Chapter 701 Summary

Assistant Niu Gaoyi spoke in a slightly soft voice, sounding very unsure.

It's really because Niu Gaoyi has been moody recently because of the company's affairs. If he is not careful, he will easily suffer.

So I had to be cautious in everything, even speaking with caution.

"Huh?" Niu Gaoyi lay on the chairman's chair with his eyes closed and made a sound without moving his mouth.

"It's time for the meeting, we..."

After hearing this, Niu Gaoyi opened his eyes. The dark circles in his eyes and the energy in his eyes truly showed his fatigue.

You know, although Niu Gaoyi is nearly sixty years old and has some white hair on his head, in the past, he always had bright eyes and an imposing manner.

He doesn't look old-fashioned at all. Instead, he looks powerful and intimidating.

But now, Niu Gaoyi's state was as if he had endured a mental beating, and his whole person had no choice but to decline.

The assistant saw all this and couldn't help but sigh.

He has followed Niu Gaoyi for a long time and has never seen Niu Gaoyi like this.

"The chairman is old, and the company is also old..."

After thinking for a while, Niu Gaoyi had already stood up, and his assistant quickly followed him.

Come to the office.

The group's middle and senior managers are already in place. Although they are relatively young, their mental state is not much better than that of Niu Gaoyi.

It’s all because of the endless meetings and endless work these past few months that have exhausted them both physically and mentally. They are literally working their entire lives away.

Seeing their lifeless looks, Niu Gaoyi didn't say anything. He knew that everyone had been on the same string for a long time.

If he was still as angry as before, they would probably also explode and go home to sleep one by one.


"Hello, Chairman."

Niu Gaoyi sat down and approached the management next to him to greet him.

"After this meeting, everyone will have a day off to go home and have a good rest."

As soon as the words came out.

The entire lifeless conference room suddenly seemed to be injected with a new vitality. Immediately it spread from person to person, and everyone showed joy and became active.

What is work? ?Now they just want to take a break and sleep!

The commotion quickly calmed down, and various departments began to make reports.

"Chairman, the online scandal about our YM Group that lasted for more than two months has stopped.

However, after this incident, the negative impression will still remain in the memories of many netizens. We are currently cooperating with other departments, including the brand department, public welfare department, etc.

Prepare to develop new publicity plans to reshape our brand image among consumers through stories, charitable actions and other plans. "

Director Liu of the Public Relations Department was the first to get up and report, followed by the Sales Department, Finance Department and other departments.

The main purpose of this meeting is a post-war summary, summarizing where the company has suffered recent losses.

Niu Gaoyi had already expected it from the beginning, and the company would definitely suffer a lot of losses this time.

But after hearing all the reports, he couldn't help but grit his teeth. This was not only a huge loss, it was a serious loss of vitality.

The impression of the company's products in the minds of consumers has deteriorated, and the brand's influence has plummeted. This invisible wealth is difficult to estimate.

However, we can get a glimpse from the latest sales data reported. The sales volume of the company's products in various major regions has plummeted by more than 20 percentage points.

This means that nearly 20.00% of their market has been swallowed up by others.

At this level, it is no longer the same as before. Although it can still be called the industry leader, its position is unstable!

What makes Niu Gaoyi even more distressed is that the clear and intuitive wealth evaporates.The plummeting sales volume indicates that this year's profits will definitely be significantly reduced, and at least one or two billion in cash flow will disappear.

The group's stock price also fell by more than ten points during this repetition. This was the result of their frequent stock buybacks.

Adding up the two, at least 30 billion in wealth was lost.

“How is One Cow Dairy doing now?”

After listening to the report, Niu Gaoyi didn't say much. Instead, he immediately asked a cow about the situation of the dairy industry.

As the investigation progressed, it became clear to them now.

This incident was nothing more than the development of a dairy company under the Hongyan Group.

After Niu Gaoyi asked, there was a moment of silence in the conference room, and no one dared to speak up first.

It wasn't until the atmosphere became unbearably awkward that a senior executive reported carefully.

“One Cow Dairy Company has been... quite popular recently.

However, their production capacity is insufficient and they have sold out and have nothing left to sell..."

The executive thought quickly and carefully worded his words to minimize the threat to the dairy industry.

"It's just that now our sales channels are profitable, and many of them have turned to them for cooperation..."

Despite this, how could Niu Gaoyi not know what he was thinking.

Insufficient production capacity?Sold out?That means they are developing very well, and even their own sales channels have been taken over by others.

Even if they didn't report, Niu Gaoyi could still imagine that the dairy market share was taken away by a dairy company.

"Have you investigated? Is there anything you can do?"

Niu Gaoyi went straight to the point and tried to take measures to curb the development of Yiniu Dairy Company.

After your company stabilizes, you must find a way to deal with it, and you cannot let it continue to develop.

Otherwise, 20.00% of the market will be robbed now, and next time it will be thirty or fifty, and even the leading position in the dairy industry will not be guaranteed.

Speaking of this, the senior executives of YM Group actually investigated and discussed it.

The conclusion is that.

"Chairman, we...have nothing to do for the time being."

After finishing speaking, all the middle and senior management couldn't help but lower their heads, for fear of accidentally meeting Niu Gaoyi's eyes.

“Xu Zixin, the newly appointed president of Yiniu Dairy Company, is very capable!
The several subordinates she brought were also very capable. During the period when we were in a state of chaos and had no time to take action, they made great adjustments to the company.

Not only did it make large purchases of several companies to supplement the industrial chain, but it also opened up small online sales channels and successfully made its products famous.

So... currently we have no feasible way to target them..."

The person who reported it was also very helpless. Things have been changing. How many months has it been?The dairy company that they had previously allowed them to cultivate has now become flawless, and all their previous methods are useless.

"Unless...we use some radical means...

But in this case, the Hongyan Group behind them will take action again, and we will not be able to reap the good fruits. "

Niu Gaoyi: "..." I felt tired after hearing this.

If I had known that things would be like this today, it would be better to just agree to their demands directly.

The current results are not much better.If it had agreed earlier, the company might have suffered smaller losses.

If Lu Ming could know what he was thinking, he would definitely say something.

"Wouldn't it be better if you thought of it this way?! It would save me all this trouble..."

(End of this chapter)

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