Crazy, my blind date kidnapped me to get the certificate

Chapter 591: Starting a fire and burning charcoal

Chapter 591: Starting a fire and burning charcoal
It's getting late.

The lights in the city garden were also turned on, and the entire garden was rendered dazzlingly with lights.

The housekeeper Ma Zong has already arranged the decoration here, and the ordered barbecue equipment and food have also arrived one after another.

Lin Ruyin and her four sisters were the first to arrive. As soon as they arrived, the atmosphere in the city garden suddenly became different and lively.

"Wow, it's so beautiful. We are having a BBQ here!" Chu Yue couldn't help but marvel when she first arrived at the scene.

Although they had visited the city garden at night before, they had never had a barbecue in such a beautiful place.

Lin Ruyin and Chu Yue had the same idea: "We have been here for so long, and this is the first time we have a barbecue. It feels good!"

Looking at the long tables and chairs already displayed on the grass and the large oven beside it, she felt that it was a bit like a BBQ party.

Wang Lingling's focus was completely different from theirs. As soon as she arrived, she ran to the table where the ingredients were placed to look at it.

"Beef! Oysters, prawns, corn, chicken wings..."

Wang Lingling's eyes were dazzled by the dazzling array of ingredients. Basically all the barbecue ingredients she could think of appeared, and at first glance, they were of good quality.

But think about it, with Lu Ming's level, Butler Ma Zong must have made the best arrangements when ordering.

After Lin Ruyin and the others arrived, Zhao Haifeng, Wang Yingying, and Xu Zixin also arrived one after another.

Lu Ming counted the people and found that it was today's protagonist, Xie Di, who had not been seen for a long time.

"Where's Shady?"

"I don't know?! Didn't you say you should go home and wash up and change clothes?
Today's party BBQ is still open for him. "Zhao Haifeng was also puzzled and took out his mobile phone to call Xie Di.

Seeing this, Lu Ming simply asked Zhao Haifeng to contact Xie Di.

Seeing that the time was almost up, he greeted: "Then let's get ready first."

Walking to the oven: "Yinyin, come here."

Lu Ming waved his hand towards Lin Ruyin and began to implement his plan.

"What??" Lin Ruyin was a little confused when Lu Ming called her over.

"This time the important task of BBQ is left to you. You start the fire first!"

Upon hearing this, Lin Ruyin was dumbfounded.

"What??! If I don't do it, isn't there a dedicated barbecue master? Why do you want me to grill it? I don't know how."

Lin Ruyin blurted out and refused simply.

She came to the party happily, wearing beautiful clothes and makeup.

I came here to eat, drink and have fun, not to be responsible for the barbecue and be smoked by the charcoal fire!
"No, we are all playing here. How uncomfortable it would be to have outsiders here!"

Lu Mingyan said firmly, this reason is very sufficient.

"Then I can't do it either. Let someone else do it. I think you're pretty good."


Although he had already guessed that Lin Ruyin would not agree so easily, Lu Ming did not expect that this little girl would actually try to drag him into trouble, and instead said that he would be responsible for the barbecue.

However, Lu Ming was not panicked at all. Since this was his plan, he had already thought about how to get Lin Ruyin to comply.

When I propose three conditions, how should you respond?

Lu Ming raised his right hand, made a three sign, and directly suppressed it with a big move: "You still owe me three conditions!

My first request is that you become the barbecue chef tonight, okay? ! "

That's right, Lu Ming directly exercised his privilege to instruct Lin Ruyin.

Now Lin Ruyin finally couldn't argue, and the debt she owed must finally be repaid.

After so long, Lu Ming had never mentioned these three conditions before, and Lin Ruyin had almost forgotten about them.

Now that Lu Ming made such a request, she could only obediently comply. "Ah! It's so annoying."

Lin Ruyin wailed, but still came over obediently.

"Let's burn the charcoal first. Can you do this?"

"I...I can, right!"

Lin Ruyin responded, but somewhat unconfident.

She has participated in the BBQ thing a lot, but how could anyone let a beauty like her be in charge of the barbecue, let alone burn the charcoal!
At most, she had only seen it once, or maybe thought about it briefly. It shouldn't be difficult to light a fire!
Now that she has agreed, how can she say no at this time? Wouldn't that weaken her momentum?

"Okay, I'll leave that to you."

Lu Ming left the oven with satisfaction and returned to Lin Wan to chat with everyone.

Only Lin Ruyin stayed where she was, looking at the oven, smokeless charcoal, grass clippings, etc. in front of her at a loss.

"How to burn it?" Lin Ruyin said to herself.

At first, he was somewhat concerned about his own image. He used a clip to put some smokeless charcoal into the oven, and then threw in a lot of sawdust and grass shavings. His movements were hesitant, for fear of getting a little black.

After doing this, he carefully lit the wood chips and grass clippings.

I saw that the sawdust and grass chips in the oven immediately burned into a ball of fire.

All right!

Seeing this, Lin Ruyin had a smile on her face and felt that she was done.

"It's so easy to make charcoal! This kind of thing doesn't trouble me at all!"

However, less than ten seconds after she felt proud, the fire ignited by sawdust and grass clippings quickly weakened until it went out.

Take a closer look.

After the grass clippings are burned, the wood chips are slightly red, but the smokeless charcoal underneath has not changed at all!
Originally, she wanted to use a large pile of wood chips and grass chips to burn the smokeless charcoal underneath, but she didn't expect that the wood chips and grass chips would be burned out all at once.

This method obviously doesn’t work!

Lin Ruyin's previous pride disappeared in an instant, and the smile on her face disappeared.

"Ahhh! Why?"

Lin Ruyin began to get irritated. After all, she was just a princess who had lived in fine clothes since she was a child. She didn't know how to burn charcoal and start a fire!

This thing seems simple, but it is really not that easy for inexperienced people to do.

Her reaction quickly caught the attention of the little sisters, who gathered around her.

"Yinyin, what are you doing??"

Chu Yue looked at Lin Ruyin and asked curiously.

"Um, I'm making charcoal. I'm the barbecue master tonight."

As soon as she finished speaking, Wang Lingling's eyes lit up: "Huh? You are a barbecue master. It's quite fun!"

Obviously she is somewhat interested in this matter. After all, barbecue is also considered as making delicious food.

Pan Xiaoman saw the more fundamental question: "Yinyin, why are you a barbecue master?"

She knew Lin Ruyin relatively well. The barbecue was so smoky and tiring and dirty. How could Lin Ruyin be willing to do this according to her personality?
"Uh, that's not important." Lin Ruyin didn't want everyone to know that she was forced by three conditions, so she quickly changed the subject.

"Which of you knows how to burn charcoal? Come and help me!"

Her topic change was quite effective, and the three people's attention was suddenly transferred to how to burn charcoal.

"Let me see, let me see."

All of a sudden, four beauties at the level of goddesses from Shanghai Magic University gathered around the oven and discussed how to burn charcoal...

(End of this chapter)

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