Crazy, my blind date kidnapped me to get the certificate

Chapter 596: Communicating across the border

Chapter 596: Communicating across the border
"It's okay... I feel like I didn't feel any discomfort when I was pregnant."

Lin Wan said from the bottom of her heart that she really felt that way.

She also learned a lot of knowledge on her own online, and she was mentally prepared for the painful reactions many people said during pregnancy.

But in fact, she hardly experienced it at all. She only felt that she could sleep and eat better.

At most, she couldn't work every day and had to be taken care of all day long, but she didn't want to do that.

When obstetrician Wang Xi heard this, he was stunned.

What is this Versailles speech? ?
Not only is she an experienced obstetrician, but she is also a mom.

I have seen too much and experienced how hard it is during pregnancy, but Lin Wan said it lightly.

But...she thought about it carefully.

Recalling Lin Wan's many inspections, combined with her usual answers and status, it seems that the facts are indeed what Lin Wan said.

Lin Wan was different from ordinary pregnant women, not only did she not have any painful reactions.

And my husband takes great care of me.

Maybe that's why Lin Wan doesn't feel so painful.

"Maybe Ms. Lin, you have a better physique and are a special case, and Mr. Lu is also very kind to you."

Wang Xi could only explain it this way.

Hearing this, Lu Ming was also thoughtful.

She felt that Lin Wan's physique had something to do with him.

After all, after absorbing so much of his essence, it is possible that his physique will improve.

However, there is no need to delve into this kind of thing, and there is no need to pursue it in depth. Anyway, it is a good thing. At least it is good to Lin Wan now, and she does not have to experience the pain of pregnancy.

"Oh, that's it..."

The gossip ended here, and then Wang Xi conducted some routine inspections on Lin Wan.

Then came the more important item in the prenatal check-up, fetal heart rate monitoring.

Fetal heart rate monitoring is the main detection method to correctly evaluate the condition of the fetus in utero. It can detect the detailed condition of the fetus in utero and diagnose the fetal energy reserve capacity and fetal health status.

With Lu Ming's support, Lin Wan slowly lay down on the instrument bed, exposing her belly.

Wang Xi tied the two probes of the fetal heart rate monitor to corresponding positions. After starting, two lines appeared on the screen of the instrument.

Lu Ming didn't know anything about this at first, but he understood it after coming here a few times.

The upper line represents fetal heart rate, and the lower line represents intrauterine pressure.

After continuing to cooperate for about half an hour, the fetal heart rate monitoring was completed. Wang Xi smiled and said with a smile while unhooking the instrument.

"The fetal heart rate is within 120 to 160 beats/minute. The baby is healthy and there is no problem."

Lu Ming quickly fixed Lin Wan's clothes and helped her up.

As long as there are no problems, although the results of prenatal check-ups have always been like this, prenatal check-ups are still necessary.

In this case, after tidying up a little, Lu Ming and Lin Wan were ready to leave.

"Then Dr. Wang, let's leave now and come back next week."

Now Lin Wan's pregnancy cycle is about 29 weeks, which is more than seven months. At this stage, she has to come to the hospital for prenatal check-ups every two weeks.

After leaving Maria Hospital, Lu Ming and Lin Wan went directly back to City Garden.

When they were just pregnant, they would go out occasionally, but as time went on, the two of them almost never went anywhere except for prenatal check-ups in the hospital.

After returning home, Lin Wan sat down in the living room.

Lu Ming turned around and was about to go to the kitchen to prepare lunch, but was stopped by Lin Wan.

"Husband, wait a minute."

"what happened?"

Lin Wan touched her belly and asked tentatively.

"Has Mom been looking for you lately??"

Lu Ming understood immediately. Ever since Lin Wan told her family about her pregnancy, Liu Yuru had asked if she had any problems or if she needed help.It didn't take much thinking to know that he wanted to come over and take care of Lin Wan, waiting to hold his grandson.

But what Lu Ming is more worried about is that his elders' ancient conception of fertility will conflict with them.

So he kept declining, saying it was still early and he could handle it alone.

But now Lin Wandu is more than seven months pregnant, and her belly is getting bigger and bigger.

"I asked about you a while ago, but I didn't say I was coming over."

"I see, I'm afraid of being rejected by you, so I won't say anything."

Lu Ming did not refute, it was indeed a possibility.

"I think it's time to take my parents over. After a while, I should go to the hospital to give birth.

You can't wait until the baby is born before they see it.Besides, it’s quite tiring for you to take care of me by yourself, and you don’t need to hire anyone. "

Lin Wan expressed her thoughts. Although she was worried about conflicting ideas, it could not always be like this.

And she also considered that it would be harder for Lu Ming to work alone.

"I'm not tired. I don't feel comfortable asking for help! Besides, I don't feel comfortable having an outsider at home."

However, Lu Ming still considered Lin Wan's proposal carefully.

"Well, you're right, let me tell my parents. It just so happens that the Dawn has completed its test flight and maintenance, so we can pick them up."

I originally thought that the first official flight of the Dawn would be Lin Ruyin and her friends' graduation trip, but I didn't expect that it would come in handy in advance, which is good.

Lu Ming agreed, thinking of calling later, and going to prepare lunch now.

Not long after he returned to the kitchen.

"Husband!" Lin Wan exclaimed in the living room.

Lu Ming was so frightened that he quickly dropped the kitchen utensils and ran out of the kitchen to the living room.

"What's wrong?!"

I was afraid something might happen to Lin Wan.

Fortunately, when she came to the living room, Lin Wan was sitting on the sofa safe and sound, still smiling.

"Come and listen! Xi'er is kicking me."

She yelled suddenly just to get Lu Ming to come over quickly and share the situation.

"Let me see."

Lu Ming knelt down and rested his head gently on his stomach, and sure enough he felt some movement.

"Naughty Xi'er! Kick your mother? I won't let you!"

The conversation immediately made Lin Wan laugh, and she also participated.

"Xi'er, did you hear that? Dad said you can't kick."

As the pregnancy cycle increases, the baby develops more fully, and Lin Wan and even Lu Ming can feel the baby's presence.

This makes their feelings more profound.

After playing around for a while, Lu Ming stood up.

"Okay, I'm going to cook. Maybe the baby kicked because he was hungry. You screamed suddenly just now, but it startled me."

After hearing what he said, Lin Wan suddenly stood up.

"Then I'll change my place. I'll sit somewhere where you can see me. You'll feel at ease if you can see me at any time!"

So Lin Wan really came to the restaurant and sat down.

When Lu Ming was making lunch, he turned around and saw Lin Wan immediately.

Lin Wan didn't do anything, she just watched Lu Ming cooking seriously.

Occasionally when their eyes met, they looked at each other and smiled...

(End of this chapter)

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