Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 212 2 Po Chu

Chapter 212 20 Po Chu

The effect of 'hiding in the city' was very good. At least the hall master held a little girl and wanted to leave the Qin army's siege without encountering any obstacles.

Zhang Han, the leader of the Shadow Secret Guards who accompanied the army, seemed to be aware of the abnormality, but in the end he could not find the traces of the hall master because he did not detect murderous intent.

The Shadow Guards went out with the army this time to expand like a snare.The reason why Lu Wei appeared here still has to start with Daze Mountain.

After the incident in Tiandu in the Osawa Mountains was over, the Sixth Hall Master's covert investigation finally discovered the bodies of the killers in the mountains outside the Liuxian Tomb. However, after that, everything lost its clues again.

The good news is that Tian Guang's body was not found, and the bad news is the same.

Situ Wanli of Siyuetang did not stay long. After he came up with a reason to go out to Wei to look for clues about Xiakui, he left Daze Mountain in a hurry.

Lu Wei followed closely behind. Anyway, given the current situation in Daze Mountain, no hall master would contact him privately.

Just when he received Mei Sanniang's letter about the Armored Gate, he also came out to the Wei State, but his priority destination was not Daliang City, which had been besieged and released by the Qin army, but the stronghold of Chungu Town.

Mei Sanniang is here, and she has information about the ceremony of the leader of the Armored Sect.

After the war between Qin and Wei broke out, the Wei soldiers represented by the Armored Gate immediately went to the most dangerous border battlefield, fighting bloody battles with the enemies who invaded the country.

Although it was a heroic act of fighting for the country, the significance of this heroic act seemed extremely stupid under the Qin army's strategy.

Competing with the Wei State for one city and one land was not the result that the Qin State wanted at all. After they only attracted the most elite main force of the Wei State with a feint attack, they used a partial army to block the Wei Army's retreat, while Wang Ben led his troops. The horse takes a detour and goes straight to Daliang City!
The capital of the country was besieged, and every Wei soldier was blinded. However, no matter how good the Wei soldiers were in fighting, the fact that we were outnumbered and the enemy was outnumbered could not change.

Especially when the battlefield developed into a situation where the Wei army was incompetent and furious, constantly attacking the Qin army's defense line and trying to return to the capital for rescue, it played into the Qin army's hands.

Time is on the side of the Qin army.

Dianqing led the charge on the battlefield, and his body was stronger than the Qin army's horses and chariots.

However, the manpower will eventually be exhausted. Even if he can persist in his hard work, after the physical exertion of the ceremony is exhausted, he will still be captured by the Qin soldiers and put in shackles.

Several elite members of the Armored Sect were captured together.

The war is not over yet, but the fate of the Wei soldiers who were prisoners of war has been determined: they are very strong and not afraid of being injured, so they just happened to be sent to Lishan to build the mausoleum.

The Armored Sect has been defeated for the Wei State. If the masters of the sect such as Dianqing can be rescued after the fall of the Wei State, there is a high probability that they can be directly absorbed into the farmhouse.

In this regard, Mei Sanniang's idea was to kill all the Qin soldiers who were transporting the prisoners of the Wei army and directly kidnap the prisoners.

This plan is in line with the character of this female man, but before Lu Wei said anything, the people in charge of Spring Valley Town: Aye, Li Shang, and Chen Yu all strongly opposed it.

There is no other reason than that the risk is too great.

Mobilize your disciples to directly attack the Qin army. Once some information is leaked, the consequences are unpredictable.

Li Shang used his sources among the Wei knights to believe that to rescue Jianqing, he only needed to spend money to recruit people.

Regardless of their strength, the disciples of the Pijia Sect are now at best a group of Lishan prisoners, who can be bought with money from the Qin army guards.

The Qin army would then have their own way to find a new group of prisoners of equal number and hand them over to Lishan.

Although it is unrealistic to fish out all the captured members of the Armored Sect, it can still be done by just fishing out the ceremony and teaming up with some other masters.

Even if the cost is slightly more expensive, Spring Valley Town cannot afford it.

After Hall Master Lu made the decision, Li Shang and Chen Yu had full authority to handle the matter, and the Hall Master himself did not have to take care of it himself.

After all, at the most serious level, this matter was that Lu Wei was rescuing a master of hard work and preparing for the formation of a future first-landing force. At the most minor level, it was just that he could not get ten prisoners.

However, no matter how much I value it in my heart, on the surface, the more low-key the rescue ceremony is, the better.

The armored sect's planning discussions were over, and after everyone retreated, Aye stayed alone and reported to the hall master the traces of the little white-haired kendo girl he had been following.

The person was in Daliang City, but because Wang Ben diverted water into the city, the people in the city were in riots. It was not easy to find traces of the target under such circumstances.

If the target's white hair is not very conspicuous in this world, then there is no possibility at all.

Moreover, Aye was not optimistic about whether an eight-year-old girl could survive in the chaotic city.

Although the level of 'real' swordsmanship is good, it is only good.

Lu Wei did not answer this, but asked Aye to point out the target's residence and then told him not to worry about it anymore.

Hall Master Lu did not interfere in the flood that flooded the city. Logically speaking, nothing would happen to Xiao Mengzi in the future, but even if something did happen, it would not have any other effect besides making him feel a bit pity.

If nothing happens, then save the little girl before Zhang Han, and then show some casual kindness, and you will have one more friend: one more friend always has the benefit of one more friend.

Xiaomeng's talent is worth investing in. In the future, she may be able to use her to repay a favor, besiege Donghuang in Mirage, and eliminate Luowang.

After turning on the 'Great Hidden City' function and entering Daliang City, it didn't take long to find 'Zhen' among a bunch of ordinary people. She was still alive.At this time, almost two months had passed since Daliang City was flooded, and the little girl's embarrassment was really unsightly.

But again, purposeful rescuing can only achieve the best results when the other person is desperate. Xiao Mengzi should let her suffer more in the future.

"This in itself is also part of spiritual cultivation. Xiaomengzi is really lucky to have a kind-hearted protector like me to help guard the last line of life."

Standing high up with a smile and watching the little girl shivering due to hunger and cold in the wind and rain, Lu Wei thought with compassion.

But what shocked the hall master later was that a few days later, Zhen was about to fall into a dying state due to the epidemic. When Lu Wei frowned and wanted to take action, a weak inner energy suddenly appeared in the little girl's body. Judging from its properties, it had its own Taoist atmosphere.

She actually figured out a decent internal skill method from Taoist classics!

Although the internal energy was extremely weak, it was able to protect her heart and allow Xiaomeng to continue to survive on her own, preventing Lu Wei from having to rescue her.

Is this true genius?
At the age of eight, he went to Taiyi Mountain to become a disciple of the Taoist Tianzong. In the process, he defeated 18 Tianzong disciples in one breath. Therefore, after becoming a disciple of Bei Mingzi, he only studied Taoist orthodoxy for a few months and defeated six Tianzong disciples. Elder Whitebeard, Genius Who Conducts Retreat
In terms of talent alone, it’s really scary!
After waiting for another month, the Qin army entered the city, and the people of Daliang fled in all directions. Hall Master Lu also followed the crowd of 'Zhen' all the way to the outside of the city. On the night when he stopped to rest, when the burning house collapsed, he rescued Target set.

There is no need to go into details about the process of showing kindness to the little girl and guiding the little girl to go to Taiyi Mountain. After the other party washed up, Lu Wei used the Great Hide in the City to make himself disappear. Watching Xiao Meng looking around and leaving lonely, the master of the hall Calmly turned around and returned to Spring Valley Town.

After saving the future Taoist master, Lu Xiaomeng can walk on his own, and there is also a hard-working master who will soon belong to him in the farmer's house. Lu Wei's busy rhythm is back.

"Dianqing, meet Hall Master Lu."

Dianqing, who was bought by Li Shang, was unusually tall and burly, as tall as two adults, with a noticeable hunchback.

When he knelt down in front of him, this was the first meeting between Lu Wei and the current master of the Armored Sect.

If you look closely, you will see that this "brass-headed, iron-armed, unscathed" hard-kung master has gray hair, and his naked and strong body is covered with symmetrical tattoos to enhance the fear he brings to his enemies.

On his face, Dianqing wrapped a piece of red silk tightly around his eyes, seemingly invisible.

Mei Sanniang once told Lu Wei: It is said that this is because many years ago, Senior Brother Dianqing made a mistake and accidentally injured an innocent person, so from then on he simply blindfolded his eyes as a warning.

"Senior Dianqing, please get up." He quickly stepped forward and patted Dianqing's arm, which was as thick as an adult man's waist. Hall Master Lu supported his future general and said with a cheerful smile:

"Mei Sanniang has invited seniors many times, but seniors always refused because of national affairs. Now that Wei State has been unfortunately destroyed, the Armor Sect still has a branch in Gonggongtang. Senior Jianqing is willing to join us. Under my Gonggongtang?"

Few people could refuse Lu Wei's personal invitation.

Dianqing had just encountered the fall of his country. Although he was hurt in his heart, he also understood that the farmer's Hall Master Lu Wei had not only taken care of the Armored Sect many years ago, but now he had saved him.
Whether the Wei Kingdom can be restored or not is no longer decided by him as a small player. Now he has to repay Hall Master Lu for his kindness:

"As requested by Hall Master Lu, Dianqing would like to be a disciple of Gonggong Hall."

Mei Sanniang, who was watching from the sidelines, was extremely happy when she saw that her senior brother had also joined Gonggongtang. The Armored Sect had finally put aside its relationship with the Wei State that killed its master and started anew!
In Xianyang, news came that Daliang City had been destroyed. It was only a matter of time before the remaining areas of the Wei State were swept and occupied. The King of Qin then summoned Lord Changping to prepare to discuss the next issue of destroying Chu.

Ying Zheng did not feel there was any problem in discussing the matter of destroying Chu with his uncle who had the blood of the Chu royal family.

The status of the Right Prime Minister of Da Qin is now much more powerful than that of the King of Chu.Moreover, Changping Jun grew up as an official in the Qin Kingdom since his birth. He has never set foot on the Chu Kingdom. Compared with the Chu people, Changping Jun Xiong Qi is more in line with the identity of the Qin people.

He does indeed have Qin blood flowing through him.

The great cause of unifying the world will be accomplished by myself as the King of Qin and Lord Changping of the Prime Minister. At that time, everyone in the world will be Qin people. What a glorious glory this is.

The new imperial territory would far exceed the territory where King Wu established the Zhou Dynasty.

Qin Wangzheng didn't even think about the possibility of Chang Ping Jun colluding with Chu State. He was in a good mood and discussed with Xiong Qi the measures to appease the people of the old land of Chu State. Then he suddenly asked about the candidate for the general to attack Chu:

"Who do you think, Lord Changping, should be the commander-in-chief of the army?"

Finally reached this point
Lord Changping looked calm and replied calmly: "Your Majesty is hesitating whether to use Wang Jian or Li Xin?"

"We might as well summon them into the palace and ask them what they think."

"Yes." Ying Zheng nodded.

The eunuchs were ordered to pass down the king's order accurately. Wang Jian and Li Xin soon came one after another and set foot in the palace.

There is a big difference in status between the two, and Li Xin is just the junior.

But precisely for this reason, when Wang Jian called out a plan that required 60 troops to destroy Chu, Li Xin, provoked by Lord Changping, boldly called out a plan of 20.

Qin Wangzheng relaxed his frown slightly because of Wang Jian's words, but continued to ask: "Chu is a huge country, how can an army of 20 defeat Chu?"

"When the last general was leading the way for General Wang Ben to destroy Wei, he had a fight with the Chu army on the border. The Chu army had many forces and could not work together like our great Qin army. Therefore, as long as the main force of the Chu army was defeated, the other soldiers would The birds and beasts disperse!"

Li Xin knelt down on one knee, cupped his fists and repeated loudly:
"Two hundred thousand elites are enough to defeat Chu!"

(End of this chapter)

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