Chapter 700 Jealous?
Our new company? ? ?

Lu Ming's casual words shocked several people present.

Although Yiyi Dairy is only a small company, it is nothing compared to its own industry.

But why is a cow so popular recently? There are constant promotions online and offline, and it is still out of stock, which makes them somewhat interested.

"This company belongs to our family?? Why do I remember that our family does not have a dairy company??"

Lin Wan was the first to come to her senses. As the hostess, she knew something about the Hongyan Group.

Lu Ming just opened the package, took out a few bottles of milk, and gave one to everyone present.

After Xu Zixin sent it last time, he tasted it and thought it tasted very good.

But it was left in the corner for too long and she forgot to tell her family, so Lin Wan didn't even notice that she had this milk at home.

Lu Ming took out the straw, inserted it and stuffed it into Lin Wan's hand. He also opened another straw and took a deep breath.

It's the taste.

"Yeah, it didn't happen before, but now it does!
This company was newly acquired, and Xiaoxin is now in charge.

That's why she went to Mongolia and stayed there for two or three months...

The milk she delivered last time and this time were all sent to us by her care. "

Lu Ming told the truth, and everyone suddenly realized it.

"Oh, that's right. No wonder Sister Xin is so busy recently. I haven't seen her for a long time."

"Yes, Sister Xin doesn't chat much anymore."


Lin Ruyin and her sister Chu Yue sighed afterwards, finally understanding why Xu Zixin had been so elusive recently.

"Try them all and see how they taste." Lu Ming drank the milk in his hand like a whale, and in a few mouthfuls, he also asked others to drink too.

Everyone obeyed obediently and opened the straws one after another.

"Huh? It tastes good!"

"It feels very different from the milk I drank before!"

"There is a strong smell of milk..."


There is no doubt that a cow's products were quickly evaluated by several of them.

"It's good. From now on, we can drink our own milk at home, so we don't have to buy it."

Lin Wan is also very satisfied with the milk of a cow.

“Wow, we want to drink too!

Mom, there are so many boxes, give some to us! "

Lin Ruyin ran to Lin Wan, took her arm, and started the coquettish technique.

"Yes, this milk is so hard to buy now, we can't even get it!"

Chu Yue, who is the most coquettish, also stepped forward to join in, and even roped in the foodie Wang Lingling. She knew that Wang Lingling must also want it.

The three of them surrounded Lin Wan and kept acting coquettishly to please her, making Lin Wan laugh.

In fact, this is just their way of playing around. Now that everyone has been getting along so well for so long, they are no longer as reserved as before.

Naturally, I dare to ask for something as small as milk. Although I can't buy it now, it's actually not very valuable.

Of course they wouldn't dare to buy expensive things if they were in the past.

"Okay, okay, you can take whatever you want and take some back to drink to supplement your nutrition."

Lin Wan smiled and agreed. Xu Zixin delivered about 20 boxes of milk twice.

In addition, she just bought it online and scheduled it to be shipped in seven days, so it was even more.

Even if they didn't tell them, Lin Wan planned to give some away for them to take back.

"Yeah! Mom, you're the best!"

"Yes, master is the best!" "..."

Lin Ruyin, Chu Yue, Wang Lingling and the others cheered, not just because they got a few cartons of milk, but because of Lin Wanda's concern.

But what they didn't know was that after taking the milk back from Lin Wan, they themselves also received express delivery.

It was also the milk sent to them by Xu Zixin. Xu Zixin did not forget them. Even Wang Yingying, Zhao Haifeng, Xie Di and Zhao Xiyue also got a share.

After figuring out the origin of the express delivery, Lu Ming neatly placed the milk in the corner.

Everyone returned to the living room and sat on the sofa. Lin Ruyin and the others were already playing with baby Xi'er.

The two sisters haven't seen each other for a long time, but they still had a lot of fun.

At this time, Lin Wan asked one more question casually.

"Husband, why is the company suddenly involved in the dairy industry?"

As the former president of Bingshan, although Lin Wan no longer manages the company, Lin Wan's business sensitivity and thinking have not deteriorated.

After what Lu Ming said just now, she could immediately think that the major scandals of YM Dairy Group that she saw on the Internet a while ago were probably the work of her own family.

At the same time, she also knew that the dairy industry had been dominated by the YM Group for a long time, and few latecomers would choose this development direction.

Therefore, it is quite strange that we suddenly have such a dairy company.

You can’t just drink the milk produced by your own company, right?

That would be outrageous.

But Lin Wan didn't expect that she would get an even more outrageous answer from Lu Ming.

"It's not just for baby Xi'er."

As soon as Lu Ming said these words.

Lin Wanmei stared at Lu Ming in surprise, not quite understanding what he said.

How does this have anything to do with Baby Xi'er?

Lin Ruyin and the others also heard these conversations nearby, and couldn't help but be attracted to their attention, and they also looked over.

"What's wrong with baby Guan Xi'er??" Lin Ruyin asked straight to the point.

Lu Ming simply explained it to them from the beginning, lest they were unclear and had to ask more questions.

"When Xi'er was one month old, didn't everyone give her a baby products company and an amusement park~
These became Xi'er's exclusive company, and I thought that Xi'er baby would be able to drink milk powder in a while.

Just set up a dairy company to provide her with milk powder..."

These words answered Lin Wan's doubts very well, but at the same time they also had a big impact on them.

Lin Wan originally thought that her guess just now was outrageous, but she didn't expect the real answer to be outrageous!
In order to provide exclusive milk powder for Xi'er babies, set up a dairy company? !

And he also fought with others under the pressure of the leader of the dairy industry!

"Princess Xi'er???" The shocked Chu Yue looked at the baby Xi'er in front of her and couldn't help shouting.

Isn't this a princess?
Set thousands of pets in one.

Before he was even one year old, he had his own baby products company, dairy company, and amusement park.These are just to serve her better.

Chu Yue couldn't help but suspect that if baby Xi'er wanted stars in the sky, Lu Ming and Lin Wan would be willing to get them for her.

After hearing Chu Yue's words, the ladies around her also felt that what she said was reasonable.

This is really a Xier princess!

Xi'er looked at her four sisters in confusion as they all stared at her. She didn't know what was going on, but her little face smiled even brighter.

After Lin Wan calmed down a little, she couldn't help but said to Lu Ming.

"I thought I had taken good care of Yinyin before, but I didn't expect that my husband, you would spoil Xi'er to no end!
Are you, husband, the legendary slave girl? "

After hearing this, Lu Ming did not make any rebuttal, but instead took Lin Wan to his side and asked.

"Are you jealous?"

(End of this chapter)

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