Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 216 Shao Siming’s Puzzle

Chapter 216 Shao Siming’s Puzzle
The State of Wei became the territory of Wei. Although the small town where Zuimenglou and Junjinxuan were located was close to Daze Mountain, it was still under the jurisdiction of the old State of Wei.

Now that the land has changed its owner, the two families' lifestyle must conform to Qin's laws.

Junjinxuan is not bad, it is just a small shop. It pays taxes in time to the Qin soldiers who come to garrison here, and occasionally provides some drink money to the patrolling Qin soldiers. How should the business be conducted?

As for the restrictions on certain details of daily behavior in the Qin Law, they are restricted to ordinary people.Chen Ping is a Taoist disciple, and there is nothing illegal as long as he is not discovered when he performs Qing Gong.

Zuimenglou is obviously under greater pressure. It is difficult for a single woman to survive in troubled times. If this woman is quite beautiful, it will even bring disaster.

Being a woman is not a sin, being beautiful is not a sin, and being weak should not be a sin either. However, this world does not treat you well just because you have no mistakes or sins.

There are many beautiful women in Zuimeng Pavilion. Even though the pavilion owner Hua Ying boasts that his place is an elegant place for playing the piano and watching dances, if Qin Bing really wants to embarrass her, relying only on words is obviously powerless.

It is necessary to rely on the background of Shennongtang and the donation of a large amount of property to obtain temporary peace.

And this is obviously not enough. Zuimenglou still needs a Qin backer with a profound background.

In addition to ensuring his own safety, Hua Ying also needs a backer to hide the secret of his origins in Chu.

This backer was chosen to be Wang Li.

Rather than spreading money to the powerless Qin soldiers, it is obviously much more cost-effective to offer heavy gifts to get the protection of the Qin generals.

Moreover, as Wang Ben's legitimate son and Wang Jian's legitimate grandson, Wang Li himself also has extraordinary value.

Lu Wei and Chen Ping had different thoughts as they quietly watched several of Wang's close associates, the Armor-Piercing Soldiers, walking in neat steps on the street.

"Wang Li can be regarded as a real big shot in the Qin State. Zuimenglou actually has the means to build up his connections. Even if he relies on farmers, it is not that easy to do."

Chen Ping sighed, the water in this world is deeper than imagined.But after sighing, his intention to uncover the world layer by layer became more determined.

The process of understanding the unknown is a pleasure, and it is even more enjoyable to challenge the unknown towards the known you want.

To catch up with Wang Li, Zuimenglou would certainly not rely on his apparent backer from Shennongtang. Behind this, there must be another plan by Lord Changping.

The master of the hall guessed the truth and said with a smile: "Zuimenglou can catch up with Wang Li, which is naturally a good thing for Zuimenglou. But Wang Li was actually attracted by a romantic place in a newly occupied area. , but it seems less stable~"

"Compared to his grandfather and father, Wang Li is far behind." Chen Ping turned thoughtfully: "But compared to Meng Tian, ​​he is not as good as Meng Tian."

"Although the Wang and Meng clans are both veteran generals of the Qin army, Wang Jian and Wang Ben have always been firmly on top of the Meng clan for the two generations. By this third generation, the polarity has reversed."

The other party was from a high-ranking Qin army general family. Hall Master Lu and Boss Chen were able to speak out words of criticism about them so rashly, unabashedly expressing their treason.

"There may indeed be a factor in this that Wang Li's ability is really inferior to Meng Tian, ​​but it must also be related to the fact that the Wang family has been strong for two generations."

The fall of the country has brought great changes to the lives of ordinary people in Wei, and everyone is trying to adapt in order to survive.

Chen Ping had been dealing with different Qin armies for several days. In general, the Qin armies were also made up of people. Most of them were simple farmers before going to the battlefield, and they were not as ferocious as the rumors of the Six Kingdoms.

But as time goes by, everything is likely to change.
A few days later, this disciple of the Renzong calculated the time for the sword debate between heaven and man, temporarily closed Junjinxuan and returned to Taiyi Mountain.

After Huaying released the information about finding him, Lu Wei quickly contacted the Gonggongtang headquarters and learned the news that Gao Jianli and Tao Zhi had failed to visit him.

After the Mohists fought for the Yan State, they now have to fight for the Chu State again.
However, this matter is indeed unfortunate. If Hall Master Lu was on the mountain, he would definitely meet the two of them first and listen to what they have to say. This would be a more polite attitude.

As for the answer to be given, that is the personal decision of the hall master. The Mo family does not have the strength to make decisions for the farmer now.

But in his absence, the decisions made by the principals would not affect the overall situation. The Mo family had already left anyway.

In addition, in addition to the visit to the Mo family, there is another interesting thing that also attracted Lu Wei's attention, that is, the Zhu family actually wrote a letter to him after visiting the Mo family.

The letter described Xiang Yan and the Mo family's plan in detail, which made the Zhu family's attitude clear to him.

Because of the dispute between Xiakui, Gonggongtang, Shennong and Siyue began to cooperate but developed a rift.Now looking at the attitude of the Zhu family, they seem to want to cooperate.

Originally they were not enemies, just because they were competing for interests. Now even if they join forces for another benefit, it is just a temporary shelving of the previous conflict.

They are all farm brothers, and it is normal to fight and talk.But in fact, Hall Master Lu's position as the leading hero has been recognized by the Sixth Elder. If it weren't for showing weakness to the enemy, his conflict with the Zhu family would have ceased to be a conflict long ago.

As for Xiang Yan and the Mo family's plan, it cannot be said that there is no possibility of success. However, such success would only be the restoration of the powerful and would not be in the interest of the hall master at all.

The old nobles should be forgotten along with their decadent country. Too much jumping around will only make it onto the record list in Hall Master Lu's heart, and then lead to the end of Ningling Lord Wei Jiu.
Shaking his head and putting this matter aside, he would have the opportunity to cooperate with the Zhu family for a few more performances later. Now, Lu Wei's focus was on the Canglong copper box that Xinghun gave to him.
Place the box upright on the table. The golden-colored copper box is actually made of neither copper nor gold, but another unknown and extremely special metal.

Theoretically, one should be cautious when dealing with this box, but after thinking about it, Lu Wei still used the Sea Swallowing Sword to try to open it by trick, but the result was unsuccessful.

If this box could be melted to make a sword, the result would be several times stronger than ordinary materials.

The box body and lid are seamless and appear to be cast in one piece. There is no place on the entire box that can be pressed, and the mechanism is not on the surface of the box.

Opening the Canglong Copper Box and deciphering the secrets of Canglong Qisu are twofold difficulties. Lu Wei was only limited at this first level.

Maybe it's because his bloodline is not noble enough, but what defines the nobleness of bloodline? And who can define it?

In the Yin and Yang family, when Xinghun did not bring back Wei's Canglong copper box and reported it to His Excellency Donghuang, Donghuang did not show surprise, and did not even punish or ask for specific details. He only asked the Zuo protector to retreat first.

Later, after the news of Qin's attack on Chu reached the Yin Yang family, Donghuang summoned the sun, moon and stars respectively and ordered the three of them to work together to bring back Chu's Canglong copper box.

It can be seen that Donghuang does not care about the copper box, but if he cares about it, why does he downplay his failure so much?
Xinghun walked along the long corridor of Yin Yang's house, deep in thought.

Over in Chu State, the three of them, Sun, Moon and Star, will go out together, just for a copper box. There is almost no possibility of failure in this mission.

While walking and thinking, Xinghun accidentally caught a glimpse of the girl brought back from Taoism by the Moon God when passing by the training ground of Wuling Xuantong's disciples.

Observing his movements, he knew that this person's talent was much better than other disciples of the same age, and there were no elders in the wood department where he belonged. If nothing else happened, this would be the future Shao Siming.

But no matter how talented he is, he is still not as good as himself.

However, I heard that the Taoist Tianzong has recently accepted a female disciple named Xiaomeng. This person must also be very talented in Onmyoji.

Unfortunately, with the veteran Bei Mingzi personally protecting her, the possibility of abducting Xiao Meng back to the Yin Yang family was slim.

Lord Protector Zuo did not waste too much time watching his disciples practice here. His thoughts followed his thoughts about Shao Siming and extended to the two girls of the sun and moon who were at the same level as him.

The level of Onmyoji of these two people is always higher than mine, which makes Xinghun, who has become more arrogant and arrogant due to the distortion of Onmyoji, very uncomfortable.

Even if Luna is his collaborator.

But strength comes from practice. Jealousy cannot make you progress. If you want to improve your strength, you still need time to polish it or make some breakthroughs in the onmyoji of hatred.
Xinghun's left hand used the energy-gathering blade unconsciously: He couldn't kill Donghuang, but if he could kill an elder from the Yin and Yang family, he could also break through a small level!

"Where does Master Xinghun's murderous aura come from?"

Just when Xinghun was thinking about a certain possibility, Dongjun and Yueshen arrived hand in hand and interrupted his air blade.

Concubine Yan turned her head and looked at the Five Spirit Mysteries who were practicing Yin Yang magic under the covered bridge, and smiled on her lips: "Are we going to take action against these outstanding disciples of the Yin Yang family?"

"Master Dongjun is really good at joking." Xinghun looked at the Five Spirit Mysteries calmly: "These people are not worthy of me taking action."

His wanton words made Concubine Yan take a deep look at Xinghun and dispel some of her doubts.

At this time, Moon Goddess walked to the guardrail of the corridor bridge and said indifferently: "Several of these Wulingxuantong disciples are valued by His Excellency Donghuang, and they will become our future colleagues. It is too despising." They are looking down upon His Excellency Donghuang."

You always keep saying the words "Your Excellency Donghuang", but among the three of us, you are the one who despises Donghuang the most!
Xinghun's face turned cold. Although he had something in mind, he did not refute. Instead, Dongjun, who was unaware, walked to the guardrail and nodded: "The candidate for this term's Young Commander seems to be Yue. I wonder when the one chosen by Lord God will be able to return to his position?"

"She still needs to wait for someone to perfect her Yin-Yang technique." Yue Shen replied calmly: "This is not only a puzzle for her, but also a puzzle for the entire Yin-Yang family."

"Oh~" Xinghun echoed, standing together with Sun and Moon, and his mind automatically extended the meaning of this puzzle:
After Shao Siming returns to his position, the mirage plan can be ready to set sail, that is, the plan to oppose the Eastern Emperor and the Qin State can begin!

"I'm looking forward to the arrival of this puzzle~"

(End of this chapter)

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