Chapter 173
Concubine Yan was once known as the most amazing woman in onmyoji, and she stood at the top of the world at a young age, but if she had to face the combination of Shark Tooth, Black Eyebrow and Feather Blade alone, she would die.

In the Cold Palace, the Lord of the Yin Yang Family had laid many Yin Yang magic traps just in case. She knew Yan Dan and knew that if he wanted to kill her, he would be found as long as he was in Jicheng.

Yan Dan's strength is far inferior to that of the Six-Fingered Black Man, and he is not afraid of Concubine Yan in a head-on confrontation. Originally, the only concern was that he, as King of Yan, mobilized troops to encircle and suppress her.

But when the army is mobilized, the movement is very loud, and you can sense it in advance. Secondly, the army composed of ordinary people is suitable for the Yin Yang family to use several types of forbidden arts that are generally lethal and have a huge range.

It is true that Concubine Yan cannot compete head-on with an army of thousands of people. She can lay out Yin Yang traps in advance and kill dozens or even hundreds of people at once without any problem.

After giving Yan Dan such a warning, leaving safely will undoubtedly greatly reduce the face of the new King Yan.

However, now, the arrival of the Quicksand Organization is an unexpected surprise, and those forbidden techniques have very limited effect on masters of this level.

Although the Six Soul Terror Curse was very effective not only against the Mo family, but also against other masters with deep internal strength, she had no chance to use it at the moment. Even if she did, she would not have the chance to get close enough to apply the curse seal.

Concubine Yan is done playing.

I thought that after the death of the Six-Fingered Black Man, no one in the Mo family could beat me, but I ended up being too careless and put myself in danger.

'Where did these two accomplices come from?'

When the relationship between Concubine Yan and Yan Dan broke down due to the marriage issue with the Yan family, Liusha had not yet become a killer organization, and was only the weakest domestic force in South Korea among the seven countries.

Even though the name of Wei Zhuang, the descendant of Guigu, was very loud, before he did something that made him famous in the Seven Kingdoms, the reason why the name was so loud was only because of the name itself and had nothing to do with Wei Zhuang himself.

Concubine Yan has no special reason, and of course she has no intention of paying attention to the members of the organization far away in South Korea.

"They are members of the Quicksand Killer Organization, and the one holding the shark-tooth sword is the successor of this generation of Guigu's horizontal swordsmanship."

Just when a big battle was getting ready, a cold voice suddenly came from behind Wei Zhuang.

"Huh?" Wei Zhuang, the black-robed man Yan Dan, Bai Feng and even Concubine Yan, who was at the center of the whirlpool, all looked in the direction of the sound in surprise:

A woman in formal wear with purple hair tied up and blindfolded by blue gauze stood on the eaves of a high palace with a hand seal.

'It's the Yin Yang family again! Yan Dan's finger muscles clenched the hilt of the Mo Mei sword hard.

'If I didn't make a sound, I would not be aware of this woman's appearance at all. Wei Zhuang's black gold robe and long hair on her chest fluttered gently in the night wind. He raised the corner of his mouth and said with undiminished fighting spirit: "This woman possesses Yin Yang skills that are even better than Dong Jun's!" '

'.' Bai Feng pushed the feather blade in his hand forward a little more. Among all the people present, his internal energy level was the weakest, but he didn't feel any worry in his heart: the strength of internal energy does not represent the true combat power, especially the Onmyoji technique. .

White Phoenix's light kung fu and extremely sharp feather blade are the most suitable martial arts combination for him.In the two years of his career as a killer, his internal strength level was much higher than Bai Feng's target, and he still killed a lot.

The appearance of the Moon God made Concubine Yan look complicated, but she also secretly breathed a sigh of relief: Even though she had always been difficult to deal with, she and the Moon God teamed up and she was fine tonight.

"One of the Guigu disciples of this generation has been reduced to a guard, and the other has actually become a killer."

She regained her composure. Concubine Gai Nie Yan had met her in Xianyang. She was so proud that she also admired Gai Nie's swordsmanship. But now, she deliberately cooperated with Moon God's words to mock Wei Zhuang, who was on Yan Dan's side.

This was also a deliberate attempt to conceal her own surprise at the appearance of the Moon Goddess.

She hasn't appeared for more than a year, and now it appears that this good sister of mine cannot have just come to Jicheng. She is probably waiting for such a time!

In the face of ridicule, Wei Zhuang remained calm, but when someone insulted Guigu's signature, his response was to rush up and comb his hair with shark teeth.

The battle around Leng Gong officially begins with his sword-swinging movements.

Concubine Yan quickly formed a seal on her hands, forming two three-legged golden crows representing the sun with the spirit of Longyou. She took a step back, and the golden crows with the spirit of Longyou bravely faced the shark-tooth sword.
Yan Dan also moved.

He didn't know the strength of the newly appeared purple-haired woman, so he forced Concubine Yan to leave, intending to join forces with Wei Zhuang to quickly kill Dong Jun first, and then free up his hands to deal with those who came after him.

Although it was only the first time to cooperate, Bai Feng saw the situation on the field and immediately understood that his mission was to stop the purple-haired woman's actions.

It's not difficult.

He is very fast. If he deliberately entangles anyone, he will be troubled for a while. He might even be able to wait for an opportunity to kill the target directly!
"Your opponent." Bai Feng stopped in front of the Moon God, but before she could finish her words, the Moon God carved a few special lines on her hand, and she disappeared in front of Bai Feng.
It's not a body technique, it's a special Yin Yang technique!

Turning around hurriedly, he saw Concubine Yan on the other side of the battlefield, ignoring Yan Dan who was attacking from the side. She drew the same lines on her hands as the Moon God. The Moon God appeared out of thin air beside her like a trance, raising her hand to block Mo Mei's attack.

The shark teeth killed the two entangled three-legged Golden Crows, but then Concubine Yan used Longyou's energy to transform into a third Golden Crow, much larger than the first two, blocking Wei Zhuang again.

Yan Dan did not dare to let Mo Mei touch the purple-haired Moon God's fingers for too long. He turned around and sheathed the sword. At the same time, the Mo family's mental technique exploded, using the "Mo Tu Bu Qian" in the Moh family's sword technique, and threads of black sword energy flowed out. Keep attacking your opponent.

The dark purple pupils under the Moon God's gauze were dull, and the cold gallbladder curse condensed into a ball on the fingertips that had not been retracted. After absorbing all the sword energy, they returned it to Yan Dan.

Yan Dan was shocked and was forced to retreat from a distance.

After Bai Feng arrived, he accurately found the back of Concubine Yan's neck, who was distractedly controlling Hun Xi Long You, and cut off the feather blade.
Murderous intent came from behind. Concubine Yan remained motionless, but a sneer flowed from the corner of her mouth. The moment the feather blade was scratched on the back of her neck, a three-legged golden crow suddenly jumped out. The burning sensation in it and the feather blade wanted to touch, and the latter only felt His palms seemed to be holding live coals, and he hurriedly retreated.

At this time, Wei Zhuang clearly felt that the power of the three-legged Golden Crow in front of him had been taken away a little, so he seized the opportunity to speed up and avoid the Golden Crow, and used the shark's teeth to cross the four directions and go straight to Yan Fei's throat.

However, the Moon God who forced Yan Dan back has now freed up her hands and turned around. She and Yan Fei touched each other's palms. They both pointed at the single shark tooth at the same time. The sun and the moon shine together when Dong Jun and the Moon God join forces, and Wei Zhuang is alone. How can we compete with each other?
With a muffled thud, the descendant of Guigu was hit hard and flew away. There was a little blood on the flying trajectory.

Whether facing Dong Jun alone, Moon God alone, or facing other enemies of equal strength to the two of them, Wei Zhuang would not be in such a panic.

However, although the two sisters of the Yin and Yang family have been enemies for many years in the past, when they join forces, the sun and moon of Yin and Yang are complementary to each other. Even if they act hastily, they can exert a power far beyond their own strength.

Yan Dan's black robe was as heavy as water when he retreated. Seeing Wei Zhuang struggling to stand up, he understood that it was not that they did not cooperate well in this battle, but that the two girls from the Yin Yang family complemented each other very well.

Taking out a signal tube from his arms, Yan Dan released the preliminary plan.

As the fireworks rose, thousands of torches outside the palace were lit in unison, quickly approaching the location of the Leng Palace.

"Let's go! The Yan army's siege has not yet taken shape." Yueshen silently sensed his physical condition, turned around and floated away.Concubine Yan didn't stay too long. She looked at Yan Dan who was retreating, waved her sleeves and left together.

The two evaded the army and arrived at a temporary residence in the city.

"This is!"

As soon as she entered the door, Concubine Yan was surprised by the copper box on the table.

"The one that belongs to the Yan Kingdom. I took it out from the palace when they went to surround you."

Luna said calmly.

"When did you come to Jicheng, and why have you not contacted me just because of this box?" Dong Jun glanced at the 'good sister', sat down, and observed the copper box closely.

"This is not important. What is important is that His Excellency Donghuang's request has been completed. We will return to Yin Yang's house next."

Mr. Right Protector thinks wholeheartedly about the Yin Yang family.

"Since you don't want to kill Yan Dan now, and your next target is Mojia City, it is useless to stay in Jicheng now."

"Okay, I will go back with you to meet His Excellency Donghuang."

Dongjun's eyes were fixed on the copper box, and he nodded in agreement to Luna's proposal.


The disturbance in the palace spread throughout Jicheng the next day.

Not long after the death of the last King Yan, the struggle between the prince and the powerful ended, not long after, another war broke out in the palace.

Fortunately, no one died this time, and according to the soldiers who participated last night, they did not encounter any enemies and this was just an emergency drill.

In the battle with the two daughters of the Yin Yang family, Wei Zhuang, who was in charge of the main attack, was the most seriously injured. White Phoenix's right hand meridians were slightly damaged in the sneak attack and needed a long time to recover.

As the planner, Yan Dan only had unstable internal energy and no specific injuries.

Instead of calling the palace physician, he simply used the Mo family's internal energy to briefly treat their injuries.

"I'm curious, what did you do to make the Yin Yang family send these two women as enemies?"

Wei Zhuang did not sit paralyzed for too long. After he stood up tenaciously, he stood upright holding the shark-tooth sword: "The intelligence is wrong, and you need to bear full responsibility for it."

"I know I will pay three times the price based on the mission's success."

Yan Dan frowned as he recalled this failed encirclement and suppression campaign.

When he was close to Concubine Yan, Concubine Yan rarely described the internal affairs of the Yin Yang family to him. The purple-haired woman who came this time cooperated so closely with Concubine Yan in the battle, and I am afraid that tonight was a trap from the beginning.

"As for why the Yin Yang family sent such two women to Yan country, it can only be for one reason, and they have already succeeded."

When Yan Dan said this, his face darkened.

The box inherited by the Yan Kingdom has been lost.

"Canglong Qisu!"

Wei Zhuang added what Yan Dan had not said, he also knew the secret.
A month later, no new mutations occurred in Jicheng.

Concubine Yan and the purple-haired woman disappeared. This time Yan Dan believed that they had really left the Yan Kingdom.

After all, once you get the thing, you really have no value left in it that is worthy of Mr. Dongjun of the Yin-Yang Family to waste any more time.

She couldn't really hate herself because of the love that seemed so false now.

In mid-February, the border troops came to report that the Qin troops were dispatched.

"It's not appropriate for you to stay in the palace any longer. I think Quicksand can solve the problem of accommodation in the city by itself."

Yan Dan stood on the highest floor of the Golden Platform and looked down at the entire city. He did not turn around when he heard the footsteps behind him.

"According to the agreement, quicksand will take your life after one year."

"I know, this is a mutual agreement between Liusha, me, and that Lord Changping."

Looking at the Yan people walking hurriedly on the street, Yan Dan smiled rarely: "You and Mr. Changping have another plan in Xinzheng?"

"It's none of your business."

The footsteps disappeared, and so did Wei Zhuang's voice.

Qin's black armored soldiers crossed Yishui in mighty force, and towns along the way fell one after another. The leader of the attack on Yan State this time was the veteran general Meng Wu. The king's order he received was to take Jicheng directly, and try to capture King Dan of Yan alive after the city was broken. !

This is not an easy task to accomplish. Meng Wu clearly thinks that he may not be able to complete the task, but he needs to show the king that he wants to complete the task with all his strength.

Until arriving at Jicheng, the Qin army did not suffer much losses.

Jicheng is the only obstacle.

However, the king gave him enough time for one year to advance steadily, which was not a problem for the powerful Qin Dynasty.

This year, except for the blood-stained city walls of Ji City, the rest of the world is generally peaceful. If you ignore the hungry people and corpses wandering on both sides of the road.

In Daze Mountain, the hall master has not been idle since the Moon God left. He has said before that if he wants to be busy, he will never be able to finish his work.

The eldest son, Xiao Qian, still mainly sleeps throughout the day. In a few years, he will be left in the backyard because he is too young.

Lu Wei would occasionally play with him, but as for the troublesome care work, professionals should still be responsible for it.

Dr. Nianduan regained consciousness at the end of January as expected.

When he first opened his eyes, the old doctor's eyes were blank.

Before her vision went dark and she fell into unconsciousness at Jinghu Medical Village, she actually knew she was going to die.

But what is the situation now?
It wasn't until little Duanmu rushed forward with red eyes and cried bitterly for a while that Nian Duan came back to his senses.

Afterwards, he learned from his disciple that he was saved by the farmer's elixir found by Lu Wei. The old doctor understood that he and the young disciple were inseparable from Gonggong Hall.

Especially the shyness in the young disciple's eyes when he mentioned 'Brother Lu'.
She was well-informed and sighed, but quickly accepted it calmly. This was already the case. She still owed someone else her life. What else could she do?
Two hours later, Lu Wei came to visit Nian Duan when she woke up. During the conversation, he noticed that Nian Duan had "accepted her fate" and then directly extended an invitation to her, hoping that she could become a farmer's doctor.

Nian Duan calmly agreed while little Duanmu watched nervously.

Gonggongtang now has the only doctor in the world who can be called a master!
The foundation is greatly enhanced!

After the master of the hall solved the doctor's plan, the next talent he wanted to pursue was Wei Guo Xiaomeng.
(End of this chapter)

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