Chapter 582 The Final Shooting
"Yeah. Thank you, Uncle Ma."

Wang Lingling discovered that their takeout was delivered by the housekeeper Ma Zong.

"When did it arrive? I haven't received the call yet."

She didn't know how much pressure the delivery riders felt when delivering these takeaways, especially her grilled chicken rack, which was otherwise worthy of her wealthy status.

As for the phone?The riders were caught by the security guards just as they approached the city garden. There was no time to make a phone call!

"Hey, my Japanese food has arrived too."

Everyone went up to get the takeaways and put them on the dining table.

"Come and eat! I'm so hungry."

Lin Ruyin greeted, and Lu Ming took the opportunity to scold her.

"So you get hungry too? Didn't you just keep taking pictures and skipping meals?"

This left her speechless.

People are like iron rice and steel. If they don't eat a meal and get hungry, they will also be hungry and want to eat.

It was just that when I took the photo just now, I felt so excited that I couldn't feel my hunger anymore, but now... Lin Ruyin felt like she could eat a cow!

Chaoshan beef hotpot was what she ordered.

Lin Ruyin simply ignored Lu Ming and poured the beef in her hand into the pot.

Say something.

In fact, everyone was very hungry at this time, and everyone started eating immediately after the meal started.

Lu Ming was not too interested in Japanese food. To be honest, it was not as delicious as the beef hot pot ordered by Lin Ruyin.

But the most delicious thing is probably the grilled chicken rack ordered by Wang Lingling!

It can only be said that Wang Lingling is indeed a foodie and an expert in gourmet food, and she can always find something delicious.

The red color is alluring and the aroma is spicy. Even Lin Wan, who always likes to eat light food and is drinking porridge, can't help but move her nose and is attracted by the aroma of the roasted chicken rack.

"Husband, I want to eat some..."

Lin Wan saw Lu Ming's whiny look and couldn't help but send a request.

Lu Ming was stunned for a moment, then looked down at the roast chicken rack in his hand. After thinking for a moment, he brought some of it to her.

Although there are many taboos during pregnancy, there are many things that cannot be eaten, such as grilled chicken racks, which are heavy in oil, salt and spicy food.

But after all, he doesn't eat it often, he eats a lot. In Lu Ming's opinion, there is no problem in eating a little to satisfy his craving.

"Thanks husband!"

Lin Wan picked up the roast chicken and took a bite. Her eyes lit up. It was indeed delicious.

It's a pity that she can only eat a little bit, and she knows it well.

Lu Ming seemed to see what she was thinking.

"Do you like it? We can eat whatever we want later, or I can bake it for you!"

With god-level cooking skills at his disposal, Lu Ming could accurately reproduce the general ingredients and preparation methods of the things he had eaten.

The food he recreates may be even more delicious than the original, just because he is usually too lazy to do it.

"Okay!!" Lin Wan nodded in agreement, and she had already finished eating a small piece of chicken rack.

There was a trace of red oil and cumin left at the corner of her mouth, but she didn't even know it.

"Puch. Hahaha." Lu Ming couldn't help but laugh at this cute look, and others couldn't help but laugh when they saw it.

Only Lin Wan was stunned on the spot, with a confused look on her face, not knowing what everyone was laughing at.

"On the mouth." Lu Ming said lovingly, reaching out and touching the red oil from the corner of her mouth with his thumb.

Lin Wan realized it later and touched the corner of her mouth that Lu Ming had just wiped clean with her hand.

The two of them have always been so doting and affectionate, which made Chu Yue, Wang Lingling and the others say that they were eating dog food while eating, it was so overwhelming!
Dinner was eaten in such a lively manner. Not long after finishing the meal, Lin Ruyin started to take pictures.

In line with the principle of working early and finishing early, the group returned to the studio.

Just when Lin Ruyin and the others were about to change clothes, Lu Ming stopped them: "You guys wait a minute, Wan'er takes the photo first."

I've been shooting all afternoon today, and Lin Wanke hasn't taken any photos yet. Originally, Lu Ming learned photography, bought a camera, and built a studio just for her.Moreover, Lin Ruyin and the others also took advantage of this opportunity. Why did they become the heroines instead of taking pictures? ?

"Oh, okay!" Lin Ruyin and the others reacted and quickly gave way.

If Lu Ming makes other excuses, she can retort, but Lin Wan takes priority, and they can't say that.

However, things went beyond Lu Ming's expectation. Lin Wan refused and instead let them shoot first.

"Yinyin, you guys go ahead and shoot them all together. I'm at home every day and I'm not in a hurry..."

"But you are..." Lu Ming wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by Lin Wan.

"Hurry up, hurry up and take pictures of Yinyin and the others."

Just like that, Lu Ming was pushed up and continued to take photos of the four sisters.

This time they all put on a new set of clothes. They were pretty, but no matter how beautiful they were, they would get tired of looking at them all day long.

At this moment, Lu Ming no longer had the same photography inspiration as before. It was more like completing the assigned task and taking pictures casually.

Even so.

With his current photography skills, the photos he takes are already of a high level.

Another two or three hours passed. Lin Ruyin, Pan Xiaoman, Chu Yue, and Wang Lingling looked at all the photos and were finally satisfied!

Whether it’s a single person or a group photo with someone, we’ve taken enough photos of them all!
Accordingly, Lu Ming was also very tired.

"Let's take pictures here today. It's getting late. Yin Yin, you should go back."

Lin Wan's words brought the "ending" to today's shooting.

The group left the studio, and Lu Ming immediately continued to lie down on the sofa, while Lin Wan saw Lin Ruyin and the others off.

After sending it back.

"Husband, husband. Get up."

Lin Wan pulled Lu Ming back to the studio, leaving Lu Ming confused.

what happened?Didn’t you say that the filming is over today?

"Honey, did you forget something?"

Lin Wan shook her head: "Yinyin and the others' filming is over, but mine is not yet!"

"Can you do it tomorrow??" Lu Ming really felt tired and didn't want to take pictures anymore.


Lin Wan said nothing, turned around and hid in the curtain to change clothes.

After a few minutes, Lu Ming raised his head when he heard some movement.

Just a glance.

Lu Ming's eyes widened!The blood all over the body is divided into two parts, one part is above the head and the other part is below the head.

He instantly felt energetic again and no longer tired at all!
OK!He is not tired at all!

It turns out that this is the part Lin Wan took, and this is called a real photo!No wonder she kept putting off taking the first shot, waiting until Lin Ruyin and the others had finished filming and cleared the set before starting!
At this moment, Lu Ming felt inspired to take photos again!And it was as turbulent as a flash flood!
"Can I take a photo?" Lin Wan stood on one leg, her other thigh raised, and she asked playfully while tugging on the bunny ears on her head.

Lu Ming suddenly picked up the SLR.

"Shoot! Shoot right now, right now!"

 Sorry, I'm not in a good mood today, I've been writing for a long time.

  Yesterday I posted a recommendation and was scolded for breaking my defense.

  I'm just a newbie. I just write whatever comes to my mind. I feel great that I can write so much about myself.

  I am a reader myself, and I usually just read books that I don’t like and don’t like.

  I don’t quite understand why some people still have to spray a few words, it’s disgusting...


(End of this chapter)

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