Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 205 The Discussion of the Heroic Leader

Chapter 205 The Discussion of the Heroic Leader
Jianguang and Piaoxue danced together on the ice of Jinghu Lake. When one of them stopped, the other dancing partner also stopped.

Yan Shen and Amu had already heated the wine at the small pavilion extending into the lake. The temperature was just right after Lu Wei and Xiao He took their seats.

"It's a pity that the snow has stopped. There aren't many good snows in a winter, and one less one to appreciate."

Xiao He sighed after drinking a full cup.

"Taoist disciples value letting nature take its course, but will they feel sad because the natural scenery is not to their liking?"

Lu Wei took the warm wine from Yan Shen and smiled.

"Taoist disciples are also ordinary people, and they have feelings as human beings." Xiao He shook his head: "I neither know how to do it nor can I change the weather. I can't say that I have violated the Tao."

"And it's part of nature for people's emotions to change as the environment changes."

"Just like me in Jing County, even if I am not the county magistrate, I am just an ordinary farming disciple, and I will be very happy every day. But if it is in the war-torn areas in the north, even if you are a hereditary powerful person, you cannot change the people due to various reasons. If you don’t live a good life, you can only sigh all day long.”

"The war will eventually end." The master of the hall put down his wine glass, tilted his head, and leaned half of his body on the guardrail of the pavilion: "There is no way that everyone in the world can enjoy the life in Jing County, but after the world is stabilized, Keeping everyone fed is not a fantasy.”

There are organic beasts and internal forces in this world, and several types of high-yielding plants are also distributed in the Central Plains. Normal development and productivity levels can at least satisfy the food and clothing of most people in the Central Plains.

But this is just a theory after all
"Qin will definitely be able to unify the world within ten years, but even if it unifies the world, the world may not be stable." Yan Shen also joined the discussion.Although the last Amu is here, judging from his expression, he is probably still thinking about his machine beast transformation.

"All creatures in the world will try to find a way to survive when facing death. This is the general trend, so don't think too much."

Lu Wei smiled lightly and said casually. After hearing this, Xiao He thought that his words were quite consistent with Taoist principles and nodded in agreement, but silently added an additional sentence in his heart: "People's end of the road always leads to heavy casualties. The Taoist philosophy of entering the world is to Before the world goes to a dead end, find a way for them to survive and stand firm! '

At the beginning of the twelfth lunar month, after the four most senior people in Jing County gathered privately at a small pavilion in the lake, Lu Wei disappeared from the county town. He was the leader of the Gonggong Hall, but he did not take up a post in Jing County after all.If Hall Master Lu always appears in public places in the county, it will be very detrimental to Yan Shen's accumulation of county magistrate authority.

After all, Jingxian County and Dazeshan are two management methods. The former strives to move closer to the institutionalized government, while the latter still has a stronger atmosphere of rivers and lakes.

The days in winter are always very short. Lu Wei felt that he had not been out for a long time today. He only talked with Xiao He, had sword fights, and drank wine. Halfway through the journey back to the medical village, something appeared under the water. They scrambled to squeeze out the starry sky across the lake.

On a cloudless night, the scenery of Jinghu Lake is always like this.But even if I have seen it many times, the same color of water and sky still makes people admire the uncanny workmanship of nature.

After slowing down and paddling for a long time before returning to the island, most of the girls in the medical village were asleep, leaving only a few rooms with lights on. When I got closer, I saw that it was indeed a branch pharmacy.

At this time, Duanmu Rong could only be inside processing the medicinal materials.

As a doctor, Duan Murong not only studies prescriptions and improves her medical skills every day, but also checks the physical condition of Xiao Qian'er and Xiao He'er every day. It is also an important task for her. Occasionally, when there are difficult and complicated diseases in Jing County, she has to row a boat to go out. ,Very hard.

I quietly arrived at the door of the branch pharmacy. Even if I deliberately suppressed it, there was still a slight sound of pounding medicine.

The figure with his back to the door was still wearing a simple medical uniform, but due to the cooler weather, Duan Murong, who worked at night, added a thick light cyan shawl and put it on her shoulders.

The shawl was made by a snow girl, with a lavender orchid embroidered on it.

At this moment, under the candlelight, in Lu Wei's eyes, Duan Murong lowered his head and concentrated more like a noble snow lotus on a high mountain set off by ice and snow.

Looking down from Orchid's silk cloth, the slightly bulging outline on the inside of the arm proves that this snow lotus is already in bud.

The slender waist with a tight girdle is sealed by the long skirt further down, but fortunately, the hall master can feel it closely.

He quietly came up behind Duan Murong, hugged her curvy waist, and at the same time lowered his head and put his lips to her ear:

"Still here so late~"

"Ah" was suddenly attacked from behind. Duan Murong subconsciously wanted to turn around and smash the medicine on her hand. Fortunately, the familiar man's breath and voice that followed made her freeze for a breath, and then she continued to work:

"This batch of medicinal materials must be processed today. There are still things to do tomorrow."

Feeling the restless hands on her waist and the heat in her ears, Duanmu Rong's neck felt slightly hot and red, and this abnormality was still spreading upwards.
She used her left hand holding the grinder to pry away Lu Wei's palm from her waist, but was held unable to move. She could only say in a trembling voice: "I can't do anything with you like this."

Lu Wei let go of the other party's little hand in a good-natured manner, but did not take another step back: "You can continue to deal with it, I will accompany you."


The sound of pounding medicine continued to sound, but after a while, Duan Murong's movements became chaotic. She clearly felt something gradually unusual behind her, and the palms placed on her waist became increasingly restless.
"Looks like this, I won't be able to finish all the medicinal materials tonight."

Biting her lip to calm herself down as much as possible, the little medical fairy tried her best to keep her tone straight and serious, but her whole heated torso that fell into Lu Wei's arms had undoubtedly exposed everything.

"Nothing, I'll ask Xiao Yan'er to help you finish the work tomorrow."

"You just know how to bully her."

He waved his hand backwards and used his inner energy to close the wooden door of the branch pharmacy. The closed environment relieved Duan Murong's tension.

The candle flame swayed gently, and no one went to blow it out until the candle ran out.

The construction of the medical village really needs to be strengthened. There are too few rooms and many things are not so convenient.

Tian Guang escaped the trap and arrived at Daze Mountain. He hid his whereabouts until New Year's Eve, when he came to Lieshan Hall to find Zhou Wen.

"Xia Kui!"

Zhou Wen, who had stood up to Tian Meng's face, had no flaws over the years. Tian Hu had no doubts about the identity of the 'eldest brother'. Even if Tian Guang, who knew the whole incident, wanted to find fault carefully, he couldn't find fault.

For Zhou Wen, how well he disguises Tian Meng is related to his own life and death and the safety of the farm family before he is exposed. Zhou Wen must always be extremely vigilant about this.

In the past few years, it was really painful for him to disguise himself, but after a while, Zhou Wen got used to the mask on his face.

As a spy with multiple identities sent into the net by the farmer, and then sent back to the farmer's house to lurk, Zhou Wen, who is trembling on the cliff, must always remember who he is. "Luo Wang has officially issued an action order for Xia Kui, and I have also received the task of searching for your whereabouts in Daze Mountain."

Zhou Wen said solemnly.He knew that Tian Guang's current situation had reached the peak of crisis.

"Well done, as long as you kill me publicly at the right time, Luo Wang's trust in you will be even higher!"

Tian Guang patted Zhou Wen on the shoulder and said with a smile, not taking his own safety as important at all.

He has done everything he needs to do, and his next plan is to wait for the right time to die.

Zhou Wen only nodded silently when he heard Xia Kui's words.

The plan has been carried out so far, and it is nonsense to talk about too much 'cowardly' sensationalism. Everyone should have the consciousness to die calmly and send their beloved companions to die for their own beliefs.

"You are in a trap, and you still need to find out the identity of another person." Tian Guang said again.

"who is it?"

"Hide the sun."

"Hiding the sun?" Zhou Wen, as the general person in charge of the Daze Mountain snare, really didn't know the deeper secrets of the snare. However, he had heard some of the name "Hiding the sun" when he was lurking in Chu State:
"This person is Old Man Luowang. He has a very high status in Luowang and is ranked higher than several others. If you want to find out the identity of this person, you should wait until the plan between me and Lu Wei is implemented." arrive."

"I have a piece of information. Zhan Ri has another prominent identity in the world. You can pay more attention to this."

Tian Guang told all the information he knew about Zhi Ri: "In addition, if it really comes to a very critical moment, Zhi Ri may also be your partner. Including dealing with Luo Sheng!"

"What Xia Kui means!" 'Tian Meng' had a look of surprise on his face.

"It's just a guess." Tian Guang walked to the window with his hands behind his back and his eyes were deep: "Only when you encounter a truly irreversible crisis can you bet that my guess is correct."

"With Lu Wei here, the farmer should not encounter such a crisis."

"Multiple preparations, multiple paths~" Tian Guang chuckled again with a tight face, and changed the subject: "There will be a new Shennong Order issued next year, and you must cooperate with the order."

"What to do next?" Zhou Wen stared at the voice that was neither tall nor strong, a strange light flashed in his eyes: "Xia Kui told me in advance that Lieshan Hall should be prepared."

"Some orders only have meaning when they are issued. Just act in accordance with the principles of the peasant disciples."

After Tian Guang said this, he climbed out of the window and disappeared into the dark night.

After Zhou Wen stared at the black screen for a long time, he slowly closed the window
After leaving Lieshan Hall, Tian Guang came to Chiyou Hall. In a secret house here, he met Tian Du and Tian Zang who had returned from Songhai.

"Boss!" "Xia Kui."

After saying 'Hmm', Tian Guang nodded to indicate that they didn't need to be polite. After Tian Guang listened to their report on their contact with the royal family of Qi, he tapped the table, seemingly lost in thought and without any expression.

Seeing that Xiakui was silent, Tian Du took a step forward with his fists clasped and spoke:
"Boss, Zhou Wen used your order to transfer fifty Tian family disciples a few months ago. There has been no news from these people since they were transferred."

"I asked Zhou Wen to mobilize these people indeed. They have a secret mission. Don't mention this matter again."

Regarding Tian Du's last question, Tian Guang agreed and arbitrarily asked them not to worry about it anymore.

"Those disciples are the backbone of the middle and lower levels of the farm. If they leave for a long time, our Tian family's control over the farm will be shaken."

Tian Zang frowned slightly. Out of concern for Tian, ​​after Tian Guang finished speaking, he said one more sentence.

"." Glancing at the two confidants in front of him, Tian Guang sighed: "Azang, Adu, how long have we known each other?"

"It's been 30 years, right? We were brought up by Xia Kui."

Tian Zang's voice was a little lower and he replied.

"Since you still remember it, do you still have any objections to my decision?"

With a plop, Tian Zang immediately knelt down, followed closely by Tian Du: "I obey the order of Xia Kui!"

"Well, get up." Tian Guang personally stepped forward to support the two of them and said loudly: "All the decisions I make are for the farmer's family."

Tian Zangtian has no doubt about this.

"Boss, there is one more thing." After the Tian disciples' questions were put aside, Tian Du continued: "It's about Gonggongtang Lu Wei."

"This person is disobedient to discipline and has a lot of criticism towards our Tian family. Gonggongtang is so powerful now, does the boss really want him to be your heir?"

"The Luqiu Pavilion of the Yan Kingdom used to be the territory of the Xu family. After he came to power, he actually launched a bloody purge in the pavilion. Later, he even colluded with the dignitaries of the Yan Kingdom to destroy the entire Xu family."

"If Lu Wei takes control of the farm, although the Tian family is far stronger than the Xu family, we must guard against it."

"Can Nakata Tora and Mi Mi of the Tian family be the hero? Or can you two succeed him?" Tian Guang did not directly answer Tian Du's question, but asked the question with an expressionless face.

Tian Mi is a woman, and in Tian Du Tian Zang's heart, she definitely cannot be a hero. And Tian Hu, although a little reckless, may not be able to be.
Even if they are not smart enough, the two of them can serve as Tian Hu's think tank!
But the boss's tone was really not optimistic about Tian Hu, so they did not express the above considerations.

After thinking about it, Tian Du gritted his teeth: "Even if the Tian family has no one, the Zhu family can succeed him. Hall Master Zhu is an old farmer, and Lu Wei has only joined the farmer's family for ten years."

"Azang, Adu, you are all my confidants and one of the people I trust most." Tian Guang sighed again, his face suddenly became serious, and his voice became louder: "But who should be the leader of heroes?" Coming to succeed me is a matter for me, the hero, and it is not something you can get involved in!"

"You guys, do you understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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