Chapter 594

"The private jet can be handed over??!"

A cry of surprise rang in Lu Ming's ears, and he turned his head to look.

I don't know when Lin Ruyin and the other three had returned from the oven, and the four sisters happened to be next to Lu Ming and Xu Zixin.

It was obvious that their conversation had been overheard by them.

I saw Lin Ruyin's surprised expression with a hint of thought.

Everyone in their dormitory knew that Lu Ming and Lin Wan ordered a private jet.

I just didn’t know that the situation had changed and the private jet could be delivered ahead of schedule, so I was so surprised when I heard it.

Lu Ming could immediately tell what this little girl was thinking from her expression.


Lin Ruyin showed her weakness in the next second.

"When can we go up and visit?"

Although she said that, it seemed that she didn't just want to go up and visit.

"Calculating the time, it will probably take a week or two."

Xu Zixin slightly estimated the delivery and maintenance time, and gave a truthful answer.

Lu Ming exposed her without mercy.

"You just want to visit? Why don't you say you can help me test the flight first?"

Hearing what Lu Ming said, Lin Ruyin's eyes lit up and she followed the words.

"Okay, this is no problem! I've done this for you."

Lu Ming: "..."

He knew that Lin Ruyin could not hear the truth in his words, but he still underestimated Lin Ruyin's face.

Now this little girl didn't even care and climbed up the ladder.

Originally, she wanted to be the first to experience a private jet, but she actually said she was kind enough to help her test the flight.

Anyway, he and Lin Wan wouldn't be able to use a private jet for a long time, so it wouldn't be a problem for Lin Ruyin to be the first to experience it.

But Lu Ming still didn't want to agree to her so easily, and planned to continue to deal with Lin Ruyin.

This was a little fun for him to get along with Lin Ruyin.


"Wow, then for our graduation trip, wouldn't we be able to travel across the country on a private jet?!"

Wang Lingling has already thought about the future.

"Not to mention traveling across the country, you can travel around the world with a private jet."

"That's cool! Then I can make a video of our graduation trip and travel on a private jet. It will definitely go viral!"


After hearing their discussion, Lu Ming remembered that Lin Ruyin and the others were about to graduate.

I heard a while ago that they were planning and discussing a graduation trip. It seemed that this was what Lin Ruyin had in mind after hearing that the private jet could be delivered.

Forget it.

Lu Ming simply refused to amuse Lin Ruyin.

"Well, I'll leave it alone anyway. If you want to use it, just contact Xiaoxin. She will communicate with the aircraft crew."

"Okay, no problem." Xu Zixin agreed.

However, Lin Ruyin was a little confused.

She understood what Lu Ming said just now, but because of the private jet, she was shameless.

Anyway, she is now somewhat invulnerable to Lu Ming, and can accept it calmly regardless of wind and rain.

But she didn't expect Lu Ming to agree so simply.

I originally thought I had to work harder, say more nice things, or owe new conditions or something.

"What are you looking at me for?"

After Lu Ming said this, Lin Ruyin came back to her senses.

Then the four girls hugged each other and had a great time, happily looking forward to their graduation trip with their own private jet.

"Yeah!! That's so cool, then we have to change our graduation travel plans!!"

Lu Ming looked at it, smiled, and walked away.Returning to Lin Wan, seeing Lu Ming coming back, Lin Wan turned to their direction and asked.

"What's wrong? So happy?"

"The Dawn is ready for delivery. They were planning a graduation trip and it will be just in time to use it."

Lu Ming briefly explained.

Lin Wan understood immediately and remembered the days when she and Lu Ming traveled across the country.

"Oh, that's good, it's more convenient for them.

Now that I think about it, the days we used to travel were so wonderful..."

Lin Wan lamented that during the time she and Lu Ming traveled across the country, they saw beautiful scenery, ate delicious food, and made friends. It was an unforgettable memory.

Lu Ming felt the same way.

"Well, when the baby is born, we will go out and play again."

"What about the baby?"

"Bring it to mom! She must be very happy."


After joking for a while, Lu Ming thought of something and suddenly asked.

"Well, honey, we have traveled to so many places, which one impressed you the most?"

"Qingping Village, we went to my hometown for the first time and told you my story.

Moss Island, we took wedding photos, bought you a watch and played stone betting.

Qiandao Lake, the scenery and air there are very good.

Ouyang's island is actually quite fun. There is a fireworks display, an amusement park, and you can see many stars while drifting in the starry sky.


Lin Wan remembered the happy travel memories with Lu Ming very clearly and told them in detail one by one. Even Lu Ming could not remember many details.

However, after listening to it, Lu Ming felt as if he had missed something?But I can't remember it.

"I can only say the one that impressed me the most!" Lu Ming emphasized.

"Don't worry, I haven't finished yet."

Lin Wan didn't forget any part at all. She didn't omit anything. She just left the most impressive part at the end.

"Erhai! Lin Shenjianlu Bar."

After hearing what Lin Wan said, Lu Ming remembered everything in an instant.

Lin Wan continued: "There is a big tree in the bar, we hung cards on it, and you sang me a song.

We also went to see the sunrise, and the sunshine on Jinshan Mountain was really shocking. "

"Why this one?" Lu Ming didn't quite understand why this place was the most impressive.


Lin Wan thought for a moment: "I don't know. That's how I feel."

She couldn't figure it out. Could it be the scenery, the card, or the song?Or both?Anyway, she didn't know how to explain it, so she just didn't know.

Lu Ming just asked casually and didn't pursue it.

"Then we can go there again when we have time. The boss said that we can go back and look at that card again in the future!"

"Yeah okay!"

Lin Wan smiled so happily that she narrowed her eyes and hugged Lu Ming beside her.

Wang Yingying has been by the side and listened to this the whole time. While she couldn't stop consuming CP, she was also shown a lot of affection on her face.

"You two, please chat slowly, I'll go over first."

After saying that, Wang Yingying hurriedly left and went to find her fiancé Zhao Haifeng to make love, so that she could quickly digest the belly of dog food she just stuffed.

"The karaoke machine is here!! Come and sing!"

I don’t know where Xie Di got the portable karaoke machine, and he invited friends to sing.

As a result, singing sounds that were sometimes beautiful and sometimes hard to hear rang out over the city garden.

But one thing that is the same is that under the singing, there is the laughter of Lu Ming and his group.

 Thank you Weiwu Qitian and Long Xiu for your monthly ticket reward!Monday, continue to ask for votes~~
(End of this chapter)

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