Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 200 Taking Poison Pill

Chapter 200 Taking Poison Pill
Yun Zhongjun is busy refining elixirs for King Qin.

He is an ambitious man.

After the Mirage Plan was proposed, the supreme rulers of the Qin State and the Yin-Yang Family all hoped to find overseas fairy mountains through this plan and realize their wishes of immortality or the revival of the Zhou Dynasty.

As the specific person in charge of this project, how could Yun Zhongjun not covet the ability of Xianshan to fulfill wishes?

Whether it's immortality or Donghuang's mysterious plan, Yun Zhongjun is not interested in any of these. In the future, he will definitely be the owner of the mirage ship and the No. 1 person to contact the Immortal Mountain!
Regarding the Immortal Mountain, Yun Zhongjun is not very greedy: he wants to become an immortal.

As long as he becomes an invincible immortal in the world, the so-called Qin State, the Yin-Yang Family, and hundreds of other schools will all crawl at his feet!

In order to realize this wish, he now needs to work hard for the Yin and Yang family and work hard to make elixirs for King Qin.

If you want to succeed, you must work hard.If Yun Zhongjun had no ideals, he could live a peaceful life, but he has ambitions, and the ambition is to become the only immortal in the world.

Xu Fu adjusted his breath and internal energy, and the alchemy furnace ceased fire.The elixir inside has been formed, but it still needs to be heated with residual temperature to lock in the potency, and it will take some time before the elixir can be obtained.

"Yun Zhongjun's alchemy skills are truly unparalleled in the world." A sudden burst of applause came from behind, shocking Xu Fu.

My alchemy room was invaded again without any sound.
He turned around and saw the short Guardian Zuo approaching him with an evil smile: "Not long after I came back from inspecting the mirage at the seaside, I have been so diligent in refining the fifth furnace of elixir for King Qin. No wonder I am so popular with King Qin." appreciation."

"Master Xinghun is joking." Yun Zhongjun was extremely shocked. Although the young man in front of him was the Zuo Protector, after all, he had only joined the Yin Yang family for a few years.

Last time the Moon Goddess appeared quietly in his alchemy room, Yun Zhongjun was able to accept that her strength far exceeded his own.

After all, even though the woman was less than half his age, she had already surpassed him in onmyoji arts when she was in her early teens. Over the years, Xu Fu had become accustomed to her improving by leaps and bounds every once in a while.

However, when Xinghun was introduced, Yun Zhongjun was there to witness it: in his eyes, Xinghun at that time could be easily crushed to death.
Now this young man actually gave me a feeling that was as unfathomable as that of the Moon Goddess woman.
"It is His Excellency Donghuang's order to make elixirs for King Qin. His Excellency Donghuang's request, how dare I not do my best."

The last woman who said she was loyal to Donghuang gave her the secret technique of hating the Yin-Yang family. Now this old guy also said that he was loyal to Donghuang. Isn’t he also a traitor with evil intentions in his heart~
"Yun Zhongjun is interested~" Xinghun smiled even brighter, but combined with the strange patterns on his face, Xu Fu felt a chill in his heart: "It is indeed important to make elixirs for King Qin, but I don't know if Yun Zhongjun has free time. Also make a batch of elixirs for me?"

"I shall obey Lord Xinghun's entrustment."

After driving away the fear in his heart, Xu Fu chuckled twice and didn't ask what he wanted to practice. He just agreed.

As the best alchemist in the world, Xu Fu was very proud of this: if there was any kind of pill that he couldn't make, then that pill itself was a mistake.

In addition to making elixirs for King Qin, it is also one of Yun Zhongjun's responsibilities to make elixirs for fellow members of the Yin and Yang family.Xinghun himself is the Zuo Protector, and his status is higher than him. Now his attainments in Yin and Yang are also higher than his. Yun Zhongjun is very happy to form a good relationship.

After all, compared to Moon God, Star Soul and him are generally the same kind who joined the Yin Yang family from outside halfway.

"I don't know what kind of elixir Master Xinghun needs to refine. I might as well go to the treasure house and prepare the materials in advance."

Theoretically, anyone who comes to him to make elixirs must bring their own medicinal materials, but Xinghun is the left guardian of the Yin and Yang family, and he has certain rights to use the materials in the treasure house. Yun Zhongjun only needs to go to the treasure house to collect materials and report the name of Xinghun, and return them in the meantime. You can help yourself get a little more.

"Don't bother Yun Zhongjun, I've already brought the materials."

Xinghun stretched out his left hand behind his back and opened a small box: the box was divided into five equal compartments, and each compartment contained a kind of medicinal material.

"This" Xu Fu looked at the contents of the box, and subconsciously looked around the box to look at Xinghun who was smiling evilly, and his tone became hesitant:

"Master Xinghun wants to refine the Qingming Pill?"

In alchemy, in most cases, the more medicinal materials used, the more precious the elixir is.

Although there are a few precious elixirs that only use a few or even one medicinal material as the main ingredient, those are extremely rare.

The five medicinal materials in Xinghun's hands were of ordinary quality and even more ordinary types.Just by looking at the configuration, Xu Fu accurately named the elixir Zuo Protector wanted to refine.

Qingming Pill is a very simple auxiliary pill that can help people's brains stay focused for a period of time without excessive noise.

It may have some effect on ordinary disciples, but it is completely useless to a genius of Xinghun's level.

Moreover, for this kind of elixir, no one in the Jin Department of the Yin Yang Family needs Wu Ling Xuantong to take action, and there are many ordinary disciples who can practice it.

It seems vaguely humiliating to ask Xu Fu, a minister of Jin, to master such low-level elixirs?

"Yes, it's the Qingming Pill." Xinghun nodded: "Yun Zhongjun should be able to master this pill very quickly."

"There is a large amount of Qingming Dan stored in the treasure house. Lord Xinghun can take it directly from the treasure house. It is better not to waste these medicinal materials."

Xu Fu's tone became much colder.

"If it were just an ordinary Qingming Pill, why would I bother Mr. Yun Zhong to take action?" Xinghun's expression remained unchanged, and he walked around the alchemy room holding the wooden box: "These medicinal materials were unintentionally collected during my travels this year. The ones we got, some say they were poisoned, and if they could be extracted, they would be priceless."

"I am very interested in this poison. This box of medicinal materials cost twenty gold to purchase. I would like to trouble Yun Zhongjun to help me check it."

A series of false lies, uttered from the mouth of a character like Xinghun, adds natural credibility. "Oh, let me take a look."

Lord Protector Zuo said so. Yun Zhongjun took the wooden box and carefully turned over the medicinal materials inside with his special inner energy. He frowned, reached out and gently folded the five types of medicinal materials into small sections and spread them on the table. .

Then, he took out a small white porcelain bottle from his arms, and very carefully and preciously dropped a drop of each of the five medicinal materials.

After waiting quietly for a third of the incense stick time, Yun Zhongjun closed his eyes and shook his head: "Master Xinghun was deceived. These are normal medicinal materials and there is no poison in them."

"Is there a possibility that they are non-toxic now, but after being made into elixirs, toxicity will be condensed in the elixirs?"

"The likelihood of that is low."

Xu Fu thought for a while, and then simply tested it directly for Xinghun to check. Anyway, a furnace of Qingming Pill does not consume much energy.

He reopened a brand new alchemy furnace and heated it at the internal temperature. He threw the five types of medicinal materials in and went about it with ease. During this period, he also distractedly discussed some onmyoji issues with Xinghun. Soon, 28 Qingming pills were produced in one furnace. Dan was released.

Ordinary alchemists would never be able to do it as easily and freely as Xu Fu, nor could they achieve such a high rate of elixir formation. He almost didn't waste any of the medicine's power.

"There is absolutely no poison in this elixir. I checked it thoroughly during the alchemy process. It is just an ordinary high-grade Qingming elixir."

He took out the medicine bottle and put the round pills as small as a little fingernail into it. In order to prove that what he said was true, Xu Fu deliberately left one behind and drank it in front of Xinghun.

"Oh?" Xinghun took the medicine bottle from the opponent's hand. He knew very well that he had mixed the half bottle of colorless and odorless poison he got from Lu Wei into the medicinal materials.

That bottle of poison was very poisonous. Half of the bottle of Star Soul Experiment poisoned two experimenters to death. Due to their different personal constitutions, they died from different drugs.

Yun Zhongjun really can't find out the toxicity of this.

Xinghun poured out a Qingming Pill. The round little white pill was quite cute.As soon as his thoughts changed, he took one himself. In order to ensure that he could poison King Qin in the future, the best test subject now was of course himself!
After doing the digestion, no abnormalities were found.
"Excuse me, Mr. Yun Zhong, I was indeed deceived."

After Xinghun said this, he turned around and walked out of the alchemy room without waiting for Yun Zhongjun's reaction.

At the edge of the Yin-Yang Family headquarters, he casually grabbed an ordinary Yin-Yang Family disciple and used Yin-Yang Puppetry to control him and force him to take the bottle of Qingming Pill one by one. After taking twenty pills in a row, the disciple suddenly choked and died suddenly. and die
There is no problem with the poison, but it cannot be detected and it is impossible to prevent it.
"Wonderful, wonderful!" After disposing of the body, Xinghun, who had no doubts about Lu Wei's poison, only had to obtain King Qin's physical information to calculate the dosage~
'That bottle of powder has been used up, and the remaining six Qingming Pills can only poison ordinary people.'

Xinghun looked down at the medicine bottle, pondered for a while, and suddenly stuffed the remaining Qingming Pills into his mouth one by one.
During this period, he carefully monitored his physical condition and found nothing abnormal.

'The accumulation of medicinal power has not revealed any flaws, which is really great! '

"I have taken control of King Qin's life, just like he took control of the lives of my family in the past~"

Xinghun was planning when he would go to Daze Mountain again to find Lu Wei. On the one hand, he would have a bottle of poison ready to attack the King of Qin at any time. On the other hand, he had taken seven Qingming tablets in total. The pill's poison is admittedly not poisonous enough to kill the Zuo Protector of the Yin Yang Family, but poison in the body is always a hidden danger.

According to the order of the Eastern Emperor, he had to accompany the Qin army when they set out to conquer Wei.

The purpose of accompanying him is for the share of Canglong Qisu held by Wei State. Although it is Xinghun's mission to wash away his hatred against the Yin and Yang family, for long-term considerations, he needs to work hard to fight for Canglong Qisu.

In this way, we can't be distracted by a trip to Daze Mountain. We can only wait for Qin to destroy Qi and seek opportunities.

In the Jinghu Medical Village, Xiao Yan'er, with her hair down, turned to look at the medical fairy sister who was staring at him with her arms folded. She gave a bright smile, filled a bowl of white crane soup, and carefully carried it into sister Xue Nu's room.

"Xiao Yan'er is so good!"

Xue Nu took a sip of the clear soup under Lu Ni's care. After being pleasantly surprised by the delicious taste, she couldn't help but curiously asked: "What kind of soup is this?"

"Little white soup!"

Ji Yan held Gou'er with his hands behind his back and answered seriously.

"Xiaobai soup? Xiaobai soup!"

Reciting this name strangely, Xue Nu's face opened up like the maid who saw Bai He when she died. Lu Ni was also surprised. Fortunately, she held the bowl steady in her hand and did not spill the soup.

"Yes, I read in Sister Duanmu's medical book that White Crane Ginseng Soup is very nourishing, so I made the soup from Xiaobai."

The timid tone came from the little girl's mouth. After hearing this, Xue Nu glanced at the bowl of soup, feeling distressed and raised her hand to touch Ji Yan's hair:

"I'm sorry for you. I'm well taken care of by your sister Duanmu. It's okay if I don't need this soup."

"This is what Xiaobai and I want. Xiaobai must also hope that Sister Xuenu will be well!" Ji Yan said obediently.

Regarding the white crane that often played near the doctor's village and whose grace she incorporated into her dance, the snow girl was the one who regretted its death the most among the people present.

However, Xiao Yan'er's thoughts were obviously much more important than a dead crane. After drinking another mouthful of crane soup, the Snow Girl stroked her belly and raised her eyes to look at the silent hall master beside her:
"Yan'er is so good, let's call this child He, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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