Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 214 Farmer’s Choice

Chapter 214 Farmer’s Choice
The prerequisite for negotiating with Gonggongtang is to at least find Lu Wei's whereabouts.

If possible, Yan Dan hoped to visit Daze Mountain in person, but after careful consideration, he sent Gao Jianli and Daozhi to set off on the Suzaku machine.

His identity has been hidden from the Mohist disciples, only revealed to Lord Changping and Xiang Yan, so naturally he cannot be honest with the farmers.

If he couldn't be honest about his identity, Lu Wei's temperament would probably be a negative for him. In this case, he simply wouldn't go.

What's more, on the Chu side, Xiang Yan really needed his help in handling many matters.

Gao Jianli, Dao Zhi and Na Lu Wei were friends. Their mission for this trip was to first invite him to join the plan as a lord of the Chu State. They said that as long as Gonggongtang could arouse a warm response in the land of Yan and Zhao, the new Yan State could do the same. Take out a fief as a reward.

In recent years, the influence of the Nongjia in the world has grown rapidly. In addition, Confucianism and Mohism have either intentionally or been forced to shrink, causing the Nongjia to even surpass these two prominent schools in some fields.

Especially among hundreds of scholars, only farmers can transfer people from the same place to the army to create an army of tens of thousands.Regardless of whether these people are just a mob, in most cases in today's wars, more people means greater power.

For a time, this group of scholars, even if the image of the 'Mud Legs' has not changed, the dignitaries of the six countries really need to rely on their strength to help restore the country at this moment.

Gao Jianli and Daozhi were a bit dumbfounded by the fact that the Chu State and the future Yan State could use two titles to win over Gonggongtang: they are a luthier and a thief, even if they are the best luthier in the world and the best in the world. A good thief is also a citizen.

Being granted the title of king achieves a class leap.
Even though the Qin general Wang Jian worked hard all his life and defeated Zhao and Yan a few years ago, he has not yet been granted a title.
Duan Zhi directed Master Ban to stop in a deserted ridge outside Daze Mountain. After making an appointment to pick them up again in five days, he and Gao Jianli jumped off the Suzaku.

This place is still some distance from the farm headquarters. It would be against the rules of the world for Suzaku to fly directly into Daze Mountain without permission, so the two of them had to walk for a long time.

Although they have not yet reached the interior of Daze Mountain, the people they meet on the road are already equipped with small representative identity beads, and the number of farm disciples can be seen at a glance.

By asking the low-level disciples, they found out the sphere of influence of Gonggongtang. On the way to the headquarters, Gao Jianli and Daozhi were stopped by eight strong men who suddenly jumped out:

"Who are you? Do you know that this is the territory of Gonggongtang!"

The leading two-star farmer disciple took a step forward and looked at the two Mo family members with wary eyes.

"I am Gao Jianli of the Mo family." "The Mohist robbers"

"We are friends of your hall, Hall Lu Wei, in Jicheng. I wonder if this brother can help us?" The Mo family is here to discuss cooperation, and they need to be friendly in attitude.

Gao Jianli and Daozhi did not show their weapons to show threats. They only held their fists and performed courteous etiquette before directly expressing their intentions.

"Friends of the Hall Master?" The leading disciple did not dare to neglect, and returned the salute with his fists raised, and said in a deep voice: "Please wait a moment, I will inform the steward immediately."

After saying that, he gave another disciple beside him a look, indicating that they should take a good look at these two people, then turned around and ran towards the stronghold.

The waiting process was very long. Thief Zhi gave full play to his familiar chatterbox and tried to communicate with the remaining seven farm disciples to obtain some information.

However, those ordinary disciples kept their mouths shut and did not say a word. Although the deputy disciples who were given instructions by the leading disciple before leaving could reply with some words, most of them were useless nonsense and of low value.

'These farm patrolling disciples have strong physiques and solemn movements. They have obviously received strict training, and their daily meals are not too bad.Even in terms of individual strength, he is much stronger than the ordinary disciples of the Mo family in Guan City. '

Gao Jianli observed calmly: 'Moreover, these people clearly have the aura of the army, and they are still elite troops! '

'It is worthy of being the number one Gonggong Hall among the six halls. Compared with the disciples escorting supplies from Shennong Hall and Siyue Hall in Shouchun City, the disciples from Gonggong Hall are more than a step ahead. '

After a while, the leading disciple who left came with a man in gray clothes who was about 20 years old. This man's bare arms were not very thick, but they had clear muscles.

Gao Jianli and Daozhi could see at a glance that those muscles contained terrifying power: 'At least no worse than a big iron hammer.'

The four-star pearl grass on the young man's waist represents his extraordinary status in the Gonggong Hall.

"Guanshi Yan!" The disciples present all shouted to the visitor with clasped fists and a salute. This was a means of building momentum.

"Gao Jianli? Robber Zhi?" Yan Bing glanced at the two Mo family members who were surrounded by their subordinates, especially the Shuihan Sword in the hand of the man dressed as a robed piano player, and nodded: "The status is pretty good."

"Do you know the name of this farmer brother?" Gao Jianli asked, neither humble nor arrogant.

"Yan Bing, like Mr. Gao, are both from the Yan country." As soon as Yan Bing finished speaking, he immediately returned to the topic and added: "I heard from my disciples that the two of them came to pay a visit to Hall Master Lu. It’s an unfortunate coincidence.”

"I wonder what Brother Yan means?" Gao Jianli raised his eyebrows slightly.

"The master of the hall is out and I don't know when he will return. Although I am also famous for the reputation of the two masters of the Mo family, there is no one in the hall to make the decision now, so I cannot receive you two. You should please come back." Yan Bing said It is very clear that in fact, there must be people who make the decision in Gonggongtang now. Ayu, Ashan, Lu Qing, and Xuenu can all decide whether to let Gonggongtang release some goodwill towards the two of the Mo family.

But the four of them had the same attitude towards this: there was no special benefit in receiving the Mo family, a luthier and a thief were obviously of average use, and Qin Qi had officially offered a reward, so they should not be allowed to enter the headquarters at will.

The persons in charge in the hall were unanimous in their opinions, and Yan Bing's attitude became clear when he took charge of the matter.

After being rejected in Gonggong Hall, the two Mo family members had no choice but to come to Shennong Hall again. Regarding Lu Wei's departure, the Zhu family made a decision about the two of them, but where exactly Hall Master Lu was at this time was different for thousands of people. Know.

A long journey cannot be in vain. Gao Jianli tentatively proposed that he and the Zhu family visit other hall masters to discuss the Qinglong plan. However, the Zhu family's choice was consistent with that of Gonggong Hall: they declined politely.

Yan Bing's reason in the Gonggong Hall was that Hall Master Lu Wei was absent and could not decide on the reception.The Zhu family's reason is that Xiakui is not here and they are unable to decide whether the Qinglong Plan will be implemented or not.
"One by one they are passing the responsibility backwards, and the farmers are not sincere in their cooperation at all." On the way down the mountain, Tao Zhi complained with a frown.

"The six halls are in chaos. If the farmers cannot unify their opinions, they must worry that if they transfer their disciples to cooperate with the Qinglong Plan, their sphere of influence will be invaded by other halls." Gao Jianli also shook his head: "The internal structure of the farmhouse is like a piece of loose sand. If we want to bring them together, the presence of Xiakui is very important."

"But the leader of the peasant family has disappeared. The big man meant to support Gonggongtang Lu Wei to serve as the speaker and preside over the peasant family. But now Lu Wei is nowhere to be found. The Zhu family is obviously not stronger than the Tian tiger brothers. Isn't the situation in the peasant family a dead end? Game?"

Thief Zhi played with the instant flywheel in his hand. The unsatisfactory schedule made him very unhappy: "Besides, even if we find Lu Wei, it won't be that easy to convince him."

"Achievement depends on heaven, and planning depends on people. For the people of the world, you always have to give it a try." Gao Jianli said calmly: "There are many upright people among the farmers. They just lack a qualified leader to lead them to resist the tyrannical Qin Dynasty. !”


News of the arrival of the two Mo family members reached Spring Valley Town, but Lu Wei was no longer here, and no one in Spring Valley Town knew their specific whereabouts.

In fact, the hall leader is still near Daze Mountain after meeting Xinghun.

In Junjinxuan, which is located in the same place as Zuimenglou, Lu Wei and Chen Ping were drinking in the back hall.

Since there are still no windows, candles must always be lit in the back hall of Junjinxuan even in broad daylight.

"After the destruction of Wei, Qin's troops marched south. Although Chu is a big country, judging from various intelligence, it will not last long and the world will be unified within three years."

Chen Ping thought thoughtfully and said: "The farmers' Shennongtang and Siyuetang were originally closely connected with the Chu region. However, Siyuetang suffered heavy losses in Daliang City. The Zhu family also saw that the situation was not good and withdrew from Shouchun to Daze Mountain. What happened next for the farmers?" Do you want to hibernate?"

Because he was unaware of the two secret information about Lord Changping's Qinglong Plan and the disappearance of Nongxia Kui, Chen Ping made some misjudgments, but overall it was pretty much the same.

The Qin State will indeed be unified soon, and the farmers will indeed be dormant.It's just that the reunification time will be delayed by a year because of the Qinglong Project, and the Zhu family did not evacuate Shouchun because the situation was not good.

"After the farmers hibernate, what should I do next? What can Brother Chen Ping teach me?" Lu Wei just asked with a smile without saying anything else.

"I'm afraid it doesn't depend on the farmers, but only on the King of Qin." Chen Ping was not very optimistic about the next situation: "Although the anti-Qin forces of the six countries became more united because the country was destroyed, their strength was also affected. Hugely weakened.”

"The nobles are of noble blood, but the anti-Qin army will eventually defeat the Qin army on the battlefield. Among all the families, only the peasant family can achieve this."

"Therefore, the remnants of the Six Kingdoms will definitely win over the peasant family, and Hall Master Lu holds the strongest Gonggong Hall, so it will no doubt become the focus of the moment."

"This focus should have been obtained by your hero, but his identity is well hidden and his whereabouts are completely missing. Lord Lu, please be careful."

Chen Ping finally issued a warning to Lu Wei.

The Six Nations will turn their attention to Nongjia, and Qin will definitely do the same.

This does not depend on the farmers' attitude, but only on their ability to rebel.

When the world was in chaos, the peasants could still remain neutral, but once the Qin army came to station outside Daze Mountain after unification, the peasants had no choice at all.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Qin's energy is completely focused on internal governance.

Chen Ping felt that the wise King Qin would do this of course, and the newly unified country needed to stabilize and digest it first.

But the fact is that the southern Baiyue and Steppe Wolf Clan were successively established as the next war targets almost immediately after their reunification.

Especially during the Battle of Baiyue, the forests there can eat people.
(End of this chapter)

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