Chapter 584 Request

Zhao Haifeng didn't expect that Sun Yongfeng would take matters into his own hands after just making an opinion.

"You often go to the City Garden, so just take me there."

As Lu Ming's younger brother, his fiancée is Lin Wan's best friend, so Zhao Haifeng follows Wang Yingying to visit quite frequently.

Sun Yongfeng and the others were a little embarrassed, especially now that Lin Wan was pregnant and they didn't want to bother her any more.

Zhao Haifeng thought for a while and realized that he was indeed the best candidate.

It happened that he hadn't been to the city garden for several days, so he nodded in agreement.

"Okay, then I'll go there tonight."

When putting these precious materials away, Zhao Haifeng took a glance and suddenly found that Xie Guanghui's face was not looking good.

"Uncle Xie, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

As soon as the words came out.

Zhao Jianzhong and Sun Yongfeng hurriedly surrounded him, and then noticed that something was not right with Xie Guanghui.

"Lao Xie? Lao Xie, are you okay?"

“Is your heart feeling uncomfortable??”

Both of them are Xie Guanghui's old friends and know that he has some old problems.

They are all old, who doesn’t have some problems?It's just that I've been taking medicine, and there's nothing serious.

Xie Guanghui was indeed feeling very uncomfortable. He rarely spoke during the discussion just now. He originally thought it would be good to sit down and take a rest, but he didn't expect it to become more serious.

So he quickly took out a small medicine bottle from his chest, trembling.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Haifeng quickly helped, took the medicine bottle and asked, "Uncle Xie, how many pills are there?"


Zhao Haifeng quickly poured out four pills, and Zhao Jianzhong also poured water, asking Xie Guanghui to drink them in cooperation.

After taking the medicine, Xie Guanghui finally felt much better.

Once the medicine takes effect, the discomfort will soon pass.

"Hey, I'm fine. It's the same old problem. It's always been like this. It's not like you don't know."

Xie Guanghui waved his hands and said, completely different from before, as if he was not the one who got sick just now.

When I got sick, I was trembling and looked very serious, but now I seem to be in good spirits again.

"It's okay, it's okay, you scared me to death, Lao Xie!"

"Lao Xie, it's been a long time since you had a check-up. You'd better go for a check-up!"

Seeing that he had recovered, Zhao Jianzhong and Sun Yongfeng breathed a sigh of relief and persuaded him.

"Yeah, okay, I will." Xie Guanghui nodded seriously, really listening to what he said.

He also felt that the attacks seemed to be more frequent recently and he needed to have a closer look.

"Hurry up and go tomorrow!"

"I'm not as laid-back as you. You have Haifeng to help you, but I don't. The company has a lot of things to do, so I'll try to take as much time as possible."

Xie Guanghui sighed, Xie Di was not sure yet, he was much busier than Zhao Jianzhong.

Zhao Haifeng felt quite uncomfortable listening to their words.

In the past, they only focused on playing outside, and he had never known about these things. He thought that his father and uncles were healthy and happy.

It's just that now he has grown up and matured and can help the family, but his brother, Shady...

He is two years younger than him and has not yet awakened and stabilized his mind, so Xie Guanghui will undoubtedly be very tired.

"Uncle Xie, what's wrong with you??"

Before Xie Guanghui could explain, Zhao Jianzhong said: "Uncle Xie, you have an old problem. Before you had coronary heart disease, you had to pay attention to rest, but later you developed some symptoms of myocardial infarction. I'm not talking about you, Lao Xie, you really Rest more."

As he talked, Zhao Jianzhong turned to Xie Guanghui again.

"I know, I know it."

"Hey, if you had any idea what would happen today?"

After hearing this, Zhao Haifeng seemed to have thought of something, took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Xie Di.

"Don't go out to play all the time when you have nothing to do. Stay at home with Uncle Xie! Also, you should calm down and take up Uncle Xie's lead!"

After the message was sent, Zhao Haifeng still felt that it was not enough and sent another one.

"Make an appointment and I'll have a chat with you!"

After doing all this, Zhao Jianzhong and the others were almost done talking.

"Haifeng, I'll leave this matter to you." Sun Yongfeng explained before leaving.


As a result, Zhao Haifeng, Sun Yongfeng, and Xie Guanghui left the Zhao family one after another.

However, Zhao Haifeng did not go directly back to his and Wang Yingying's house, but drove to City Garden.

Originally, he planned to bring the materials with him the next time he went there with Wang Yingying.

But because of Xie Guanghui and Xie Di's incident, he changed his mind and simply let it go.


Zhao Haifeng arrived at the City Garden.

After ringing the doorbell, Lu Ming opened the door: "Haifeng, why are you here?"

It was already late. Lu Ming was a little surprised by Zhao Haifeng's arrival, and he also saw something in his hand.

"Where's Yingying? What are you holding?"

"Yingying didn't come." Lu Ming took the Shoushan Tian Huangshi in Zhao Haifeng's hand, but there were other materials in his car.

"This is the carving material collected by Uncle Xie. He asked me to bring it to you to see, brother. I happen to have something to talk to him about."

Zhao Haifeng explained why he came, then turned back and continued carrying it.Lu Ming helped and finally moved the things into the house.

After putting the things aside, Lu Ming ignored them for the time being. Zhao Haifeng didn't come here specifically for this at night, he had other things to do.

"Tell me, what's wrong?" Lu Ming asked after pouring a glass of water for Zhao Haifeng. He thought there was something wrong between Zhao Haifeng and Wang Yingying.

"Brother, it's like this..."

Zhao Haifeng told Lu Ming the ins and outs of the future in detail.

"So you want me to take a look at it for Xie Guanghui?" Lu Ming sounded a little surprised. He thought it was Zhao Haifeng's own business, but he didn't expect that he was looking for him because of Xie Guanghui.

"No problem! However, there is no way to fully recover from coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction. I can only make the situation better."

Lu Ming naturally had no reason to refuse this kind of thing. Xie Guanghui was his man, and he would have taken action if he had told him earlier.

Seeing Lu Ming readily agree, Zhao Haifeng was very happy even though he had guessed that he would not refuse.

Then he seemed to think of something: "Brother, there is one more thing...

Originally, I wanted to have a chat with Xie Di and ask him to calm down and help Uncle Xie. After all, Uncle Xie can't be too tired, but I think what you said might be more effective. "

Zhao Haifeng also suddenly thought of this. He originally planned to go by himself, but now he thought that if Lu Ming took action, the effect would definitely be greater than him. After all, Lu Ming was their eldest brother.

"No problem!" Lu Ming agreed readily, and he was somewhat pleased with Zhao Haifeng.

I didn't know before that Zhao Haifeng was such a considerate person.

According to what Zhao Haifeng said, it will not be a problem if Xie Di continues like this. He must be brought back to justice!
(End of this chapter)

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