Chapter 581

No matter how beautiful the beauty is, she is not hungry!
Although the four young and beautiful girls in front of him looked at him eagerly, Lu Ming still said the same thing.

"I'm hungry and can't take pictures!"

"Hold on a little longer!"


Seeing that she couldn't persuade Lu Ming, Lin Ruyin quickly pulled Lin Wan beside her and asked her to come out to persuade him.

However, Lin Wan was not biased and thought of a compromise.

"Then let's eat first and then take pictures after eating."

"Okay." Lu Ming nodded in agreement, put down the equipment, and quickly slipped out of the studio.

Photography is a technical job, but I never thought it was also a physical job!Of course, it consumes not only physical strength but also mental energy. Capturing beautiful moments is very energy-consuming.

Lu Ming only felt physically and mentally exhausted at the moment. After leaving the studio, he went directly to the sofa in the living room and lay down.

After a while, Lin Wan, Lin Ruyin and the others also returned to the living room. They changed back into their original clothes and returned a little later.

"Let's order takeout tonight. What can we have?"

Lin Wan saw that everyone looked weak, including Lu Ming who took the photo, and so did the girls being photographed. It was obvious that no one could cook.

And she is pregnant and cannot be exposed to cooking fumes, so she can only order takeout tonight!
When it comes to food, Wang Lingling was the first to respond.

"Roast chicken rack! I know a chicken rack that is particularly delicious!"

With that said, he immediately took out his mobile phone and placed an order with a few clicks.

"Let me order some Japanese food."

"I want to eat Chaoshan beef hotpot."


Everyone else also has what they want to eat, and they have placed their orders. Now everyone is a rich little woman and can eat and drink freely.

"Husband, what about you?" Lin Wan asked Lu Ming, but she hadn't even thought about it yet.

Lu Ming waved his hand: "I can just eat what they have."

He wasn't picky about his meals, and since they ordered so many things, they probably wouldn't be able to finish them all, so he just happened to share it.

After taking photos of them for so long, it’s not too much to treat them to a meal, right? !
After lying there for a while, Lu Ming got up from the sofa and walked straight to the kitchen.

"Husband, where are you going?"

"I'm going to make porridge. Can I have vegetable porridge?"

Although the takeout is delicious, the hygiene and health conditions cannot be seen or touched. Lu Ming is not worried about letting Lin Wan eat this.

So no matter how tired he was now, he still had to get up and cook porridge and dinner for Lin Wan.

Hearing Lu Ming's words, Lin Wan was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Yeah, okay!"

She was just concerned about everyone's dinner, but she neglected herself and didn't think about what to do.

Now Lu Ming insisted on cooking porridge for her even though he was exhausted, which immediately hit her heart.

Lin Ruyin, Chu Yue and the others on the side were also belatedly aware of Lu Ming's intentions.

"Wow, Senior Lu is so thoughtful!!"

"Sister Lin is so happy!!"

"No matter how tired Senior Lu is, he still cooks porridge for Sister Lin~ I'm so envious!"

Their words made Lin Wan, who was smiling all over her face, feel embarrassed.


"Shenyang grilled chicken rack?"

Wang Guangliang is a rider. As soon as he received the order, he rushed to the business address to pick up the goods.

It happened that his location was not far from the merchant, and he successfully picked up the goods in a few minutes and delivered them according to the navigation on his mobile phone.But after a while, Wang Guangliang felt something was wrong.

"Is this the right way?? Will there be any problems with the navigation??"

He was driving in the steel jungle of the city just now, why did he end up in the forest while driving?There are big straight trees all around, but behind it is dark and eerie.

Fortunately, he was driving on a concrete road with bright street lights on both sides, which gave him the courage to continue driving.

"Did I drive to some park? No, there isn't such a big park nearby!"

As an experienced rider, Wang Guangliang didn't know this central area well, but he was still familiar with it.

Suddenly, Wang Guangliang seemed to have thought of something.

"No way!!" As he exclaimed, the electric car also braked suddenly and stopped in place.

After the car stopped, Wang Guangliang quickly clicked on his phone to check the exact delivery address.

"Is this really City Garden?! Is it a chicken stand from City Garden?! It's impossible!"

He finally remembered that this was the way to the City Garden. The City Garden was known as the central green space of the Magic City. It was just a small forest!

Wang Guangliang couldn't help but wonder: "Could it be that someone filled in the wrong form? Or was it a prank?"

He has been working as a rider here for several years, and he has never received an order from City Garden, so he couldn't remember it just now.

Although he is just a small delivery rider, he has heard the name of City Garden. The person living here must be a big boss who is out of his reach. How could he order something like Shenyang Grilled Chicken! !
Just as he was thinking about something, there was suddenly some noise behind him.

It was the sound of other electric cars driving, and the driver recognized him: "Hey, Brother Wang!! Why are you here too!!"

Turning around, Wang Guangliang also recognized the other party: "Xiao Li!! Are you here to deliver food?!"

"Yes!! Brother Wang, are you too?! I was confused when I saw the address just now! It scared me!"

Xiao Li's tone was relieved, and he was obviously very stressed about being sent to a place like City Garden.

"Xiao Li, what did you give me?"

"Japanese food, Brother Wang, where are you?"

"Chicken rack."


Xiao Li looked at Wang Guangliang in disbelief.

That’s off the mark!He was frightened when delivering Japanese food, but Wang Guangliang unexpectedly delivered chicken racks. Now he understood why Wang Guangliang stopped halfway.

While they were talking, another electric car drove up, and it was an old acquaintance.

Food delivery riders are a small circle. They have been delivering food here for so many years and everyone knows each other.

After asking around, it was still the same shipping address.

Now the three of them walked together, and finally had some courage to continue sending them there.

One person may have made a mistake or made a prank, but three people shouldn't, right? ?
Although Wang Guangliang still has some doubts about the top rich people eating chicken racks, the mission must be achieved and the gifts must be given.

The three of them drove together for a short while and finally arrived at the gate of the City Garden.

When I first arrived, I was immediately greeted by people.

"Private residence, leave now!"

Seeing several capable security guards in uniforms approaching, Wang Guangliang was frightened to the point of losing his mind and immediately raised his hands to surrender.

"We're here to deliver food!"

After asking through the dialogue system, the security guard of City Garden confirmed that it was the takeout ordered by Lu Ming and the others, and took all the takeaways.

Before leaving, Wang Guangliang looked back at the villa garden behind him with lingering fear.

I thought to myself, this grilled chicken rack is really for the rich...

Go back and get one yourself. Rounding things off, you will be a rich man too? ?
(End of this chapter)

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