Chapter 595 Pregnancy Inspection
As time passed, Lin Wan's belly became bigger and bigger.

Seems a little bigger than normal pregnant women? ?Lu Ming didn't have much experience, but he just felt this way.

Fortunately, Lin Wan was in good physical condition and had very little reaction during pregnancy. She could eat and sleep well, and she could move freely with her belly bulging, which reassured Lu Ming a lot.

"Wife, are you alright?"

Lu Ming ran from downstairs to the bedroom. Today was the day for a prenatal check-up.

Lin Wan just happened to come out of the bathroom, wearing a maternity dress and no makeup. She didn't use makeup since she became pregnant.

"Honey, you are so beautiful." Lu Ming looked at the charming Lin Wan and said sweetly.



Lu Ming argued hard, he was speaking from his heart.

There is nothing wrong with the figure, because my belly has gotten bigger during pregnancy, but at the same time, other places have also gotten bigger!

This is not a bad thing at all!

Coupled with the increasingly mature temperament of a wife and mother, Lin Wan's whole body was like a ripe peach, almost ready to squeeze out water.

It looks sweet and delicious at first glance... Unfortunately, you can only look at it now, not eat it.

Giving Lu Ming a rollicking look, Lin Wan naturally put her arm around him and walked down the stairs together.

After leaving the villa, housekeeper Ma Zong had already driven the Rolls-Royce to the door according to Lu Ming's instructions.

Ever since Lin Wan became pregnant, Lu Ming's car has been a Rolls-Royce, not any of those sports cars. The main thing is stability!

The car started, left the city garden, and drove towards Maria Hospital.

along the way.

Lu Ming's driving speed was also very stable, controlled at around [-], and he did not rush to catch some cars or traffic lights.

Fortunately, the Flying Goddess still has some intimidating power. Almost no car dares to touch it. This is also one of the benefits of Rolls-Royce.

After spending more time than before to arrive at Maria Hospital, Lu Ming and Lin Wan walked towards the obstetric examination department.

This time they didn't have any special privileges to clear the place and provide dedicated services.

After several more prenatal check-ups, I wasn’t as nervous as I was at the beginning. I just regarded it as a normal check-up, so there was no need to make such a big fuss.

What's more, not everyone can come to Maria Hospital, and the flow of people is not as large as that of ordinary hospitals.

As long as you follow the fixed appointment time, you don't have to wait much, and you can start the inspection when you arrive, so whether you have privileges or not is not that important.

"Mr. Lu, Miss Lin, you are here. Doctor Wang Xi is already inside."

Having been here several times, the familiar doctor's assistant greeted Lu Ming and Lin Wan respectfully and opened the examination room door for the two of them.

"Mr. Lu, how is Miss Lin doing lately?"

Seeing Lu Ming and Lin Wan come in, the obstetrician in the examination room put down the documents in his hand, stood up and asked.

She is so enthusiastic partly because she is already very familiar with Lu Ming and Lin Wan, and she is responsible for almost every prenatal check-up.

On the other hand, it is also because almost all the people who can enter and leave Maria Hospital are people with status and status in the city.

Moreover, as the best obstetrician in the hospital, Lu Ming and Lin Wan did not take advantage of their privileges to allow her to serve exclusively.

But Dean Ma Zhixin is a good person, and he had already secretly told her not to neglect her.

"pretty good."

After exchanging pleasantries, the routine inspections and inquiries began. "Have you been feeling any pain in your body recently, or feeling dizzy and weak?"

As soon as the doctor asked, Lu Ming answered immediately.

"I will have a little backache, and I will sleep longer than before, and my appetite will be larger than before."

Lin Wan glanced at Lu Ming. It was clear that the question was for her, a pregnant woman, but Lu Ming rushed to answer it, but he was right.

"Approximately how long did you sleep? Have you continued to move around appropriately recently?"

"It's about ten hours a day. We usually take a 10-minute walk after meals. We used to walk for half an hour, but now we have less time since we have a big belly."

Another question from the doctor was answered by Lu Ming.Lin Wan finally couldn't bear it anymore.


Are you pregnant or am I pregnant? The doctor is asking me, what are you trying to answer? "

After hearing this, Lu Ming smiled and touched his nose.

That's right.

However, he still said harshly: "Then do you think my answer is correct?"

Lin Wan was a little helpless. Putting aside the rush to answer, Lu Ming was indeed absolutely right.

During her pregnancy, Lu Ming took care of her throughout the whole process. There were some things that she knew better than herself, such as how long to sleep.

She herself didn't know how long she slept every day, but Lu Ming could tell.

"Yes, yes, you are right." Lin Wan muttered.

"Okay, I won't answer the question, you tell me."

The obstetrician saw the loving look between Lu Ming and Lin Wan, and couldn't help but smile: "Mr. Lu, Miss Lin has such a good relationship.

I have been an obstetrician for so many years, and I have never seen a husband so familiar with his wife's pregnancy. I must have taken good care of Ms. Lin. Mr. Lu must have taken good care of her. "

When he said this, Wang Xi couldn't help but reveal a hint of envy in his eyes.

What woman wouldn't want to meet such a good man? She has been an obstetrician at Maria Hospital for so many years. When the wives of those rich men are pregnant, how can any rich man accompany her to prenatal check-ups every time?

They were basically other family members, or nannies, or best friends. She had even seen subordinates accompany her, and she almost thought she was her husband, which made a mistake.

Only Lu Ming was there for every prenatal check-up, and he was able to answer every question in every detail.

"Isn't this what it should be? Pregnancy is not a woman's business alone."

Lu Ming shrugged, not thinking that this was something worthy of praise.It is the tradition of their old Lu family to love their wives.

This point came to the doctor Wang Xi's heart, and he nodded solemnly.

"Yeah! Mr. Lu is right, pregnancy is indeed not a woman's problem alone!

Some people think that just because their wife is pregnant, everything will be fine and they can just let go and wait to have the baby.

But pregnancy is a big and painful project. Pregnancy in ten months puts a huge burden on a woman's body, which requires constant help and encouragement from her husband.

Not to mention that when the time comes to give birth, it will be unimaginable pain for men. "

Wang Xi suddenly felt emotional. She had seen too many men who were not very interested in pregnant women. Suddenly she saw Lu Ming, a perfect husband, and couldn't help but say more.

Hearing her experience and emotion, Lu Ming didn't quite understand. He was a good husband, so how could he understand the bad ones.

However, she was more concerned about the pain of giving birth, mainly because she was worried about Lin Wan.

After hearing this, Lin Wan was a little confused.Is pregnancy really that painful?
Why doesn't she feel anything at all? ?
(End of this chapter)

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