Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 201: Aiding Chu to prepare for war

Chapter 201: Aiding Chu to prepare for war
Lord Changping led the Xianyang army to Xinzheng with the expectation of King Qin.

He did not lead many troops on this trip, but his authority was considerable.Not only can the defenders of Korean cities be properly mobilized, but at critical moments, they can also ask for help from Wang Ben's army who is preparing to attack Wei.

The main purpose of this trip to counter the rebellion is to appease the people's hearts and minds, and only eliminate the chief culprits, regardless of those who follow them.

At least temporarily.

After all, this rebellion was an operation destined to fail. None of South Korea's top dignitaries who had fled abroad came back to participate. In essence, it was just a group of cannon fodder instigated by Quicksand in an attempt to use rebellion to force Qin to restore their power as they had in old Korea.

Perhaps there are also idealists among them who really want to restore the country. They do not have enough ability and only act on impulse.

Perhaps there are also lower-level people who are extremely unaccustomed to the harsh Qin laws.Life in South Korea was indeed difficult in the past, but it was not as easy as it is now to become a criminal. If you have no money to pay, you can only join the army or become a laborer to pay off your debts.

In the eyes of King Qin, this rebellion was destined to fail because it was too small, no more than one city.It was precisely because he was worried that the scale of the rebellion would expand to other nearby towns and even Zhao and Yan that he advocated a certain degree of mercy this time.

In the eyes of Lord Changping, this rebellion was doomed to fail simply because the purpose of its occurrence was to enable him to achieve success in quelling the rebellion, and then in the future, when Qin attacked Chu, he would launch changes in the old occupied lands of Chu. King Qin remembered this lesson and had to let himself set foot on the Chu soil to 'pacify' the people's hearts again.

The commander of the rebellion: Quicksand, after arriving with his own army, should be a little tentative, but in the end he will give up on the old dignitaries who set out to die, and promote the next step of the Qinglong Plan.

In the aftermath of the leaderless chaos in Xinzheng, Mr. Changping only needs to sort out the situation and sort it out.

The owner of Quicksand, Wei Zhuang, had been wanting to see him since he was approached by Changping Lord's dead men for cooperation when Korea was destroyed four years ago.

This counterinsurgency will also be his first meeting with this Guigu disciple.

Speaking of which, another Guigu disciple, Gai Nie, has been serving Qin.

Although Changping Jun and his colleague didn't talk much on weekdays in Xianyang, they were relatively familiar with each other.Changping Jun, who worked hard to explore the shortcomings of Ying Zheng, discovered very early that Gai Nie had ridiculous, sad and admirable idealism in his heart. This man and Qin were destined not to end up together, but at least before the unification of Qin, he Will stick to his responsibilities.

Only when Gai Nie was truly disappointed and found that Da Qin was not the paradise he had in mind where there was no war and people could live and work in peace and contentment, would he take the initiative to leave King Qin.

Although this sword master cannot be used yet, if Chu's Blue Dragon Plan fails and he dies in battle, the successors of the Blue Dragon Plan in the future can unite with Gai Nie when facing the unification of Qin.

Even if we are in Guigu Zongheng, we can still cooperate together.
Just like, myself and the snare are the same!
Thinking of this, Lord Changping, who was in the marching carriage, opened the curtain and stared at the black-armored Qin army outside. His belief in defeating Qin became stronger:

He has an unfamiliar relationship with Zhao Gao, the leader of Luowang. Luowang has always been a powerful tool for the Qin State to suppress anti-Qin forces. He once belonged to Lu Buwei, the Marquis of Wenxin.

After Lu Buwei's death, different representative forces in the network carried out a purge of internal fighting. In the end, Zhao Gao, the eunuch who firmly supported the King of Qin, won.

Luo Wang suffered a lot of losses in internal fighting. Gan Luo, a child prodigy who went to Zhao as a young envoy a few years ago, was one of the victims of internal fighting.

But the price paid has made the core layer more cohesive, and the development potential is more terrifying than before.

From then on, this force ostensibly belonged only to Qin King Ying Zheng, who later entrusted the increasingly favored minister Li Si to control the snare operation.Therefore, Lord Changping has always regarded Luo Wang as the biggest enemy of the anti-Qin forces at the Jianghu level.

In this Xinzheng rebellion, the precautions against the "all-pervasive net" were raised to the highest level before the plan began. However, what Liusha and he never expected was that the net not only did not become an obstacle this time, but actually deliberately created They cover up the suspicion.

This made Chang Pingjun realize: Luo Sheng has two intentions!

Regardless of what these two intentions are, knowing this, the subsequent formulation of anti-Qin plans will be more beneficial to one's own side.

Xiong Qi has no direct contact with Luo Wang, and there is no possibility of direct contact.

But after Xinzheng's incident, the other party will have doubts about him.

But since he is Lord Changping of Great Qin, this suspicion can only be a suspicion.

After all, even Xiong Qi himself could not imagine that it had been nearly 20 years since he laid out the farmhouse and Chu land before Ying Zheng took office.

These 20 years of lurking required the blood of at least 20 black-armored Qin troops to take care of them.

The majestic counter-rebellion army arrived at the gates of Xinzheng City, and the old Korean capital with closed gates on all sides was now a little more bleak.

The emergency-produced 'Han' flag drooped listlessly, and the air was filled with dull pressure.

On the wall of Xinzheng city, the rebel general responsible for defending the city was a former lieutenant under Wei Zhuang who participated in the Battle of Dahe. He survived that battle and continues to live to this day.

However, once again facing the overwhelming Qin army, he couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva and feel fear in his heart.
The Qin army is really here again!
In the Shouchun period of the Chu State, the King of Chu was overjoyed at the rebellion in Han.He had only been threatened by Qin's arrogant envoys a few months ago. Now that he saw Qin getting into trouble, Chu immediately held a banquet to celebrate.

General Xiang Yan knew that the Xinzheng Rebellion was originally planned by Lord Changping, so he calmly continued to prepare for the war.

Chu's national strength was qualified to fight Qin, but it was only a battle.Under normal circumstances, Xiang Yan did not have the confidence to defeat Qin head-on.

'The Strongest Xiang' is what the younger generation calls him. At his age and status, he must be based on reality.

Chu State's next focus can only be on preparing for war, and everything else that is not conducive to war preparations must be eliminated.

The Zhu family who came to Chu from Xianyang and were willing to use their farm strength to help the Xiang family were personally received by Xiang Yan.

In terms of status, the Zhu family is at most equal to Lu Wei, and even lower in terms of Liutang ranking, but he also represents Lord Changping, and his status as the envoy of Lord Changping is what Xiang Yan really values.

The greatest support that farmers can provide is food resources, and is Chu State short of food?The answer is of course lack of it. Food is the most important hard currency at any time.Even the Qin State, which has the strongest national power, suffered heavy losses after a war.However, its opponents are not as profound as it is, so its opponents are often unable to hold on long before the Qin State runs out of food and grass.

In a war, there must always be a bottomless reserve of food and grass.

Compared with Gonggongtang's continuous foreign investment in building a Spring Valley town in Wei this year and a Jing County in Chu next year, Shennongtang has maintained frugality in management for 20 years, and its food reserves are far higher than other halls.

Even though part of it was consumed in Dai Land five years ago, it did not damage the fundamentals.

The Zhu family's aid to Chu this time left only a small portion of emergency rations in Daze Mountain, and most of the rest would be shipped to the Xiang family in a steady stream.

In addition, taking advantage of the best friend relationship with Situ Wanli, part of Siyuetang's food will also be donated to the Chu State.

In return, Xiang Yan could not pay much in kind, and the coins had to be given to the soldiers in wartime and could not be spent randomly. Therefore, he could only give the green light to the expansion of Shennongtang Siyuetang in the Chu region in the name of the Xiang family.

"The number of Chu cavalry is still too small. In the past few years, thanks to Gonggongtang's smuggling of good prairie horses, it helped us a lot."

After Xiang Yan got the food, he made more demands without politeness: "Although the land of Yan is now occupied by the Qin State, the influence of the Gonggong Hall has not disappeared. Can the Master of the Zhu Family ask the Master of Lu Wei for this matter?"

At a time of life and death, the Chu State general needed to keep Chu State alive and could not give up any opportunity to strengthen the Chu State's army just because of concern for face.

"Since the Xiang family has always been in contact with Gonggongtang, why does the general need me to contact Gonggongtang?" The Zhu family did not agree to the request at the first time this time. He can be the master of Shennongtang and Siyuetang. Gonggongtang Tang Ke will not listen to his own orders.
"Horses are worth a lot of money. If Xiang pays the original purchase price negotiated with Gonggongtang, he can't afford it." Xiang Yan said calmly: "Even if the prairie horses are purchased at the price of ordinary horses, they can't afford too much."

"Therefore, for this transaction, we can only purchase the horse with the money in arrears first, and then pay off the debt slowly after the war. This is a shameful statement, so we can only ask the Zhu Family Hall Master to discuss it with the Lu Wei Hall Master."

Whether the Chu State can still exist after the war is a question. Even if it exists, it cannot pay the money before the war. How can it be able to pay after the war when everything is ruined?
"This matter." The Zhu family raised their hands and scratched their heads, and the mask on their faces changed to sadness: "I can write to Hall Master Lu Wei, but he will probably not agree."

"Anti-Qin is a righteous act pursued by all people with lofty ideals in the world. Hall Master Lu Wei will definitely consider it seriously." Xiang Yan, who endured the awkwardness in her heart and could not provide material satisfaction, could only add a moral coercion that even she did not believe in.

Regarding Xiang Yan's plan, the horse must not be given to Chu.Even if the other party pays, the hall master will not expose Gonggong Hall to the enemy of Qin now.

In fact, Lu Wei at Jinghu Medical Village had received a letter from Uncle Xiang from Daze Mountain a few days ago. In it, he briefly mentioned the matter of horses, but in the letter, Uncle Xiang was more pragmatic. A request for food purchase was issued.

At the end of the letter, Xiang Bo also said that he secretly helped Lu Tang manage the magistrate of Fan County.

Reciprocity of courtesy and grain sales can be considered.

Moreover, what is being sold is not grain from Daze Mountain, but newly grown grain from the large amounts of farmland opened up in Jing County this year.

Farming is the family's main occupation.

The land near Jinghu Lake is flat, there is no shortage of water, and the lighting conditions are excellent. There are also state-of-the-art retting fertilizers to supplement the fertility of the land. This year, thanks to the work of farm cattle day and night, the grain output is very gratifying.

The master of the hall is simple and kind-hearted. When he is wealthy, he is always very willing to give out part of his wealth to those valuable friends.

As for the letter from the Zhu family asking for a loan of horses from the Xiang family, Lu Wei glanced at it and threw it to Xiao Qian'er to play with.

He had just visited Xue Nu and his daughter Xiao He'er, and he was in a pretty good mood, but he couldn't leave something nasty on his body that would affect the fun of the rest of the day.

In the yard, Ji Yan easily exchanged his newly raised small fish for the bamboo slips full of words written on them from Xiao Qianer's hand in front of Lu Wei.

After reading it carefully, she held the bamboo slip and stood cleverly beside Hall Master Lu: "A war is about to break out in the Chu Kingdom. Will Shennong Hall's participation in the hostility between countries bring danger to our farmers?"

"Perhaps, how does Xiao Yan'er think the situation will develop?" Lu Wei asked casually.

"Ayan doesn't know." Ji Yan stared at the sea-swallowing sword on the waist of the hall master, and said crisply: "But the hall master's brother is the next farmer's hero, and the things in the farm belong to the hall master's brother. There must be a way to save the farmhouse!"

"You stay at Jinghu Medical Village all day long. Who did you learn these flattery words from?"

Lu Wei smiled lightly when he heard this, looked down at Xiao Yan'er, and raised his hand to ruffle the other person's hair.

"Ayan really thinks so sincerely!" Ji Yan remained standing and did not dodge, letting his hair be ravaged: "There are many principles in the book, but they are all dead. The teachings of the hall master brother are no better than those of the sages. The sentences are poor!"

"You want to practice so much?"

"Yes!" Xiao Yan'er boldly raised her head and looked at Lu Wei. It was really boring to stay in the medical village. Even though she made a second crane friend after Xiao Bai's death, animals were just animals after all.

"Then from tomorrow, you can row your own boat to Jingxian County."

Ji Yan was obedient enough to read Han Feizi's works and several Confucian classics. The truth behind them was that she would definitely gain something from witnessing the construction process of Kankanjing County.

Lu Wei had always had high expectations for Ji Yan.

He took out the two-star pearl grass prepared a long time ago from his arms and handed it to Xiao Yan'er's hand. The little girl tied it on her wrist in surprise.

Most of the people in Jing County are farm disciples. Although Ji Yan is young, he has outstanding strength and will not encounter danger within the scope of Jing County.

As for whether she would run far away, Lu Wei was assured of her intelligence.

(End of this chapter)

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