Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 22 Xiang Family

Chapter 22 Xiang Family
While the caravan was traveling, it suddenly encountered a group of Chu cavalry. They had to stop temporarily to make way for them.

In the real historical plane, there will never be heavy cavalry with both men and horses wearing iron armor during this period, but in the bright moon of Qin Dynasty, everything is possible ~
Seeing the mighty black horse and snow armor knights galloping, Lu Yu, the leader of the caravan, couldn't help but sigh:
"It's really majestic. This must be the Xiang cavalry who is known as the 'strongest clan in Chu State'!"

"Hmph, that's all!" Lu Ye pouted at Chu Qi who was walking away:

"It just looks good. We are from the Kingdom of Zhao, which has the strongest cavalry, so don't make a fuss about everything, okay?"

"Are Zhao's cavalry the strongest?" Lu Yu touched his head in embarrassment: "I don't know. I have never seen our Zhao's cavalry."

"Of course!" Lu Ye raised his head proudly: "These Chu Qi are just bullying the refugees. We, Zhao Qi, are the victorious troops who have suppressed the wolf tribe outside the northern pass for decades!"

"Even if you are from Qin, you don't dare to underestimate Zhao Qi's charge!"

"That's it." Lu Yu, who has gained a lot of experience, does not have any ignorant inferiority complex. After all, the target of criticism is his own brother.
After the dust kicked up by the cavalry slowly dissipated, the caravan set off again. Meeting the Chu cavalry was just a small episode for this team.

In the carriage compartment, Lu Wei knew nothing about the conversation between Yu Ye and Yu Ye outside. He was working hard on his rejuvenation technique, striving for an early breakthrough.

The characteristic of the rejuvenation gong is stability, and the word "golden mean" is the most vivid portrayal of it.

The speed of practice is neither fast nor slow, and the lethality output is neither strong nor weak. Therefore, the reaction when the rejuvenation skill breaks through is also like a small stream, let it take its course~
One night, Lu Wei suddenly opened his eyes. The internal energy in his body was like a galaxy pouring down the earth, flowing continuously:
"It's done!"

Completing the breakthrough calmly, Lu Wei used Qinggong and quietly left the caravan without being noticed by any of the night patrol disciples.

After running for several miles on the vast plains, he frowned slightly and stopped: now his internal energy cultivation is really wasted to drive a blue-level light skill!
Taking out "Flying Snow", Lu Wei meditated on the spot and began to comprehend it without hesitation.

The night in Chu State in early September was not like that in the Yanzhao area. It was extremely hot and muggy. After about a stick of incense, Lu Wei found depressingly that his inner Qi cultivation had indeed reached the threshold for practicing "Flying Snow", but this uncomfortable feeling The climate is so incompatible with this kung fu.
Although there was no progress at all due to the harmonizing effect of the Rejuvenation Kung Fu, such a slow running speed was too much of a waste of time for Lu Wei, who had a clear mind.

"Change your mind and try using Ice Palm to assist!"

Thinking of this, he closed his eyes again and focused on two things. On one side, he drove the ice palm to dissipate cold air, and on the other side, he once again ran the inner air route of Feixue.

The two ices fell together, and the temperature around Lu Wei suddenly dropped!
The moon slowly moved westward, and there were many mosquitoes in the plain grass in the wilderness, but none of them sucked Lu Wei's blood that was sent to his body.

Because at this time, a thick layer of frost formed on the surface of his skin and clothing!
Lu Wei, who had completely transformed into a little frost man, didn't open his eyes again until the sun rose: This way of practice is effective!
Overjoyed, he took the initiative to perform the Rejuvenation Kung Fu to restore his body temperature. He made great progress in martial arts overnight and returned quickly.

On the caravan side, Saname Konoha was walking around in a panic. When she woke up in the morning, she found that her boss had disappeared mysteriously!
The first time he encountered this kind of thing, the first emotion in the fourth boy's heart was fear: the miserable life in childhood was not worth remembering at all, and the few good memories he had only came from meeting Brother Lu in the military camp.

Without Brother Lu's careful training and care, the four of them couldn't imagine where they would be now!
Shansame Konoha has never been so flustered or even desperate.
Xu Sheng never came out to check the situation. He seemed to have completely let go of the team and was just being a little transparent until the caravan mission was completed.

"what happened?"

So, when Lu Wei came back, he found that the usually well-organized caravan was paralyzed listlessly, and none of the four younger brothers stood up to maintain order.

Lu Wei, who has always been good-tempered, decided to get angry once appropriate.

Flashing to the roof of his carriage: "Lu Yu, Lu Shan, are you two like the managers in charge?"

A familiar voice sounded from a familiar position. Shanyu Konoye quickly turned his head and looked at the reappeared boss. He cried with joy and rushed over one by one:

"Brother Lu!"

"Boss!" ×3

Lu Wei, who had no idea what was going on, couldn't get any more angry. He could only listen to the fourth brother's explanation of the situation with his mind full of doubts. "Do you think I left everyone alone?"

Lu Wei's face was expressionless as he tried to extract the keywords.

"Brother Yu thought that you, boss, were caught by the Tianzi-level killer sent by Luowang!"

After wiping away his tears, Lu Ye did not forget to actively report the matter.

"I think so because I believe that Brother Lu will never abandon us for no reason!" Lu Yu defended himself: "You are questioning Brother Lu's quality!"

"Then you are questioning the boss's strength!" Lu Ye retorted.

"You, you, you," the two of them had been quarreling and arguing incessantly recently.

He never expected that one night would not only increase his own strength, but also further increase the fourth brother's dependence on him!
Lu Wei suddenly expanded his imagination of the future a little bit more

Shouchun, as the capital of Chu State, although it has only been six years since the King of Chu moved here, its size is no less than that of Jicheng.

The caravan traveled thousands of miles and spent nearly a year finally reaching its destination, but they were not able to enter the city yet.

Lu Wei walked into Xu Sheng's carriage and found that Xu Sheng had hid his entire body under his black robe, not showing anything at all.

Lu Wei was considerate and didn't ask any more questions. Lu Wei calmly explained his purpose of coming here: "Should I send Xiang's goods there first?"

"You arrange it yourself."

Xu Sheng's voice was vicissitudes of life, and he was unwilling to say a word more.

"Okay", Lu Wei didn't say much and walked out of the gloomy carriage decisively.

After assigning the task to Saname Konoha, the caravan changed direction and headed towards the military camp on the outskirts.

The general sent by the Xiang clan to negotiate was named Xiang Tang, also known as Xiang Bo.

"I heard that the person in charge of the caravan organized by the farmer Lu Qiuge is their young master: Xu Sheng, a vigorous young man."

Xiang Bo looked at the sturdy young man in front of him and said slowly:

"You don't seem to be Xu Sheng, right?"

"I am indeed not Xu Sheng." The young man boldly looked into Xiang Bo's eyes for a long time: "But I am now the general manager of this caravan~"

"Oh?" Xiang Bo stood up, his military aura showing off his arrogance: "May I ask your name?"

"Zhao Ren, Lu Wei!"

Lu Wei also stood up. He knew that if he wanted to do business with Xiang, he must not flinch at all!

(End of this chapter)

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