Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 217 Covering the Sun No. 2

Chapter 217 Hiding the Sun No. [-]
Lu Wei confirmed that he could not open the secret of the Canglong Copper Box. If he regarded it as a trading object and bait, then he would need deeper planning and more combat power as a guarantee.

And while foolproof is an ideal, if it's not foolproof, it's not worth the risk of handing over the box.

One thing Luna and Xinghun said is right: since the person who can unlock Canglong Qisu is on the enemy's side, then completely destroying it so that no one can get it is the most beneficial plan for them.

Such preparations must be made at all times.

Returning to the Gonggongtang headquarters, Lu Wei was not afraid of being approached again by Changping Jun and the Mo family.He is not Tian Guang. Because Tian Guang owed a favor to Lord Changping, he had to do some things for moral reasons, so he had to make himself disappear to shirk responsibility.

Escape is shameful but useful. Regardless of Tian Guang's personal reputation in future history books, the key is that farmers now do not have to obey the orders of Lord Changping and fight with Qin.

Lu Wei doesn't owe anyone any favors. If he really does, Tian Guang has really helped him a lot. Therefore, Tian Guang's last wish is to 'promote the farm family' and the hall master will help him do it. As for the rest, others owe him favors.

However, not long after he returned to the headquarters and fell asleep with Xue and Xiao Duanmu in his arms, he was awakened by a special murderous intention.
The murderous intention is pure and has no target.

Being so bold means that the opponent is very powerful and can avoid Gonggong Hall's night sentry and approach the main hall of his own hall!
Putting on his outer robe, Lu Wei flew out with the Sea-Swallowing Sword in hand and followed the trail of the murderous intent to a dense grove. Only then did the master of the murderous intent stop and confront him.

Seeing what the other party was wearing clearly, Hall Master Lu couldn't help but squint his eyes slightly: the visitor was wearing a layer of armor belonging to the Wang family's Hundred Battles Armor-Piercing Soldier, an ordinary soldier, but the dark red Sword Qi sword he pulled out in his hand made him squint. The identity is clearly demonstrated.

The snare covers the sun!
"I haven't killed Luo Wang's first-class Tianzi yet."

When the Sea Swallowing Sword is unsheathed, Lu Wei's sword intention is like a giant beast lurking in the deep sea. When it breaks out of the sea, it will be like a huge wave.

The old man with an eye who was supposed to be Duanshui was killed by him before he joined the trap, and the sisters who were born to destroy souls were only seriously injured by him. It is indeed not easy to kill a Tianzi first-class.

What's more, the most important thing is that in recent years, Luo Wang has rarely taken the initiative to provoke Hall Master Lu. Although they have never given up on the layout of the farmhouse, they have almost always avoided Gonggong Hall intentionally or unintentionally.

Now, someone suddenly came to my door. It was unusual and worth pondering.

"If you wanted to kill me, you wouldn't have said this."

Zhenri's voice was aged and sounded like that of an old man, but the voice could be disguised. The older the voice sounded, the more likely the real identity was that of a delicate girl.

"I came here to discuss cooperation with Hall Master Lu."

At this point, Hidden Sun, who was hiding his identity, actually stood in front of Lu Wei and put the Hidden Sun sword back into its scabbard.

If the hall leader attacks with a sword at this time, he will definitely gain the upper hand!
"Just talking about the relationship between Luo Wang and the farmer at this time, this cooperation is probably not worth talking about."

The tone left no room for anything, but the room left in his actions made Lu Wei's attitude more real.

The other party has been locked by him, and this is still the territory of Gonggongtang. No matter what, he will not be able to escape in the future.

Let the other party express his attitude in a free state, and the information will naturally be different. In this way, after catching him next, you can more clearly grasp a certain direction to start the interrogation.

"Oh, what if I want to say: Tian Guang is in our hands?" Zhanri Jiejie smiled: "I think Hall Master Lu doesn't care about his safety."

"You're the one who caught him, so you should pry his mouth open. If you want to use this to negotiate terms with me, you're not qualified!"

Lu Wei replied without thinking, and at the same time, the tip of the Sea Swallowing Sword pointed in the direction of the sun without any hesitation: "Compared to a mere peasant hero, I am actually more curious about your identity."

"It's worthy of being able to become the leader of Gonggong Hall at such a young age. He is indeed a cold-blooded and ruthless guy."

Zhan Ri was startled for a moment, but quickly reacted and said: "In this way, our willingness to cooperate will be easier to achieve."

"You have never experienced the methods of Luo Wang. The so-called prying open Tian Guang's mouth, Luo Wang has already done it!"

"And this is why I came to see you. Are you right? The new leader of the peasant family?"

Zhanri knew more than Lu Wei imagined. If so, the other party would probably have prepared a means to escape.
After secretly exploring the surroundings again and finding no trace of other snare killers, Hall Master Lu calculated in his mind what kind of combo he would use to kill Zie Ri in front of him as quickly as possible.

And Zhanri seemed to have noticed this, and took the initiative to take a step back. This was only a step away, proving that he had never relaxed his guard against Lu. In this way, the possibility of Lu Wei wanting to make a violent move was infinitely reduced. zero
"What a useless waste!" The hall master said this expressionlessly, and then said indifferently: "Since you have pried Tian Guang's mouth open, then why do you still need to cooperate with me."

So far, Hidden Sun has probably not said a word of truth, including the matter of cooperation.

The reason is simple, Tian Guang is the hero of the peasant family.

If he is really completely controlled by the net and joins the net, then as long as he stands up as the leader of the knight, he will naturally be able to control the entire farm family.

Even if Tian Guang has nominally handed over the Shennong Order and passed the position of Xiagui to Lu Wei, it is clear who Wutang will listen to.

Even some old people in the Gonggong Hall are afraid that they will side with Tian Guang, and the six elders in the Liuxian Tomb will obviously trust Tian Guang more.

So, since Tian Guang was not completely grasped by the net, it is very interesting how Zhan Ri learned some secrets.

Lu Wei's imagination has always been unconstrained. After he eliminated certain absolute impossibilities, he immediately speculated on another possibility.

However, this possibility requires a lot of evidence to verify and cannot be easily concluded.

"Tian Guang is old, and due to the injuries on his body and the 'means' we prepared for him, his whole strength has been exhausted and has been disabled. Such a person is not qualified to continue to be in charge of the farm."

Zhanri seemed to have noticed something, and was trying to fix Tian Guang's situation: "As Hall Master Lu said, he is just a 'trash' at the moment, and Luo Wang never cooperates with trash~"

"Only the truly strong are our companions, and Hall Master Lu is obviously such a strong person."

"What's the reason for this?"

The sun-hiding face is covered by a tiger-like silver-white mask, and the expression cannot be seen. There are even special coverings on the eyes. To judge the authenticity of a person dressed in this way, in addition to the tone and the logic of the words themselves, I am afraid that the only way is Rely on profound and profound intuition.

"If I can't move you with this reason, can you make up any other excuses?"

Lu Wei stared straight at him and said one sentence, and the atmosphere in the woods instantly became sinister.As a gust of night wind blew, the moment the air blew past the Sea Swallowing Sword, Hall Master Lu suddenly disappeared.

Almost at the same time, the sword that concealed the sun was unsheathed again, but it was still a step too late. He only had time to hold the half-unsheathed sword diagonally against his chest with the scabbard.

A clang, sound and huge force came at the same time. Zhan Ri skillfully used this force to fly backwards, and used the distance to draw out his sword. He swung out the blood-red sword energy, trying to block the pursuing Lu. people.This unhurried response proved that Zhanri was an extremely experienced veteran.It's just that his strength is a little weaker, and it's not worthy of the murderous intention he used to seduce Lu Wei.

Facing the flying sword energy, Lu Wei did not dodge or dodge. He stretched out his sea-swallowing sword and swallowed the sword energy directly. The tip of the sword went straight to cover Ri's neck.

Zhenri had no choice but to raise his head to avoid it. Although he was not injured, his mask was knocked off by Lu Weishang's swing.

Revealing a pale face that was close to death.

It's strange, and that's natural, because the expressionless face is another crudely made human-skin mask.

The more redundant there is another layer of mask under the mask, the more it shows the special identity of Hidden Sun.

But, so far, Lu Wei has guessed some information!
He put the sword behind his back with his backhand, and looked at Zhenri who had once again opened the distance with a knowing smile. The hall master did not continue to attack, but changed his attitude:

"What do you want to do with me?"

Zhenyixin raised his hand in understanding and pointed to the southwest: "In Chu State, there will be a big gathering from the courts of various countries to hundreds of schools of thought, all of which will focus on the fate of this country."

"Farmers should send out talented people to participate. Maybe they will get some benefits~"

After saying that, Zhenri quickly retreated and disappeared into the dark forest.

Lu Wei did not pursue, but remained silent:

This is not a true occultation, but it can be said to be occultation [-]!

In Chu State, Gao and Zhi returned to Shouchun after rushing to the farmhouse to negotiate with no results.

After reporting the situation to Juzi, he just asked them to have a good rest and then left the stronghold alone.

As expected, Juzi is going to visit General Xiang Yan of Chu.

"It seems that Juzi and the Xiang family have known each other many years ago?" Gao Jianli asked curiously in a deep voice.

"Maybe." Pirate Zhi leaned on the table, and responded nonchalantly, as if he was still asleep: "The trust of the Xiang family is not so easy to gain. You may have communicated with General Xiang Yan under the order of the previous boss. .”

"But this is a good thing. Now the anti-Qin forces have reached their final step. If we don't treat each other honestly, we will be bulldozed by that guy Ying Zheng."

"I hope the plan will succeed."

The news that the farmers could not take action made Xiang Yan silent for a long time before speaking in anguish: "Quarters are just quacks after all. The more people there are, the more chaos there will be."

"Does the King of Yan think that if the Mohists alone can raise their arms and call for the people to revolt in the land of Yan and Zhao after the Chu State defeats the Qin Army?"

"I'm afraid it's difficult!" Yan Dan shook his head: "Although Mohist Mohists of the Mohist family are admired by the world, for the people, this reason alone is not enough for them to take up arms to fight the Qin people."

Unless Yan Dan resurrects and jumps out in the name of the King of Yan, it will only affect half of the Yan Kingdom, and he cannot respond to everything at once. He may even be actively attacked by the other half of the Yan Kingdom.
Suspended death can only be used once.

After Yan Dan carefully considered all the information, he felt very shaken and hesitant deep down in his heart: If he retreats now and conserves his strength, there may be other opportunities in the future.

If this desperate attempt fails, nothing will be lost.

The Qin army calculated by Lord Changping and Xiang Yan was only 20, which was too small. Even if Chu won this battle, it could not be said that Qin was defeated.

The Qin army still had the strength to pull out 60 troops and continue to attack Chu the following year as Wang Jian requested.

Unless the Chu army can defeat the Qin army for the second time, a restored Yan state will soon be destroyed for the second time.

By then, none of him, Guancheng, or the Mo family would be able to stay.

It would be great if Li Xin of the Qin army brought an army of 40 to be calculated this time. 20 is too conservative.

"The Qin army has not suffered a defeat since it destroyed Han five years ago. This time Changping Lord's plan is a once-in-a-lifetime plan. Everyone in the six countries will be inspired by this victory. If no one leads them to stand up and resist, wouldn't it be What a waste of opportunity!”

Bang, the calm Xiang Yan slammed the table
Changping Jun, who was far away from Xianyang and had already arrived in Chenying, received the news of the departure of Li Xin's army and the failure of Shouchun's plan at the same time. After exhaling with a sigh, he picked up a pen and wrote a reply to Xiang Yan. The main idea was very clear:

Nowadays, the war in Chu State is imminent and has to be launched. Li Xin's strength should not be underestimated, although he only led an army of 20, which was slightly weaker than the Chu army.

But if because of underestimating this general, the Chu State was defeated even though it had its own rebels, then talking too much about the northern uprising would become a joke.

There is no need to worry too much about matters in the north. As long as the Chu army can defeat the 20 Qin army and repel the subsequent retaliatory attacks of the Qin army, the people of the Three Jin and Yan countries who have not yet surrendered will naturally have other thoughts.

Qin's dominance depends on its military capabilities, and victory on the battlefield is the foundation of everything.

Now that the war has not started, Xiang Yan and Yan Dan are only thinking about how to promote the restoration of the northern countries after winning. This is simply the arrogance of the weak!

If we don’t change our mentality and base ourselves on reality, this battle will only lead to defeat.

After ordering the dead men to send the letter to Shouchun, Xiong Qi was pacing and suddenly felt a deep sense of disappointment:

Xiang Yan and Yan Dan were regarded as outstanding talents among the Six Kingdoms, but they became impatient just because of the farmers' lack of cooperation. Compared with the many talents in the Qin Dynasty's court, they were far behind.

Especially Yan Dan, who used to look like a bit of a hero, is now becoming more and more timid.

Is it because he betrayed the Yan army and the people in Jicheng a few years ago that he inevitably felt guilty?
In the final analysis, it can be summed up as the psychological shadow of too many failures.

Qin is too strong, and the people of the six kingdoms need a victory too much.

However, after the fall of Wei, the border between Qin and Qi further expanded, and even the King of Qi would inevitably feel uneasy.

Compared with farmers, it is more important to inspire the confidence of Qi to resist Qin!

(End of this chapter)

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