Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 207 The land of the 6 elders 24

Chapter 207 The Land of the Sixth Elder 24

"You want to blow up the statue of Shennong outside the Tomb of the Six Sages!"

Looking at a piece of Shennong's order plate, Tian Guang looked up at Lu Wei in shock. He deduced from the order on the plate what Lu Xiaozi was going to do.

The latter had a matter-of-fact expression: "I didn't blow it up, but a thunderstorm in early summer accidentally broke one of the horns of the Shennong statue."

"Afterwards, we can repair it again and hold grand sacrificial activities for Grandmaster Shennong. Grandmaster Shennong will understand."

".You are kidding." Tian Guang shook his head: "This matter is definitely not possible. How to make the farmer feel at ease, I still have to do it according to my method."

"Okay, let's do it your way." The plan was blocked, and Lu Wei did not argue with reason, nor did he ask Tian Guang what his solution was.

After all, blowing up the statue of Shennong is indeed very unreliable. If it is brought up, it will definitely be stopped by the former hero. He has several other alternative plans. The reason why he has to come up with the most unethical one is because it is related to Zhou Wen’s conversation a few hours ago.
Tian Guang saw the anomaly in Lu Wei's lack of concealment, but he didn't care much: "Zhou Wen should have told you that the net will ambush me soon. Don't give out this year's Shennong Order. I will arrange everything. "

"Tomorrow, you go to Zuimeng Tower first, and then come to the Sixth Tomb from the tunnel there. I will take you to see the Sixth Elder."

Putting aside the issuance of the Shennong Order for now, I will go to the Sixth Sage Tomb to see the Sixth Elder, which must be related to the succession.

Arita Hikaru recommended him in front of the Sixth Elder, and Lu Wei's position as the leader of the knights was basically confirmed on the spot.

The reason why he had to sneak through the tunnel of Zuimenglou was undoubtedly to cover up others' eyes.

Tian Guang could not let the ninth person besides the Sixth Elder and the two previous Xiagui know the real location of the Shennong Order and the news that Hall Master Lu had succeeded him, including the important Zhou Wen link in the farmer's plan for the net.

"I understand the seriousness of this matter, but you haven't given me an explanation about Zhou Wen."

After receiving the Shennong Order, the succession was a matter of course in his mind.In ten years, he went from a deserter from the Zhao Kingdom with nothing in the past to a leader of hundreds of thousands of peasant disciples.

Compared with the psychological preparation that had been determined from the beginning, Lu Wei was more concerned about why the snare plan, which had been repeatedly discussed for several years, suddenly changed when it was about to be implemented.

"The net is changing, and the part of the farmer involved in it will naturally change." Tian Guang said something very vague, and he also blatantly showed that he was hiding something.

Over the years, Lu Wei traveled all over the country and recruited a lot of talents and room for development for Gonggongtang. Tian Guang also traveled around various regions, and he would also accumulate some special new discoveries.

The peasant family's anti-net plan is like Chang Pingjun's Qinglong plan. On the whole, the weaker side always has to constantly modify the process anytime and anywhere.

It is not impossible for the two plans to overlap in the same year.
The prototype of Zuimeng Tower, which is now near Daze Mountain, was formed by the merger of Zuimeng Tower in Daliang City and Tantai in Daliang City.

Due to the beauty of Tantai Zhao Wu and the careful management of Hua Ying, the daughter of a nobleman of the Chu state, as well as the support from Shennong Hall, Zuimeng Tower still maintains a high popularity and attracts passers-by even though it is far away from the prosperous capital of the Wei Dynasty. It was visited by the dignitaries of Shang, Wei, Qi and Qin.

Sometimes, there are even guests from Southern Chu who come here to enjoy the ecstasy and gentleness~
To put it into perspective, Lu Wei has never stepped foot into Zuimeng Tower, whether in Daliang City or outside Daze Mountain.

This is where he waits, because the year before, he deliberately let Xue Nu release Gonggongtang's power in Zuimeng Tower.

The dancing girls and musicians who originally belonged to Tan Tai had no choice but to seek refuge under Hua Ying, the courtesan of Zuimenglou.

Snow Girl felt a little pity at that time. She thought that she could develop a few girls who were interested in the Gonggong Hall among the dancing girls and musicians for future use, but the hall master refused without hesitation.

There is no need to leave the possibility of exposure in Zuimeng Tower for a few dancing girls and musicians. All he wants is the daughter of Lord Changping who will come here to escape in the future. Everything else is unimportant.

This time when he came to the vicinity of Zuimeng Tower, he was still not prepared to enter this romantic place. Instead, he directly followed Tian Guang's instructions to find a hidden tunnel entrance and got into it.
It is a huge project to dig from the vicinity of Liuxian Tomb in Daze Mountain to Zuimeng Tower outside the scope of Daze Mountain.

That is to say, with the cooperation of Xia Kui Tian Guang, this tunnel can be formed. Otherwise, it will definitely be discovered by the patrolling disciples of the farmer halfway through digging.

Having such a tunnel in the hands of outsiders is a hidden danger after all, but Tian Guang has received too much favor from Lord Changping and it is inconvenient to do some things.But Lu Wei is different. He has not received any favors from Lord Changping except that he will receive Lord Changping's daughter and some inheritance in the future.

Even because he protected Lord Changping's bloodline, Lord Changping owed him a huge favor!
Silently thinking about who else could owe him a favor, Lu Wei walked from the underground to the Tomb of Six Immortals and climbed out from the side cliff.

The temperature has dropped in the mountains tonight, and the wind is freezing.

The sky was covered with dark clouds and there was no moon, let alone stars.

Unfortunately there will be a storm coming tonight
Tian Guang did not hold a torch, but stood in front of the entrance steps of the Liuxian Tomb, looking up at the intact horns of the huge statue of Shennong, and quietly waiting for the arrival of the boy Lu.

Lu Wei didn't bring a torch either, even though there was no light at all in the tunnel.

"Let's go."

Hearing the footsteps behind him, Tian Guang knew that he was coming without looking back, and took the lead on the steps to enter the Six Xian Tomb.

"Speaking of which, there is an old friend of yours in the tomb."

"Elder Zhou He, I haven't seen him in six years." Even though Tian Guang's back was turned and he couldn't see it, Lu Wei still nodded: "I was promoted by him personally."

"Compared with the evil-minded Xu family, Elder Zhou He is my real boss."

Although the Xu family betrayed Lu Qiuge, not many people knew about it.

When most outsiders learn about the rise of the leader of the Gonggong Hall, they will naturally think that Lu Wei is a disloyal and unjust person who has repeatedly murdered his superiors and arrogantly killed many benefactors. How can they understand the sincerity of the leader of the Gonggong Hall to his family.

That is to say, the master of the hall has never held grudges. Regarding the Xu family's affairs, he will only write a few symbolic sentences in the history books in the future, so he will not pursue too much~
"His current identity is Yu Tu, and he can no longer be called by his original name." Although Tian Guang said this, he was still very pleased that Lu Wei could subconsciously call out the name Zhou He: "Just like the killer who was given the famous sword to Luo Wang, Liu After the elders of the Xian Tomb enter the tomb, they must forget all the chores in the world and only shoulder the corresponding positions of the Six Sages."

"When your elders change in the future, you must remember that the most important thing to pay attention to when selecting an elder is whether they can serve the public health wholeheartedly."

"This is the foundation of farm inheritance, and we can't be careless at all."

"Among the six hall masters of this generation, the only one who is qualified to enter the Six Xian Tomb is the Zhu family. Even though this person's connection with Lord Changping is no less than mine, his sense of serving the public is still there."

"Can't I become an elder?" Hall Master Lu asked half-jokingly. "I will choose you to be the leader of heroes, but I will never let you succeed to the position of elder." The shrewd Tian Guang answered very straightforwardly this time: Lu Wei is not a person who can firmly serve the public.
Torches were neatly placed on the two rows of walls in the passage of the Six Tombs, but none of them were lit.

After walking through the long passage, at a corner, the path forward turned into a downward staircase.

There are no defense mechanisms in the Tomb of the Six Sages. As long as the intruders can deal with the six elders of the farm family who set up Dize 24, they can do whatever they want in the tomb.

Going all the way down in the darkness, except for the sound of the two people's footsteps and breathing, which was extremely heavy in the unknown underground levels, there was only the sound of burning flames coming from the front.

Lu Wei's perception was very sensitive. After turning another corner, the two of them had already seen the bright light at the exit of the passage in front.

It was an octagonal hall.

Miraculously, there is an opening directly above the hall, and light can shine down from the opening to illuminate the bust of Shennong facing the entrance of the passage.

According to Lu Wei's estimate, based on their depth underground at this time, the opening at the height of the hall would not reach the surface anyway, not to mention that the Tomb of the Six Sages was actually a huge mountain.

There is a high probability that the machine technique is combined with the principle of light refraction to bring in sunlight during the day and firelight at night from the outside.

Taking advantage of these lights, many plants were planted in the hall, and the stone walls were covered with hanging branches.

Especially the statue of Shennong with the best lighting seems to be covered with a layer of green leafy clothes, which is in line with the identity of the Shennong family.

This shows that when the farmer built the Six Xian Tomb, he knew some mechanical skills and inherited them.

Moreover, Lu Wei could clearly detect that there was at least one extra layer of space under the stone slabs under his feet. Only the Six Elders should know how many layers this Tomb of the Six Sages had.

From this point of view, perhaps the passage leading to Zuimeng Tower was not dug jointly by Chang Pingjun and Tian Guang later, but was originally existing on the farm, so Zuimeng Tower was built there.

Just the structure of the Liuxian Tomb Hall made Lu Wei think a lot.

Following Tian Guang, the two of them came to the stone statue of Shennong, which was much smaller than the one outside the Tomb of the Six Sages, but was far more refined than the former. They respectfully performed the ritual of being a farmer's disciple.

At this moment, behind them, the sound of rocks rubbing against each other rumbled, and from a circle around the copper tripod bonfire in the octagonal hall, six old men sitting cross-legged with leather half-face masks actually rose from below.

Everyone wears the same number of nine-star bead grass as Xia Kuai. They are the six elders who inherit the heritage of the farm family:
Li Shi, Medicine King, Soldier Master, Grain God, Yu Tu, Xian Zong.

Among them, the familiar figure of Lu Wei looked at the two of them with the same expression as the others. After Zhou He became Yu's disciple, he strictly abided by the rules of the elders.

"Xia Kui, is this the successor you chose?"

Master Li with gray-brown hair was the first to speak. His voice was deep and powerful, and his eyes kept looking at Lu Wei.

Although they are both Nine Star Pearl Grass, the Sixth Elder is still half a level lower than Tian Guang.And because Tian Guang has seniority in the position of Xiakui, the Sixth Elder stood up when speaking to him.

"Yes!" The answer was not Tian Guang, but Lu Wei who took out the Shennong Order from his arms and raised his chest.

Tian Guang took half a step back, leaving the protagonist's position.

"Looking at your appearance, you are only in your early twenties. As a hall leader, you are not bad at all. But if you want to succeed the leader of the knights, do you think you are qualified?"

Elder Xian Zong, who had a neat beard and was in charge of music, asked Lu Wei with doubts in his eyes and tone.

In a test, someone always has to stand up and be the bad guy. Hall Master Lu was not annoyed at all. He just clasped his hands and said, "If I were not qualified, I probably wouldn't be able to meet the elders on such an occasion."

"You can't show off your cleverness by using sweet words. If we ask you anything, just answer yes or no directly. Don't show off your little cleverness."

The elder soldier, who was carrying a huge broad sword, had a hot temper and scolded Lu Wei mercilessly for his clever words.

"Young man, I understand. This is what the elders taught you." Lu Wei paused, turned slightly and bowed to the military leader, but suddenly said: "But the Shennong Order is a sacred object for farmers, and there is a stone statue of the founder of Shennong behind me. , even if the elders of the military commander have objections to me, they should not be rude when facing these two things."


"The elders of the army should not be disrespectful to Master Shennong. What we are discussing is a serious farm matter!"

The soldier's eyes widened and he was about to say more, but was interrupted by the bearded King of Medicine. After the statue of Shennong was lifted up, the atmosphere in the scene instantly became more solemn.

"Since Xiakui has handed over the Shennong Order to you, we are only responsible for the assessment. There will be a violent storm tonight, so let's start quickly."

Tu Yu closed his eyes, and in the deadlock, he spoke and skipped the xinxing test.

"That's fine." Master Li looked at the younger generation who kept smiling and nodded in agreement.

Others have no opinion.

The only one who remained silent the entire time, the God of Rice with white hair and beard, took the lead in carrying the sickle and retreated to the boulder with the logo of his six halls engraved on it that sent him up. The other five people also returned to their positions and stared at each other. Lu Wei, Master Li still spoke:

"As the leader of the peasant family, not having enough strength outside will only bring shame to the peasant family, so next, you have to accept the test of Dize 24!"

"You?" Lu Wei caught a key word.

"It's us." Tian Guang, who was behind him, silently took out a long incense stick, lit it and inserted it in front of the statue of Shennong, and then stood side by side with Lu Wei: "The two heroes before and after accepted the test of Dize 24 under the witness of the founder of Shennong and survived. Only the time of burning incense can prove that Xia Kui’s choice is good, this is the rule.”

Is there really such a rule?Why do I remember that there is no requirement for the martial arts value of Xia Kui in the peasant teachings?
What's more, in the original time and space, Xiao Yan'er didn't do these things when he succeeded as the hero, right?
Thoughtfully, he drew his sword and stood back to back with Tian Guang on the octagonal field. After the Sixth Elder returned to his position, he actually jumped down again and each showed his weapon.

Great sword, sickle, stringless harp, Shennong ruler
For a moment, in the Hall of the Six Tombs, the different inner energies flying freely could almost crush an ordinary person who inadvertently broke in.
This is not a weakened version of the internal Qi formation test like Chen Sheng and Wu Kuang. These six old men have to show off their true abilities in close combat!

This is truly the most terrifying opponent Lu Wei has encountered in the past 22 years.
(End of this chapter)

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