Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 206 Peasant Traitor

Chapter 206 Peasant Traitor
In the secret room of Jing County's mechanism workshop, six exquisite metal tokens were neatly arranged on the table.

They are all sub-brands made in imitation of the Shennong Order, and are used as carriers of the Shennong Order bounties to be issued next year.

In fact, if you really want to be careful, just make five. The brand itself was issued by Lu Wei, so Gonggongtang will naturally know what is written on it.

But acting requires a complete set, not to mention that Jingxian County is very wealthy and there is no shortage of a brand of metal forging.

The focus now is only on what should be written on the sign to achieve results that are beneficial to Gonggongtang and even the farmers.

Holding a fine-tailed writing brush in one hand and playing with the sub-card that was much lighter than the mother card in the other, Lu Wei once again confirmed his thoughts:

The news that the war in Wei will not start this year has reached his ears, so the general trend of the world next year will be for Qin to attack Wei.

The tragedy of flooding the beams will eventually happen. Wei will not be able to hold on for a few months, and the Qin army will plan to continue to attack Chu after Wei.

This means that the Qinglong Project before the unification of the world is coming to an end.

Lord Changping will stand at the forefront of the fight against Qin, but the peasant family is determined not to get involved in this muddy water. Time is on Lu Wei's side, and the post-Qinglong plan will be led by the next peasant hero.

As for next year's Shennong Order, the farmer's current strength qualifies him to be temporarily neutral. Just like the reason why Xiaoshengxian Manor focuses on learning, the farmer can also be busy inside Daze Mountain.

Now it has to be related to the power of Chu State. Among the six farm halls, only Shennong Hall and Shennong Hall have great interests in Chu State.

There is at least one Siyuetang that needs to keep pace with Shennongtang at all times due to the infighting situation among the farmers.

However, the main power of Siyue Hall is in the State of Wei. The subsequent flooding of the beams will cause extremely heavy losses to Siyue Hall. How Siyue Hall saves itself next is the key. They will not have the power to help then. Chu State.

Therefore, this Shennong's order is to take the Zhu family's attention away from Shouchun.

"This requires the help of Ancestor Shen Nong."

A hint of disrespect flashed between his brows, and Lu Wei took up his pen and wrote correct words on the back of the palm-sized token.
Using some accident to force all the farm disciples to worry about the headquarters is an excuse that cannot be faulted by the outside world. This accident will definitely attract enough attention from everyone in terms of form.

After using the internal air to dry the ink, Lu Wei rang the bell connected to the secret room through a long wire. After a while, Amu pushed the door open and walked in carrying a bronze box.

"You carve the words on it yourself."

Stacking the six pieces of order together and putting them into the copper box, Amu nodded firmly to his boss's order.

The information about the Shennong Order was top secret. The fewer people who knew it, the less likely it would be exposed. The only confidant in Jing County who reassured Lu Wei the most was Amu.

Amu first saw that the words on the order were a bit unclear, but the boss didn't say anything and he wouldn't ask any more questions.

The Shennong Order is just a carrier. Even the orders written on it will only be part of the plan.
If there were no preconditions, the words on the Shennong Order would of course appear very confusing.

After leaving Jingxian County and catching the first snow of the new year falling from the sky, Hall Master Lu knew that it was time to return to Daze Mountain.
Shortly after the snowfall, Fan County in the west sent people to deliver special gifts.

Wu Bing was also aware of the unstable situation in the north and the impending war. He accelerated the process of the joint self-protection plan between the two counties.

Yan Shen and Xiao He can handle this matter properly, and the hall master does not have to worry about it. He just asked the county to prepare a carriage back to the headquarters.

Compared to the mighty caravan that arrived, the carriage on the return trip was much thinner.

After considering various possibilities, Yan Shen proposed to send a team of disciples to escort Hall Master Lu. After all, with a large number of people in the convoy, many small-scale robberies can be avoided.

Lu Wei was not afraid of being robbed, but it was certainly a good thing to avoid unnecessary troubles, so he did not refuse the company of the ten escorting disciples.

Unexpectedly, during the trip, it was the presence of these ten disciples that caused a large group of Yue thieves determined to do something big to target their carriage team.

The leader of the thieves had a very simple idea: the targets of the robbery were four carriages in total, but they were escorted by ten horse-riding guards. There must be treasures in the carriages. Even if there were not, the nearly twenty horses were worth taking at any cost!

And there won't be any powerful people with deep backgrounds in such a remote place. There are about thirty thieves in total. They can rob in this trip!

The Yue people were brave and dug traps in advance. They also had several bows and arrows and weapons, and they suddenly rushed out. With only ten guards, they could only form a marsh to protect the carriage.

At this time, the shortcomings of Dize 24 were exposed: this was a door attack formation or a door siege attack formation, and its defensive capabilities were really insufficient.

In order to avoid accidentally injuring the horses, the Yue people did not fire their bows and arrows at the first time, but even so, one of their sharpshooter characters also shot and injured two disciples from the farmer's side.

Hearing their own screams, the people in the carriage had to take action.

Xue Nu and Xiao Yan'er held the Jade Soul and the Jing Salamander respectively and charged out, directly capturing the Yue leader and the sharpshooter.

Lu Ni casually took an ordinary long sword and stood on the roof of the leading carriage, closely monitoring the Yue formation and holding down the formation for the two of them.

The appearance of two beautiful women and a little girl made the Yue leader's eyes brighten, but before he could utter filthy words, he saw the white-haired woman and girl chop off two thieves' heads with a sharp sword, and then moved towards them. Pounce on yourself
The episode passed quickly. Duan Murong was in the convoy on the farm's side. Even if the Yue people's bows and arrows were poisoned, the disciple's injuries would not be serious.

The only effect of the appearance of this group of thieves may be that ten-year-old Xiao Yaner's sword was stained with the death of the same kind for the first time except Bai He.


The convoy arrived at the Daze Mountain headquarters. This time Lu Wei took the Shuangjiang Ridge route, so the first hall leader to know that he was back was Situ Wanli.But if nothing unexpected happens, other churches will soon get this information.

Because he had deliberately controlled the speed of the convoy, it was dusk when he got off the bus. In less than two hours, after dark, Zhou Wen came to have a 'private connection' with him.

"The situation has become increasingly tense, but you have disappeared for a whole year."

Zhou Wen, who had been sitting in Daze Mountain pretending to be the master of Lieshan Hall, inevitably had some complaints in his plain tone.

Due to the concealment of Jinghu Lake, he could not find Lu Wei himself this year. Tian Guang's traces also changed frequently. Many things could not be written in letters to convey news, so that some of Luo Wang's plans had not been able to be conveyed in the past year. Zhou Wen can only decide how to deal with it.

Many of these involved the actions of Tian Guang and Lu Wei. He was unable to communicate with the two and had to look forward to adapting to changes.

"The farm is running smoothly, which shows that my disappearance this year did not have a big impact."

Lu Wei smiled and poured tea for the other party, and listened quietly to Zhou Wen's summary of Luo Wang's plans for the year and his conversation with Xia Kui Tian Guang at the end of last year.

But the part about investigating the occultation of the sun was temporarily covered up by Zhou Wen. This is a branch line.

"Luo Wang is going to officially attack Xia Kui, so our plan will have to be advanced."

Lu Wei fell into thinking, and Zhou Wen continued to tell another subtle message: "I received the latest snare order the day before yesterday. The information they got from unknown sources has confirmed that Xia Kui is hiding in Daze Mountain at this moment, and ordered me to search with all my strength. .”

"The order says that in order to help me with my mission, they will send a killer with a special identity to 'assist' me in completing my plan against Tian Guang."

"Looking at it, the helper will arrive in the next few days."

Zhou Wen said emotionlessly: "Today is our last private meeting. The next plan can only be achieved by relying on each other's absolute trust."

"Lu Wei." He called the hall master's name, and the two looked at each other: "Will you firmly believe in me?"

In the reflection of his pupils with strange emotions, Lu Wei shook his head without hesitation: "Of course not."

At that time, Tian Meng, who was returning from Gonggong Hall to Lieshan Hall, looked gloomy. Just as he was passing by Qiubun Ridge, in the blink of an eye, a man wrapped in black robes appeared in front of him with his back turned.

"How did he say?"

Zhou Wen was not surprised by this, but was quite familiar with the visitor: "Our plan is ready for action."

"Don't worry, we'll wait until the help arrives." The man in black robe remained motionless: "To deal with Tian Guang, you can't do it alone."

The man in black robe said with a smile: "The life and death of a peasant hero requires the mutual supervision of two peasant traitors to prove that you are completely desperate."

"Is the person who assisted me Wu Kuang?" Being called a 'farmer traitor', Zhou Wen's expression did not change and he asked in a deep voice.

"Wrong, he has been given a special sword now, named Han Chan." The man in black robe took off the sword from his waist and threw it back: "Don't forget your sword, Qiu Chan! "

"Your original names should have been thrown away long ago. The real snare killer only has the name of the sword."

"I remember it." Zhou Wen held his own identity, his fingers turning white with strength: "After taking this step, I will have no room to retreat. After that, the competition between the peasant heroes and the leader will be fierce."

"That's your plan, isn't it?" The man in black robe interrupted him and suddenly turned around, allowing Zhou Wen to see clearly the face under the cloak in the moonlight:

"The dragnet is all-pervasive. With the strength of the dragnet, you know what you want to do."

"Yes, I understand better than anyone else"

He was indeed right to disappear for a year. When he came back, it was as if the fuse of all the troubles suddenly exploded, and the ignited fuse was connected to the 'dynamite' that could shake the world.

The leisure life has only ended on the first day, and there are faint signs that the bow string is about to break.

Recalling the contents of the two-hour secret conversation between Zhou Wen and himself, Hall Master Lu couldn't help but raise his hand and keep rubbing his temples.

'At least five years earlier than I expected.'

'Zhou Wen's credibility.'

Dong Dong, someone knocked on the window of the main hall where Lu Wei was staying after not sleeping all night.

Holding the hilt of the Swallowing Sea Sword at his waist, he stared at the window that was automatically opened. The figure who came in from the outside came face to face with a smile on his face: "You have noticed something strange, right?"

"Before I answer, maybe you should give me an explanation?"

"Master Xia Kui!"

The person who came was none other than Tian Guang, a peasant hero who was accustomed to crawling through windows.

(End of this chapter)

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