"Chairman, I have an idea..."

Just when Niu Gaoyi fell into silence, a voice suddenly came from a seat sitting at the end of the conference room.

Everyone looked closely and saw that the people sitting at the end were usually those with lower status in the conference room.

There are very few opportunities to speak during meetings, so the sense of presence is relatively low.

Unexpectedly, today, when all the senior officials feel helpless, someone would brazenly say that he has a solution?

Niu Gaoyi also looked over, looking at the person who just spoke, and saw that he was wearing a white suit and had a very elegant young slut.

In short, he seemed out of place with the elite temperament of the senior executives in the conference room, and looked more like someone who had sneaked in.

In fact, he did sneak in.

Niu Gaoyi saw him and was somewhat impressed by him.

The head of the public department of YM Group is a young son, Xue Kangshi.

I understand everything I understand.

A large company generally needs to have good dealings with Z, F and other major departments, so the company also has a department dedicated to the public.

He is responsible for some reception and interactions with Z and F. In this department, it relies more on certain relationships rather than ability.

Therefore, people in the public sector are generally people who have inextricable connections with various major departments, referred to as related households.

We have these people in the company, and we don’t expect them to help the company develop. We just hope there will be fewer obstacles.

"Oh? Mr. Xue has an idea? Let's talk about it."

Niu Gaoyi didn't hold out any hope either. He just wanted to play three shots if there were dates but no dates.

Since the other party has spoken, it's impossible not to listen. Anyway, if it's not useful, don't use it.

"Then let me tell you my humble opinion..."

Xue Kangshi was a little excited. He seemed to feel that sitting at the end of the speech would affect his speech, and he was unable to highlight his highlight moments.

He simply stood up and spoke.

"Chairman, our YM Group has been rooted in the dairy industry for many years. You are also the president of the Dairy Strategic Development Association...

For emerging dairy companies, it is our unshirkable responsibility to provide care and guidance..."

On the surface, what Xue Kangshi said was very beautiful, and he said all the right words.

But everyone is discerning, and they immediately heard the subtext: this was going to be a different way!
If you can't win the business war in the mall, will you use your power to suppress it?
"I believe that xxxx will also fully support our president's move to care about the dairy market..."

Xue Kangshi rarely spoke in the conference room, but this time he finally talked a lot.

It seemed that because he had been silent for too long before, he finally found a place where he could use his connections and bring out his strengths, so he strongly recommended himself.

"Chairman, don't worry, leave this matter to me."

Niu Gaoyi pondered for a moment, then turned to ask other senior executives for their opinions.

But the senior officials had no choice. Since someone took the initiative and recommended themselves to implement it, they naturally would not stop it.

Anyway, success is a good thing, failure is not their fault.

Seeing that there was no objection from the senior officials, Niu Gaoyi agreed to the other party's suggestion.

"Then leave this matter to Mr. Xue."

"No problem, Chairman, I promise to do it beautifully!"

Xue Kangshi agreed without hesitation. He looked very confident and seemed to feel that he had already won.

Or they are already thinking about how the company will reward them after returning from a big victory.

However, Xue Kangshi's confidence is not groundless; his confidence also has a source. As a dairy company, YM Group is located in Mongolia Province, so their departments, including himself, are all local affiliates.

The total number of related households in their entire department is a considerable force, enough to influence various departments related to the dairy industry.

Even if a cow dairy industry is located deep in the Bran and Desert, it still falls under the jurisdiction of Mon Province and is within the scope of their influence.

If he had been in another place, he really wouldn't have taken this risk.

As for the Hongyan Group, Xue Kangshi had not thought about it.

He felt that although the Hongyan Group was powerful, it was also in terms of business. In this three-thirds of an acre of land in Mongolia Province, the relationship was definitely not as good as his own.

As everyone knows, what Xue Kangshi would consider was also what Niu Gaoyi thought of.

He really didn't expect this at first, but since Xue Kang suddenly volunteered, he came up with a new plan.

In this land, no matter how much wealth you have, you can't compare to the people who hold power.

If he established a huge dairy empire, he would have to recruit people like Xue Kangshi to be responsible for certain relationships.

I don't ask for any special treatment for the company, I just hope it's not targeted at the company.

Therefore, no matter how powerful the Hongyan Group is, if there is no strong relationship, Xue Kangshi's plan should be successful.

Now Niu Gaoyi can't help but hope that Xue Kangshi's unique soldier can bring some trouble to Yiniu Dairy Company and hinder their development.

"Okay, once Mr. Xue succeeds, the company will definitely reward you heavily!"

With such encouragement from Niu Gaoyi, Xue Kangshi's attitude became more positive, and his excitement was visible to the naked eye.

Although part of it is due to the fact that he has been "unappreciated" for too long, but more importantly, the rewards Niu Gaoyi said are very tempting.

After the meeting, I couldn't wait to rush back to their office.

"Liu Xin, Biaozi, come here quickly, I have something good for you!"

Most of the people in this office are the same as Xue Kangshi. Not only are they dressed in fancy clothes, they don't look like people who come to work at all.

There is no work at all in my hands. I am either playing games or shopping online.

"Brother Xue, what's going on?"

The two responded casually, but still followed Xue Kangshi's words and entered his office one after another.

"That's right, I have something I need you to help me with."

Xue Kangshi briefly talked about what happened at the meeting and also expressed his thoughts.

"This matter is not a trivial matter for us, it is something that can be easily grasped!
As long as we go back and ask for a favor and say a few words, it will be enough for the company to drink from it.

We have accomplished something that the entire company and senior management have failed to accomplish, and by then we will have made great achievements! "

Under Xue Kangshi's temptation, Liu Xin and Biaozi's eyes moved slightly, but they had not fully responded yet.

"Brother Xue, this..."

Xue Kangshi waved his hand and continued to persuade in advance.

"The chairman gave us the instructions, and he also said that he will not treat us heroes badly afterwards and will reward them heavily!"

After a set of combination punches, the two of them really had an idea.

Not only can you make meritorious deeds, but you can also get rewards. I don’t know how many Manais will live here, but there are not many opportunities like this.

"That's...ok!" The two agreed.


Xue Kangshi was overjoyed. After chatting for a few more words, the three of them went back to contact their contacts. (End of chapter)

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