Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 213 The temptation of becoming a king?

Chapter 213 The temptation of becoming a king?

Yan Bing and Lu Chen have always been responsible for the defense of the Gonggongtang headquarters in Dazeshan.Now that Jianqing has brought in the armored sect elites, they can share a considerable part of the pressure between the two of them.

In recent years, a large part of the headquarters' manpower has been divided into three branches: Spring Valley Town, Songhai City, and Jingxian County, so that its own defense has become somewhat lax. It is time to add some fresh blood to enhance its strength.

Judging from the strength of one person, it is not a problem to deal with the Tian tiger brothers.

After the affairs of Xiaomeng and Jianqing are completely resolved, the Wei State is not considered to have perished for no reason to the Hall Master. It has provided itself with sufficient use value.

It's just that the safety of this place has been reduced after it was included in Qin's territory, but Lu Wei is not ready to evacuate immediately.

He has to return to Daliang City again, where a friend probably has something to discuss with him.

"I didn't expect that the target that allowed the dignified Hall Master Lu Wei to risk his life and come to Daliang City was actually a little beggar girl~"

Star Soul, the Zuo protector of the Yin Yang family, was holding a special ancient bronze box in his hand and said to Lu Wei in front of him with a strange smile.

'Hiding in the City' could hide it from Qin Bing and Zhang Han, but it was impossible to hide it from Xinghun.After the Qin army poured water into the city, Xinghun, who was planning to plot Canglong Qisu, immediately sneaked into Daliang and launched a secret operation, a full two months before Lu Wei's arrival.

On the day when the city wall collapsed and the Qin army entered the city, the hall master who was following the young Xiaomeng and the guardian Zuo met their eyes from a distance. The two were surprised at the same time, but also because they were in emergency. There are things to do, so there is no time to communicate.

But Lu Wei and Xinghun understood tacitly that since both parties were in Wei, they would always have to exchange information with each other after the situation stabilized.

The current meeting outside Daliang City is a further manifestation of the tacit understanding between the two. Of course, it is also possible that Xinghun has been wandering outside the city every night recently, seeking to meet Hall Master Lu by chance.
"And this Taoist Kung Fu is not the Heavenly Sect's Heguang Tongchen, but the Human Sect's Great Hidden in the City that has been lost for nearly 50 years?"

The Yin Yang family, which broke away from Taoism, naturally has a very detailed understanding of the research of their former companions.In the same way, the Taoists mostly do the same to the Yin and Yang schools.

Although they have served Qin together in recent years, the relationship between the two factions is definitely not friendly.

Especially since the Yin Yang Family kidnapped many Taoist disciples a few years ago, the Taoist family is now preparing some countermeasures.

Xinghun was very curious about how Hall Master Lu could obtain such a technique.

"What I've done is nothing compared to that box in your hand."

Lu Wei recognized the Canglong copper box at a glance.

This was the first time he saw this box in reality
This is the biggest secret in this world. If you can unlock it, you may not need to wait for a long period of public resentment to accumulate, and you will immediately gain the power to rule the world.
"What do you mean?" Xinghun stretched out his arm and displayed the box in front of Hall Master Lu. He raised the corner of his mouth and threw it casually with his right hand. Lu Wei took the box easily: "If you like it, give it to you. "

The cold and heavy feeling is full of authenticity, but it is this authenticity that is slightly unreal.
For such a treasure with infinite possibilities, Hall Master Lu never expected that Star Soul would be handed over to him so easily.

"This should be the only mission goal of the Yin Yang Family when they sent you to the Wei Kingdom, right?" Lu Wei's heart suddenly calmed down to the extreme. He only glanced at the simple patterns on the box, then lowered his head and looked at Xinghun again.

"Yes!" Xinghun's answer was simple: "In addition to the Yin Yang family, the Qin State and Luo Wang also sent special personnel to hope to get this box, and there were even some mercenaries who did not know how to live or die, hired by some people who hide their heads and hide their tails. Intent to fish in troubled waters."

"Unfortunately, this time they have to face me. The ownership of this box has been destined from the beginning." Master Zuo's voice became proud when he said this: "The difference is only in the way I got it."

"It seems that you had a smooth time getting the box." Lu Wei understood that only if the process of getting the Azure Dragon Copper Box was too successful would Star Soul have the idea of ​​​​appropriating the copper box.

But for what purpose was he generous enough to give the box to himself?
"Actually, I want to throw it away, for example, go to the beach and sink the box into the sea myself~" The evil boy looked at the copper box that fell into Hall Master Lu's hand, without any thought in his eyes, and just explained with his arms crossed:

"It's a pity that such an itinerary is easily exposed, so as long as the box doesn't fall into the hands of those three families, it will be the same to anyone."

Xinghun's hatred for Qin, Luowang, and the Yinyang family is no secret to Lu Wei.

As for the other party's idea of ​​destroying the box, Lu Wei figured it out after a slight thought: the most likely people in the world to unlock the copper box are those three enemies.

Don't let the enemy achieve his goal, and your own goal will be achieved.

"I can collect this box for you. The possibility of unlocking it is really slim, but this box can become an excellent trading item or a bait in the future."

"You can do whatever you want with the things that have been given to you." Turning around to look at the cloudless starry sky, Xinghun showed his kindness to Lu Wei and finally abruptly changed the subject and revealed his purpose: "The antidote to that bottle of poison Is there any?"

"You tried part of it yourself?"

He unwrapped his robe and wrapped the copper box and carried it casually with his hands. As soon as the question about Star Soul came out, the hall master immediately guessed the truth.

"Yes." The young man nodded slightly, almost invisible.

"Yes, continue"

An emerald green medicine bottle drew a perfect parabola in the air, and was accurately caught by Xinghun's Onmyoji.

Holding it in the palm of your hand, the antidote to the colorless and odorless poison exudes a pleasant fragrance.

"It seems that you are very satisfied with the test results. Then when the time comes, there will be no accidents in the poisoning process." Lu Weilang said.

"The opportunity is fleeting. Give me another bottle of poison as a preparation~" Xinghun calmly took a mouthful of Chinese medicine powder from an emerald green bottle and opened his mouth.

"There's no rush." ​​Hall Master Lu smiled silently: "At the critical moment, things will naturally come to you."

"It seems that you trust that woman of the Moon God more than me?" Master Zuo of the Yin-Yang Family tilted his head and thought about it, and immediately understood what this sentence meant: Another bottle of poison is in the hands of the Moon God.

"If you know someone for a longer time, you will naturally gain more trust. And this doesn't hinder your revenge, does it~"

Lu Wei nodded as he should. Even though Xinghun had an irresolvable blood feud with the Qin State, his status in his heart was not as good as that of the Moon God.

"What a ruthless statement." Xinghun stepped forward and was about to leave after saying this, but Lu Wei suddenly called out again: "Wait a minute, there is another thing in Daliang City that requires your Yin and Yang skills. ." "Oh?" Turning around, Lord Protector Zuo looked curious.

"Kill someone for me." The hall master said these bloody words easily.


"Ningling Lord, Wei Jiu."

"Wei Jiu?" Xinghun didn't know this person, but judging from the title 'Ningling Lord', he was a member of the Wei royal family.

"The dignitaries of the six countries can become an ally when they fight against Qin in the future. Why do you want to kill this person?"

"Because in Wei State, I have a name that is easier to control." Lu Wei raised his hand and touched his chin, and smiled faintly: "Ningling Lord, it is a bit redundant, it is better to die."

"If this person is in Daliang City, it would be easy for you to kill him now. Why would you need me to do it?"

"Because it is completely in your interest to kill a dignitary from the six countries using the Yin Yang family's methods. What's more, the Yin Yang family has a criminal record, doesn't it?"

"You mean, Han Fei?" The patterns on Xinghun's face glowed with blue light: "Is there one more victim under the six-soul terror curse? It's a good idea."

Some of the six royal families will be killed by the Qin State, and the other part will be handed over to the Yin and Yang family to kill, and the Qin State will naturally be blamed.

A large area will also be slaughtered within the Qin State, and Hu Hai and Zhao Gao will take care of this for themselves.

The killings belong to others, and the Hall Master will only be pure and flawless~

In Shouchun City, Xiang Yan received good news and bad news.

The good news is that Changpingjun's plan was successful. Qin's plan to attack Chu only had Li Xin's 20 army, and Wang Jian retired and returned home.

Faced with such an impulsive rival general, and with Lord Changping as an internal aide, he could pull up the rebels at any time and attack Qin in the back. The Chu Kingdom would definitely win this battle!

In the first battle, he swallowed up the 20 elite Qin army that wiped out the three Jin Dynasties. As the commander of the Chu army, Xiang Yan will definitely leave his name in history!

In contrast, the fall of the Wei State was obviously dispensable: this was a fate known to everyone in the world.

Apart from calling Wang Ben a butcher for actually flooding the beam, there is nothing much to say about this battle.

The real bad news Xiang Yan received was not about the state of Wei, but about the farmers.

The farmer's family was infiltrated by the net, which led to the disappearance of Xiakui and the chaos in the six halls. As a result, all the energy of this largest group of scholars was limited to Daze Mountain.

You must know that in Changpingjun's new plan, once the Qin army is defeated on the battlefield in Chu, he will take advantage of Qin's temporary weakness to mobilize hundreds of thousands of peasant disciples to uprising in Yan, Zhao, Wei, and Han at the same time , Supporting the nobles of the four countries to reunite and fight against Qin!

This plan can only be implemented by Xia Kuai Tian Guang to control the farmers.

Now that Tian Guang is missing, it may be that only the Shennong Hall of the Zhu family continues to obey the orders of Lord Changping, and their power will not be able to touch the most important land of Yanzhao.

However, in fact, although the Zhu family was beholden to Lord Changping, he would never have unconditionally obeyed the orders of outsiders and sacrificed the lives of Shennong Hall disciples without the orders of Xiakui.

Xiang Yan didn't know this, so he just frowned, worried that it was a critical moment in Changping Jun's plan and he could no longer send anyone to Xianyang to communicate to avoid being exposed.

This matter can only be handled by him first.

But even though Xiang Yan was proficient in the art of war, he was confused about matters related to the world.

He knew very well the serious consequences of a layman taking charge of an expert.Therefore, Xiang Yan chose to communicate with the Mohist giant Yan Dan about this matter.

Even the leaders of the Mohist family didn't know the true identity of the new Mohist giant, but he knew it in advance.

There is no other reason: the Xiang family is a noble, and Yan Dan is a royal family. They are both from the powerful class, so they can naturally respect each other.

After all, there is a class barrier between the powerful and the people in the world.

"How does King Yan think the farm affairs should be resolved?"

Xiang Yan sent his cronies to invite Yan Dan in black robes to the secret room of the General's Mansion, and he safely let the other party check the information on the farmer's house.

Naturally, Yan Dan could take off his cloak at will here. After reading the news about the changes in the farmhouse with a calm expression, he thought for a while and slowly said:

"I heard about the farmer's family being infiltrated by the net when I was in Jicheng. Although this matter is unfortunate, it is easy to solve."

"To launch an uprising of peasant disciples, it is not necessarily necessary for the Six Halls to join together. As long as the strongest Gonggong Hall and Shennong Hall are willing to take action, Siyue Hall will most likely follow. Then the attitude of the remaining Tian's Three Halls will naturally have to be biased towards us. Otherwise, if If Qin wins, they will also be liquidated!"

"In other words, the key point is Gonggongtang?" Xiang Yan extracted the key words.

"Not bad!" Yan Dan stood up and wandered around: "I have some friendship with Hall Master Lu Wei of Gonggong Hall. This person has great ambitions. To impress him, you need sufficient benefits."

"Xiang also had transactions with this person. I know that he loves gold very much." Xiang Yan added.

"If Gonggongtang is willing to take action, they can pull out at least [-] elite soldiers to help me retake the Yan and Zhao Kingdoms first." Yan Dan said solemnly: "I can use the title of king to win over Gonggongtang. "

"The State of Chu can also make Lu Wei a king!" Xiang Yan made the decision for the King of Chu: "The title of king of the two countries, for a person in the world, can satisfy no matter how ambitious he is."

"I'll send a disciple of the Mo family to negotiate with that Lu Wei!" Yan Dan picked up Mo Mei, who had put it on the table while he was wandering, and left the general's mansion.
(End of this chapter)

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