Chapter 597
Beachside, Yunli's former residence villa.

Lu Jianguo was playing with his newly bought fishing rod in the garden, waving it from time to time to test the feel.

In front of him, there were a dozen other fishing rods of different models and various fishing equipment.

There are many stationery items for typical poor students.

Although his fishing skills are not very good, he is rich and has a complete set of fishing supplies that are neat and in good condition.

"Hmm... Not bad, not bad."

Lu Jianguo played with the new fishing rod with satisfaction. Whether he was fishing or not, he was very satisfied just looking at the equipment he had collected.

But little did he know that danger was approaching.

While Lu Jianguo was taking photos of his new fishing rod and posting them on WeChat, Liu Yuru walked towards the garden step by step.

At a glance, he saw the fishing equipment and Lu Jianguo all over the floor.

At this time, Lu Jianguo had just finished posting to Moments. When he looked up, the smile on his face suddenly froze.

"not good!!"

Lu Jianguo's heart suddenly sounded alarm bells.

He knew that Liu Yuru was in a bad mood recently, and he must not touch her eyebrows at this time.

But just when he was thinking about how to deal with it, it was already too late.

Liu Yuru's voice sounded.

"Lao Lu!! You are playing with these things again! Are you too idle?!
If you don’t go to the restaurant, you’ll be like an old man at home all day long! !


Not surprisingly, Liu Yuru started talking again, and Lu Jianguo had even gotten used to it recently.

During the recent period, Liu Yuru was often in a bad mood. When she was in a bad mood, she would always find trouble with him.

Years of combat experience tell Lu Jianguo that it is best not to react or talk back at this time, just go in with one ear and out with the other.

Although this is quite miserable, it will be even worse if you dare to reply!

But Liu Yuru's next words immediately made Lu Jianguo unsteady and unable to pretend to be deaf and dumb.

"What's so good about fishing? I think it's better not to waste time, just pack up these things, give away what should be given away, and throw away what should be thrown away!!"

Upon hearing this, Lu Jianguo immediately broke his guard.

Can not be done!These equipments are all his treasures. If he is not fishing, he has to take them out to bask in the sun and take a look!

Liu Yuru wants to get rid of them? ?That's not possible!
"No, no, no, Yuru! They are innocent! The restaurant is very prosperous now, why should I go!"

He had to respond to Liu Yuru's words, even she knew this.

Although they opened a restaurant, this restaurant was almost opened for them by Lu Ming.

In order not to burden them, the restaurant introduced a professional team and it is developing very well, with almost no need for them to worry.

So he later developed some hobbies, such as playing chess, fishing, etc. Don't even deprive him of this only fun!
Lu Jianguo knew that he belonged to a fire at the city gate, which affected Chiyu.

It was obviously his son who made Liu Yuru feel bad, but he took the blame himself.

"You little bastard, you killed me!" Lu Jianguo complained in his heart.

But he continued to say: "Yuru, I know you are in a bad mood! But you can't let it go on the fishing rod!

Something is coming for me! "

Liu Yuru: "..."

There was a moment of helplessness, the fishing rods were really Lu Jianguo's treasures, and he would rather be wronged than to protect them.

Being interrupted by him, Liu Yuru's momentum dropped.

Lu Jianguo was a discerning man, so when he saw this, he quickly stepped forward.

"Honey, calm down. Is Lu Ming angry with you again? I'll call him and scold him later!" Liu Yuru was in a bad mood recently, purely because of Lu Ming.

Ever since she found out that Lin Wan was pregnant, she had thought about going to the Magic City, but she was always declined by Lu Ming.

"No! I'm not angry!"

Liu Yuru glared at Lu Jianguo and continued: "Have your sons called you recently? How are they doing?"

"No! He always calls you, why would he call me?"

Lu Jianguo thought it was because Lu Ming called just now and Liu Yuru was rejected again, so he was in a bad mood.

But hearing what she said, the situation was not what he thought.

But no matter what, all he could do was to relieve Liu Yuru.

After all, it was his wife, and he was the one who suffered.

"Honey, why do you have to rush to the Magic City? Why don't you just stay at home and stay comfortably?
Lu Ming has his own plans, so let's not interfere. We will do whatever he says. "

Children and grandchildren have their own blessings. Lu Jianguo is very open-minded about this and feels that his current life is very comfortable.

Although he also wants to have a grandson, he is not like Liu Yuru. Maybe this is the difference in the personalities of men and women.

"I want to see my son, daughter-in-law, and grandson! I didn't go there and didn't interfere!

If I had to go, I would have flown directly to the Magic City by myself, why should I tell you here? ! "

Liu Yuru said angrily. What she said was true. Although she was in a bad mood, she still listened to Lu Ming's words and stayed put.

Lu Jianguo knew that she had always been a sharp-tongued person, so he continued to comfort her and analyze her.

"You said, before Wan'er was not pregnant, Lu Ming always asked us to move to the Magic City, or go to the Magic City to play.

We hate it, but why did he change after Wan'er became pregnant? ? "

When he said this, Liu Yuru couldn't help but think deeply.

yes.This is really worth thinking about.

"I think the reason probably has to do with the pregnancy. You just want to take care of Lin Wan, but he is worried that there will be some conflict with you."

When Lu Jianguo stated his analysis conclusion, he shook his head, looking like a strategist.

I have to say, he really hit the nail on the head.

I don’t know if he is wise and foolish, seeing things through, or if he is really forced to the point where he has no choice but to use up his potential.

"Is that so?" Liu Yuru couldn't help frowning and thinking seriously.

"That's right! After all, the old and new ideas are different. Who will we listen to then?!"

Lu Jianguo continued to export.

"Just listen to them, I'll go over and take a look."

Hearing this, Lu Jianguo couldn't help but laugh. He very doubted the credibility of this sentence.

But this smile was ruined.

"Lu Jianguo, what do you mean? Why are you laughing?" Liu Yuru said angrily. It seemed that she was ignited by this smile.

"Nothing, nothing."

"You..." Just when Liu Yuru was about to continue to get angry, her cell phone suddenly rang.

This made her stop talking, took out her mobile phone, and saw that it was a call from Lu Ming.

"Your son called. Come pick it up."

Instead, she stopped answering the phone and threw the phone to Lin Jianguo.

This call came very timely, and it saved Lu Jianguo, allowing him to temporarily avoid Liu Yuru's anger.

(End of this chapter)

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