Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 172 Encirclement and suppression

Chapter 172 Encirclement and suppression
This year's Dazeshan New Year's Party once again vividly reflected the situation of the farmers.

Lieshan Hall and Chiyou Hall jointly organized it, Shennong Hall and Siyue Hall jointly organized it, and the remaining Gonggong Hall and Kuikui Hall each held their own.

The biggest surprise at this year's Gonggongtang New Year's Party is undoubtedly the news of the birth of the hall leader's eldest son, Lu Qian.

At the banquet, Duan Murong came with her child in her arms and showed it to his subordinates for only one look before retreating. However, the news that the hall master was pregnant still greatly boosted the morale of Gonggong Hall.

As we all know, Hall Master Lu is twenty-one this year, but he has not yet married.Even if there are rumors in the backyard that he has raised dozens of beautiful women, the issue of heirs should be taken into consideration.

The subordinates didn't care at all about who the mother of the eldest son who suddenly appeared was, and what his name was, and they didn't dare to ask any more questions.

As long as the child is indeed the master of the hall, it will be fine.

Although the position of peasant hall master has never been hereditary, in name every peasant disciple has room for advancement from the bottom to the top of the class.

But when power reaches a certain level, priority will definitely be given to one's own heirs when considering successors.Even if the heirs are not capable enough, given Hall Master Lu's current age, in 50 to [-] years there will be an influential Lu family among the farmers.

If their generation is close to Lu Wei himself, and if the next generation is close to Lu Wei's heirs, power can be passed on internally.

After the hall master becomes the leader of heroes, the six hall masters will be reshuffled. Who says that one of them cannot become one of the six places~
There are other celebration activities after the dinner. This year, the machine workshop produced fireworks produced by the farmer, which is enough for everyone to have a good time.

After the dinner, Lu Wei himself only told Lu Qing and Lu Shan to be careful about fire, and then returned to the backyard safely.

Compared to the lively activities of the disciples in the front yard, the backyard looked extremely deserted.

Lu Ni, Xue Nu, Yueshen, Duan Murong and even Ji Yan all have quiet personalities, and Lu Qian in his sleep gives this quietness more reason.

The women gathered around the round table slowly, eating snacks and watching the fireworks in the front yard without saying a word.

Xiao Yan'er was lying next to baby Lu Qian's small wooden bed, quietly watching him sleeping soundly through a thin barrier of Yin and Yang magic.

When Lu Wei arrived, he was immediately stared at by several pairs of beautiful eyes with different styles. He smiled lightly, went directly to the middle seat intentionally vacated by the women and sat down, admiring the flowers blooming in the sky together.
At Yin hour, the hot Daze Mountain became cold and quiet. After the bustle dispersed, Hall Master Lu first personally sent Duan Murong back to Nian Duan's place.

The old doctor looks healthy now, but she has not yet woken up. After the missing energy is replenished bit by bit, she still needs to adapt to herself, which takes time.

Duan Murong was already familiar with the road from the backyard to the doctor's residence. She initially suggested that she could walk alone and not need an escort.

But Lu Wei proposed to go to see Nian Duan's situation and prepare to ask for energy pills after a good year. Xiao Duanmu could not refuse this request.

The night is very cold, and the ecological conditions in Daze Mountain are pretty good. There are unknown birds singing tonight in the forest not far away.

Duan Murong pursed her lips and took the initiative to quietly mention the care of infants and young children.

The knowledge she originally learned about pediatric medicine was not the main thing. She studied a lot in an emergency this month. However, she was still very cautious in her words and clearly stated the issues that she was not capable of and needed to study more seriously.

Lu Wei nodded, not too worried about this: Lu Ni has experience in raising Xiao Yan'er, and is assisted by Duan Murong's medical knowledge. The living conditions in Daze Mountain are very good, and Xiao Qian's parents are himself and Yueshen. He is safe. It's definitely okay to grow up.

As for more specific follow-up arrangements for him, Lu Wei needs to visit Nianduan later and then go back to discuss with Yueshen.

When I arrived at the doctor's cabin, I smelled the fragrance of herbs as soon as I entered the door, which was roughly the same as Duanmu Rong's scent.

Check the pulse and check Nian Duan's condition, and calculate that if he feeds a whole energy pill, the old doctor will be able to wake up within a month.

But if you want to fully recover, it will take half a year of careful maintenance.

After knowing what was going on, the hall master and Duan Murong left the room and came to the corridor: "Dr. Nian Duan is recovering well. I will ask for some energy pills in a few days. She will wake up soon."

"Okay." Duan Murong takes care of Nian Duan every day. She naturally knew this information earlier: "Thank you, Brother Lu."

He lowered his eyes and spoke softly, and the pause in Xiao Duanmu's address had a special meaning.

There is still a slight difference between the fragrance of the Chinese herbal medicine in the hospital and the smell of Duanmu Rong. If you look carefully, you can see that the fragrance of autumn chrysanthemum is more in the tips of her hair.

If you want to ask how Lu Wei knew, of course it was from personal insights.

"Well" Little Duanmu's body stiffened, but the hall master, who had only had a brief taste, had already finished his work, raised his hand to touch her head, and calmly turned around and left.

The little medical fairy was left behind, leaning against the wooden wall, and stayed there for a while. After regaining consciousness, he subconsciously stuck out his tongue and licked his lips.
"I will go north to Yan in seven days."

Lu Wei returned to the backyard and as soon as he entered the Moon God House, the first words of the right guardian of the Yin and Yang family announced his decision to leave.

It was very hurried, but considering her status, she really didn't have much time to stop after giving birth quietly.

"The army of the Qin State will soon surround Jicheng in the next year. Even if the Yin and Yang family is serving the Qin State, there will still be a lot of danger in the chaos."

Lu Wei didn't try to persuade him. He understood the reality of the situation and just took out a bottle of recovery pills prepared in advance from his arms and threw it to the Moon God.

Luna took it without asking what was inside. After putting it away, he calmly walked to the crib and looked at Lu Qian lying down and sleeping: "If I were to go to Jicheng alone to get the box, your worries are indeed possible, but with After the Yin Yang family's Dong Jun reunited, she and I worked together, and it was not difficult to leave when we were in danger."

"Dong Jun? Concubine Yan?" Hall Master Lu came to her side and stared at Xiao Qian together: "Won't being with her bring you greater risks?"

"It used to be." Luna said calmly: "Now, she is just her own revenge tool and does not pose a threat to me."

"On the contrary, it can be used by me."

"Is that so?"

Lu Wei shook his head: "How good is her onmyoji?"

"Even in my current state, she may not be able to defeat me." The right protector of the Yin Yang family is very confident about his own level after the transformation of Yin and Yang in his body.

"That is also at the level of the world's top masters."

“A genius of this level of onmyoji may be blinded by hatred for a moment, but will she really stay in Jicheng for so long just for revenge?”

"You were once competitors and you know each other very well." Lu Wei bluntly told the information he knew: "If you look down on her, you are looking down on yourself."

Hearing these words, Luna's heart moved. She turned to look at Hall Master Lu, who was focused on the child. Her red lips parted slightly: "Your vigilance is very reasonable. I will be more careful."

"About Qian'er," the right guardian of the Yin Yang family considered his words and added: "I checked his qualifications and he is very suitable for learning Yin and Yang techniques."

"The current left guardian of the Yin Yang Family, Star Soul, was originally a minister of the Qin State. Due to his extraordinary talent, he even asked Dong Huang to personally plot him to join the Yin Yang Family."

"And Qian'er's qualifications are only better than those of Xinghun!"

"Do you want him to learn Onmyoji?" The hall master remained calm, while the Moon God nodded slowly: "This is the path that suits him, and it is also the path that can help you."

"Compared to me, you will feel more at ease if Qian'er takes over as the head of the Yin Yang family."

Not necessarily.

Lu Wei thought for a moment and nodded quickly: "He can learn Yin Yang, but he needs to stay in Daze Mountain."

Promise to Moon God first. If there are any special circumstances later, the child will be with you anyway, so you can change it later.

Regarding this request, Luna made a promise: "He will stay in Daze Mountain until he is 15 years old."


Wei Zhuang, the leader of Liusha Organization, and his top master Bai Fenghuang, arrived in Jicheng a long time ago.

However, action has been slow to progress.

Bai Feng knew that Wei Zhuang secretly went to Yan Palace before the New Year, and the owner there was the target of this quicksand mission.

But when Wei Zhuang came back, he announced to him that he would have to wait until a year to kill the target.Before that, Quicksand needs to kill another target.

A woman, a woman from the Yin Yang family.

Bai Feng never talked too much and asked questions. He only followed the orders and moved lightly in Jicheng at night, searching for the female target who was called dangerous by Wei Zhuang.

No one else has time to hide from such a woman, but he takes the initiative to approach her. This is a very dangerous behavior.

However, Bai Feng was very confident in his speed. He was confident that he could evade all enemies if he wanted to.

This kind of speed can only be realized after sacrificing a crow.
After searching for half a month, nothing was found. Except for the urgency of preparing for war, everything else in Jicheng was peaceful.

"Bai Feng, there is no need to search tonight."

Another night, before he was about to go out, Wei Zhuang suddenly said to him: "Tonight we are going to the palace."

"Deal with Yan Dan?"

"No, it's to accept a commission from him."

Bai Feng chuckled silently: Accepting the commission to kill the target?Interesting~
The palace was still deserted. A man in black robe holding Mo Mei brought Liusha and the two people into the palace. Mo Mei was the best proof of identity. Why bother to sneak around.

They didn't say a word all the way, and went straight to the cold palace of the palace.

Before arriving at the destination, the man in black robe finally spoke:

"The target this time is inside."

"Yin Yang Family, Concubine Yan!"

Hearing this name, Bai Feng's eyes flashed: No wonder he searched the whole Jicheng and couldn't find it. It turns out he was hiding in the palace.

He looked at Wei Zhuang, and after receiving an instruction, he quickly headed east, while the man in black robe went to the west.

The three of them want to encircle and destroy the target in the palace!

"Hmph, only three came?"

As the encirclement gradually narrowed, the woman in formal clothes who sensed the murderous intention in the main hall of Leng Palace slowly walked out, snorted coldly, and glanced at the three people disdainfully: "Why don't you send a large army to surround them."

She only stared at the man in black robe.

"The dead speak."

Wei Zhuang pulled out the shark-tooth sword, and Concubine Yan was startled by the bright sword energy.

The man in black robe and Bai Feng did not say anything, but they also showed their weapons.

The aura of the three people made Yin Yang Family Master's confidence no longer sufficient.
(End of this chapter)

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