Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 215 The biggest enemy

Chapter 215 The biggest enemy
There is no need to doubt Chen Ping's ability to deduce the development of the world situation from limited information.

But after all, he misjudged several important aspects of the future trend:
First, the war will not stop even after reunification.

It took Qin less than ten years from the destruction of Han to the destruction of Qi.However, the war against Baiyue, calculated from the time Wang Jian occupied part of Baiyue when he attacked Chu, would last until the year of the death of the First Emperor and then generally calm down.

The Qin army initially sent 50 troops, and later added reinforcements many times. Eventually, at the cost of hundreds of thousands of casualties, the Qin army expanded its directly controlled territory to the South China Sea.

Such achievements are of course immeasurable.But within a few years after this battle, the Qin Dynasty also perished.

The losses in the Baiyue War were not the main cause of Qin's demise, but they must be part of the main cause.

Secondly, infighting among farmers has been a major issue that has surrounded the Sixth Hall of the farmers for more than ten years. Until the next Xiakui officially takes office, the farmers will not be united, at least on the surface.

Among the six hall masters, Lu Wei, Tian Meng, and the newly aware Zhu family, they all deliberately maintained this situation in a tacit understanding.

In addition to the tens of thousands of direct disciples of the peasant family, there are more than hundreds of thousands of civilians affected by the peasant family.

If the remnant forces of the Six Kingdoms want to take advantage of the farmers, they must solve the problem of internal fighting in the six halls. If the Qin State wants to wipe out the farmers for no reason, it will not be easy to bear the burden of public resentment.

Instead, if you leave it there and don't move, the farmer's problem will only be the farmer's own problem.

That is to say, the peasant family is essentially a troublesome entity now, and there are more benefits to not being involved in it than being involved in it.

Thirdly, the anti-Qin organizations after the fall of the Six Kingdoms were generally just small-scale fights. If you really want to say that Qin Wangzheng attached great importance to it, he didn't pay much attention to it.

To attack the organ city built by the Mo family for hundreds of years, the Qin State only hired a quicksand and [-] black armored troops to capture Gai Nie and Jing Tianming alone. Ying Zheng sent out [-] elite dragons and tigers from Xianyang at once. cavalry.
After the city was destroyed, even though the Qin State continued to issue bounties, it didn't seem to care too much. The subsequent series of activities in Songhai City were more about mirages and Confucianism. It was a coincidence to meet the remnants of the Mohist family.

It was not until the Mohists launched a campaign to seize the Black Dragon Scroll and the Thousand Planes Copper Plate that Meng Tian's Golden Fire Cavalry and the Yin Yang Family continued to launch a larger-scale siege. However, at the critical moment, faced with the military situation in the north, Meng Tian still gave up the easy-to-get rebellion. He led his army back to Xianyang and prepared to attack the Xiongnu in the north.

It can be seen that the real energy of the Qin court has always been spent on traveling north, south and internal power struggles. The remnants of the six kingdoms and the hundreds of schools of thought are not important in the eyes of the King of Qin.

The organization that organizes the Jianghu and various schools of thought for the Qin State is mainly the Luowang and Yinyang families.

Although the nominal leader of the Yin-Yang Family is the mysterious Donghuang, the two main guardians are all from Lu Wei, which makes the entire Yin-Yang Family essentially make wedding clothes for the hall leader.

As for the snare, it is a dangerous act to maintain a delicate balance between Qin and anti-Qin forces to seek benefits for oneself. Where this organization was born, it will also die!

The above are all underlying trends that Chen Ping cannot see.

"From the surface, it seems to be true, but the reality is often much more complicated than the appearance." Lu Wei looked relaxed, not at all anxious as Chen Ping speculated: "Brother Chen Ping, you might as well take a quiet look at this situation. Change.”

"What Hall Master Lu said is exactly Ping's plan." Chen Ping also knew that his vision was limited by his identity, and he could only be regarded as a frog in the well.

The world that the Hall Master of Gonggong Hall can see must be broader than the world he sees, but even Hall Master Lu is just a slightly bigger frog in the well.

The most powerful King of Qin in the world, Ying Zheng, had his vision limited by the State of Qin and this "Heaven".

From this point of view, everyone is a frog at the bottom of a well, but the size of the wellhead they see is different.

The frog in the well itself is not worthy of ridicule, but what is worthy of ridicule is that he is complacent without knowing it.

As the Taoist "Zhuangzi Qiu Shui" said: "If a well man cannot talk to the sea, he is bound to the void; if a summer insect cannot talk to the ice, he is bound to the time; if a song scholar cannot talk to the Tao, he is bound to the teachings." also."

Always maintain a humble attitude towards learning, this is what Chen Ping always reminds himself.

"The Taoist Sword Discussing between Heaven and Man will be held this year. You and Brother Xiao He will also return to Taiyi Mountain soon?" Lu Wei continued to ask casually.

"If you don't have a career, you naturally have to move around more, but Senior Brother Xiao doesn't have to go back." Chen Ping picked up the wine bottle and filled it up for the hall master first, and then poured wine for himself. But just halfway through, he heard Jun Jin The bell at the front desk rang: a guest came to the door, and it was an intelligence guest.

The two people in the back hall have excellent internal strength, and the people outside did not hide their steps, so they had already noticed it.

But because the sound of shoes hitting the ground sounded like that of a woman, Chen Ping guessed that the other party was just here to buy jewelry. Lu Wei was able to notice that the visitor's feet were not as steady as ordinary people, and confirmed that the other party was a martial arts practitioner.

Female knights are relatively rare in the world. Considering the location of this place, the master of the hall thinks that the other party is probably from Zuimenglou. However, this has nothing to do with him, so he doesn't care much.

Now there is no need to have anything to do with Zuimenglou.

After Chen Ping nodded and silently apologized to Lu Wei, he stood up and came to the front hall. When he saw the visitor, his eyes widened in shock.

If Hall Master Lu saw Boss Chen's appearance, he would definitely have kept a smile while appreciating the wonderful acting skills of the Renzong disciples, and then become more vigilant.

But for Huaying, although she is very thoughtful, she is still young after all, and she is incomparable to the old fox.

"Boss Chen is so surprised. Could it be that he knows the little girl?" As a guest, Huaying took two steps closer to the counter elegantly. She was very pleased with Chen Ping's obvious surprise and even slight blush.

After all, the boss of Junjinxuan is handsome and good-looking, and he seems to be very innocent. The dementia of such a person will certainly not disgust Huaying.

"This Huaying girl from Zuimenglou is beautiful and beautiful. She makes a living here, so I have seen her from a distance several times."

Chen Ping tilted his head slightly, raised his hands in salute, and then coughed twice to calm himself down and asked knowingly: "Young lady Huaying is here to purchase jewelry in Zuimenglou?"

"Of course. No~" Hua Ying smiled like a flower. While teasing Chen Ping in her heart, she also kept calm and took the initiative in the conversation in her own way: "In purchasing jewelry, we will definitely have to cooperate with Jun Jinxuan in the future, but Hua Ying The main purpose of coming here this time is to investigate a piece of information from Boss Chen." "Intelligence." Chen Ping slowly showed a troubled expression, and without waiting for Hua Ying to ask questions, he took the initiative and said: "Although Jun Jinxuan does run an intelligence business, But I’m afraid there won’t be the information that Miss Huaying wants.”

"Jun Jinxuan studies business information, Hua Ying came here knowing this~" Hua Ying bent sideways and looked at the ornaments in the front hall, with a smile on his face he took off a silver hairpin and looked at it carefully: "A business person , traveling around, I must be able to pass through many places."

"What Miss Huaying means"

"Huaying hopes that the caravan that has contacts with Junjinxuan can help Zuimenglou find someone." Walking to the corner of the front hall in front of the bronze mirror, Huaying put on the hairpin and admired her beauty: "The target is Lu Weitang from Gonggongtang host!"

"." Looking at Huaying's figure, Chen Ping was not surprised at all when he heard the name, only a little curious: "Master of Gonggong Hall"

"But as far as Ping knows, Zuimenglou also belongs to a farmhouse."

Before he could finish his words, Hua Ying interrupted with a chuckle: "Boss Chen, since he is in the intelligence business, he should understand that asking too many questions is taboo in the intelligence industry~"

After all, he is just a young man, and he has only scratched the surface of learning other people's methods of researching intelligence.

Hua Ying commented rudely to Chen Ping in her heart, but did not show it at all on her face: "No matter whether Jun Jinxuan can find traces of Lu Wei or not, Boss Chen will be exempted from paying once when he comes to Zuimenglou to enjoy the music and dance~ Of course, if you find it, Huaying will also give you a satisfactory reward~"

Turning around and placing a small gold nugget on the counter, Hua Ying wore the jewelry she had just chosen and left with graceful steps.

The message from Chu State asked her to find Tian Guang and Lu Wei as soon as possible. After receiving the mission, Huaying cast a wide net in Zuimeng Tower and also targeted Jun Jinxuan.

Although Jun Jinxuan is small and its boss is only a young man, he still has some connections and the cost of giving it a try is not high.

Moreover, this young man named Chen Ping has some talents, and it is always a good thing to be able to recruit people from Chu State.

After Huaying disappeared, after thinking for a moment, Chen Ping raised his hand and gently picked up the small gold nugget and returned to the back hall.

Facing the smiling gesture of Huaying's target, he placed the gold ingot on the wine table between the two of them: "Do you think, Hall Master Lu, this piece of gold is enough to buy the whereabouts of 'Lu Wei'?"

"The price is a bit different, I'm afraid I need Brother Chen Ping to subsidize it a little more." Lu Wei pretended to think at the same time, put his index finger into the drink, and drew the word 'Chu' on the table with a freehand stroke.


Huaying actually asked for information about herself. The instigator behind this would not be the Zhu family, but most likely from Shouchun.

What Chen Ping just said, "The anti-Qin forces of the six countries are targeting him" happened so quickly.

Whether Tian Guang is really missing or fake, there is no way he can be counted on.The reason why Shouchun did not support the Zhu family but supported himself was simply due to the fact that the strength of the Zhu family could not overwhelm the other five halls.

Lu Wei himself should not associate with Hua Ying, which Chen Ping had guessed.But for him, the boss of Junjinxuan, the advantages of cooperating with Zuimenglou definitely outweigh the disadvantages.

However, after all, it is more important to cooperate with Gonggongtang. Chen Ping needs to "invest money and ask for directions" to see what the attitude of the hall master is.

Hua Ying's behavior of actively looking for Chen Ping is tantamount to luring a wolf into the house. As soon as the cooperation between the two parties begins, Hua Ying and the Shouchun forces behind her will be exposed bit by bit.

Lu Wei didn't mind at all that Chen Ping might get closer to Shennongtang. Anyway, the entire farmhouse belonged to him.
In Xianyang, Lord Changping shouldered the mission of appeasing the hearts of the Chu people. Before Li Xin made the main attack on Chu, he led a team to Chen Ying, the old capital of Chu that Qin had already controlled.

When Lord Changping set out, the two protectors of the Yin Yang family and the two great protectors of the Qin State: Moon God and Star Soul, watched him leave from a high platform.

"This man is King Qin's most terrifying opponent."

The purple pupils under Moon God's eyes were full of indifference, while Xinghun was indifferent: "The most terrifying thing? Does Lord Moon God really think so."

"Oh? Lord Xinghun, what do you think?" Moon Goddess said casually, glancing down at his colleagues.

"Changping Lord may bring several defeats to King Qin, but that person will bring death and destruction to King Qin. Isn't it clear who is the biggest enemy of this country?"

Xinghun answered calmly, and asked openly: "Lord Moon God and I are both partners with common interests with that person, so why should we be secretive anymore?"

"Enemies are just a relative concept. Now, King Qin's enemies are only people from the Six Kingdoms. Lord Xinghun should control his words appropriately."

Moon God slowly shook his head, and while he was speaking coldly, the gesture of forming seals on his hands pointed towards the sky.

Xinghun noticed this and understood something instantly. He smiled strangely and said, "What Lord Moon God said is true."

The two stopped talking, and after a while, Concubine Yan stepped up the steps behind them.

As Dong Jun, her current status is very special, but within the Yin Yang family, it is generally accepted that the three people of Sun, Moon and Star are on the same level.

"Lord Moon God and Lord Xinghun should have received new instructions from His Excellency Donghuang, but they are not impatient at all."

After Concubine Yan came to the balcony, she ducked to the side of the Moon God and watched the leaving army together.

Moon God and Xinghun did not turn around. Only Moon God among the two said:

"On this trip to Chu State, the three of us and I will take action together. There will be no surprises, so there is no need to be anxious."

(End of this chapter)

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