Chapter 600 Changing time?

"Senior Lu!"

Chu Yue shouted when she saw Lu Ming coming out of the toilet.

Although Lu Ming was a little frightened when he saw Chu Yue squatting at the door of the toilet, he recovered quickly.

After all, people may come to use the toilet.

"Uh, I'm fine."

Lu Ming wiped his hands with a tissue, passed by Chu Yue, and prepared to return to the living room to continue watching the show.

"Senior Lu!"

But he felt himself being pulled. When he turned around, Chu Yue grabbed his clothes, and then quickly let go.

"I didn't come to the bathroom."

When she said this, Lu Ming, who didn't think anything at all, was immediately stunned.

Not here to use the toilet?
What are you doing in front of the toilet? ?Peeping? ! !
Lu Ming's expression gradually became strange.

Chu Yue seemed to notice this change, she shrunk her neck, raised her hands and waved them, very panicked.

"I, I, I...I'm not! I'm not changing...Hey, I didn't peek!"

Why did her expression and words look more like she was struggling to be caught? ?
After taking a deep breath, Chu Yue finally regained her composure and quickly spoke normally and explained properly.

"Senior Lu, actually I have something to tell you in private.

I never found a chance just now, so I had to follow you out. "

"Oh???" Lu Ming was a little curious. What did Chu Yue want to say to him in private?
"Just tell me."

However, Chu Yue didn't seem to have made up her mind yet. Lu Ming asked her to speak, but she was still a little confused and couldn't speak out.

Rubbing her little hands, curling her lips, taking small steps, all kinds of small movements showed the fluctuations in her heart at this moment.

"Why don't you think about it again?"

Lu Ming suggested that if you haven't thought about it, don't say it.

This seemed to boost Chu Yue's determination. After gritting her teeth and making sure no one was coming, she finally revealed her true intention.

"Senior Lu, it's like this.

The school has informed us of the graduation ceremony and the time to take graduation photos. "

Lu Ming listened.

Although the graduation ceremony and graduation photos arranged by Modu University are different every year, they are roughly at that stage.

He also graduated from Shanghai University, so he naturally knows this.

And he also knew that the time of the graduation ceremony was not fixed, mainly because of scheduling.

Yes.However, this is not a schedule for celebrities, but a schedule for outstanding alumni of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics.

At the annual graduation ceremony, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics will send out invitations to outstanding alumni from all major universities in Shanghai. To put it bluntly, the purpose is to invite students who have developed well to come back and show their appreciation for the school.

One gets a name, the other gets a profit.

Gathering together such a large group of people and arranging a time when everyone is free is just a matter of scheduling.

Lu Ming had received invitations before, but on this occasion, he found it too troublesome and didn't want to go. Every year, the company directly donated money to handle it.

He should also receive an invitation this year, maybe because the company just followed its previous habit.

Lu Ming knew all this, but he still didn't understand why Chu Yue suddenly told him this matter, and why he had to say it in private?

But after hearing what Chu Yue said next, Lu Ming immediately understood.

"But considering the timing of our graduation ceremony and graduation photos, Sister Lin is probably about to give birth and won't be able to attend.

Because of this, Yin Yin has been sad for several days, and has been depressed these days. "

Lu Ming suddenly realized.

"When is the specific time for the graduation ceremony and graduation photos?"

Chu Yue reported the specific time, and Lu Ming did a rough calculation, and it was really true!At this time, Lin Wan would definitely not be able to go.And he had to take care of Lin Wan, so he didn't have time to go.

Lu Ming fell into deep thought for a while.

He originally thought that Lin Ruyin was in such a bad state at night because she was embarrassed to meet her elders.

Now after listening to what Chu Yue said and thinking about it carefully, it seemed that besides being embarrassed, she was also in a bad mood.

That's why he was so silent and unsmiling, otherwise he wouldn't be like this in normal times, at least he would be more enthusiastic.

Chu Yue was also nervously waiting for Lu Ming's response.

As a tipster, she could barely be considered a fat person.

But they really couldn't think of any way to help Lin Ruyin. Chu Yue always felt that Lu Ming was omnipotent, so maybe there was something he could do?

That's why he secretly found Lu Ming and informed him of the matter.

"Okay, let me handle this matter. You can go back and wait for the news."

Hearing what Lu Ming said, Chu Yue shivered and jumped slightly.

"Great!!" She believed Lu Ming. Since Lu Ming said this, it meant that he had a solution.

"All right!"

Chu Yue nodded happily, and then went back like a jumping deer.

Looking at Chu Yue's leaving figure, Lu Ming took out his cell phone.

Now that he knew about this and agreed to Chu Yue, he must have thought of a way.

The graduation ceremony and taking graduation photos are important moments in life. It would be a great regret not to have family and friends attend.

No wonder Lin Ruyin was depressed because of this.

But this regret is not limited to Lin Ruyin. Lu Ming believes that if Lin Wan knew about this, she would definitely regret that she could not attend Lin Ruyin's graduation ceremony.

So for the sake of his wife and this great son, of course Lu Ming had to do his best.

The outgoing call was quickly answered, and Xu Zixin's voice came.

"Hey, Chairman, do you have any orders?"

Lu Ming asked straight to the point: "Has the company received the invitation letter to the graduation ceremony of Mordu University?"

"I got it. According to your instructions, we will express our busy schedule as usual, decline and donate 1000 million yuan."

Xu Zixin's tone changed as she spoke: "Chairman, do you have new ideas??"

Xu Zixin had some guesses in her mind. If Lu Ming had no idea, there would be no need to make a special call to tell him. They would implement it as usual.

"Well! You also know that Wan'er is pregnant now. According to the normal time, she will not be able to attend Yinyin's graduation ceremony..."

Xu Zixin was one of our own and was familiar with everyone, so Lu Ming told her about the matter.

"You go and negotiate with Shanghai University. This time I will attend the graduation ceremony and ask them to adjust the time of the ceremony. It must be postponed for at least a month and a half!
Just a hint, the donation amount can be increased as you like, it’s up to you, the amount of money doesn’t matter, this matter must be negotiated! "

That's right.

Lu Ming wanted to use his money and directly requested that the ceremony be postponed for one and a half months.

He had calculated this time, and Lin Wan should be able to attend by then.

Although it seems difficult to change the confirmed time of the ceremony, Lu Ming believes that as long as the money is available, nothing is impossible!

 Chapter six hundred! !Throw flowers! !salute! !dance! !

  Thank you to the book friends who have supported me all the way here.

  I believe everyone can feel that this book is almost finished, and what I write now is basically trivial things in life.

  So it looks a bit boring.

  Maybe after the baby is born and the [-]-day full-moon ceremony is over, this book will be almost complete, and the family will live a happy life.

  Give this book a perfect happy ending!

(End of this chapter)

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