Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 218 Looking for Identity

Chapter 218 Looking for Identity
"Let's all stand shoulder to shoulder. There is no need to talk about moral principles when dealing with people like this!"


Lu Wei sat on his horse and looked at the group of thieves rushing toward him funny: This group of people are obviously robbers blocking the road, but they still shout slogans of justice~

It can only be said that it is hard to describe.

Breathing gently, he drew his sword and instantly killed the strong man and the leader among them. The remaining thieves staggered away in fear and did not continue to pursue them.

Ten years have passed since his first murder at the age of 13. In the past ten years, the hall master has killed many souls under his sword. There may not be a boundary between good and bad, but the people he killed must not be in line with his wishes.

Over the years, when faced with the robbers he encountered on the road traveling from north to south, some of them only eliminated the culprits, and some of them killed them all. The basis for judgment only depended on Lu Wei's mood at the time.

On this trip to Chu, a lot of his thoughts were consumed by thinking about the next trip, so he had no intention to waste time on those thin bandits.

Judging from the geography, Lu Wei was currently in the Chu region, about three days away from Shouchun.

The reason why he listened to the words of the Hidden Sun No. [-] and really came to Chu was very simple: when he was avoiding the Sea Swallowing Sword, the opponent used astrological footwork.

Judging from Zhan Ri's other subtle movements during the fight, the true identity under that simple mask was Tian Guang.

You can wear a mask on your face, but it is difficult to wear a mask on martial arts.Over the years, Zhou Wen has pretended to be Harada Meng, except for about thirty rounds of fake fights with Lu Tang in the starring role. He has basically never fought with relatives or friends who are familiar with Harada Meng's martial arts.

In fact, looking back now, the location of the forest chosen by the sun at that time itself represented his familiarity with Daze Mountain, which further confirmed Lu Wei's guess.

"Tian Guang got the Sun-Shielding Sword", the interesting point is: Tian Guang was definitely not the Sun-Shielding Sword awarded by Zhao Gao!

It's still the same truth: masters of big sects like Tian Guang, Six-fingered Black Man, and Fu Nian, if you master them, you will master the hundreds of schools of thought under them.

If Tian Guang wants to gain the trust of Zhao Gao, the actual controller of Luowang, he must send the farmers out and hand them over to Luowang for use.

Regardless of whether Tian Guang's purpose of developing the farmhouse over the years was to use it as a bargaining chip so that he could be used as a dog in the net, Lu Wei still knew whether the farmhouse was controlled by outsiders.

As a veteran knight leader for decades, Tian Guang's value obviously does not lie in his individual things such as force and wisdom, but only in the entire martial arts sect that has [-] disciples even if Gonggongtang is abandoned.

Therefore, Tian Guang can only get the Sun-hiding Sword if it is lent to him by the real Sun-hiding Sword!

Moreover, Zhao Gao, who was located in Xianyang, did not know about this.

In this way, this person's attitude is worthy of scrutiny.

According to Xinghun, the top management of Luowang was originally composed of several top masters in the world. Later, due to the struggle for power, Zhao Gao won the final victory.

All other old people in Luowang were eliminated, including Xinghun's father who was Gan Luo. Because of this, Xinghun's family was wiped out and he had to become Star Soul.

The cover of the sun is very special, special because he was not yet at the top of the net at that time, and secondly, he had been lurking among the senior leaders of a certain sect of various schools of thought for a long time, not in Xianyang.

Therefore, even though Zhanri is the killer of Luowang on the surface and has always been working for Luowang, but now combined with his secret collusion with Tian Guang: Luowang has a different intention towards the Qin State, and Zhiri has a different intention towards Luowang.
Tian Guang, the covert number [-] of Zhidian, must know the identity of the real Zhidian, and he also quietly gave Lu Wei some hints that night, allowing Lu Wei to narrow down the possible candidates in his mind to a few limited places.

His status is that he is a high-ranking member of various schools of thought, but his power cannot be like that of Mononian Confucianism, where the leader cannot completely penetrate the net. He is probably a Taoist.

Tianzong Chisongzi!Renzong Xiaoyaozi!
The reputation of these two Taoist masters has always been very good in the world. It is difficult to believe that they are connected with the bloody killer of Luowang.

However, from another perspective, it is precisely because it is unconvincing that it remains hidden!
What's more, the relationship between the occultation of the sun and the snare is worthy of further consideration.
Speaking of the Taoist Sword Discussing between Heaven and Man this year, I am afraid that it is also for this reason that the Sun-Shielding Sword was first handed over to Tian Guang for use.

Not long ago, Chen Ping invited Lu Wei to go to Taiyi Mountain with him before he went back. However, because Taiyi Mountain is in Guanzhong, it belongs to the base camp of Qin State and Luo Wang, and it is of low interest to appreciate the sword theory between heaven and man. , the timid hall master only said that he would do it next time.

In addition to the two Taoists, there are also several candidates from other sects in the world. Even if the possibility is lower, they still need to pay more attention.

"Tian Guang asked me to come to Chu State because he believed that participating in Chu State's affairs would benefit the farmers. This benefit should be inseparable from the Qinglong Project."

After deducing from the intelligence provided by Tian Guang and Xinghun, Lu Wei turned his attention to Chu State again:

This is the big stage for the next few years!

Taiyi Mountain, the upcoming war between Qin and Chu will have almost no impact on this monastic land located in Qin.

Almost all Taoist disciples' attention was focused on the next discussion of swords between heaven and man, but Xiaomeng was different.

Since Xiaomeng became a Taoist, her practice has been rapid.

Her understanding of Taoism may not be as good as those of the white-bearded elders, but when it comes to combat effectiveness in swordsmanship, she feels that the so-called Taoism is actually relatively average.

The rapid progress in swordsmanship and internal strength stems from the shackles placed on Xiaomeng by the flood in Daliang City and the fire in an unknown town. This shackles, as time goes by, gradually develops into a belief in revenge.

With such a mentality, if you want to cultivate the way of Tianzong, you will probably go astray.

After Bei Mingzi noticed this, he sighed softly and carefully taught a lesson on 'Butterfly Dream' to his closed disciple.

The so-called revenge is just a drop in the vast ocean. Hatred originates from death and will eventually die.When Xiaomeng watched another 'I' with the same belief die on the road to revenge in her dream, she realized it.

The shackles of revenge are gone.

Slowly opening his eyes again, the flowing Qiuli Sword went straight into his eyes.

Wild horses are also dust, and living things are blowing with breath.

The sword that inspired Zhuangzi's "Xiaoyaoyou" in the past became her belongings.

"You can retreat."

The course was successfully concluded, Bei Mingzi's ethereal voice of satisfaction came, and Xiaomeng's shackles of revenge were released. From then on, practice would be like a rushing river, moving forward indomitably.


Reaching out and holding such a peerless artifact, Xiaomeng blinked and walked out of the hall of "Enter the Dream".

At the door, the female disciple who was waiting saw her coming out, holding the famous sword Qiuli that looked like a whisk in her hand, and happily told Xiaomeng that this sword ranked ninth in Fengbeard's sword manual.

The famous swords that rank in the top ten of the sword manual all have their own uniqueness. Qiuli's slender and elegant style obviously fits Xiaomeng very well.

"Ninth?" Xiao Meng, who had just completed enlightenment, naturally didn't care about the ranking of the sword in her hand. Even a few months ago, she was outside the Daliang City Sword Hall, desperately hoping that she could get a famous sword from the sword hall when she grew up.

Now that her childhood wish has come true, but the wish itself has lost its meaning, she doesn't feel how happy she will be.

The reason why she mentioned 'Ninth' was because she thought of another sword: "Is there a famous sword called Swallowing Sea in Feng Beard's sword manual?"

Hearing the sudden question from the young but senior Xiaomeng, the female disciple thought carefully and said cautiously: "There is no sword named Tunhai among the top ten."

Immediately, the disciple immediately added: "But since there is a name, it should be able to find it from the sword manual."

Hearing these words, Xiao Meng was startled for a moment, as if she had recalled something. She nodded with a cold expression and walked away without saying anything.

Later, she went to the Tianzong Library and found last year's version of Feng Beard's complete set of sword manuals.

Lifting Liu Hai on her forehead, Xiao Meng started searching seriously from the top of the sword manual, and her fingers passed over the ninth-ranked 'Qiuli' without stopping at all.

Feng Beard's sword score ranked [-]th overall, but until the end, Tun Hai's name did not appear.

"That man is very powerful. The skill he suddenly disappeared is very similar to Master's Heguang Tongchen. The sword he holds cannot even be ranked in the sword manual."

Biting her lip gently, Xiao Meng reluctantly took out the second chapter of the Feng Beard Sword Manual.

The Wind Beard Extra Chapter also records some famous swords. These swords were included in the Extra Chapter because they were not included in the sword manual for various reasons.

For example, Shark Tooth is regarded as a demon sword because it is too ferocious.

At the last position here, the appearance of the name Swallowing Sea Sword made Xiaomeng, who had just realized the truth, shine in his eyes.

"Hold the sword of regret and swallow the sea."

Reading the words recorded above softly, even though the name of the sword master was not directly pointed out in the words, some effective information could be deduced.

According to Feng Beard, the person who regrets this sword of regret is Feng Beard himself.

He first encountered this sword in Songhai City of Qi State, but the first time he wanted to taste it was in Daze Mountain.

However, due to unexpected reasons, the goal was not achieved.

Later, Feng Beard heard that the sword was in the Yan State, so he chased it to Jicheng, but it was still a step too late. The owner of the sword went to the Wei State again.

After several years, Windbeard kept missing this sword. Every time he heard the news about the sword's appearance and rushed there, the sword would always end up somewhere else.
In the end, feeling that this might be God's will, Fengbeard gave up his deliberate pursuit with emotion and only regarded it as his own regret, so he called it the "Sword of Regret".

Over the decades, Feng Beard has recorded many special stories like this.Although everyone talks about it, no one really cares about these swords outside the sword manual.

But Xiaomeng is different. She doesn't care about the sword manual itself, but only cares about the name of the sword 'Tenghai'.

"We first met in Songhai City, but we only evaluated it for the first time in Daze Mountain?"

Continue to find Daze Mountain among a pile of books, with the word "Farmhouse" clearly written on it.

We are getting closer and closer to finding that person!

Taoists don't have much information about farmers, but just on the second page, the brief information about 'Lu Wei, the best farmer in the family' made Xiaomeng's pupils widen.
(End of this chapter)

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