, and thought it was stolen.

It was indeed stolen, but it was stolen by his own father, Xie Guanghui.

"Okay, now none of us are here." Sun Yongfeng was very calm now. Xie Guanghui's pretense just now could not be applied to him.

And from now on, it seems that he is the one who has gained the most! !Because he got Lu Ming's promise that as long as he found good materials, he would wait for the opportunity...

Zhao Jianzhong and Sun Yongfeng each said one sentence, but Xie Guanghui couldn't respond at all.

Have no idea!Who would have thought that this guy Xie Di would either go straight to the city garden when he was away or something was missing, and he would still be here.

Overall, he has really lost face this time!
From their words and their expressions, Lu Ming also understood.

It turns out that Xie Di’s wood carving was not really lost, but was taken away by Xie Guanghui.

But Xie Di is a bit stupid, and he still can't understand what's going on. He only cares about his wood carving. "Someone must have known that my wood carving was valuable, so he stole it!! I will go back and check the nanny at home!!"

According to Xie Di, he will definitely turn the Xie family upside down when he goes back.

At this time Lu Ming spoke up.

"Shady, you don't have to look for it, your wood carving is not lost."

It was most appropriate for Lu Ming to talk about this matter. Zhao Haifeng couldn't say much about elder matters, and Xie Guanghui couldn't say anything himself.

What Zhao Jianzhong and Sun Yongfeng said could easily sound like ridicule.

"Huh?? Brother, do you know where my wood carving is?!"

"Well, it's at your dad's place. There are some flaws in the things that need to be corrected. I asked your dad to bring them over and have them corrected."

Lu Ming made a random excuse.

Shady didn't have too much doubt, but just complained a few words: "I think orangutans are very good!
Dad, why didn't you tell me? I thought I lost my nerves for a long time..."

Xie Guanghui ignored Xie Di and cast a grateful look at Lu Ming. Lu Ming's words gave him a step down.

“Dad, where is my wood carving??”

"In the car!!"

Xie Guanghui rolled his eyes at Xie Di angrily. Xie Di had broken his defense today.

But what can be done?This stupid boy was still his son after all, and he was indeed the one who took the wood carving without telling Shady.

It's so embarrassing and humiliating, I can't stay here any longer.

Xie Guanghui therefore left, and Xie Dipianpidian followed him to the car to get the wood carvings. Zhao Jianzhong and Sun Yongfeng also left, leaving only Zhao Haifeng.

"Aren't you going back?" Lu Ming asked. Now that Zhao Haifeng and Wang Yingying have moved out to rent a house, there seems to be no reason to stay here.

Zhao Haifeng smiled and said he would sit there for a while. Wang Yingying was busy in the car shop now, and he had nothing to do.

"Then you can also go to the car shop to find Yingying."

Speaking of this, Zhao Haifeng showed an embarrassed look: "Yingying won't let me go... she thinks I'm delaying her work... so I can only wait for her to get off work."

Good guy.Lu Ming didn't expect it to be like this.Is it because Wang Yingying is too strong as a strong woman, or is Zhao Haifeng really too clingy and delaying work?
But also...

If this couple is in the office, some office drama will easily happen if they don't get along well.

Lu Ming knew this very well. When he was in the office of the president of Shuangmu Group... he bumped into Lao Wang in the elevator.

"You must have evil intentions!!" Lu Ming came to a conclusion.

Now Zhao Haifeng felt even more embarrassed... The fact was exactly as Lu Ming guessed, the eldest brother was worthy of being the eldest brother!

After chatting for a while, it was almost time for Wang Yingying to get off work, and Zhao Haifeng ran away on time. He really stayed here to kill time.

Lu Ming returned upstairs. He hadn't come down since Lin Wan went up, and he didn't know what he was doing.

After entering the room, she realized that Lin Wan was asleep. No wonder she didn't move when guests came.

Lu Ming left the room without interrupting.

As soon as he walked down to the living room, he heard the sound of the door being opened. The only people who could enter and exit the villa at will were Lu Ming and Lin Wan...

There was only Lin Ruyin.

(End of this chapter)

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