Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 209 Tian Guang was assassinated

Chapter 209 Tian Guang was assassinated
The strong wind and heavy rain that night whipped the entire Daze Mountain like a violent whip, causing the trees to tremble in fear and keep wailing.

Accompanied by a streak of lightning that split the sky, and with bursts of dull thunder, blood and heavy rain watered the vegetation in the forest only five miles away from the Tomb of the Six Immortals.

Covering the piercing wound on his shoulder, Tian Guang dealt blows to the twenty fallen killers one by one. As for the already stunned Han Cicada Sword Master, he did not kill the killer, but carried him on his shoulder and rushed towards Chi Youtang. direction.

In the hut of Tian's secret stronghold, Zhou Wen took off the Tian Meng mask on his face, lit a candle, and quietly waited for his target to arrive.

He did not bring Tian Meng's powerful sword today, but placed the Qiu Chan he got from the snare on the table.

Bang, the wooden door was pushed open, and a bolt of lightning at the right time illuminated Tian Guang's figure carrying a man.

The violent storm became even worse at this time. Tian Guang calmly threw the person on his shoulders to the ground, and water splashed all over the ground.

Then, dripping all over, he turned around and put the bolt on the door to prevent the wind and rain from getting in.

Only then did Zhou Wen see the face of the fainted person clearly, and he didn't feel strange. He said calmly: "Wu Kuang? He was sent by Luo Wang to assist me, but he has not yet met with me. He has already visited Xia Kuang first?" .”

"With the Snare Killer staring at him, he couldn't help himself, so I had to force him to do it."

Taking off his completely soaked robe, Tian Guang did not choose to sit down and rest. Instead, he came to the window sheltered from the wind, leaned against the swaying tree trunk and looked out: "Wu Kuang should have information to tell me, but he is being followed very closely. It’s tight, I can’t say a word.”

Tian Guang spent a lot of energy today. In the Six Sages Tomb, although Lu Wei was indeed under more pressure from the elders and the elders also stopped, in such a hall, he must always use his internal energy to protect himself from being The aftermath of Dize 24 was overwhelming.

Moreover, after leaving the tomb, the cost of inducing Wu Kuang to pierce his right shoulder was not small, and it was not easy to kill all those people.

"They are all dead, but Wu Kuang is alive. Will this expose his identity?"

Zhou Wen stood up and checked Wu Kuang's pulse to diagnose Wu Kuang's symptoms, and found that his internal energy had been dispersed by Bu Zhou's broken palm and his internal organs were injured. He would need to be treated by a professional doctor and then recover for two or three days before he woke up.

The strength controlled by Zhang Tianguang is indeed very good, leaving ample space for him to deal with troubles.

"These people are dead soldiers." Tian Guang shook his head, a trace of gloom flashed between his brows: "And the weird thing is that it is impossible for Luo Wang to think that he can kill me just by relying on those low-level disciples."

Even though he was not in good condition today, he could easily cope with the assassination. As for what happened in the Tomb of the Six Sages, only Tian Guang and Lu Wei knew about this trip. Wu Kuang was actually forced to go to the Tomb of the Six Sages to look for him. Just take these people with you.
Either Tian Guang himself was involved in the affair, or Lu Wei was involved in the affair.
"Wu Kuang, regardless of whether he is suspected or not, can bring more value to Luo Wang and will not give it away so easily."


Puff, it was the sound of a sharp weapon penetrating flesh.

Tian Guang, who was leaning against the window, looked down calmly at the tip of the sword that came out of his abdomen, and clenched the window edge with pale fingers.
"Unless Luo Wen can be sure that using Wu Kuang, he will definitely kill you Xia Kui."

Holding the unsheathed Qiu Toad Sword, Zhou Wen looked from his palm along the blade of the sword. There was no doubt that his sword penetrated Tian Guang from behind.
"So that's it." The severe pain in his abdomen gradually took away the remaining strength from his body. There was no surprise in Tian Guang's eyes, and there was even a smile at the corner of his mouth that Zhou Wen couldn't see.

His already weak body could no longer hold on, and he slowly knelt down and fell
Zhou Wen stepped on Tian Guang's back and pulled out the Qiu Toad Sword. He swung it high and was about to chop off his head, but was stopped by a deep voice: "Wait a minute!"

The sound came from the heavy rain outside the window. A figure wearing an ordinary snare killer's uniform came in from the window and pulled out a special sword to block Zhou Wen's movements.

The sword's body was glowing with blood-red sword aura, and its tip was fan-shaped.

The two swords crossed each other, and Zhou Wen was unable to defeat him and was forced to take a few steps back.

'The yin rises, the yang disappears, and the day becomes dark. The sun is covered! '

"Why did Lord Zhiri come to Daze Mountain? There is no news about him in Luo Wang's order." Zhou Wen said in surprise.

"Tian Guang has been fighting wits and courage with Luo Wang for many years. How could Luo Wang really entrust such an important task to you, a capricious villain who has rebelled many times?"

Zhanri lowered his head and glanced at Tian Guang, who didn't know whether he was alive or dead, and was rude to Zhou Wen in his words.

"But I have successfully captured him by using Wu Kuang." Zhou Wen sheathed his sword, not daring to resist Zie Ri's words.

"This is your mission, but your ability to do it well is indeed beyond our expectations."

Zhanri squatted down and carried Tian Guang on his shoulders. With his back to the latter, he turned his head and said, "It is undeniable that you did a good job. The reward from above will be announced soon."

"But don't forget that your ultimate mission is to become the hero and control the farm! Next, you have to eliminate other opponents who compete with you as the hero!"

"Of course, but I need more help."

"Yes, you will get the entire Qi country's net~"

Lu Wei appeared from outside Zuimeng Tower. His wounds had stopped bleeding and he had put on a new set of robes. There was no sign of any injuries on his body.

The rainstorm was really heavy, and it was no longer realistic to go back to Daze Mountain tonight, so he simply jumped into Zuimeng Tower and used the Soul Draining Technique to hypnotize the witnesses into unconsciousness in a certain room where dragons and phoenixes were playing with each other.

After meditating and waiting for the rain to stop, the master of the hall ran all the way back to Daze Mountain.

He is already a true hero, and he has the Sixth Elder as his backing.

But Lu Wei and Tian Guang have other plans, so now Tian Guang will continue to be the leader of the heroes.

The main purpose of his return to Daze Mountain from Jinghu Lake was to issue the Shennong Order. Now that this job has been taken over by Tian Guang, Hall Master Lu's next step is to wait for the situation to change.

In the general trend of the world, Qin's army to attack Wei has already taken action, and the progress of receiving Wei soldiers there also needs to be rushed over by himself.


Duan Murong worriedly helped Lu Wei, who had been out all day and night and was covered in scars, treat the wounds on his body.

Due to physical problems, these wounds have recovered well after several hours of internal temperature maintenance, and the possibility of leaving sequelae in the future is not high. However, the little medical fairy still worked hard to use his own medical skills to treat the wounds. The master of the hall checked the details.

In addition to sword wounds and blunt injuries, these wounds also have traces left by palm techniques and finger techniques.

In detail, Duan Murong believed that at least five people had launched a siege against Lu Wei, and these five people were all top-notch masters in the world, which led to such a result.

However, there are obvious signs of mercy among these batches of wounds, which seems to prove that the people they encountered were not enemies, at least not mortal enemies.

"If the person who caused these wounds wants to kill you, it is not impossible. You have always been steady, why are you so careless this time!"

Gently stroking the longest and deepest wound on Hall Master Lu's back with his fingers, Duan Murong was frightened for a while, and while he hurriedly dealt with it, he couldn't help but complain incessantly:

"You have never been injured, but you can't be careless about Jianghu. They can't defeat you alone. If you are entangled with many people in groups, you know that two fists can't beat four hands!" "Don't worry, I will take care of Jianghu on my own. Be measured." Duan Murong's verbosity was not annoying, but made Lu Wei smile.

While the master of the hall was lying down with his eyes closed and thinking about the next plan, he could also comfort the little medical fairy: "Even though my martial arts is not invincible, if I just want to save my life, I still have a good way."

Hearing such remarks, Duan Murong shut up.

After all, she also had a sense of propriety in her heart. For example, when she saw the dense wounds, Duan Murong never asked who her opponent was.

These attack methods that combine swords, knives, and palms are rare among many schools of thought, and the only one that is famous for them is the farmer himself.

Based on careful identification of the wounds, Duan Murong, who had stayed at the farmhouse for several years, was now roughly certain that the person Lu Wei was fighting against was the mysterious Elder of Six Xian Tombs.

As far as she knew, these elders generally would not leave their graves, and they would only be beaten if Hall Master Lu took the initiative to go in and do something.
Duan Murong could guess a lot of facts just from the traces on her body.

Thinking of this, she treated the wound more gently, her expression was tangled for a while, and she gritted her teeth and said:

"Sometimes fighting in rivers and lakes can be more flexible. Let me prepare some poisons for you. You can use them to fight the enemy at critical moments."

Doctors are definitely good at poisoning, but they rarely take the initiative to make poison.

Dong Dong, before Lu Wei could answer, there was a knock on the door of the cabin, and Xue Nu opened the door and hurried in.

When she saw the wounds on the hall master's body, she covered her mouth in discomfort and her eyes flashed.

But Xue Nu knew that it would be fine if Duan Murong took care of it, and she still remembered the reason why she came here:
"Brother Lu, something big happened over at Chi Youtang."

Axue squatted down and took out a clean gauze towel from the basin next to him. Together they helped deal with the blood stains on the edges of the large and small wounds, and reported what happened in the front hall: "Tian was killed, and several halls were killed." All the hall masters rushed over."

"Tian Du?" Lu Wei's eyes suddenly opened.

Why Tiandu!

The dilapidated hut was closely monitored by Chiyoutang disciples' sentries, and no outsiders were allowed to enter within a 30-meter radius of the hut.

When Lu Wei arrived with Dr. Nianduan, all the hall masters were present outside the hut, including the Zhu family who should be still in Shouchun, Chu State:
At the scene, Tian Meng and Tian Hu were discussing something in a low voice. The Zhu family mask was replaced by blue sadness and squatted aside in deep thought. Situ Wanli frowned and observed the other people, while Tian Mi was still smoking her pipe. .

When they saw Lu Wei coming with professionals, they took the initiative to give up the passage and displayed the body lying flat.

The deceased was confirmed to be Tian Du, a close associate of Xia Kui Tian Guang.

His throat was sealed with a sword and he showed no sign of resistance.

"Senior Nianduan, please."

Lu Wei first examined Tian Du's wounds in person before thoughtfully leaving the scene to the old doctor.

However, the most noteworthy thing at the scene was not Tian Du's body, but the obvious traces of another person being killed.
In Lu Wei's mind, of course, Tian Zang, who had been with Tian Du, was also dead, but after all, Tian Zang had already entered the Liuxian Tomb, and the other hall masters who did not know this secret naturally thought of another A terrifying possibility: Could there be another person who was killed but whose body was not found? He was the hero Tian Guang.
"Palace Master Lu's Gonggong Hall is very close to the boundary of Chi You Hall, why is it so late?"

The six hall masters secretly discussed the matter in an open space. Tian Meng bluntly questioned why Lu Wei was the last one to arrive.

He glanced at Tian Meng, but Lu Wei did have to explain: "I went out to Daze Mountain last night and came back this morning."

"I took the Xiling Town route, and rested for a while in a tavern in the town. The disciples there can prove it to me."

"Hall Master Lu has only been back to Daze Mountain for less than three days. Why did he suddenly go out?" Tian Meng chased after him.

"This is an internal matter within the Gonggong Hall. It would be better for Hall Master Tian not to cross the line."

"Lu Wei! Why are you talking to my eldest brother?" Tian Hu yelled, naturally helping his relatives but not helping him.

"Well, this matter involves the safety of the hero. If our six halls still fight in this situation, wouldn't it mean that we are not prioritizing!"

The Zhu family spoke up to calm down the atmosphere on the field, but Tian Meng refused to give up: "You should understand Tian Du's strength. Who else among the farmers can kill him with one sword!"

Several pairs of eyes subconsciously stared at Lu Wei
"Besides, this isn't the first time this kind of thing has happened in a farmhouse!" Tian Meng said with a cold tone: "Didn't Tian Zhong, the former general manager of Gonggong Hall, and Zhou He, the former head of Gonggong Hall, both be killed with one sword? Yes!"

"Now even Tian Du and Xia Kui are..."

"Tian Meng! Nothing has happened to Xia Kui yet!" When the Zhu family heard the mention of Tian Zhong and Zhou He, they subconsciously doubted Lu Wei in their hearts. However, when Xia Kui was involved, he still spoke up to stop Tian Meng's nonsense. .

"Okay, let's not talk about Xiakui first, let's talk about Tian Zhong, Zhou He, and Tian Du. They were all killed with one sword. Isn't the biggest suspect our 'number one farmer'?"

"I was only 14 years old when Tian Zhong died. Do you think a mere 14-year-old boy could kill Tian Zhong with one sword?"

Facing everyone's gaze, Lu Wei did not dodge at all, but calmly defended himself: "As for Hall Master Zhou He, he was killed by Zhou Zhang, a traitor from the peasant family. I was the determined successor to the Hall Master at that time, why did I need to take the risk to attack Zhou He?"

"As for Tiandu, he has no enmity or enmity against me."

"Did Hall Master Tian Meng put all the suspicion on me out of internal fighting or out of ulterior motives?"

"Okay, let's stop fighting among ourselves. The most important thing now is to confirm the situation of Xia Kui. Hall Master Zhu, aren't you in the Chu Kingdom? Why did you come back today?" Situ Wanli directly followed Lu Wei's words and sat Tian Meng down. It's actually a case of fighting within oneself, and then changing the subject without giving the other party any chance to argue.

"I came back just after receiving the order from Xiakui, saying it was for the issuance of the Shennong Order this year!"

The Zhu family spoke quickly and completely blocked Tian Meng from continuing to speak, and then took out a piece of cloth letter from his arms.

Above is the recall order written by Tian Guang himself. Several hall leaders are familiar with Tian Guang's handwriting and know it is true.

"Since Xia Kui has called Hall Master Zhu back to Daze Mountain to discuss matters, does this mean that Xia Kui is indeed in Daze Mountain?"

Situ Wanli continued to speak.

"If that's really the case, then..." Tian Mi's delicate voice joined in, and the meaning of what she said made everyone present change their expressions.

Could it be that the man who died next to Tian Du but whose body was not seen was really...
Only Lu Wei and Tian Meng were relatively calm. They all knew it was Tian Zang.

However, what Lu Wei is confused about is: Why?
Why did Tian Guang take Zhou Wen's Qiu Toad Sword to kill his cronies Tian Du and Tian Zang?
(End of this chapter)

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