Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 204: Hiding the Sun’s Murderous Intent

Chapter 204: Hiding the Sun’s Murderous Intent

Taoism originated from the ancient hermit tradition, which is still reflected in the Taoist Tianzong.

While Renzong was practicing Taoism, he also took the initiative to bring in the worldly thoughts.In addition to the disputes over the ideals of the same school, various schools of thought are also contending for the inheritance of worldly fame.

To fight for the secular world, it must involve politics and the monarch of the country.

Among the nine largest sects among the hundred schools, only Legalists and Military strategists do not have fixed sect inheritance.

These two families are already closely integrated with the world: governing a country requires laws, and war requires soldiers.

From the perspective of inheritance alone, law and military have been successful.

Farmers seem to be on the list of successes, and civilians in various countries will use farm technology whenever they farm.But most of the techniques do not need to be learned in farmers' homes. An old farmer can become a master of farming after more than ten years of farming.

Therefore, this can only be said to be the success of the Shennong family, the ancestors of farming. The farmers who rely on the Shennong family may in the future automatically perish as the spread of farm technology accelerates.

The fundamental concept mentioned in Taoist politics is the idea of ​​governing by doing nothing. This is the pinnacle of Xiao He's learning, and he took the initiative to explain the truth to the hall master:
The so-called governance by inaction, of course, does not mean not to act, but not to act indiscriminately.

Taoists believe that the way of heaven rotates, and everything in the world has its own natural rules that are in line with the "Tao". As long as you develop according to the rules, everything will always get better.

When this is applied to governing the people, 'Tao' is the system!
To govern by doing nothing is to govern the country according to the system.

This sounds a bit like Legalism, and a bit like Confucian 'ritual', but the Taoist system is slightly different from the artificial agreements of Legalism and Confucianism in that this system originates from objective laws.

Do not violate the objective laws of the world, follow the objective laws, and govern by doing nothing means doing everything under the objective laws.

Legalism, Taoism, and Confucianism can be valued and used by national politics in different periods, which naturally has its rationality and progress in line with the times.

The master of the hall doesn't think which one is definitely correct, but he knows that Jingxian County is developing particularly rapidly under Xiao He's governance, so he is actually using Taoist ideas now.

After listening to some theoretical outlines, Hall Master Lu gave Xiao He enough face. As for the more in-depth Taoist theory, he could add another Taoist course to Xiao Yan'er's Legalist and Confucian courses after returning to Yi Village.

Xiaoyan'er has always been smart. Even if he can't understand the three schools of thought, he can still memorize the academic classics of the three schools of thought first.

Xiao He also understood that Lu Wei's eagerness to learn was mostly focused on 'guang', so after only explaining the rule of inaction, he did not go into more details about Taoist knowledge. Instead, he was invited by Lu Wei to compete with swords in the snow.

The climate of Jinghu Lake is much warmer than that of Daze Mountain. The light snow here is very light, and the feeling brought by the appreciation is a kind of slow elegance.

According to Duan Murong, Jinghu Lake usually does not freeze in previous years, but in recent years the weather has changed dramatically, sometimes hot and sometimes cold. This year, it is rare that some shallow ice has formed on the edge of the lake.

The ice is very unstable, and an adult standing on it will definitely break the ice and fall into the water.

It was under this circumstance that Lu Wei and Xiao He met for a sword show on the ice.

This is a competition of swordsmanship and lightness skills at the same time.

Taoist martial arts attack mainly relies on swords, and Xiao He not only has outstanding swordsmanship, but also unexpectedly holds a rare and famous sword.

"Hall Master Lu, please."

Hey, the sound of the sword is ethereal and profound.

Xiao He unsheathed his long sword. On the sharp inner arc of the sword, seven faint silver dots unevenly formed the Big Dipper. As the inner energy poured in, the seven-star pattern seemed to form a hidden dragon.
The sword of integrity and purity, the Seven-Star Dragon Abyss!
Lu Wei knew that the sword carried by Xiaoxian Cheng was not an ordinary sword, but until this moment, he did not know that it was actually this sword.

The two most famous swords in Taoism are the Xue Ji, a token of the master, and the Qiuli, a hidden sword of the Tianzong.The former was the focus of the sword debate between heaven and man that took place every five years after the split between the two sects of heaven and man. The latter provided great inspiration when Zhuangzi created Xiaoyaoyou in the past.

Qixing Longyuan is another famous sword built by Ou Yezi and Ganjiang. Its quality is definitely not inferior to these two swords. According to Lu Wei's observation, it can even be compared with Fu Nian's Tai'a.

This sword has not been collected by Taoists. If it was collected, it would be difficult to pass it on to Xiao He. Xiao He should have another chance to obtain this sword.

The master of the hall remembers that the last well-known owner of this sword was Wu Zixu, and the sword Wu Zixu used when he committed suicide was delivered to him under Xiao He's guidance.
If Xiao He didn't take the initiative to talk about all these reasons, Hall Master Lu would not have any useless curiosity.

With a nod, Lu Wei pulled out the Sea Swallowing Sword from his waist, and the sword energy condensed on the surface of the sword body.

Xiao He's strength was good, but he was not at the top. There was little point in fighting him to win or lose. Hall Master Lu restrained his inner energy and strength and only started to exchange swordsmanship with him.

Taoists, regardless of the Tian sect, are known for their inner energy. When facing the enemy, the sword moves themselves are light, agile and far-reaching, and when combined with the other moves formed by the inner energy, they can be said to be free and elegant.

He stepped lightly on the ice lake, and two figures were lightly intertwined with swords. Xiao He stepped on the Nine Palaces and thrust out with his sword.
Bang, the long sword in Tian Guang's hand was chopped off by Zhen Gang. He calmly clamped the broad sword that continued to slash at him with his hands, and turned his head to avoid the diagonal slash of Luan Shen.

After narrowly escaping this round of siege, Tian Guang took the opportunity to retreat and escape from being flanked by both sides.

Scanning the surroundings, he saw that the cronies he had mobilized had used Deji Ze 24 to surround Luowang's lower-level killers.

But the number of people on both sides is equal, which is very subtle.Among the high-level combat forces, the only one on the farm's side is himself, but Luo Wang has two top-level warriors.

After parting ways with Xiaoyaozi in the city of Xinzheng, the leader of the Renzong went south to the Chu region, while Tian Guang waited quietly for Lord Changping's army.Seeing that there were no accidents in quelling the chaos, he did not take the risk to meet with Lord Changping again, but left the city directly, heading towards Daze Mountain.

In a few months, the farmer will issue the Shennong Order, and Tian Guang needs to lurk in Daze Mountain to watch the movements of Liutang.

The Shennong Order is in the hands of Lu Wei, and with Lu Xiaozi's methods, he will probably be able to arrange the farmhouse properly without having to step forward.

But if things change due to various reasons, Tian Guangren in Daze Mountain can jump out in time to bring order to the chaos and stabilize people's hearts.

After people grow old, these decades of experience are still useful. This is the only area where Tian Guang believes that he can still be better than Lu Xiaozi.

However, when he reached the border woods of Korea, Zhen Gang and Luan Shen appeared one after another, becoming a roadblock.
The snare is also part of the plan.
There was no verbal conversation between the two sides, only the flash of swords and swords that started immediately after each other released flares.

The candidates for the Six Sword Slaves have not yet been found, but Zhen Gang and Luan Shen have begun to form a tacit understanding of cooperation.

Tian Guang's sword was cut off, but he was not too afraid of these two people, but it was equally difficult for him to hurt them.

Besides, if time goes on, he will never be able to catch two people by himself.

If he chooses to retreat, even if Tian Guang can leave alone, those close disciples who confront the lower-level killers of Luo Wang will definitely die here.
Among the two people at the Tianzi level, they are both net killers, and Zhen Gang Luan Shen has a completely different temperament.Even though preparation as a Six Sword Slave theoretically means cutting off all emotions that have nothing to do with the sword, there is no truly heartless person in the world.

Luan Shen was even more irritable. He still remembered the taunting wooden sculpture that the other party had thrown on the road sign when he was tracking the old guy last time, so he turned the ancient sword in his hand and slashed at Tian Guang again.

The Ranshen Sword is ugly, but due to the shape and size of the blade, it is far more difficult to catch this sword than the True Steel Sword.

Tian Guang did not resist forcefully. He only retreated with the astrological footwork and used the five-string acupoint fingering method to draw out the inner energy in the air to deal with it. When Zhen Gang also attacked again, the peasant hero was under great pressure.
On the other side, in the battle between the pawns of both sides, the peasant side with the support of the formation still had the upper hand.The ambush disciples specially mobilized by Tian Guang are all elites with the Tian surname, and each of them is a master in terms of personal strength.

Individually, they were not bad against Luo Wang, and their formations were even stronger!

The group of land-level killers in Luowang were strangled layer by layer. As long as they can decide the winner here, the remaining farm disciples can still form Dize 24 to participate in the battle of Xia Kui.

Zhen Gang Chaoshen cannot quickly deal with Tian Guang, and there is still a possibility of the situation being reversed.

However, the two of them are not in a hurry. The land they are stepping on now is the border of Qin State after all!
When the battle situation was entangled, a dark red murderous aura suddenly filled the air, and four blood-red sword auras directly took the lives of the four peasant disciples in the formation!

At the same time, a swordsman dressed as a Qin soldier walked out from behind the tree trunk holding a forked sword.
The third person, Luowang Tianzi, is of the first rank, covering the sun.

The appearance of this person made Tian Guang not panic, but stepped back and laughed twice.

"Is your last words before death a smile?"

Zhan Ri chatted more than Zhen Gang Luanshen, and he was still in a mood to chat with Tian Guang through the air.

Although Zhen Gang and Luan Shen were both at the same level as Tian Zi, their status was not as good as that of Zhen Sun. If Zhen Sun wanted to talk, they could only retreat and suspend their attacks.

"If you were really confident that you could keep me, why would you hide your head and show your tail before coming out~"

Tian Guang knew that he would definitely not be able to defeat him if he wanted to fight now. He might not be able to escape if he ran away directly, but he was not in a hurry: "Compared to the two of them, you have another identity in the world, and I also know this person." identity?"

Pointing at Zhen Gang Luanshen, Tian Guang immediately deduced an important piece of information about Zie Ri's hidden identity.

"You can catch me without any effort, but I can let you see my true face."

Zhanri was unhurried. Although his identity was expensive, he was not afraid of the possibility of being guessed by Tian Guang.

"It seems you thought you hid it well~"

Tian Guang raised his eyes and thought for a while, then suddenly clapped his hands. The remaining peasant disciples immediately released the siege of Luowang's lower-level killers and blocked him and the three Tianzi-level people: "But I'm not as curious as young people. Heavy, farewell~"

After saying that, Tian Guang turned around and left directly.

Zhenri knew the opponent's plan when the peasant disciples surrounded him. He, Zhen Gang, and Luan Shen immediately surrounded and killed them. However, even if the ordinary disciples could not surround and kill the three of them, they could still hold them back if they really wanted to stop them. A few crucial minutes!

The Qinggong of the three people in Luo Wang is not very outstanding.

With a bang and a bang, they broke through a circle of Dize 24 at the fastest speed. The three of them pursued Tian Guang in the direction he left. However, after only ten miles, twelve more high-level disciples from the farmer jumped out and put out Dize 24 to stop them. before
"These people practice Tian's Kung Fu. Tian Guang actually sacrificed the mainstay of the Tian family in order to survive!"

Zhanri said in surprise:

"Moreover, how did he know about our actions and arrange a large number of farm disciples to guard the escape route in advance?"

(End of this chapter)

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