Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 21 Entering Chu

Chapter 21 Entering Chu
After dealing with the enemy in Luowang and leaving the Qingfengling area, the caravan finally met up with another group of peasant disciples.

The other party belongs to Siyue Hall, and the leader is Situ Wanli.

Although Xu Sheng didn't appear very depressed after breaking his hand, he was still reluctant to see outsiders in his current appearance, so Lu Wei was responsible for the negotiations.

Not only this time, but also in all subsequent external work and handling of internal problems in the caravan, Xu Sheng delegated authority.

Zhou Wen and Sang Lin often meditated in the carriage after leaving Qingfengling. According to them, their purpose was just to reach Chu State.

As a result, Lu Wei became the only talker in the caravan, busy with extra work. While in charge of the caravan, he got acquainted with various farmers in Qi State, and he was no longer a nobody from then on.

Shansame and Konoha were promoted by him and each became a small supervisor, responsible only for themselves. The four of them felt particularly novel about this and worked very hard.

The return to Yan State went as smoothly as it did. Four months later, the caravan crossed the border and officially entered Chu State.

Luo Wang suffered a big loss and never came to retaliate. This made Lu Wei a little surprised, but if he thought about it carefully, he could understand that at this time, Qin had not unified the six countries, and with the power of one country, Luo Wang was still far away. Not as powerful as the later generations.

It is not easy to cultivate a Tianzi-level killer, and with the power of the defection of Jing Salamander, there are really not many people it can send to Qi Chu.

What's more, for a group that values ​​interests so much, even if it's revenge, it needs to gain more than it pays.

"We walked!"

Before resting in a small town in the Chu Kingdom, Zhou Wen and Sang Lin formally bid farewell to Xu Sheng. They drove the carriage presented by Xu Sheng and left the large group alone.

After standing on the roof of the car and watching his colleagues who had been with him for several months leave, Lu Wei returned to the car: "They seem to have taken something away?"

"That belongs to Sang Lin." Xu Sheng hid his right arm in his long sleeves and raised the sword with his left hand, cultivating a new sword sense: "You must have guessed their identities, right?"

"Yeah," Lu Wei said truthfully, "That Zhou Wen is Zhou Zhang, the former manager of our Gonggongtang, right? As for Sang Lin, did you say he was from King Yan before?"

"Yes, Brother Zhou changed his name and put on a human skin mask, but I have never worried about him. But if you meet Sang Lin in the future, you need to be more careful!"

Xu Sheng put down his sword and seriously warned Lu Wei: "This person has never been loyal at all!"

"Oh?" Xu Sheng sat up straight, ready to listen to what he said:

"Sang Lin's original name is Wu Chen. He is originally from the Chu Kingdom. This time he is just returning home."

"He was a good knight in his youth and traveled to Wei and Zhao. Similar to you, he also joined the Zhao army, but he also served as a bandit, and his conduct was not considered a good person."

"After arriving in the Yan Kingdom, this person joined a farmer's family, and at the same time expressed his intention to seek refuge with King Yan, Prince Dan and Lord Yan Chun. He is an opportunist with evil intentions."

"You have to know that such people often have some abilities and special uses, so the three important figures in the Yan Kingdom accepted him."

"When entering the caravan this time, in addition to my own wishes, the three masters of the military minister may also have given some instructions."

"Perhaps it is one of the tasks to kill Yan Chunjun's spies in the caravan in my name."

"Don't have close friendship with such a person!"

Xu Shengdun taught.

"That's it!" Lu Wei nodded as if he suddenly realized it, and never mentioned the fact that 'it was you who arranged for the military minister to join the caravan and gave him the position of commander.'

"Brother Zhou is a good person, but what he wants to do this time is very dangerous. I disagree. In fact, Brother Lu, do you know that our current situation is exactly the same!" Xu Sheng and Lu Wei looked at each other sincerely and continued. said:

"You and I are both real names and identities in the caravan. If the net is vindictive, it will only find the two of us!"

"Moreover, the group of thieves in Huangsha Valley of Yan State are actually Lord Yanchun's people. Even if you kill them, it seems trivial, but Lord Yanchun is a man of great power and stingy."

"He is definitely a powerful person who would do something like an elephant stepping on an ant. If you come back to Jicheng again, you will inevitably say that you will not be retaliated against."

Xu Sheng's words combined with his serious expression seemed very realistic:

"We have no other way out. After the caravan mission is completed, we cannot return to Jicheng. We must go to Qi State to help my father win the position of the leader of the Gonggong Hall. In this way, the safety of you and me can be guaranteed~"

"Will you continue to help me?"

After Lu Wei heard Xu Sheng's explanation, his face was filled with uncertainty and confusion. Finally, he seemed to have made up his mind:
"Of course, Brother Xu, I will definitely help you with all my strength!"

"The position of the leader of Gonggong Hall must be inherited by the most reliable person!"


After finishing his heart-to-heart talk with Xu Sheng, Lu Wei summoned his fourth brother in his carriage: "Has the team decided on the next direction?"

Lu Yu nodded: "Brother Lu, our final destination is Shouchun. Except for those special goods that need to be sent to the Xiang Family Military Camp, most of the normal goods will be sold at Yunmeng Market."

"After looking for a few local guides and making some estimates, the caravan will continue to travel for three months. It is estimated that it will take half a year to sell the goods in Shouchun and purchase Chu's specialties."

"How safe is it on the road?"

Lu Shan came to answer this question:
"There are dense rivers in Chu State, and we need to use local gang boats to cross the rivers. I arranged for my disciples to communicate with the local snakes in advance. In terms of cost, although it is not low, compared with the value of the entire caravan, it is affordable."

"According to the boss's instructions, a full cavalry scout team has been formed. They will set off in advance to detect changes in the surrounding area." Lu Ye added.

"Well done!" Lu Wei witnessed with his own eyes the growth of his fourth younger brother from a submissive deserter to a capable team leader now, and he felt a certain sense of pleasure in his heart:

"I'm afraid Xu Sheng will not return to Jicheng. By then, this team will be completely under our control. Before you leave Chu State, you can recruit more subordinates with good character and register them into the farmhouse!"

"Understood!" The four people's eyes lit up and they stepped back happily.

After being busy with some matters, Lu Wei meditated and performed the Rejuvenation Kung Fu to try to get rid of a trace of fatigue. When he opened his eyes, he suddenly felt extremely happy:
Internal strength is about to break through!

Since the caravan set off, I have been walking most of the day and have no time to practice martial arts at all.

Lu Wei has made little progress in the Youdie Sword Technique, a martial arts technique that requires a lot of practice to increase proficiency, over the past six months, but with the power pill, he has made rapid progress in terms of internal strength month by month.

This greatly increased the power of Ice Palm and Soul Swinging Technique.

Now, the ten power pills are about to be used up, and the internal power level will finally break through!

"After the breakthrough, the quality of my internal energy will reach another level. I will definitely be able to learn "Flying Snow" by then!"

"Flying Snow" is a life-saving escape technique that Lu Wei bought in the mall a long time ago. At the end of last year, he said that he wanted to learn it as soon as possible, but after trying it several times, he couldn't succeed and had no ideas, so he was forced to put it aside temporarily. .

Today, for the first time, he felt the opportunity to learn from Feixue.
(End of this chapter)

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