Chapter 203

Yan Dan's identity is obviously the "heir carefully cultivated by the previous Mohist giant Yan Wangdan", and his identity is hidden, but not everyone in the Mohist family has other suspicions.

After all, some of the characteristics he occasionally exposed are highly similar to those of the previous giant.
But in the beginning, he did break through the Mohist forbidden area with Mo Mei in hand, and he had the most orthodox qualifications.

Secondly, even if he is Yan Dan, everyone in the Mo family will not deprive him of his status as a giant.

Third, there are many smart people among the leaders of the Mohist family, such as Taizhi, Gao Jianli, and Kuang Xiu. They are all very smart.There are also many people with extremely technical talents, such as Master Ban, Master Xu, and Pao Ding. They are all leaders in their respective fields.

As for Big Hammer, this person also has some strength, but you can't ask him for more mentally.

It can be seen from this that no one in the entire Mohist family has strategic wisdom. The only Mohist who can be related to strategy after the death of Six Finger Black Man is Yan Dan.

This may be the biggest reason why the Mohist family eventually collapsed step by step.
A group of scholars has no strategic direction for its future development. It only holds the goal of anti-Qin and counts every step. It is destined to be like a ship without a captain on the rough sea when facing the unpredictable general trend of the world. , the only deputy captain intentionally directed the ship to sail towards the center of the storm unprepared
In the face of all dangers on the way forward, the Mohists only wanted to rely on the solidity of the "big ship" itself, that is, the solidity of the machine city, to resist. However, they could not foresee the dangers hidden under the water. How could the ship not be destroyed and people killed.

Among the hundreds of scholars who have not completely obeyed the Qin State, compared with the Confucian Fu Nian Zhang Liang, the farmer Tian Guang Lu Wei, and the Mohist school, they seriously lacked the talents to predict the general trend.

Even the Taoist Zong Xiaoyaozi did not directly lead the entire human sect to openly oppose Qin now.

After the three Mo family members found an inn in Yunmeng Market to stay, they went out to find out the news, while Gao Jianli stayed in his room to practice his internal skills.

Yan Dan has always been quite satisfied with his subordinates in the Mo family. It is true that there are no 'real' smart people among them, but it is precisely because of this that he can fully grasp the various schools of thought, and the abilities that each of these leaders are good at , really useful.

After the time when Thieves Zhi went out, Yan Dan also walked out of the inn, left Yunmeng Market, turned left and right, and arrived outside Xiang Yan's general's mansion.

Before formal talks on behalf of the Mohist family, he needed to use another identity to have a private talk with the Xiang clan chief.
Jing County, far south of Shouchun, was enjoying a good harvest. As the leader of the hall, Lu Wei naturally harvested the first bunch of rice after Jing County was established in front of the onlookers.

Hall Master Lu handled this highly anticipated scene with a calm demeanor. He raised his hand to represent the rice grains of hope, and he openly accepted the enthusiastic cheers from his disciples.

The voice of just one county is so deafening. What a scene it would be if we could accept the kneeling of thousands of people in the high hall of Xianyang Palace~
In order to achieve such ambitions, the Hall Master must keep going!

Jing County has reclaimed a lot of wasteland this year. After the first cut of the farmland was cut by Lu Wei, the next step was to harvest it together. Today's task is still very heavy.

But the more arduous it is, the more food will be harvested and you will not go hungry in the coming days!
The sweat that can make life better is the sweat that makes you truly happy.

Walking up from the farmland, Lu Wei smiled and handed the first handful of rice to a disciple to make specimens and hang them in the high hall of the county magistrate's office. He turned around and looked at the harvesting army. He couldn't help but want to copy a poem:
"The rice beams are fat on the shore of Jinghu Lake, and the dolphins and chickens are perching on opposite sides. The shadows of mulberry trees are scattered in the spring community, and every family is supporting me so that I can return intoxicated."

Literature in the form of seven-character quatrains has not been developed yet, but Lu Wei casually said it, and the sensible recording disciple beside him immediately copied it down, regardless of whether he understood it or not, and presented it to the hall master with his hands held in his hands and his head bowed respectfully. Check.

I corrected a few typos in writing, and the poem remains intact as the background of the first bunch of rice, and will be made into a specimen together.

Xiao Yan'er, who was hanging among the front row of the three-star and four-star bead grass stewards in Jing County, looked at the majestic hall master on the field ridge, and then at the obedient disciples with low eyebrows, and a few rays of starlight flashed in his eyes: This is real power!

'Even though Siyue Hall is not as powerful as Gonggong Hall, after I become the hall master, I can learn from the master's brother's methods and develop Siyue Hall too! '

"Hall Master Lu." Xiao He, the only one in the county who was not a farmer disciple, stepped forward and bowed to Lu Wei: "Jing County has developed very gratifyingly this year. Even if it is only the first year since the county was established, we will be able to support ourselves in the future. All the disciples in the county, and provide a large amount of food and grass to feed back to Daze Mountain!"

"Everyone in the world hopes to have something to eat every day. Under the rule of our Jing County, the people have no worries about food and clothing, and there is no heavy labor. It can be called a paradise in the world."

In the current world, if the people have enough food and clothing, [-]% of the problems of governance can be solved. The remaining part is because the 'mob' is too greedy.

It is true that there are no major corvee arrangements in Jing County now. As for the construction of the county, it is to build one's own hometown and does not count as conscription. The disciples will not have any objections.

The war is far away from this place for the time being. The current general trend of the world has made the people's life easy and comfortable for a long time. In fact, it is a hidden danger to the rule.After they are fed and clothed, they may pursue other things they should not pursue.
Xiao He noticed this. According to Taoist thought, of course it is good to maintain the status quo. However, in addition to being a Taoist disciple, Xiao He is also a managerial talent hired by Lu Wei. To put it bluntly, considering the people is only secondary, and is not for the church. The Lord's development considerations are the main thing.

How to keep people fed while getting busy again is what Xiao He will have to do next year.

Whether it is levying heavy taxes or expanding further and further eastward, these are all part of governing the people with power.
"The development of Jing County is of great significance to farmers. However, in addition to food and clothing, there is also an important hidden danger in Jing County. The Prime Minister of Xiao County must also find a way to solve it as soon as possible."

Lu Wei nodded slightly at Xiao He's praise and compliments, glanced at the farm disciples working there, and said suddenly.

Xiao He noticed the actions of the Hall Master. He also glanced at the disciples present and immediately understood what the hidden danger Hall Master Lu was talking about:

"Most of the disciples who come to Jing County from the north are men. There are very few women of marriageable age in Jing County. This is indeed very important. I will arrange this as soon as possible."

Lu Wei did not need to remind him that Xiaoxian Cheng had already planned for the imbalance of the ratio of men to women: "The county has a good harvest, and using food as a temptation can attract and purchase a large number of women of the right age from other areas."

War broke out frequently in the north, especially when the Chu State was preparing for war with Qin. A large number of men were expropriated. Most foreign counties had a serious surplus of women, who had to take on farming and even laboring tasks in the fields to support themselves.

There is food in Jing County, so it may be difficult to find male labor, but it is not difficult to obtain female relatives.

After a large number of women come to Jingxian County, they can also develop the sericulture and textile industry in Jingxian County to make money, so that people can be put to the best use and create a stable food and financial base for the hall master.

"Well, in addition to development, Jingxian County will also face the attention of the Qin State in the future. How can we continue to make Jingxian County transparent? Does Xiaoxian County Prime Minister have any plans?"

Jingxian County is located in the ancient Yue region. As long as they obey, the Qin State cannot specially send troops to attack them. After all, local snake forces are always the key to a party's rule when transportation is inconvenient.However, Jing County, which is too wealthy, is very likely to be subject to heavy taxes and heavy corvee by the Qin State. This hidden wealth is worth considering.

"You can use Jianghu means and 'trickster' means to spread the reputation of this place as a poor place." Xiao He's idea is not subtle enough, but combined with the remote location of Jinghu Lake, it is effective enough: "I have inquired that the original name of Jingxian County is Dahu Village. In the past, there was an outbreak of epidemic disease in Vietnam, and the name of this serious epidemic could naturally keep people away from thousands of miles away."

The two of them were walking and talking. When passing by a row of disciples, Ji Yan took the opportunity to walk out with the Frightening Salamander Sword in his arms and called out, 'Brother, Hall Master' in full view of everyone.

The little girl has often gone to Jing County since she received Lu Wei's permission to row out of the island. For her, a vibrant county under construction can bring many novel experiences.

Even if the disciples in Jing County didn't know Xiao Yan'er's identity, they saw that she was well groomed, holding an exquisite famous sword, and wearing brocade, especially the farmer's two-star bead grass ornament. It looked like she was of extraordinary origin, so they didn't dare to look at her. She was in trouble.

Most people are discerning, but with so many farm disciples, there are naturally many stupid and bad people who covet the sword in Ji Yan's hand.

But they did not dare to blatantly launch a robbery in Jingxian County in broad daylight. At night, Xiao Yaner, who was very skilled, would discreetly row a boat and disappear. This made a small number of disciples who knew the existence of Jinghu Medical Village look at him with horror. Identity is guessed
Today's Autumn Harvest Party showed her closeness with the hall master. Xiao Yan'er thought that she was completely safe in Jing County.

If any idiot wants to attack her, she can kill him in public without fear of getting into trouble.

Lu Wei naturally understood the little girl's thoughts, so he cooperated and smiled, squatting down and gently touching the other person's head, then stood up and continued to discuss the development of Jingxian County with Xiao He.

After the two of them walked away, they felt the fawning looks from the three-star and four-star farm stewards on themselves. No matter how smart Xiao Yaner was, it was inevitable that a sense of arrogance would arise in her heart.

'Now I can go to more important places in the county~'


The Xinzheng rebellion lasted for three months in total, and the Qin army's destruction of Wei was delayed for three months.

But in these three months, Qin was not unprepared on the battlefield.

The destruction of Wei is part of the destruction of Chu. After the destruction of Wei, the main force of the Qin army will immediately go south to attack Chu. Therefore, the destruction of Wei cannot be delayed too long and affect the opportunity to attack Chu.

However, Daliang City was stronger than Jicheng, and the Wei army's combat power was generally better than that of the Yan army. The wealth of the Wei state in the center of the Central Plains was far from comparable to that of the Yan state.

If Daliang City really wants to defend it and the Qin army chooses to attack it systematically, it will probably take two to three years or even longer to completely capture it.

If it's too late, things will change
Just like the Battle of Handan and Shannan after the Changping War in the past, it dragged on for two years and finally ushered in the combined forces of Wei and Chu, and the Qin army was defeated.

If you want to quickly defeat Daliang City, you need to implement a more clever strategy.

Wang Ben carefully studied the map of Daliang City in the past three months, and the strategy of water attack naturally appeared.

There are dense river networks near Daliang City. This is certainly an advantage for its prosperity and development, but it will also be a disadvantage for its demise!

After careful investigation into how to carry out a water attack, Wang Ben postponed the time to destroy Wei until the following spring.

He wants to take advantage of the spring floods of the Yellow River to divert water to the city!
This move will cause huge losses to ordinary civilians in the city and harm the peace of the world.But from a military point of view, it is the plan that will cause the least harm to the Qin army.

Wang Ben didn't care about the casualties of Wei civilians. He was a soldier, and winning the war was the only thing worth pursuing.

After this battle, he didn't know if he would have the chance to participate in the destruction of the country again, so he had to fight brilliantly to destroy Wei!

Wang Ben is not young, and his father Wang Jian destroyed the State of Zhao and defeated the army of Yan. He himself will destroy the State of Wei. It can be said that father and son destroyed two kingdoms. What an honor.

In order to balance the forces in the army, King Qin may not use them again to destroy Chu, the remnants of Yan, and Qi.

Because of killing Yan Dan, Li Xin, the general of the Young Zhuang Faction, was very popular with the King of Qin. It is conceivable that the King would give him a contribution to the destruction of the country.

There is also the Meng family. According to qualifications, it is not too much to share the credit for the destruction of the country: the battle of Jicheng can only be regarded as half of the Yan Kingdom, and important credit belongs to Li Xin.

The remaining country is not enough for the Qin generals to divide it up, so Wang Ben will not be tolerant towards Wei at all. He wants to fight well, so that if other colleagues make mistakes, the Wang family will be remembered by the king!
Wang Ben postponed his plan to attack Wei, and Qin Wangzheng issued an order to agree.

From the Xinzheng Rebellion, Ying Zheng had already felt the instability of the people in the old lands of other countries.South Korea is weak, and it doesn't take much energy to fight the rebellion at most.

But if there is a rebellion in the vast old land of Chu State, the situation will be much more troublesome!

For this reason, he deliberately sent people to explore the boundaries of the old Chu territory, and found that Chen Ying, the old capital of Chu, really had signs of an undercurrent due to the precedent of Xinzheng.
If after the destruction of Wei, the army attacks Chu, there is a rebellion like Xinzheng, and the Qin army on the front line is likely to be attacked from both sides.

This has to be guarded against.

Only by sending a minister who is loyal and confidant and has the ability to appease the people of Chu to sit in charge of Chen Ying when Chu is destroyed can the attack on Chu go smoothly.

What does Ying Zheng think of this candidate? Mr. Changping, who has just made great achievements in Xinzheng, is the best choice.
(End of this chapter)

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