Chapter 592
"Is there too much charcoal?"

“This shouldn’t work, right??”


They are all pretty beauties, Pan Xiaoman, Chu Yue, and Wang Lingling. Although they are not as well-dressed and well-fed as Lin Ruyin, they have been favored by their families since they were young.

Where have you ever come across something like burning charcoal to start a fire? !Like curious babies, everyone came up with ideas to try.

But no one could succeed, and instead they got their hands dirty.

"No, Yin Yin..."

After several failed attempts, Wang Lingling said in frustration.

She originally thought it would be interesting to be a barbecue chef with Lin Ruyin, but she didn't expect that the first step would be so difficult. No matter how they tried it, the charcoal just couldn't burn.

Chu Yue thought it was nothing, so she just joined in the fun and gave it a try.

"If that doesn't work, just ask Senior Lu to help burn the charcoal. Why do you have to do it yourself?"

As soon as she made her suggestion, Lin Ruyin rejected it in a panic.

"No, no, no."

Lin Ruyin had just let go of her bold words to Lu Ming, saying that she could do it, but she really couldn't save her face and look for help.

If they can't do it, why can't they ask for help?
The three of them immediately realized that Lin Ruyin was a little strange and looked at her.

"Well, I mean, I want to try again..."

Realizing that she was about to leak a flaw, Lin Ruyin quickly made up for it.

"I thought of another way, give it a try..."

The three of them began to cooperate with Lin Ruyin to continue burning charcoal...

at the same time.

Xie Di arrived late.

"Sorry, sorry, I went back and overslept..."

Xie Di, the protagonist of the party, made his final appearance and spoke to everyone with an apologetic look on his face.

After returning, he washed up and realized that it was still early, so he thought about taking a rest. Unexpectedly, he fell asleep and missed the time.

It was Zhao Haifeng who woke him up after bombarding him with phone calls.

"It's okay. You haven't had a good rest lately. That's normal."

"Come on, the party hasn't started yet."


Everyone was understanding. They were all close friends who usually interacted with each other. They all knew the reason for this gathering and naturally they would not blame anyone.

Now that Shady is here, the party is ready to officially begin.

Lu Ming glanced towards the oven and spotted four figures.

All they could see were their bodies, each one bent over with his head lowered, which was just hidden by the oven.

"Okay ah?"

Lu Ming muttered and walked over. The party was about to start, so the food had to be served.

Go to the oven.

The four of them seemed to hear the footsteps and raised their heads one after another.

Lu Ming took a look.

The whole person was stunned for a few seconds, and then burst into laughter.


I see.

These four fair-skinned and beautiful goddesses from the University of Magic have now become little kittens one by one.

There are some black charcoal dust and charcoal marks on the fair face, and the hands are also dark, which looks a little cute and very funny at the same time.

The four of them were stunned by Lu Ming's laughter, and they didn't know what happened.


"Yinyin, on your face..."

After they turned their heads and saw each other, they understood what Lu Ming was laughing at.

Lin Ruyin looked at herself with her mobile phone, feeling like she was about to cry.

At first she thought it was very simple. When she started burning charcoal, she was very careful about her appearance and was careful to avoid getting dirty in every move.

But she continued to fail, and gradually she began to forget about image, how to get started easily.That's why it's like this...Similarly, Chu Yue and the others are also like this.

But forget about getting dirty, the most important thing is that the charcoal hasn’t burned yet! !And now he has been caught by Lu Ming!

She just said she could do it...

But other people didn't feel as embarrassed as Lin Ruyin did now. They laughed when they saw Lu Ming and immediately called for help.

"Senior Lu, we can't burn the charcoal no matter how hard we burn it. Please help us."

"All right!"

Lu Ming happily agreed.

Of course, he must agree to it. If he didn't make a fire and continued to wait for them to study, he might not be able to eat anything at the party tonight.

The girls immediately made room for Lu Ming to stand in the center of the oven, and then surrounded him, as if they wanted to carefully observe how to start a fire and burn charcoal.

Lu Ming: "..."

It was really inconvenient to be surrounded like this. He couldn't even turn around and take out the tools.

But they look like they are ready to study seriously...

"Bring the clip here."

Lu Ming simply gave the order, and Wang Lingling on the side immediately picked up the charcoal clip and handed it over.

Taking the charcoal clip, Lu Ming put aside the charcoal they couldn't burn in the oven and explained.

"You made too much charcoal at once..."

Then I only took three or five pieces, and added a little grass and wood chips.

"The gun."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chu Yue was handed over to Lu Ming.

This made Lu Ming sigh, how could he still get such attentive service when he was just making charcoal?

Aiming the musket at a certain point, the grass and wood chips immediately ignited. With the fierce musket fire, after a while, the charcoal began to turn red.

"It's red, it's red!"

Even if a few pieces of charcoal turned red, Chu Yue and the others started to become excited.

They couldn't do it even if they worked for a long time.

"After these pieces of charcoal are burned thoroughly, other charcoal can be stacked on top, so that the already burned charcoal can be used to introduce new charcoal..."

Lu Ming explained while his hands kept moving.

After repeating it several times, I finally got enough charcoal for barbecue. If I need charcoal, I just need to add it directly.

"All right!"

When he was done, Lu Ming put down the charcoal clip in his hand and laid out the barbecue net.

Only then did he realize that the girls around him were looking at him with stars.

"Senior Lu is so awesome! He can also make charcoal."

"Yeah, yeah, I started doing it all at once."


After hearing their words, Lu Ming sneered.

Why don't you just burn some charcoal? What's so admirable about it? You even boast about it.

But how can I put it, this feeling of being admired by little fans is not bad.

"It's actually not that difficult. Have you learned? I'll leave it to you next time." Lu Ming was talking and suddenly glanced to the right.

Seeing Lin Wan walking towards this side, she seemed to be coming to look for him since he hadn't been back for a long time.

So he quickly squeezed out of the encirclement and walked towards Lin Wan.

Although this is smokeless charcoal, and he deliberately placed the oven farther away, in this open-air environment, there will not be a lot of smoke smell on the table.

But I don't want Lin Wan to get close.

"I'll leave this to you. I'll replace you later!" Lu Ming ran away without saying a word.

Although he intended to let Lin Ruyin experience the smoky feeling, he was just playing with her.

She had already guessed that the sisters had a deep love for each other and that the sisters would help her.

I never thought I would let her be the barbecue chef alone for one night...

(End of this chapter)

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