Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 208 Attacked

Chapter 208 Attacked
"Spring silkworms don't miss autumn silk, summer cicadas don't know winter snow. Withering glory is not human life, and the prosperity and decline cannot be determined by the kingship."

Among the six elders, Master Li was the driver of Dize 24. He slowly recited the verses and was not in a hurry to activate the formation immediately, giving the two people in the center of the field ample time to react.

The greatest pressure Lu Wei ever faced was on New Year's Eve when he was 12 years old. After hanging lanterns on a street in Jicheng, he was stared at by the moon god from behind.

That was the only time a cold sweat broke out on his back.

Today he was facing the Sixth Elder's Dize 24. The strength gap between the two sides was no less than the gap between him and Yueshen back then, but Lu Wei didn't have any fear at the moment.

Although from the perspective of a test, there is a high probability that he will at least win some glory today even if he does not die. Speaking of which, when was the last time he was injured?

"here we go!"

As Li Shi's "quan" sound fell, the whirring sound of inner energy on the field rolled up the fallen leaves of the vines in the hall. Lu Wei clearly saw one of them floating in front of his eyes: the green leaves first changed from crisp and tender to green. Tough, then withered, and finally condensed into ice slag and broken into powder!
In less than a breath of time, a complete leaf experienced the sequential movement of the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, and turned into powder.
Lu Wei did not dare to be careless at this moment, and his inner energy was running at full speed.In front of it, the soldier dragged the giant sword, and with an arrow step, the figure disappeared instantly. When he reappeared, the giant sword, which was as wide as the giant sword, had been rounded and slashed at him with great force!

Swords and swordsmen both have their own attributes. It is common sense that a thin sword is light and flexible, while a giant sword is large and cunning.But with the blessing of Dize 24, the attack speed of the soldier holding the giant sword was actually much faster than that of Lu Ni holding the Frightening Salamander Sword!
Lu Wei did not dare to take this sword forcefully. He only extended his sword to follow the sword force of the sword master and used his own deep inner energy as the foundation to guide the opponent's swing angle upwards.

Swinging out such a huge sword with all his strength, the inertia brought by the sword body means that he cannot stretch and retract freely with every sword. In theory, after inducing the opponent to miss the swing of the sword, the next step is his own counterattack.

But this is the Dize 24 formation, and the Six Elders are not fighting alone.

After a slash of the sword, the figure of the soldier master disappeared as suddenly as he appeared, and what replaced him was a half-moon shaped air wave that was sharper than the domineering swordsmanship.

This is the swift sword energy wielded by the Ceres Sickle!
The attacks of the two elders were well connected, leaving him only one time to change his moves.

Lu Wei had no time to react, so he could only put his sword across his left chest, blocking the sword energy with the body of the Swallowing Sea Sword.

But this was only the attack of the two elders. The third Medicine King attacked from the side the moment the sword energy dissipated, and Shennong Ruler was swung.
Boom, the thick inner energy was like a sledgehammer, knocking Lu Wei away.

A surge of blood surged from his chest to his throat. Yao Wang's internal energy was not as good as his, but with the blessing of the four seasons' energy, Qiu's power first reduced the defense of the Rejuvenation Technique, and then Xia Rong and Dong Mie's combined attacks directly caused an explosion. general effect.

On the other side, Tian Guang was evenly matched with Yu Tu and Xian Zong empty-handed, and Tian Guang had also learned the secret skills of the two elders.

After Lu Wei was repulsed, Yu Tu Buzhou used his palms to force the knight leader to retreat to Lu Wei's side.

"This is not the real Dize 24, it's half at most." Tian Guang explained as he looked at the Sixth Elder who was surrounding them and flashing around.

"I dealt with four, which counts as two-thirds."

As he spoke, the Rejuvenation Kung was repairing the internal injuries he had just suffered. Lu Wei concentrated his energy and carefully observed the movements of the Sixth Elder.

Although there were only three people with three moves who directly attacked him just now, in fact, the attacks of the War Master, the Valley God, and the Medicine King were all based on the astrological footwork of the calendar master.

It is precisely because of this that the weapon master can use the giant sword at the speed of a thin sword.

"No matter how much it is, if we continue like this, we won't be able to last even one stick of incense, and we will lose early." Tian Guang felt that the aura of his partner around him quickly returned to stability, and his evaluation of Lu Wei's internal energy level was raised to another level.

"I know, so I will use Dize 24 to deal with Dize 24 next." The Sixth Elder did not launch the next attack for a long time, obviously waiting for them to finish their exchange.

This was not originally a test for the succession of Xiakui, but a test for teaching the 24 formations of Dize.

After all, the reason for checking the strength of the new Xia Kui and bringing the old Xia Kui together can only be because of the characteristic that Dize 24 usually requires two or more people to activate.

They will definitely get through this time of burning incense, but how much damage they will receive during the period depends on their ability to understand the Dize 24 formation.

Tian Guang has mastered the essence of Dize 24, and the Six Elders have been practicing this with great concentration. The seven of them are undoubtedly the ones who have the deepest grasp of Dize 24 in the world.

Seven people worked together, one to assist and six to press, just to help Lu Wei quickly grasp the essence of this formation.Obviously, even if Lu Wei guessed this secret, he would continue to pretend not to know about it and complete the play.

During this period, you must not take any chances because you think you will definitely not die here. The combo that just injured Hall Master Lu is a warning.

He was going to be beaten for a moment by a stick of incense. If he didn't resist vigorously during the process, his entire fate would be in the hands of the Sixth Elder.

How can it be better to be controlled by others?

"Dize 24 is not good at defense. To face the Sixth Elder's attack, we need to attack instead of defend." Tian Guang understood that Lu Wei had seen everything, and it was easier to talk when dealing with smart people.Therefore, he didn't say much else and only discussed Dize 24 itself.

The Sixth Elder wandered outside for more than ten times and seemed to feel embarrassed that the delay was too long, so he continued to launch a new round of offensive.

The leader of the army is responsible for killing, and the other five are responsible for assisting. This is a big let-down.But even so, the Qi of the Four Seasons was still sharp and left several bloody wounds on the two people who were besieged.
"The changes in the Qi of the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter in the Dize Formation are the key to all offensives, but if applied properly, these four seasons of Qi can also be used by us!"

Tian Guang opened his mouth to explain the principles of the formation as if he regarded the Sixth Elder as nothing, and used his palm techniques to repel the attacking Xianzong Elder's Five-Xian Finger Technique.On the other side, Lu Wei also resisted the sickles and Shennong rulers of Yao Wang and Gu Shen, but had to dodge sideways when faced with the subsequent sword swings of the weapon master.

"What should we do?" Lu Wei turned his right hand and held the sword upside down. He endured the cost of being injured by the sickle and the copper ruler and stabbed the soldier.

The result was of course a failure, and there was a huge stab wound on his back from his neck to his waist.
Without threatening the calendar master who guides the elders to move, it is impossible to hit any formation node in a tricky way.

After all, Shennong created the formation himself, and it would be extremely difficult for any one person to break through this formation.

Tian Guang replied: "In the Dize 24 Formation, which originated from the 24 solar terms, the summer solstice and the winter solstice are the dates with the longest day and night respectively in the year. We must adhere to the two positions!"

When he first encountered Chu Nan Gong in Shouchun City, Nan Gong compared the five virtues of the Yin Yang family with the land of the peasant family, and clearly pointed out that the two extreme changes were the key to each of them.

The more you grasp the extreme, the better you can understand the formation.

Tian Guang had already taken the Summer Solstice position, and the Winter Solstice position intentionally left by the Sixth Elder was found by Lu Wei and quickly occupied it. In this way, the two of them actually actively integrated into the formation itself, and the oppression they suffered was instantly halved. .
No matter how hard the left fist hits the left wrist, the same goes for the right hand.

Next, under the guidance of the Sixth Elder and Tian Guang, Lu Wei completely followed and witnessed the 460 changes in this exquisite formation.
The 460th change is the flaw in the formation!Hall Master Lu was keenly aware of a sense of obstruction as he held the Sea Swallowing Sword in his hand. His eyes lit up and he raised his sword to pass through the sword energy and saber energy of the Soldier Master and Gu Shen, pointing directly at the core of the formation: Calendar Master!
After three 360 ​​fives, the next year will be 360 ​​six. The last 366 changes are the biggest weakness of the peasant formation that casts spells on nature!
At this time, the long incense had long since burned out, and they didn't know how long they had been staying in the Six Sages' Tomb.

Walking out of the Six Sages' Tomb, the storm outside was roaring fiercely.

Tian Guang's body was still dry, but most of Lu Wei's clothes were stained red with blood.

As the one being taught, he is the main target of attack.

Every wound on his body is the price of his mistakes when dealing with Dize 24.
There were no injuries on his face and right hand, but there was a slight numbness from the several wounds on his upper body and legs.

"The day I became the leader of heroes was in a heavy rain like this." Tian Guang walked out of the passage and let himself be soaked in the rain. While letting his whole body get wet, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Everything started from the heavy rain. It starts and ends with heavy rain.”

"Next, if you don't understand anything about the inheritance of the farm family, you can come to the Six Xian Tomb and ask the elders for advice."

"You still need to stand in front of the stage for a while." Lu Wei performed the rejuvenation exercise to treat the wound and said calmly.

"You can't stand for much longer, but you can use my name for a little more time." Tian Guang looked at it very openly: "I can't stay here for a long time. You can stay in the tomb to heal your wounds tonight. Counting the time, I have to go Meet a friend.”

After that, Tian Guang's figure disappeared into the rainy night.

Lu Wei looked at the other person's disappearing back, and did not listen to his words and stay at the Sixth Tomb without any worries. Instead, after half a stick of incense, he found the entrance to the tunnel and headed back towards Zuimeng Tower.

Most of the wounds on the hall master's body were minor, and the six elders did not strike hard at first. It was not until they found out the approximate extent of his inner energy that they became more vicious in their strikes.
Tian Guang will meet his old friend sooner than expected.

A rainy night is a killing environment that most trap killers like.They met on a narrow road and just looked at the man holding the Han Chan Sword in front of him. Tian Guang waved his hand and slapped him with no politeness.
At the same time, dozens of black-clad killers wearing spider web patterns were surrounding him and approaching him.
(End of this chapter)

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