Chapter 601 Corporate Representative
The next day.

Magic University.

Principal Jin Heyu is handling school affairs in his office.

As the president of a university, he manages the daily affairs of the entire school, including personnel appointments, finance, admissions and employment, etc. His work is quite busy.

But soon a phone call interrupted his work.

"Ring Ling Ling..."

The landline phone on the desk rang. Jin Heyu frowned and picked up the phone.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

His tone was a little impatient, and he was obviously a little annoyed that his work was interrupted by a phone call.

The other party seemed to have heard it, and he spoke a little cautiously: "Principal, there are company representatives visiting."

Jin Heyu frowned even more when he heard that he was a company representative. If the person was a big shot, he would naturally receive him quickly.

But he's just a company representative, so he dares to call him to nag him?
What if company representatives want to see him every day?Then how can he do this job? !

"Just say I'm not free, no..."

Just when Jin and Yugang were about to refuse to meet, a voice continued to come from the phone: "The other party is here on behalf of Hongyan Group..."

When he heard the words "Hongyan Group", Jin Heyu couldn't help but swallow, as if he wanted to choke back the words he just said, so there was silence on the phone for a few seconds.

"Principal??...Really? Missing?"

The other party seemed to know the importance of the Hongyan Group and thought that Jin Heyu was going to refuse the interview.

Jin Heyu: "..."

"Hurry up and invite the representatives of Hongyan Group to come in!!!"

After Jin Heyu shouted, he hung up the phone, stood up from his chair, and straightened his appearance.

Then he opened the office door and stood aside waiting for the arrival of the representatives of Hongyan Group.

While waiting, Jin Heyu couldn't help but complain in his heart.

"Xiao Li is becoming more and more immature in his work! He can't finish his words in one sentence! He almost killed someone!"

Jin Heyu secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He almost refused to meet the representatives of Hongyan Group just now.

That's the Hongyan Group!
He can ignore the company representatives and refuse to meet, but the words of the Hongyan Group representatives are on another level!

If you reject the representative of Hongyan Group due to negligence and are resented by Hongyan Group, then even if their university in Shanghai is the best in Shanghai, even the leading university in China will have to suffer!

Therefore, Jin Heyu rushed to meet him and greeted him at the door in person.

Not long after, a beautiful figure wearing business attire and a neat temperament appeared in Jin Heyu's field of vision.

The person coming was none other than Xu Zixin.

After receiving Lu Ming's request last night, she immediately came to Modou University to discuss matters with President Jin Heyu.

"Hello, Principal Jin, I am Xu Zixin from Hongyan Group."

Xu Zixin was led by the staff to the door of the principal's office and greeted Jin Heyu at the door.

When Jin Heyu saw Xu Zixin's youth and beauty, he responded quickly.

"Hello, Miss Xu, please come inside."

Although he was surprised by Xu Zixin's youth and beauty, Jin Heyu did not dare to neglect her, because no matter how she was personally, after all, she was here on behalf of the Hongyan Group.

After entering the office, Xu Zixin sat on the sofa at Jin Heyu's greeting.After the staff poured tea for the two of them, they left, leaving them alone in the office.

Xu Zixin was polite at first and exchanged greetings.

"Principal Jin, I'm sorry to bother you with this unexpected visit."

Jin Heyu picked up some of the scenes at his fingertips.

"If you ask me where Miss Xu is, I won't bother you at all. Your group is the pride of our Magic City and has a lot of cooperation with our school. It's not too late for us to be happy when you come to the school."

The words are very beautiful, and they are all compliments to Hongyan Group.

"I wonder why Miss Xu came to school this time?"

Jin Heyu asked. After all, Xu Zixin must have something to do before suddenly coming to see him as the principal.

Since he asked this, Xu Zixin directly stated his needs straight to the point.

"Principal Jin, our group does have something to trouble you, or rather the school.

It’s like this, our group has received an invitation letter from the school’s graduation ceremony, and our chairman is interested in attending..."

Say half.

Jin Heyu's surprised voice sounded: "What?! Mr. Lu is willing to attend this graduation ceremony?!"

Before Xu Zixin could express her appeal, she was interrupted by Jin Heyu's uncontrollable exclamation.

Then Jin Heyu immediately realized his problem and apologized.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Miss Xu, I'm just too surprised!"

No wonder Jin Heyu was so shocked. After all, Modu University sends invitations to Hongyan Group every year, but every time it is rejected without any surprise.

So much so that this time, Jin Heyu originally thought it would be the same as in previous years, but never thought about it.

"This is a great thing for us. We very much welcome Mr. Lu to the graduation ceremony. Keep talking, keep talking."

Xu Zixin nodded: "Well, yes. Our chairman intends to participate this year, but... there are some minor troubles."

There was a pause.

Jin Heyu couldn't wait to ask: "What's the trouble? Can we help?"

"Although our chairman would like to attend, due to the busy schedule of the company, the graduation ceremony may have to be postponed for one and a half months!"

This time Xu Zixin explained the purpose of her visit without hesitation, but she was not Lu Ming, so naturally she couldn't say it so forcefully.

He directly asked Modu University to change the time, but he made an excuse and put it in a nicer way.

"What?! Postponed by one and a half months?!!"

But no matter how nice the words were, Jin Heyu was still shocked by this request.

Because this request is really outrageous!

The graduation ceremony time has been arranged and coordinated for a long time, and it was finally decided with great difficulty!
Now the time suddenly needs to be changed, and it’s still delayed by a month and a half? !Not to mention whether their school is willing or not, the opinions and schedules of other guests alone are a big trouble.

"Miss Xu... this... is difficult to handle! You must know that the time of our graduation ceremony has been determined and a notice has been issued. It is difficult to change..."

Jin Heyu said in embarrassment. He did not expect that the trouble Xu Zixin mentioned was such a big trouble.

Postponing the graduation ceremony for one and a half months for one person is indirectly fooling everyone. Is this really okay?
Jin Heyu felt a lot of pressure. He could not agree or refuse. He was in a dilemma.

However, Xu Zixin was not surprised. She had expected this scene, and she faintly stated the conditions she had brought...

(End of this chapter)

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