Chapter 583 Picking

Zhao family.

The three heads of the family gathered together again, but this time Zhao Haifeng was also there. Although he moved out to live with Wang Yingying, he still came back to see Zhao Jianzhong occasionally.

Just when he came back, Sun Yongfeng pulled him over and said that he had something to ask him to help with the staff.

"Haifeng, what do you think of my materials? Which one would Mr. Lu like?"

With a rosy face, Sun Yong introduced the several precious materials in front of him. These were the trophies he had searched hard for over the past two months.

Ever since Lu Ming agreed to carve a work for him, he began to search for carving materials everywhere. He went to auctions of all sizes and successfully photographed any suitable ones.

He didn't know what the best carving materials should be. Anyway, if he had money, he would prepare more.

Therefore, he, who originally had no hobby of collecting, has slowly fallen into this trap.

"Changhua Chicken Blood Stone, Shoushan Tianhuang Stone, Rosewood, Golden Phoebe, Qingtian Frozen Stone! I went to more than [-] auctions to get these, and it took a lot of effort!"

What Sun Yongfeng said is true. He not only spent a lot of effort, but also spent a lot of money.

Precious stones and wood have the function of increasing the collection value. In order to take pictures of them, he almost always paid a price higher than the market price.

"I think you are just a victim!" Zhao Jianzhong looked at Sun Yongfeng's proud look and couldn't help but scold him.

Sun Yongfeng was not angry after hearing this, and said lightly: "I think you are just jealous!"

Now Zhao Jianzhong was speechless.

What he said is true, Zhao Jianzhong is jealous, not only him, Xie Guanghui is also jealous!

They were all jealous that Sun Yongfeng had such an opportunity.

Especially Xie Guanghui, it's obvious that if he worked hard, maybe the opportunity would be his.

That's it.

Sun Yongfeng was still thinking about his collection, and the piece of golden nan wood was his treasure. When Sun Yongfeng knew about it, he tried his best to get it out of his hands.

Perhaps because he saw Xie Guanghui's emotions, he gave him a hand at the orange cat wood carving auction, and he also gave up the golden nan wood. He must always remember the goodness of others.

Sun Yongfeng quickly comforted him: "Lao Xie, when Mr. Lu finishes carving, I will definitely let you play with it for a while first!"

"Hey, what about me?!" Zhao Jianzhong was even jealous of his brother at his age.

"What are you, you don't."


Zhao Haifeng looked at these three little old men, who were more than 100 years old in total, still bickering like children.

But he didn't dare to talk too much, they were all his fathers and elders.

After making trouble for a while.Sun Yongfeng finally thought of business.

"Haifeng, would you like to give me your opinion?"

How can Zhao Haifeng have any opinions?He knew nothing about carving and had no knowledge of the materials.

I only know that these precious materials seem to have one thing in common, that is, they are all very beautiful...

Moreover, he didn't know much about Lu Ming's carvings. He had only seen carvings twice. One was the precious and top-quality soapstone, and the other was an ordinary scrap birch wood strip.

The difference between the two is really one of heaven and earth, and has no reference value.

However...he still thought of something.

"Uncle Sun, forget about this chicken blood stone."

"Huh? Why? This chicken blood stone is so big, but it took me a lot of effort. At that time, several people were competing with me to bid." Sun Yongfeng was a little confused. This chicken blood stone can be said to be among the materials he collected. Why should we forget about the top three?

Before Zhao Haifeng opened his mouth, Zhao Jianzhong expressed his thoughts first.

"Your bloodstone is too big! What do you want to carve? A big ornament?"

"No, Mr. Lu can carve whatever he wants, I can do it."

"But with such a big body, people who don't know better would think that you just want to be big!"

When Zhao Jianzhong said this, Sun Yongfeng's heart skipped a beat.

Don't say it, there is still some truth in this saying. Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unexpected.

He really hadn't thought about it before.

What if Mr. Lu felt that he was pushing the envelope when such a large piece of chicken blood stone was given?

You know, the time and energy consumed to carve a large work and a small work are different.

In fact, Zhao Jianzhong just made a joke, but to the cautious Sun Yongfeng, it was worth noting.

Sun Yongfeng has already passed the big chicken blood stone in his heart.

But now Zhao Haifeng also revealed the real reason.

"I saw my elder brother carving when I was in Kyoto. At that time, they just gave me a piece of soapstone as a material.

Although it is not as big as this one, the quality is much better than this one, so this piece should not catch the eye of the big brother. "

Zhao Haifeng made the analysis from this aspect. After all, top-quality chicken blood stones have appeared before. Although Sun Yongfeng's stone is considered high-quality and large, it is still slightly inferior in comparison.

As he said that, Zhao Haifeng suddenly thought: "Hey, by the way. That person is still from our family, Mr. Zhao, Zhao Hongyi!"

"Zhao Hongyi from Kyoto?" Zhao Jianzhong seemed to know this rich man.

"Yeah! He donated the materials for free at the time, and later my eldest brother used his bloodstone to carve a Xuanwu seal for him."

Hearing this, Zhao Jianzhong felt sour.

Everyone's surname is Zhao, why doesn't he have such good things?Not to mention a top-quality soapstone, he would be willing to pay even ten dollars.


This incident was also very inspiring for Zhao Jianzhong, and he made a decision in his mind.

"I will also start searching for this kind of top-quality carving stone and wood in the future!! In case it comes in use in the future..."

Zhao Jianzhong's idea was that if he had such an opportunity again in the future, he could contribute the materials and maybe get a reward.

Originally, his interest in collecting had always been some unpopular antiques, but now he began to enter the field of stone and wood.

We are all smart people, and he may not be the only one who has this idea. Xie Guanghui, Sun Yongfeng can also imagine that under this influence, the prices of these precious carving materials will skyrocket in the future.

"Hmm, is there anything else? Haifeng, can you tell me more?"

Zhao Haifeng's reference opinions just now were very useful. Sun Yongfeng asked him to continue talking, but Zhao Haifeng only had this little ink in his stomach. How could he have any other opinions? He said quickly.

"I don't understand the rest, Uncle Sun! I don't dare to express my opinions randomly. But why do you have to choose the best one?
How do we know which one Big Brother likes best? ?Why not send them all together and let the big brother choose them personally! "

Zhao Haifeng's words hit the nail on the head and made Sun Yongfeng suddenly realize.

He patted his thigh and stood up: "Yes! Haifeng, you are right!

Then I’ll leave this to you! "

(End of this chapter)

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