Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 202 The Function of Shennong’s Order

Chapter 202 The Function of Shennong’s Order
"You are the master of quicksand, Wei Zhuang."

In the ruins of the old palace in Xinzheng City that was ignited by the fire, damaged pillars collapsed and stacked in a haphazard manner, and gravels of uneven sizes were randomly sprinkled on the bluestone road.

As the entire city burned, the heat expanding in the air could be seen with the naked eye.

Sitting on an overturned pillar, Wei Zhuang held the shark-tooth sword with both hands. On both sides of him were Bai Feng, who was standing high to guard the surroundings, and Chi Lian, who was playing with the small red snake in his hand.

The Prime Minister of Qin in front of him came here alone without any soldiers to meet the dangerous Korean killer group.

Xinzheng City was captured for the second time, which was also a masterpiece of quicksand.

The capital of the motherland and the blood of those fools were used to create such a face-to-face.

"You surprised me when we first met."

Wei Zhuang remained seated and spoke in a low voice.

The Lord Changping in front of him was dressed in official uniform and had a straight face. His whole body looked too ordinary from top to bottom.

Especially the eyes, which are the windows to the soul. If a person does not even have outstanding eyes, then he is unlikely to be an outstanding person.

However, Lord Changping's eyes were no different from those of ordinary powerful people, with a hint of aristocratic arrogance and charity.

But this person, whether he is the prime minister of Qin State or the creator of the Qinglong Project, should not be so ordinary.

This is a truly dangerous character who is good at hiding and whose tentacles are far and wide!
"The mission of Quicksand is completed. It is at the agreed place, and the agreed reward is there."

As a top dignitary from any angle, Xiong Qi had learned some martial arts, but only at the ceremonial level. Any of the three quicksands present could kill him instantly.

He came alone, and it didn't matter whether he was one meter closer or further away from the quicksand, so Xiong Qi chose to take two steps closer to Wei Zhuang:

"Liusha's next choice is to participate in the last battle in the Chu region, or to hide in the deep mountains and old forests of the Han region and live a miserable life."

"No matter which choice you make, there will be a place for you in the future."

The closer you get, the hotter there is in the air, there is also a hidden murderous intent that makes people breathe.

"The agreement from Jicheng to Xinzheng has been reached, and Liusha's next plan is not decided by you." Wei Zhuang looked at the 'weak' figure and finally stood up:
"Quicksand has its own path."

"The road of quicksand must conform to the road of the world." Changping Jun stopped two feet away: "Qin and anti-Qin, everyone is destined to make a choice."

"The later the game gets, the more the neutral party will be attacked by both parties at the same time. If Quicksand wants to survive as you wish, you must make the right decision at the right time."

"The so-called most correct decision is to help Chu?" Wei Zhuang asked, "You should know better than anyone how powerful Qin is."

"The Qin State is so powerful that it is difficult for the six countries and the various schools of thought to compete. This is a fact." Lord Changping nodded slightly without fear: "However, Liusha still chose to help the Qinglong Project in Xinzheng."

"It's a deal."

"Trading will lead to profit. Liusha wants war, and Guigu's faction is also suitable for war. Even though you and your senior brother Gai Nie have very different ways of doing things, in fact, they are still the same type of people."

Chang Pingjun didn't go any further. When he mentioned the name 'Gai Nie', the quicksand master's eyes became obviously dangerous.

Turning around, Mr. Changping walked away.

At this time, Chi Lian subconsciously looked at Wei Zhuang's actions. Seeing that he had no expression, he allowed the Right Prime Minister of Qin to leave.
In the sky, a huge white bird soared past, and the quicksand abandoned the capital of its homeland for the second time.

The Xinzheng Rebellion is coming to an end.After the violence was over, the subsequent pacification work was still a big project, and the devastated city had to be rebuilt again.

In the Jinghu water town, which is completely opposite to the Xinzheng fire, Lu Wei is wearing a raincoat and a bamboo hat, holding a fishing rod and sitting calmly on the pier of Yizhuang.

Rice blossoms, autumn rain, and river rocks sound on the beach at night.

The smoky autumn rain kept falling, the weather had cooled down, and rain was not a good time for fishing.

But precisely because of this, he can confidently catch no fish.

Next to the fish basket next to the hall master, a metal token made a ticking sound under the beating of raindrops, matching the rhythm of Lu Wei's thoughts.

This is the Shennong Order that Tian Guang gave him in Jicheng a few years ago.

As a sacred object of the peasant family, the Shennong Order is also a reward order that appears every ten years. It is issued by every knight leader and the peasant disciples must not disrespect it.

At the same time, other people in the world can also complete the rewards offered by Shen Nong's order, and after the achievement is completed, they will receive sincere gratitude from the farmer.

The last time the Shennong Order issued a reward was nine years ago. Not long after Lu Weicai dared to join the farmer Lu Qiuge, he was busy following the Xu family's caravan on the Chu trade route.

That bounty mission was issued by Tian Guang, and it only involved Daze Mountain and had nothing to do with his low-level farmer disciple who was out there.

Now, time has passed, and the former disciple of One Star Pearl Grass is now the master of Seven Star Pearl Grass Hall, and has also obtained this Shennong Lingmu Order.

It's up to him to announce next year's Shennong Order bounty.

In the Jingxian Machinery Workshop, the six sub-orders modeled after the mother order have been secretly forged, and all that is left is to write on them.

How to arrange this reward was something Lu Wei was thinking about while fishing.

In the minds of Jianghu people, every time the Shennong Order appears, it will cause a bloody storm. This is because several of the orders of the Shennong Order are truly shocking: for example, the siege and killing of Bai Qi.

But under normal circumstances, the bounty issued once every ten years is actually more ordinary, and mostly only involves the internal affairs of the farm family.This time the Shennong Order was issued, Lu Wei didn't want to cause too much trouble. He just wanted to use the opportunity of the Shennong Order to help him eliminate dissidents among the farmers.

Considering that the issuance of the Shennong Order required Tian Guang's approval and endorsement, the method of eliminating dissidents should not be too bloody.

This requires waiting until you return to Daze Mountain after the new year and then secretly give the written order to the other five halls.

Speaking of which, the purpose of coming to Jinghu in the first place was just to inspect the construction of Jingxian County and take a trip for two or three months.

As a result, autumn has arrived.

The autumn rain was continuous and the roads were muddy. It was very inconvenient to take Duan Murong, Lu Ni, Xue Nu and others back by carriage.And as soon as the autumn rain passes, winter will come soon.Jinghu Lake in winter is a different feeling, so naturally you want to stay and take in the scenery.

In this way, the return time will naturally be postponed to the end of the year.

This is a true leisure vacation.The construction of Jingxian County is coordinated by Xiao He and supervised by Yan Shen, and everything is ready.There are no urgent matters in Daze Mountain that require him to respond and deal with, so there is no need for the Hall Master to worry too much.

There were no chores to disturb him, and he was accompanied by several women from the medical village. Such a corrupt life seriously consumed Lu Wei's efforts. Fortunately, he only had to endure it for a few more months before he could return to Daze Mountain to work hard~

After fishing for an hour, after the rain stopped intermittently, Lu Wei casually broke off a tree branch from the treetops on the shore, put it in the fish basket and returned to the doctor's village.

There is no air force in fishing, so he has already thought about what to write in Shennong's order.


The Mohist family organized the city, and the Mohist family, which restored the leadership of the giant, immediately established its anti-Qin stance again.

The Xinzheng Rebellion is a foregone conclusion, and Yan Dan will naturally not invest his precious Mohist disciples in it.

The State of Wei cannot be saved, and the State of Yan paid a heavy price for the Mohists to realize this.But some of these powerful people are the ones who can unite and protect them when called upon in the future.

For example, Wei Jiu, Lord of Ningling.

Abandoning the Wei State, which is worth the investment of the Mohists like the Yan State, will leave only the Chu State in the world.

Over the past few years, everyone has realized that Qi's capitulationism is hard to come back, and it is simply a meaningless waste of energy to maintain expectations for it.

Yan Dan himself is one of the inheritors of the Qinglong Project, and his investment in the Chu Kingdom was an agreement with Chang Pingjun.

The Mohist leaders Gao Jianli and Kuang Xiu also had some superficial acquaintance with the Xiang family, so it was not difficult for the Mohist family to establish contact with the Chu State.

The Guan Zhuque set off from Guan City, carrying four people from the Mo family, and flew all the way, landing in a remote place outside Shouchun City with the help of the moonlight.

"Big man, you must be careful."

Yan Dan, Gao Jianli, and Robber Zhi dropped the mechanism beast. They were the main force in negotiating with the Xiang family, while Master Ban was only responsible for responding.

"I'll pick you up here in five days."

Agree on a contact time.Suzaku took off and flew away, while the three people on the ground slipped into Shouchun City under the cover of night.

Shouchun is much more prosperous than Jicheng, especially for Yan Dan who personally experienced a year of hard work defending the city. Seeing the bustling night market again will inevitably bring back memories.

But as the dead King of Yan, his heart was as hard as stone: "Look for a place to live first, and then go see General Xiang tomorrow."

The three of them came to Yunmeng Market, which has the largest number of outsiders. Here, groups of people dressed in peasant disciples' clothes attracted their attention.

"There are so many peasant disciples in Shouchun City. As expected, knowledgeable people have placed their hopes on the Chu Kingdom."

There was some relief in Gao Jianli's tone.

Robber Zhi folded his arms and said gloomily: "If the peasants had decided to take sides earlier, one hundred thousand disciples could have played a decisive role on the battlefield of Zhao State, and maybe Zhao State and Yan State could still be saved."

"Judging from the patterns on their clothes, most of these are disciples of Shennong Hall, with a few from Siyue Hall. After all, not all of the Sixth Hall of Nongjia are here."

Yan Dan observed very carefully, and he could see more details than Gao Jianli and Daozhi, two pure people in the world.

"Shennong Hall, Siyue Hall, that's the Zhu family and Situ Wanli." Taizhi touched his chin with his thumb and index finger: "I remember that the strongest church among the farmers is Gonggong Hall, right?"

"The Gonggong Hall of Hall Master Lu Wei is not only the strongest in the farm family, Hall Master Lu Wei himself is the number one master of the farm family who is stronger than the Xia Kuang of the farm family."

Holding the Shui Han Sword, Gao Jianli relaxed his brows and nodded in response: "It is said that the fierce tiger brothers of the Lieshan Hall and Chiyou Hall, the Tian family, can't even take thirty moves at the hands of Hall Master Lu Wei together."

All three members of the Mo family had relationships with Lu Wei, and they got along pretty well.

Robber Zhi still owes the master of the hall a favor. He thought for a long time, but he still didn't say the words "Then why the Gonggong Hall didn't come to help fight against Qin".

Gao Jianli owed the Hall Master more, so he would naturally be less unable to question Hall Master Lu's decisions in the hall.

"The State of Chu treats Shennong Hall just like the State of Yan treats Gonggong Hall, and Situ Wanli and the Zhu family are best friends. It seems normal that these two disciples appear in Shouchun City. It does not mean that they are definitely here to help Chu. country."

Xiao Gao deduced from the information from Shennong Hall and Siyue Hall, and changed his initial wording.

Yan Dan shook his head: "When I see General Xiang Yan tomorrow, we will find out."

(End of this chapter)

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